Monday, January 07, 2013

Blind Item #2

This still a minor by a long shot and the offspring of an A list celebrity has been sleeping with her bodyguard who is at least twice as old as our offspring. I wonder if her mom knows.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Rumer isn't a minor. Willow Smith is a great guess!

  3. I don't think any of the unfortunate looking Willis girls are minors, but I don't have a better guess

  4. Clint Eastwood's youngest daughter?

    Or Willow Smith?

    Or Melanie & Antonio's kid?

    So many possibilities...

  5. One of the Jenner girls? Is Kris considered an A list celebrity?

  6. Lourdes! Maddonas daughter

  7. Lourdes Leon, Madonna's daughter.

  8. Lourdes Leon, Madonna's daughter.

  9. Hmmm...I like @karen's train of thought. It points out the mother, and what mother is more involved than PMK? Under-age by a long shot would be Kylie Jenner.

  10. Lourdes sounds like an excellent guess. The other girls mentioned have more than one A list parent, and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

  11. Oh, I could also lean toward Lourdes. Love that guess, too.

  12. Lourdes- only because Ent makes it seems like only one of her parents is a celebrity

  13. Yeah, I would guess Lourdes.

  14. Anonymous7:55 AM

    WONDER IF HER MOM KNOWS could b a clue. Why does the mom stand out? Is she single? Is she really important?

    I guess LOURDES.....

  15. I like the Loudes guess better than mine now!

  16. Lourdes is in the DM.

  17. The only reason I do t think it's Lourdes is bc she'll be 17 this year - almost an adult.

    1. *don't

      Damn autocrap autocorrect.

  18. I wonder why Lourdes would need a bodyguard, though. I've seen her and her father walking the streets of NYC, seemingly on their own - although that was a few years ago.

    That said, given Madonna's emphasis on extreme sexuality and sexual freedom, it would be very interesting to see how she would react to this situation, if it is indeed Lourdes.

  19. Madonna is very protective of her children and has a BG that follows Lourdes and waits for her outside Laguardis the high school for performing arts she attends, since the school will not allow him to stay inside the premises.

  20. Lourdes is badass!

  21. Lourdes is 16 because(she's in DailyMail today) it only say "her mother" but i don't know if she has her own bodyguard

  22. I really like the Lourdes guess, not bad!

  23. I'm on board w/ the Lourdes guess. But as someone else mentioned, is 16 really "a minor by a long shot"?

  24. RILLY RILLY hope that this isn't Willow. I am friends with the Smith kids' ex-overnight bodyguard and he's a good dude... Too bad they hired a loser (if it's true!).

    1. What kind of an elaborate prison have you fashioned for yourself if your children need overnight bodyguards? I don't know why anyone would aspire to that level of fame :-(.

    2. That's the part people don't realize beforehand. Fame and money come with their own problems. An average family might worry about where the money for braces for their kids will come from, a wealthy/famous one has to worry about kidnapping & ransom demands.

  25. Cynthia Crawford's daughter, perhaps?

  26. I like the Lourdes guess. Mom + A-list sounds like Madonna to me.

  27. Willow Smith is 12....let's hope to god it isnt her.

    1. There was a blind insinuating that Willow is gay, so is the bodyguard female? Not likely...

  28. I agree with the Lourdes guess. I don't know consent laws in the states, but at that age, isn't it statutory rape if if there is a 2 year age difference or more?

  29. I'm with the Lourdes guess.

  30. I predict Lourdes will provide us all years of gossip and infotainment.

  31. Yuck. It makes you wonder how long it has been going on.

  32. Lourdes. A friends son is her classmate, sister gets around!

  33. My immediate first thought was Lourdes.

  34. Willow is 12. I hope to G-D it ain't her.

    Lourdes is a very good guess.

  35. Gross. I wonder which country this kid lives in. The age of consent in some places in Europe is as low as 12 (side-eyeing Spain).

  36. Lourdes is the best guess. That girl is gorgeous.

  37. Serouisly, Reno. I saw the bikini shots of her last summer and couldn't believe she was 14.

  38. I think the age of consent in NY is 17 if it's Lourdes.

  39. OMG I am already steaming mad on behalf of this mom. There is no excuse for such unprofessional behaviour. I would not want to be him when the parents find out.

  40. Lourdes. The wonder if mom knows quote is maybe because Madonna is also into big age differences. Or she is sleeping with him too; twice the age is about 35 for the bodyguard, old enough for Lourdes, young enough for Madge.

    This woulnd't work for Willow and her mom, because Jada is a rumored lesbian and is bearding for a gay Will Smith.

    1. Definitely Lourdes and I read it the same way. I think the wonder if mom knows part is referring to Madonna's relationships with young men.

  41. Edit: bodyguard would be 32, not 35. Even better for Madge xD

  42. But it says "still a minor by a long shot". If the age of consent is 17 in NY and Lourdes is 16 that is not too far off. NOT that I think that makes it ok at all. But it would be sad if it was Willow. 12? Seriously? She's just a child.

  43. Call me cruel, but I would love for this to be Lourdes! I really hope she puts her mom through hell! Madonna really just needs to be taught a lesson!

  44. The wonder if mom knows part also refers to Madonna's control freak nature. Is Lourdes sneaking around or does mom approve?

  45. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Maybe mom is sleeping with the bodyguard too

  46. Do you remember when Madonna hit the roof because there were the pictures of Lourdes smoking?

  47. I will never understand all the Madonna hate. She's awesome and always will be.

    1. Yeah. That's what I was thinking!

  48. Lourdes is pretty and doesn't exactly do what Madonna wants, I'm onboard. Last summer she got in trouble over smoking, quit the tour, and I think she moved to an apartment in NY to attend school.
    She's the payback kid.

  49. This is Lourdes. Let's see how Madonna handles that.

  50. I immediately thought of Lourdes.

  51. There is a line in "Papa Don't Preach" that says, "But you should know by now, I'm not a baby." Perhaps relates to the "wonder if her mom knows" comment....

  52. Kenall or Kylie Jenner. If her mom knew, she'd make a tape of it...

  53. Kylie has always been such a rebel. I think this is her, although there are no secrets in that family....

    And, have I missed something? Why all the references to the DM pics? Are the sites related somehow?

  54. Not the younger Eastwood girl. Clint's wife seems like a helicopter mom. Even hovers over the other daughter, the one by Frances Fisher.

    I agree that Lourdes is a great guess. Didn't Madonna buy Lourdes her own apartment? As if the one they live in now isn't friggin' huge enough?

    Note to Hollywood and rich people in general: When hiring nannies and bodyguards, HIRE THE UGLY ONES!

  55. Definitely thought of Lourdes. Like above posters said, if it was Willow wouldn't Enty have said her parents?

  56. I immedately thought of Lily Rose Depp. But maybe lourdes is more appropriate, age-wise.

  57. ava sambora. her parenta have allowed her to go out looking like a tart since her 13th birthday. the most appropriate accessory she could have on many occasions would be a body guard. and both parents have had their own issues.

  58. I immediately thought of Heidi Klum's daughter! The oldest one Oh god she's really young though, 9 or 10?

  59. Willow is gay?!?!?!?! I thought all boys have cooties until at least 14 or 15!

  60. How old is Ava Philippe?

  61. Lourdes but Ava Sambora is an intriguing guess.

  62. Kylie Jenner. I read that last line as Kris Jenner. Because, for most moms, we would be pissed if we knew about our "minor by a long shot" daughter was sleeping with someone we hired to protect them. Kris Jenner is not like most moms, or most humans for that matter, so I think the last line gives the impression that this mother could possibly have an idea of what's going on and is figuring out to handle it with publicity and money. Any other mom would find an immediate way to end it.

  63. I'm going with Lourdes. I feel like if it were the other guesses it would say "I wonder I'd her parents know" Willow, Ava, and Kylie all have famous fathers.

  64. Lily-Rose Melody Depp. I remember reading a blind that was thought to be about her. She's going off the rails and Vanessa doesn't even realize. Also the way she dresses is appalling. She's only 13 but she's incredibly beautiful.



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