Thursday, January 10, 2013

Blind Item #3

This almost A list comedic actor who is A list not really for his movies, but for everything else he does managed to convince this C list celebrity ex-wife of an A list actor to sleep with the comedic actor. he said he could cleanse her of all her issues. She fell for it. She has also started showing up around his place and attending the same classes he attends.


  1. Seth McFarlane and...

  2. I thought of Eddie Murphy for the A list comedic actor

  3. Denise Richards for the ex?

  4. Rusell Brand and someone

  5. could the C-list ex-wife be Brooke Mueller? Is Charlie Sheen still considered A List?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I like gloaming's guess.

  8. Would Charlie Sheen be considered A-list? If so...perhaps Russell Brand and Brooke Mueller? "Cleansing her of her issues" sounds like a line Russell would pull.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. @gloaming You got it. The actor has to be Russell Brand. He's always going to yoga classes. No idea for the ex-wife though

  11. Yeah, I read Russell brand. demi Moore maybe?

  12. Seth MacFarlane doesn't seem to be dating Emilia Clarke anymore, so I guess that's possible.

    I'm surprised anytime he's linked to a lady, though. His door seems like it swings the other way.

  13. @MaeMae got it. In separate articles in the DM, both Brooke Mueller and Russell Brand are pictured coming out of yoga classes. Good work!!

  14. Hah, I didn't even look at the DM this time.

  15. Yuck! Talk about strange strange.

  16. You nails @MaeMae: Brand and Mueller are together in Daily Mail and she goes to yoga class

  17. Seth MacFarlene is supposedly dating Emilia Clarke from Game of Thrones and his dating history suggests he like them young-ish.

    Russel is a great guess gloaming.

  18. Who the hell would fall for this? That someone can cleanse your issues? C'mon, you have to bring something to the table too- like your brain!!!!

  19. Russell was also shown with Juliette Lewis @ a yoga class...she's Brad Pitt's ex and def C list.

  20. oops, missed the "wife" part...scratch that.

  21. @auntliddy Isn't the idea of Russell Brand's peen being used as a cleansing agent sort of an oxymoron?

  22. Could it be James Franco, taking classes, known for all the other stuff he does...?

  23. pltrz glrb mentioned Demi Moore. For the first time, I recently saw her nude pics from a 1981 photo shoot and WOW, she was BEAUTIFUL. Since she became a Franken-whore around Striptease and gone absolutely batshit since Kelso split, I forgot how drop dead gorgeous she was.

    Anyone seeking out the pics remember, they are from 1981. She has the darkest, thickest, biggest bush I ever seen, save for a pic of a Pakistani woman that didn't shave her legs. That one's bush went from her belly button to her knees. Oh, and Demi's pics weren't from lame ass Playboy. No B-hole pics, but there some good ones.

    1. Earning your moniker today, I see! ;)

  24. Brand is a recovering addict. Mueller has addiction issues. This makes complete sense, and you know, he's been fairly successful staying off drugs so maybe he can help her.

    1. I agree! Brooke is the mother to twin toddlers with two addict parents, I sincerely hope Russell has answers for her

  25. You guys are crackin' me up here! Too funny!! And nooooooooooo - Juliette Lewis can never be C list. NEVER!!

    1. @_-_=_ I agree about Juliette Lewis.

  26. I thought Russell Brand at first too.I love the Brooke Mueller guess too.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Brooke Muehler C list? Celebrity?

    No effing way. She's got to be DDDDD

  29. I saw that pic of Demi and her bush is definitely 80's. Big hair decade fer sure. Ha

  30. @ Count Jerkula - OMG! LMFAO! I just googled that pic and it looks like she has a kitten lying between her legs! When she gets waxed they probably block out the afternoon, lol.

  31. @Count Jerkula: Remember Demi never admitted to that being her in Oui magazine (and to show you how old I am, I saw them when they first came out!)

  32. Thank you all.

    I REALLLY wish there was a B-hole shot, cause that is my thing and cause I would stare in wonder at the copious amount of hair. This woman prolly had to blow dry her butt crack! I have heard rumor of spread lip pics from a Oui magazine of that era, but have not been able to procure them.

    Good Day.

  33. @ Sherry, I didn't know that. Looks like her. Nowadays Porn companies are required to maintain 2257 info, which is 2 forms of ID and a signed release. Some companies go so far as to video and photograph the performer holding the IDs, signing the release and asking questions in attempt to absolve themselves from potential future litigation.

    As young as she is in those pics, I wonder if she was the one in blind about the botched porno tape. I didn't read that blind as being so old though.

  34. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Oh my God, come on guys, can we please not go into minute details about Demi's nether regions? I'm gettin skeeved out here. I've seen it on DListed, thankfully everything's covered because of the shrubbery, but we don't need to speculate on her other "areas".

  35. YIKES! That is scary. She needs a weed wacker to tame that mess!

  36. This is why Ashton left Demi - he got tired of having to carry a road map into the forest.

  37. Recipe exchanges are starting to look better and better.

  38. Well,really Demi's eyebrows in the 80's are a clue to the tundra down unda. I'm not going to look at those pics. Maybe she'll let it grow out and her and Walter Goggins from Justified can get together. He'd be ecstatic.

  39. count jerkula, I find your comments disgusting. I hope enty blocks you. I imagine that you are some loser w/no social skills.

  40. Everyone going on about how gross it all is in those pictures...

    You know, I really really feel I was born too late. That's all I got to say about that.
