Sunday, January 13, 2013

Blind Item #3

It isn't like this foreign born A+ list model has not cheated in the past which is why everyone has no problems  she is cheating on her A list actor husband. One time she even cheated with a guy who was engaged to another woman. She didn't care.


  1. I guess Miranda Kerr for the obvious answer?

  2. That's who I thought too, but would Orlando be considered A list? I need that cheat sheet. Who do I email?

  3. Miranda and Orlando or Agyness Deyn and Giovanni Ribisi, although I'd hesitate to class either man as A list.

  4. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Miranda is the obvious answer. She's awfully cute, and seems like a decent model but her wandering ways are garnering her some bad press and attention. How can you identify and like a model, her job after all is to sell products, if you know that she is leaving her infant son and Orlando Bloom behind to go bang Leo in his mansion after three other model sluts are done with him? How can I respect her? I guess the answer is she doesn't want or need my respect. I just think it's tacky is all.

  5. Orlando could be A based on being a part of the Pirates and LOTR franchises, and JSierra is our ratings guru!

    1. Thanks! I guess I don't watch movies that he's in so it's out of sight out of mind kind if thing for me.

  6. Ya pretty obvious it is Miranda and it is her "hubbys" Bday today.

  7. Well, if it's Miranda and she's A+ in this blind, then I guess Orly could be an A, relatively. In reality, I'd think she was more of an A- (Ale and Adri would be more like A/A+) and Orly a former A but now B. Good thing Flynn looks so much like Orly or I'd think there was an issue with that...

  8. I dont see how Orlando is POSSIBLY A list anymore. B at BEST... Miranda is A+ for sure in the modelling world.

  9. ino - Miranda's definitely A+ in modelling. She's the new focus of Victoria's Secret, over Alessandra and Adriana, who are getting older and more settled.

    And I think Orlando's still A list off of LOTR, Pirates of the Carribean and such. He'll drop if he doesn't get back into the market soon, but I don' tthink he's fallen yet.

  10. I'd say in Enty's world, Orlando is A just by sheer virtue of appearing in two gigantic franchises.

  11. I think that any model who has a current contract with a large company like Victoria's Secret would definitely be A+ list.

  12. Obviously Miranda Kerr....

  13. Why didnt you reveal any of the Kerr/Bloom blinds?? Odd..

  14. MrWolf, you're right. I'd forgotten that Miranda's one of the girls who's worn a gazillion dollar bra for the VS show.

  15. Don't get me wrong I so believe that she is a slut who cheats on her partners when in a relationship, BUT how does she get away with it all the time, theres no pap pics- no footage of her cheating or any expose?? This would be a HUGE news for the tabs yet nobody has uncovered it and is running with it? Why does she get away with all she does?

  16. Poor Orlando! He is still A, especially with The Hobbit out, even though he is not in the first one, fans remember! Love me some Legolas :)

    I didn't even know who Miranda was until the last few months, she is everywhere now!

  17. Is there no site that keeps a current list of who is considered A, B etc list. If not be a great idea for a website. Especially for all the blind item guessers.

  18. Hopefully, reshoots are needed for The Hobbit, and Orlando has to come down here to New Zealand sometime soon. I'll give him a shoulder to cry on if he does! ;)

  19. Email me if you want the ratings chart

  20. @clair - there's been a bunch of coverage of Miranda and Leo lately...

  21. @candy, thanks, I know, I guess I just meant more proof via the way of photos of her with other guys and stuff, that would be great to expose, shame someone hasnt in that way so she cant deny it, Bloom needs to get rid of her!

  22. Miranda is in the prime of her career, she is definitely A+

  23. Is there a list to sign up for Miranda to get around to me on her cheating tour?

  24. Miranda you trollop, your karma is going to come around some day and sink its teeth deep into your skinny little ass.

    And I will laugh.

  25. Orlando is one of the headliners in 2 major franchises, and will be in the 2nd installment of a 3rd (although you could argue the Hobbit is part of the LotR franchise). He's definitely A.

  26. Remember when Orlando was considered a playboy and somewhat of a cad? Weird that he's now in the position of being cuckolded.

  27. For some reason, I love the word trollop. I like to imagine it came from Anthony Trollope, a Victorian writer who pumped out a ton of books while maintaining a full-time job.

    (See what I did there? :b )

  28. I commented on this awhile back...Kings of Leon was the backstage, her hanging all over the guy (not the singer)..

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. I probably should add there were pics of her leaving with him as well

  31. She even cheated on Orlando a few days before their marriage. This Aussie girl has no morals.

  32. The Kerr/Bloom Blinds make me very sad...

  33. Even I know this Kerr. Poor Legolas Greenleaf.

  34. It's not cheating if you're a beard...

    1. Agreed astrogirl! I'm surprised there haven't been more suggestions that Orlando is gay.

      I've heard from a reasonably reliable source that the reason why he and Kate Bosworth broke up was because she caught him with another bloke. Apparently she was cut up about it for ages afterwards...

  35. I think Miranda s an hypocrite, entitled, high school little princess.

    But Miranda, why Leo? Why?
    He s pasty, pudgy, crumbling, and nasty.
    He just looks like a sales guy with bad credit history and two alimonies on his back while driving a bigger car than he can afford.

    (still, he was an out of this world cute teenager)

  36. I really dislike the Miranda Kerr I read about in interviews. She seems sanctimonious and preachy. BUT I have a hard time believing these blinds about her cheating. I just don't think she'd do it. I've heard some amazing stories about Miranda. She deserves a kindness blin. And it's bloody hard to say that because I just don't like her.
