Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Blind Item #3

Despite what they would have you believe, this celebrity couple did split earlier this year, at least for a bit. She is A list all the way and he is a far cry from what he used to be and to be honest would be D list without his wife who keeps his name out there. Otherwise he would be a one album wonder. Anyway, he discovered as much when they split because his wife canceled all his cards and access to their bank account and he realized he had no money of his own. None. He didn't have the heart for a messy legal fight so came home and has been kissing butt ever since.


  1. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Heigl and Josh Kelley?

  2. Is anyone else reading the bottom of the blind expecting to see a reveal? I got too used to it!

    1. Lol! I have. Too much of a good thing....

    2. I'm so greedy!!

    3. Totally keep looking for the reveals at the end!

    4. Yes! I actually scrolled down to look!

  3. Mariah & Nick? I don't think I know why Nick was ever famous.

    1. Nick doesn't sing.He's an comedian.

    2. Anonymous11:55 AM

      @staple also, isn't nick a huge deal at nickelodeon? i might be in the minority but i think he's hilarious

  4. I think that green eyed lawyer got it!

  5. L.A.M.B for sure!!

  6. @sugar, I got tricked also!

    I like the Gwen and Gavin guess.

  7. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Ooh, I gotta switch to Gwen & Gavin. That makes me sad, though.

  8. He should kiss her ass, she's awesome! I don't know why she puts up with him though. Why do any of us? LOL

  9. I thought of Gwen and Gavin immediately. I loved Gavin immensely, but he hasn't done anything relevant since the 90s. It's been a long time since Glycerine, and ladies don't want to fantasize about a man who likes peen on the side.

    1. actually... i know alot of people who have zero problems with someone who swings both ways. why does it matter really? its not a math equation where you can only have 50% of someones heart because they're bi.

      just saying. different strokes for different folks. Besides if he is ok with another noodle being involved then you can double your celeb fantasy. for example: Gavin and Jared Leto (going for the guyliner yet sexy types).

    2. I concur. Not like we'll.ever meet them and take them to bed anyway. Your fantasy could be that he gives up all peen for you if that's how you want it!

  10. I like the Gwen/Gavin guess too. Gavin used to.

  11. I think that Heigl and her husband are the better guess. When Gavin was with Bush, they had plenty of hit albums.

    1. Heigl hasn't been A list for at least a couple of years. She is not well liked in Hollywood.

  12. Damn this tab! I accidentally hit publish. Gavin used to be really big with the rock band Bush about what, twenty years agl? Thats definitely a long way from where he is now. Nick Cannon has never been all that big.

  13. Also, I'm guessing this blind must have been written a few days ago, since it says they split "earlier this year" - unless someone split up yesterday and got back together today :)

  14. I thought of Gwen and Gavin, too. I adore Gwen. Gavin is still hot, and Bush did have some good songs. I know he's probably gay, but I do like them together - they're the ultimate 90s couple.

  15. There are some men who only like the peen, and are totally fantasy worthy. Matthew Bomer being one of them!

    1. @PuggleWug

      I 2nd this, Matt Bomer is just too dreamy for words!

    2. @ Puggle, mmmm...Matt Bomer, really dreamy. But Gavin is no Matt Bomer, far from his glory days I think.

  16. There's an article in Vogue this month about Gwen & Gavin and family. She talks a lot about how stressful it is having little kids, Gwen and Gavin each having their own projects, plus No Doubt.

    She mentions that Gavin was on tour with his band for a few months last year, so maybe it was more than a tour :( Anyhow, he is back now and she said it was really difficult without him there bc he is a wonderful father. But then, does a wonderful father leave his children to go on tour? I don't know..

  17. if it's Gwen & Gavin,they spend many time together!in Disneyland,in England
    they are in Daily Mail today
    he looks trying to be forgiven

  18. I thought kidman and urban but i don't know country music.

  19. I thought Mariah and Nick at first but Gwen and Gavin sounds right. The thing with Mariah and Nick is, who is she going to find that would massage her ego the way he does? The only reason I think they are cute together is because of him and that's because he shields the world from her ego by flattering her constantly.

  20. @FrenchGirl, Gwen looks so unimpressed with Gavin's show of affection that I'm convinced this blind is about them.

  21. Katherine Heigl is in no way A list all the way. Not even close.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. @Chilie

      There was never a confirmation of a split between them, just a bunch of rumors and blind items hinting at a possibility of a spilt.

  23. Gavin had one solo album but reunited with Bush this year for a short tour. Certainly he should have some money from that but apparently not what he is used to. I think this IS them as rumours are swirling that their marriage is a little on edge.

  24. Agree with Gwen and Gavin. Mariah and Nick make sense to me in some crazy Hollyweirdish way.

  25. @PuggleWug & LottaColada - I'm in on the Matt Bomer love. That man is delicious. Only 20 days until new White Collar!!

  26. Actually from what I heard from a friend in the industry, Nick does have his own money, suprisingly. However, Nick and Mariah also have no prenup. I don't think he'd have to worry.

    1. Anonymous9:43 AM

      Yeah, Nick has a lot of money. He's got as much going as Ryan Seacrest with hosting, business, etc.

  27. Which album is the hit for Bush? Razorblade Suitcase, because it went number one? Despite the fact that their other albums went platinum as well? I don't buy that he has no money, he just got off tour.

    Which brings us to the REAL Gwen and Gavin BI. We all know they're not totes monog and have their problems. Tell us what happened to the money! Hookers? Gambling? Coke?

  28. I've always gotten the impression that Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon are legitimately happy and I REALLY want to keep believing that. In any case, I don't think this is them.

  29. No way is Gavin DList and no way he is out of money.

  30. Nick Cannon has worked pretty steadily between all his jobs. He's done music, acting, and hosting. He doesn't have money like Mariah, but I don't see her leaving him while those kids are small. Nick seems to do it all, she said she doesn't change diapers. They seem close, though, like he knows his role and is good with it.

  31. I think Nick has plenty of his own money. Doesn't he produce/create/write a bunch of shows on Nickelodeon?

  32. Nick has to have his own money. he's a host for a talent show and always seems to be working. Now it's not Mariah money but he should be okay financially.

    Gwen does a lot and always has...what has Gavin done to make a lot of money in the past 10 years? I hope she now knows she doesn't have to take his crap any longer about dressing like a drag queen and can be herself.

  33. I agree, I think Nick has his own $, from his previous career and his current projects. The man works constantly.

    Plus, you have to love Nick - on the Howard Stern show recently, he said that he was dating Kim Kardassian, a friend warned him about her, and he dumped her immediately. Poor Kanye, his stock is going down every second.

  34. Nick dated Kim? Whoa.

  35. I agree that Nick Cannon has his own money, he works so much the rumor was that she told him to take some time to pay attention to his health or she'd leave him. The stuff he does just may not me as high profile as being with Mimi. And I wont lie, i love them together too.

    To me this sounds like Gwen and Gavin and yeah, he was big in the 90s but not much now.

    For those that are getting stuck on the fact that it says he had absolutely no money...don't forget this is gossip. Even when it's true, the storyteller (or source) may exaggerate for effect.

  36. I disagree on Gwen. Gavin put out a Bush record in 2011 and did a successful tour. He's not flat ass broke. Nor was Bush a one-album wonder, it had about 3-4.

    1. And a few acting roles with moderate success.

  37. I read this as Nicole and Keith urban

  38. Is it wrong that I kinda want Gwen to ditch Gavin for Tony? I mean, yes, little kids, family, etc, but.....

    1. @wbotw, it's hard for me to believe that she doesn't get a little on the side w Tony still to this very day. Their body language together has never stopped being intimate, in my opinion....looking at photos and watching them in interviews, etc.

    2. oh lordy, I thought I was the only one. I feel like a homewrecker just thinking it. but it's such a cute story. =\

  39. Agree with Gwen and Gavin guess. Saw a pic of him kissing her the other day and she looked like she didn't want to be touched by him.

  40. Tony can have Gwen and I'll take Gavin. I saw Bush in concert last year and the man is mesmerizing on stage.

  41. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Can't be Keith Urban. Everything he's ever done has been a hit. He's won Grammy awards, AMC awards, and had about 20 #1 hits. He's still a BIG country music star.

    1. Ah. I see. Clueless about country. Thanks

  42. Look at her face in these pics...he's all over it, almost looks like he's begging. She's not having it...

  43. I'm guessing Gwen and Gavin. There were a lot of rumors about a possible break up all year.

  44. @WBotW, I can totally understand! Everytime I listen to "Don't Speak" it breaks my heart.

    Gwen and Gavin, a good guess.

  45. I too think this is Gwen and Gavin. I don't blame her for not being thrilled, it can't be fun knowing he's back and staying because he can't afford the lifestyle she can provide.
    I think he has some money, just not enough.
    I like Nick and Mimi together, he is a true man of steel to put up with her every day, and he seems to thrive on it, it must be love!

  46. Gwen and Gavin were the first couple that came to mind.

  47. I just don't agree with her being A list all the way, maybe B at this point. She has lyp-synched every show I've ever seen her on & it makes me crazy how she is always staging photo ops with her kids in parks, like they just stopped by to play on the swings (in full make-up) and someone always just happens to be there to snap the pic. She's a millionaire and must have a massive back yard.

  48. Gavin loves to kiss arse, just not a woman's.

  49. Yup gwen and gavin easy easy

  50. Gwen and Gavin definitely.

  51. They have been together a while. She finally got what she wanted and now is unhappy. She knew exactly who he was when she married him twice. Gwennie, you made your bed dear.

  52. Don't think this is Nicole and Keith - isn't he joining one of the reality singing competitions? Or was in negotiations to? That's solid money plus free advertising for your music. I also recall him being in a commercial a while back, probably for one of the big Walmart type stores. He's also ALWAYS invited to the country music awards shows, so people still like him. Gavin? Not as much.

  53. Sounds like Megan Fox and BAG to me. Idiot released a CD in 1996.

  54. Ok, people. Nick Cannon has an IMDB sheet as long as a Rapper's Rap Sheet. He does EVERYTHING. He is also currently the host of America's Got Talent...unless he gets replaced.

    Keith Urban is a Country Music Superstar, and makes an album a year.

    Has to be Gavin...although I saw him yesterday on GMA or one of those shows with Colby Callait.

  55. I know I'm late but I just have to say Gavin Rossdale has to have money. With Bush he has released multiple albums. He had his solo career. He has produced soundtracks for a lot of movies, has written and co-written for other artists, his acting. By the way he has atleast 1 movie coming out this year. He just preformed near me recently.

    Ok I'm getting off my soap box now.

    BTW- Jason blue eyes I like your BAG and Fox guess. That was the first to come to my mind too.

  56. Nick Cannon was the first one AGT signed on for this season over Howard and Howie.

    The only ones confirmed right now for AGT is Nick and Howard. Sharon is out and Sharon said on Stern they always sign Howie last to see if they can someone better and never do.

  57. goopy and chris martin.

  58. why do people make remarks like "I don't know about country music"? Keith Urban is one of the most popular country music stars in the world. He has made lots of money.

  59. Gwen and Gavin all the way! She will do anything to keep him. She's always been more into him than he has been into her.

  60. Nicole Richie/ Joel Madden.

  61. the reality is thought lots of celebrities make a lot of money but then can spend it just as fast and like the rest of us they are not immune to bad investment advice, only they have more money to lose, or being taken by con artists

  62. I wonder about Nikki Reed and Paul McDonald (American Idol). He has only recorded one solo album.

  63. I can't believe nobody guessed Leann Rimes and Eddie Cibrian!
