Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Blind Item #3

This still just about A list all movie actress talks about how she is a hands on mom and all these stories about her new baby, but the thing is, she rarely spends any time with the baby and hands the baby off the second the baby starts to cry. Getting up at night with the baby? Not going to happen. Hired someone. She thought she was going to be amazing at it and when the baby did not act the way she thought, she just gave up.


  1. Hmmm, what movie actress recently had her first? Megan Fox? I would hate for her to be "just about A list" though.

  2. Natalie Portman? I hope not. She seems like a good Jewish girl who is very grounded. But Enty's comments lately have hinted that she isn't what she seems to be.

  3. Claire Danes, maybe.

    1. Anonymous9:48 AM

      I agree. Homeland won a lot and she is back to A -. Did y see how much weight she lost in just one month after giving birth?

    2. Anonymous9:49 AM

      Ups the all movie does not fit ups

  4. Replies
    1. I like the drew guess

    2. Not drew. Jyst read an article where she says she jumps out of shower if baby needs her! Adores her husband, her baby, her life right now.

  5. FFFF.. All movie. NM.

  6. Claire Danes? It pains me to say it.

    And Megan Fox is C List according to the spreadsheet @Erin.

  7. Reese Witherspoon!

  8. Claire isn't all movie. She's on cable now.
    I don't think it's Natalie, she's always with her kiddo. Tons and tons of pics of her taking him here and there.
    I like the Megan guess best.

  9. Claire Danes isn't all movie. I like the Drew guess.

  10. Ahh i just saw the all movie actress NVM

  11. Maybe Drew Barrymore, she's all movies? I hope not. She's still A list (maybe?) and I get the impression she'd assume she was going to be an amazing mum given the earth mother vibe she seems to put out

  12. I'll agree w/Drew.

  13. Hmm...I don't know if Reese has done any real talking about the baby. Maybe Drew Barrymore? But I would consider her an all-around A lister, given her history and that she also directs.

  14. Replies
    1. Anonymous9:10 AM

      I was thinking Charlize too...there was a pic of her carrying her adopted baby yesterday, and I don't think I'd ever seen one before.

  15. Please not Drew but I'm totally reading this as her :/

  16. Sounds like maybe Drew. Natalie Portman doesn't have a "new baby" anymore.

  17. Nice stache, Amber.

  18. Not Natalie don't take a 1 year old out in public if you are afraid/uncomfortable when he starts to cry. I am curious what Entys recent comments about her are all about though.

    Hope it's not Drew, that would make me sad.

  19. Drew, Megan, and Reese all in the Mail today. Of those three, I selfishly hope it's Megan. Would hate it if it were Drew!! Seriously doubt it could be Reese; it's her third, she knows what to expect

  20. Also, as much as I cannot stand Reese, this isn't her either. 'She thought she was going to be amazing at it'. This is someone who had her first baby.

  21. What about Uma Thurman? Her baby (at 6 months) seems a little old for this, though.

  22. @Jules, I think you're right about it being a new mom, but she could have "thought she was going to be amazing at it" because she'd already done it before. Grasping at straws with that, though.

  23. drew barrymoore? she's in Daily Mail

  24. Oh man....if Megan is anywhere close to an A I'll laugh my ass off.

  25. @Amber
    I can't go for that. Nooooo, no can do

  26. I am going with Megan too, but almost A list??? She did hire a night nanny for sure. I don't know about during the day...

  27. Reese and others guessed are already moms. This sounds like a first time mom.

  28. So so sad. Thats the first karmic lesson when you have a baby - they are never what you fantasized.

  29. megan fox. she was actually on a late night talk show talking about this. said the baby wasn't sleeping through the night (duh), and thst was "not going to work". so they hired someone.

  30. Drew Barrymore, after all the time she took to be a mom? She has repeatedly said she wants her child to have a normal life, unlike her childhood...Megan Fox is young. Charlize - saw one pic of her and the baby - nome since, though I do not go looking.

    1. No, I've seen at 6-7. I don't think it's her. All that weed she smokes makes her a verrrry chip mom, I'm betting, plus, she's not having to go through the "new mom" weight gain/hormones, etc, that makes it harder. I'd say Megan Fox.

  31. Just gave up sounds like some form of depression maybe? and I would hire someone to do the dirty work

  32. Anonymous8:59 AM

    All of them

  33. @Me - Thanks for that. I didn't want to believe this was Drew, either.

  34. Ah, so it's Megan. Ugh. WIth those parents, that poor poor child.

    I just saw a pic of Charlize with the baby, not her.

  35. Megan Fox has never been A List, she's a C.

  36. This same blind item will be posted next year, with "A-list reality star" as the descriptor.

  37. Whoever it is it could be Post Partum Depression,too....

  38. This is sad, sounds like it could be PPD.

  39. Makes me sad, but I'm with the Drew guesses.

  40. I think this is about Drew Barrymore but I don't believe it is true.

  41. It could be a sign of postpartum depression...

  42. Megan Fox used to be on tv. That show with Kelly Ripa & Faith Ford. It's how she met BAG.

  43. I don't think Charlize is "still just about A-list" - she's definitely A-list. Megan Fox is C, C+ at best. Drew would be the only one that could match out of the guesses.

  44. Megan fox has been on tv before.she was I'n; season of hope and faith. Can't be her

  45. I'll go with Drew. She has the mind of a 12 year old and I can see how being catered to her whole life makes her unable to deal with any kind of adversity.

  46. I would say to this new mom: give it time and you will get to know and love your baby. They are never what you expect, but end up being wonderful! Give time and give motherhood a chance! You'll do great!! Sermon over.

    1. Thanks, Aunt Liddy. I'm getting close to the halfway point in my pregnancy and starting to get nervous about the reality of caring for a newborn and working full time. I really took your advice to heart.

    2. Awwe, i promise you you will do great!!

  47. My Bible, Star magazine, says that Drew is already baby proofing her house and called her a helicopter mom.
    That is my contribution to this.

  48. OMG you also have truck nuts? LOL...

    Yes, sadly sounds like Drew and it might also be a collicky (sp?) baby? That with PPD would make you change your mind about being very hands on.

  49. K sorry can someone please direct me to spreadsheet??

  50. Elizabeth Banks. This could totally be a second baby.

  51. January Jones, Enty had a photo of her and the kid and the nanny yesterday

    I do not see her as the warm doting kind and I am betting this was an accident not planned

  52. Megan Fox may have A list name rec but Enty has made it clear that she is no where near A list anything else.

    I really hope this isn't Drew, she seems so sincere when talking about Olive.

  53. Man, I hope this isn't Charlize. Not that I really want it to be anyone.

  54. That's the way the British aristocracy raised their children for 150 years & they built an empire. 1st 7 years with nanny in the nursery & off to boarding school at 8 years old. "See you when you graduate kid. Good luck."

    1. So that's where Olivia Wilde Cockburn got that cray cray idea.

  55. @auntliddy--I would say that is proof that this IS Drew because she's talking to the press saying how great motherhood is blah blah blah...

    1. I just so very very much dont want it to her!!!! For some reason i loke her and feel very protective towards her!

  56. I was thinking Drew. Sounds like someone who just had their first child. She does have that hippie earth mother vibe and I could totally see her thinking this would be such a magical perfect experience. Even the easiest of babies are tough the first few months. A colicky one, though, can make being a new mom feel like misery.

  57. As the working mother of a five month old, I don't begrudge anyone who gets a night nurse (or whatever they call it). I didn't do it, but I can see why you would.

    But handing the kid off every time s/he cries? That I can't relate to.

    Hope this new mom gets some emotional and practical support to help her with this.

    Also: you can't have a baby w/o a dad (assuming this is a straight couple that's still around). So how come he's not getting criticized?! Where the hell is he?

  58. Okay A list all movie actress. Whelp Jessica S. And Meggy Moo are out.
    There is:
    Ana Faris (A List ?)
    Bryce Dallas Howard (also ?able)
    Charlize (adopted son)
    Mira Sorvins
    Natalie P.
    Reese and
    Sienna Miller
    Now I'm not going to haggle over who is A list. I believe these ladies are all movis only.
    So here is my guesses:
    Drew, but not likely
    Natalie P
    The first two are first time moms. But I really don't see Drew doing this because her mother along with Brooke Shields mother were the pioneers of Momagers and MaMa pimps.
    Uma I am guesseing because she is a little bit older, her other kids are older and yeah....
    And finally Charlize, because she did adopt the nbaby on her own and it was so fast and secretive. I don't think she thought it was gonna be hard.
    Thank you CDaN for reading my long post, I did a lot of researching on this one! Oh and Happy Hump Day to everyone!

  59. i vote seriously vote charlize.


  60. IMHO:

    You will never be the perfect mother ALL of the time-even if your committed to motherhood there are periods of child development that some temperments aren't made for and THAT IS OKAY, as long as you pull through on what you do know and can do (and manage the basics) Says the recent LEGALIZED adoptive (?) Mama (whatwhat!!!).

    This DOES sound like someone with a possible "hormonal bump in the road" (no need to label)and therfore more likely to be a birth mom (nothing is exclusive) says the armchair psychologist w/ a psych degree turned hippy.

    Goddessess are NOT Angels; they know Darkness and Light and gain their most potent power from that dichotomy; they would never shy away from their weaknessess, but rather use them to be stronger. Angelina Jolie and Charlize Theron are Goddessess. I LOVE them; this cannot be CT! Says the hippy turned gossip-blog addict.

    Amen?!? Says the ironical chic repatriated to Born-Again/Evangelisitc-tele-world of Modern Africa.

  61. I do think it is Charlize, most likely.

  62. As a mother of four, I would totally hire a night nurse if I could afford one. My baby (now 19 months) often won't fall asleep before 1am, does not sleep through the night, and rarely naps unless he is actively on me. If I could hand off nights to someone who would do a decent job of looking after him so that I could sleep and maybe do more than stare at the TV with my 3 year old during the day, I'd be all over it.

    I don't understand handing the baby off when it cries, though. That's when you stick a boob in its mouth.

  63. Same thing helps keep men quiet.

  64. I say Drew. Charlise has been pretty private about being a mom.

  65. Definately Fox; just read a story on her hiring a night-nanny because she would go insane without.

    The story:

  66. Not Charlize btw, she wouldn't hire someone, she basically lives together with her own mom, who babysits all the time (when she is on set for example).

    *this comment may be very subjective because I LOVE Charlize xD

  67. From the Megan Fox interview as linked above:

    But it turns out even movie stars need a little help in the infant department. Fox admitted that after a few weeks of trying to weather those late night feedings alone, she and her husband got help.

    "Having an infant is difficult," she said. "It's a lot of work and I didn't hire any help because I overestimated my own abilities. I had no idea how difficult babies could be, so Brian and I were exhausted," she said. "You never sleep and you're awake all night and your entire life is devoted to this little thing that needs you constantly. And I love it. It's what I've wanted to do since I was a little girl."

    She continued, "I always wanted to mother things and I constantly had a doll I was taking care of. I don't receive the same satisfaction from my career as I do from being a mother so I'm really happy. But two weeks ago I said to Brian, 'We have to get a night nurse or we're going to get a divorce because someone's got to sleep in this house or we're going to kill each other.'"

  68. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Penny Cruz, based on caption in random pics.

  69. this sounds like postpartum depression, possibly. so i hope whoever it is gets some help.

  70. Megan Fox recently "had to" hire a night nurse or her and Brian would never have gotten any sleep...not that I think she is anywhere near even a B...just had to throw this out there since all I've wanted to do since I read this i smack her upside her stupid f*ing new mother...getting no sleep...whodathunk

  71. I am willing to elevate Megan fox to 'A' status just so there is no way it is Drew. I also feel protective of her and loved that she seems to be living a happy, 'normal' life. And @Erin B, I trip out whenever I see your name because that is my name!

  72. Omg Megan is nowhere near A list, Enty has said so multiple times.

    And why would this even be a blind about Megan when she has already come out and said that motherhood is more difficult then she anticipated so they hired a night nurse? Everyone posted links to the article and quotes from it here, they say it all.

  73. My son is 8 weeks old and I would TOTALLY hire a night nurse! As it is I paid a lady to come around and help with sorting out his routine. It's getting better but I would love to hand him over to someone else for a while cos even when he is sleeping I'm awake, worrying about him!



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