Sunday, January 20, 2013

Blind Item #3

One too many visits to gay nightclubs has finally caused the C list movie actress of this A list all movie actor to finally give him the boot. He kept saying it was a place where he would not be mobbed by fans. Has he looked at himself in the mirror? She has just finally realized that she will come a distant second to guys.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. ?? someone can translate me this blind please

  3. @French Girl - There's a C list movie actress who has an A-list movie actor boyfriend. She's dumping him because he's spending waaaaaaay too much time in gay bars. She just realized he likes guys a lot more.

  4. @FrenchGirl Basically someone got tired of bearding

  5. I let Google translate it for you @frenchgirl

    Un trop grand nombre de visites des boîtes de nuit gay a finalement provoqué l'actrice C film liste de cette liste A tout acteur de cinéma pour finalement lui donner le coffre. Il n'arrêtait pas de dire que c'était un endroit où il ne serait pas pris d'assaut par les fans. At-il se regarda dans le miroir? Elle vient finalement réalisé qu'elle viendra loin derrière les mecs.

  6. It doesn't specify bf or hubby. So i'm goin with the standard answer of Travolta.

  7. @FrenchGirl, the actress is straight, the actor is gay, so she's moving on.

  8. I think this is Saldana and Cooper.

  9. If Zoe was C list I'd say her and Cooper. She's B though isn't she?

    1. Anonymous10:44 AM

      @reno definitely B list

  10. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake? Zoe Saldana and Bradley Cooper? This works for many.

  11. Saldana could be C/B list. While she has been in well known movies, if you were to say her name, many wouldn't know who you were speaking of.

  12. Minka Kelly and Chris Evans

    1. Anonymous11:10 AM

      @victoria aww man! that's a GREAT guess but damn, chris is so gorgeous :(

    2. Yep, Victoria got it!

    3. They were just together the other day though. And we've discussed before that with Chris' norther being out and proud he prob wouldn't have issues w it

    4. Its not Chris people

  13. I'll go with Zoe and Bradley too. There's a picture floating around of a guy in a bar with his dick out and it looks alot like Brad.

    1. Oh, I've SEEN that picture!!! It's rather large...

    2. The pic or the penis

    3. The pic or the penis

  14. Anonymous10:47 AM

    you'd think there wouldn't be many A list actors with C list significant others. timberlake isn't an A list actor. wish biel were Z list

  15. Mendes and Gosling

  16. I think the mirror comment is important.

  17. as in he isn't that attractive so the being mobbed sounds bogus or he is very attractive in which case he would be mobbed in a gay club

    either way the actress isn't buying it

  18. Zoe is B list, or even higher - most definitely not C-list.

  19. Travolta. The old standard.

  20. Travolta. The old standard.

  21. I think mirror is an important clue. Remember in Grease, Travolta would look at himself and fix his greaser hairdo? Now he sporting obvious hair implants, so he obviously hasn't checked a mirror. Kelly Preston is defn C list.

    Though "finally realized" doesn't fit, they've been married forever, she'd know by now.

    Clues: boot, mobbed, mirror, distant second

  22. I only know who Zoe is b/c of dating Bradley Cooper. What has she been in? To me, she's C-list.

  23. Kelly Preston has always know John loves bath house boys.
    Entys letter ratings are fluid. One letter difference doesnt mean much to him.

  24. I'd rank Zoe Saldana above C list.

    @Groovy, she had roles in Pirates of the Caribbean and Star Trek movies, and had the lead costarring role in Avatar. Not too shabby.

  25. Zoe Saldana is primarly known for playing Neyteri in Avatar and Lt. Uhuru in the recent Star Trek.

    She's been in other films too like Drumline, Pirates of the Caribbean, Death at a Funeral.

  26. I agree the mirror clue is important. The way I'm interpreting it after re-reading a dozen or so times is that he's good looking and recognizable enough that a gay bar is the last place he'd find refuge from 'unwanted' attention.

  27. thank you to everyone for the explanation

    @Timebob: it was nice but the translation by Google is just beyond understanding in french

  28. had Chris Pine a C list actress girlfriend?
    Ryan Gosling ? just for fun Mendes is at least B list
    Cooper/Saldana? she's B list and Enty thinks he's straight

  29. I was thinking "Has he looked at himself in the mirror?" was a clue, i.e. he is not as good looking anymore that people would not flock to him.

    Josh Brolin and Diane Lane
    Paul Bettany and Jennifer Connelly
    Michael Douglas & CZJ

  30. re: Chris Evans, he has an openly gay brother Scott and supports gay rights, neither of which necessarily means anything relative to this blind. Just putting it out there. If he and Minka Kelly have split, it'll be in the news soon enough. He briefly dated her in 2007, and resumed dating her in August 2012.

  31. @Joan, yeah.. that is the other mirror interpretation. The way it's worded makes it impossible to decide for sure. Grrr

  32. Jason Statham and Rosie whatever her name is?

  33. All I can focus on is this pic of Brad C in a gay club with his dick out. WHERE IS IT!?

    The pic, not his tiny prick in the pic.

  34. Hayden Christiansen/Rachel Bilson

  35. So here is what I think the Mirror comment means, Bradley Cooper played FACE in the A-Team. This character was known for his handsome looks. I am on the Cooper and Zoe train

  36. @jsierra It was sent to me in a group email and I didn't save it since the dick in question was very large, so I thought it was just a fake. Other than that, it looked very much like Bradley, very scruffy as if he was trying to not look like himself. Who knows if it is real.

  37. This is def Channing & Jenna! Although she is preggo, so guess they will keep up appearances for awhile! lol

  38. I don't understand how this stuff goes on with all the paparazzi out there. Wouldn't they eventually get pics of said actor going into the club(s) or pics of them inside the club(s)?

  39. Can't be Channing and Jenna since they are both bi.From what my friends tells me they both understanding. I know a lot freaky shit about those too.He been filming foxcatcher.

    I'm going on juding by the mirror clue. It has to be some one who's look is fading away so what fans. It has to be some one older

  40. I think the Statham/Rosie guess is best, though the Chris Evans/Minka Kelly guess seems to also fit.

    I'll go with Statham.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Evan Still good Looking so why would he needs to look at himself in the mirror? or Gosling or tatum

    I'm going with Statham. His Looks are fading.

    Bradly his he still consider young and attractive?

  43. Not John Travolta. Kelly knew going into the marriage that JT

  44. My only reservation about the Jason Statham guess is that he actually looks pretty good in recent photos I pulled up. Other than a somewhat receded hairline that he minimizes with a close cropped haircut, he doesn't look like he's obviously fading to a point that would cause Enty to make that comment. And have you seen his body? Most young men should be so lucky.

  45. Anonymous2:43 PM

    i took the mirror comment as it being someone who would be recognized no matter where they go because of their looks. thinkin outside the box :T

  46. Minka Kelly is a TV actress way more than a movie actress.

  47. I only know Minka for her Ms Goody-Two-Shoes role as Lyla on Friday Night Lights.

    I was thinking maybe Nick Nolte or Sly Stallone (both in the DM), but their SOs aren't known as movie actresses.

    Phoenix is right - there are Statham bi rumours, but he's still hot and very recognizable.

  48. I agree with Sly Stallone, he's very recognizable. His wife (and this doesn't say) is c-list at best.

  49. Could this be Kelly Preston?

  50. I thought James Franco and Ashley Benson at first, but she's mostly known for tv not movies.

  51. Um any one wanna share that Bradly cooper Penis Pic?

    At least tell me what size it looks like. This gay guy wants to know lol

  52. Thought Cooper was too much of a p-hound for this to be him. On the other hand, I've heard that Statham is (much to my wife's eternal dismay) playing for the other team.

  53. I think the mirror comment may be key........the fact that he's hot means he will get mobbed in or out of gay bars and that the mirror comment may be a reference to Snow White........mirror, mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all. If so, might the guy in questions be Chris Hemsworth or Armie Hammer? Of the two, I am inclined to pick Armie Hammer since Elizabeth Chambers, his spouse, is definitely C list.

    As for Cooper, he is becoming the go to guy on CDAN for everything from gay to arrogant to abusive. The vibe I get is that he's a fairly intelligent and talented Hollywood actor.........and probably gay. My best reason for his being gay......was how he used to walk with Zellweger when they were out in he was being forced to be with her.

    That's all I've got.

    1. Anonymous5:38 PM

      @keetz you've got that right, armie is so hot!

  54. What's with the obsession of trying to make this Cooper? I read this as, it's an A list actor that's really good-looking with a mediocre C list, all movie girlfriend. Mendes and Gosling to a T.

  55. BOOM keetz4. Best guess.

    Mirror Mirror=Snow White.I didn't even thought of that.

  56. Had it not been for the fact that ZS broke up with BC because he refused to go along with her idea of selling their relationship to the press, I'd say this blind is about him. Don't forget, BC has done two tv shows (Alias and Kitchen Confidential) so he isn't considered all movie. I think Jason Statham and Rose Whitley-Huntington fit this blind best.

  57. As much as I hate to say it, it does fit Eva Mendez and Ryan Gosling but then it could be a ploy by him to get her break up with him! Right? Lol

  58. The gossip about BC and ZS, particularly BC is all over the place:
    -BC is gay
    -an asshole
    -there was an old rumor that he was with Victor Garber while Alias was on
    -Enty had a BI that he revealed to be about ZS in his photos that was about an actress who had gained weight, but didn't care bec she was pregnant, but then went on to lose the baby. This BI was in the last 3 months. Around that time, ZS had absolutely gained weight. She is almost back to her crazy thin, but she was definitely noticeably larger. So if she was pregnant, one would assume that it was BC who got her pregnant?

  59. Enty has never revealed a blind in his photos. At least, he has never revealed a blind and let us know. We can speculate all we want, but just because a pic pops up in the randoms, doesn't mean that it is a reveal.

    1. It was not the presence of the photo, but the text that went along with it that was revealing. The photo was posted days later but the text was specific enough that I recalled the BI from a few days earlier.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Really, we go all day with no peen pic link?

    I cannot find it anywhere, otherwise I would have posted it already.

    Christopher, help a lady out!

  62. Ryan Gossling did a ton of tv when he was younger. Maybe all movies now, but you can't dismiss 6 years of television.

  63. so many ways to translate the mirror comment...

    does he look extremely gay, and he should see that when he looks in the mirror?

    Is he very unattractive, so few fans would even look at him?

    Is it Ryan Reynolds because he looks in the mirror all day at himself?

    I don't know what to do with the mirror comment.

  64. @lutefisk - but his tv experience was as a child...just because he did Mickey Mouse Club doesn't mean he's not all movie NOW. He's absolutely a movie star and would be classified as "all movies"

  65. Not that I think this is Ryan at all though...

  66. He kept saying it was a place where he would not be mobbed by fans. Has he looked at himself in the mirror?

    I totally read this as, pardon the pun, straight... and not as some oblique reference to a film this actor has been in. He says he goes to not be recognized, but in actuality looks so different than he did in his heyday (for the worse?) that there's barely a chance he'll be recognized, let alone be mobbed under ordinary circumstances.

    Having said that... the first to come to mind was Clooney and Keibler, though I don't particularly think of Clooney as looking like ass. So I got nothin'.

    My two cents :)

  67. Anonymous11:18 AM

    @dragon- lets hear it!!!!

  68. Unless things have changed here radically in the last year or so, I don't remember Enty giving any big clues in the wording, so I tend to think "mirror" doesn't mean anything here.

    Not Gosling, and that's all I'll say...but I'd sure like to know the dirt that dragon has on Tatum/Dewan!

  69. A clearly fake photo of Cooper at a bar can be seen if one searches through the Tumblr of soilikecock. He's in a jean jacket.

  70. Jt isnt gay jessica biel is.

  71. Jt isnt gay jessica biel is.

  72. Jt isnt gay jessica biel is.

  73. Jt isnt gay jessica biel is.
