Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Blind Item #2

Taking a page from the playbook of her ex, this A list all movie actress is alternating weeks with the kids of her current significant other. The fact that she sometimes misses her week doesn't really bother her. Notice also how the kids never get to leave the country anymore. Neither parent trusts the other. The actress also thinks that no one has noticed that the couple have split. She thinks very highly of herself.


  1. Sounds like Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban?

  2. Nic Kidman?

    Who's in the DM? My guesses are bad, BAD!

  3. OH, *karen*, you've made my day!

  4. @Karen, He hasn't been accompanying get on the awards circuit like in the past, and where are the kids? I like your guess.

  5. Enty translator, help! Is this Halle? I'm confused -- is she taking care of her exes' kids? Or alternating between weekends with her SI and her kids?

    1. @Seachica If we're assuming this is Nic, then Enty is alluding to how rarely Tom sees Suri

  6. Nicole is with the 2 kids and minus Keith at LAX in the DM

  7. I THOUGHT she'd been going to awards alone.

    I feel so vindicated in my guess! Whew!
    I need more confidence.

  8. Nicole and Keith were just together at the SAG awards weren't they? Or the Golden Globes. If she thinks no one has noticed they split it's probably because they're still going to events together, so why would anyone suspect that.

  9. Ah, good call. I was thinking Gwyneth

  10. I don't think it's Nicole & Keith. They were at the Golden Globes together & he's on tour in Australia so he couldn't be at the SAG awards with her. They live in Australia & the US so how could they not take the kids out of the country? I think I remember seeing pics of them in Australia a few weeks ago.
    Also the wording is confusing... the kids of her current S.O? Are they not her kids? I don't get it...

  11. -@Seachica, the A-list actress and her current SO are each getting a weekend with the kids. One week they are with the actress, the next week, they are with the SO. Her ex is (or has been) doing this same thing with an ex of his.

    Does that make a little more sense?

  12. Yeah but isn't Keith doing Idol at the moment? I mean not to be a spoil sport but there is a reason why he can't be there.

    Then again Nicole is the queen of ice queens so let's say her anyway.

    1. @dee, the live shows haven't started and what they are airing now has been pre-recorded from months ago.

  13. Both girls are adorable....Nicole is not ashamed mom.

    1. MISCH - that was my takeaway from the DM pics as well. And it's pretty funny how the youngest girl is repeatedly hitting her momma on the head.

  14. @Libby, happy to help validate you!

    "playbook of her ex"--Tom Cruise, who never sees Suri practically

    "kids of current significant other"--as opposed to her kids with Cruise

    "she thinks very highly of herself"--well, DUH.

  15. I do think this is supposed to be Nicole and Keith, but I don't buy that it's true.

  16. When is the last time that Brangelina was actually photographed together?

    1. Unknown - very good point. But who would be the ex from whom she took plays from his playbook, so to speak?

    2. BBT? He's got 2 other ex-wives that he had kids with.

    3. Oh - I did not know that (please read that in a Johnny Carson voice). And google Johnny Carson clips if you're too young to know what that means :-).

    4. No google needed :)

    5. Whew! There are so many young 'uns around here, you never know. I felt very old yesterday reading the JonBenet thread - many of our dear readers were tiny children themselves when that tragedy occurred.

  17. Hmmmm, re; Angelina: wasn't Billy Bob Thornton a lousy dad? Too lazy to google, but I seem to recall something about BBT not being a great dad. I know a daughter ended up in jail for manslaughter or involuntary manslaughter.

  18. Gwyneth with Brad as the ex?

  19. Thank you everyone for the translations! I like the Nicole Kidman guess, though he's a husband, not an SO

  20. Kids never leaving the country made me think of Brangelina. Aren't they always leaving the country? I haven't been keeping up with All Things Brangelina lately so I can't tell you if they've been seen together.

  21. Fru, I know what you mean re: the young'ns here! I forget that I'm 50 and not 25. =)

    Where have Brangelina been?

  22. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Goop or Nicole.

  23. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Yep, Nic and Urban. Anyone notice how much more flirty and accessible she looked at the sag awards? Ususally she's so granny freeze, but she wore one of the best dresses and looked like she was having fun. Which is really really unusual for her.

  24. Reeses whaaat? Off to Google.

    Also, I thought both Tom and Nicole totally avoided Isabelle and Connor, so wouldn't she be taking a page from her own playbook? I feel so bad for those two, they really were just an accessory to their parents.

  25. Angie, Brad & the WHOLE Hee-Haw Gang were JUST in the Caribbean over Christmas? Anyone remember how they might be married?
    Anyone? Anyone?

    That's 'outside the country'.

    1. libby, you made me burst into laughter with the Hee Haw reference! I was such a fan - wasn't it on Sunday nights? You think Grandpa Jones was there with his dress overalls for the ceremony?

    2. OMG - Buck Owens and Roy Clark played the Wedding March! How incredibly awesome would that be? I don't give a hoot about Brad Pitt, but I would be seriously jealous if that Angie had that greatness happen at her wedding.

    3. Correction: dress suspenders. Grandpa Jones wore suspenders, not overalls.

    4. Were there actually pictures of them? I didn't see any, but I wasn't looking for them either.

    5. I WISH there were pictures of my Brangelina HeeHaw Fantasy Wedding (j/k - I know what you meant, Unknown. And I have no idea.)

  26. sorry but i'd like to read a BI and not need a translator. i've read this thing several times and still don't know for sure what it means.

  27. the playbook thing is a clue. who has an ex that starred in silver linings playbook?

  28. libby you're cracking me up. I want this to be revealed as Nicole and Keith just so you can be right about it!

  29. I feel like the playbook reference is in there somewhere, but no one from Silver Linings Playbook fits. Maybe playbook like sports?

    Nicole & Keith's kids regularly fly in & out of the US & Australia, IIRC. Same for Brad & Angie.

    Still, it really sounds like Nicole - doesn't bother her, trust, thinks no one has noticed.

  30. How about Uma Thurman with the ex being robert de niro. She has a kid, and not married to the father, Arpad Busson, who has 2 other kids with Elle Macpherson

  31. Aw, I'm glad everyone else remembers Hee Haw. yay!

    I'm a-pickin'!
    And I'm a-grinnin'!

    1. My uncle is a hairdresser in Nashville, he did Minnie Pearl's hair when she was on the show.
      I'm pretty sure he had an enormous photo of her in his home. I mean, he was a gay artist in the 80's, he could do as he damn well pleased. Haha.

    2. Very cool, Sarah, although I must admit I thought you were going to say that he had one of her hats. That would be freakin' epic (to borrow a phrase from my kids).

  32. Ohhh Uma Thurman is a good guess, I didn't know she dated De Niro, which would fit the playbook hint.

  33. Uma thurman's guess is a no-sense: even if she had a short affair with RDN in 90's,they have no kid together
    She has 2 kids with Ethan Hawke who lives in NY like her
    She just had another kid with her actual boyfriend Arpad Busson and were at Paris last week

  34. even if it's Kidman/Urban,it's untrue because they(Kidman,Urban,the kids) again were recently in France to film her Grace Kelly movie and Urban/Kidman were together in Golden Globes this year
    Nicole was at Lax yesterday with her girls

  35. If it is Kidman/Urban...Keith can come sit by me. LOVE that guy's music.

    1. ABlake, I am seeing Keith in concert tonight, which is why I am overly & tartily dressed for work, leaving straight from here.

  36. Say what you want about Angelina but I really think she is a good mamma and would not miss time with her kids. Unless..... she is back on the H. Then ???

    And I promise I am not a Brangelina loonie. I just think she seems like a pretty good mom....uh you know besides the doing H thing.

    So with that I have no other answer, but like the Nicole and Keith guess.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. IDK. i dont think is any of these guesses tho.

  39. She thinks very highly of herself..Who else BUT Goop?

  40. @Unknown..Uma Thurman NEVER dated Robert DeNiro unless it was extremely clandestine. Robert has always preferred women of color.

  41. Totally reading this as Gwyneth....maybe the ex being Ben Affleck and how he seems to alternate sightings with his kids with Jen G?
    I'm terrible at this, so probably not.

  42. I thought Nicole Kidman right off the bat- the "playbook" refers to how Tom Cruise has managed his kids since both his divorces, and I have no doubt that those two had a contract marriage from the beginning. I think Keith is obligated to show up when he's needed and Nicole has made sure that any break up would be a lot more discreet than the mess she found herself in with Tom Cruise.

  43. Yup...Nicole the baby hater.

  44. Nic fits. Playbook is CoS. Isabella and Connor were PR spin, according to blinds here. Or so it's been guessed, Except for the SO thing.....hmm........

    As for Brange, she's A+ and I think she adores her kids.

  45. I was just relieved to see that Nicole's kids looked blessedly NORMAL in the DM pics. (There was a blind about an actress who had a child who was not quite "right" and the mother wanted little to do with it. Looks like Nicole is off the hook for that particular blind.) Sunday Roast and Faith look as if they are thriving.

  46. I'm going with hallie berry.

  47. Keith and Nic were together at GGs

  48. Not DeNiro.

    Pre-Ethan Hawk, Uma was married to Gary Oldman in the '90s. (This was after his first divorce and before he dated Isabella Rossellini. I know this because I've been in love with him since "Rosencranz and Guildenstern are Dead."

  49. I think the only one that fits is Nicole and Keith. I hope not, I like them together.

  50. I think Enty saw the picture of Nic with the little ones, sans Keith, and pulled this blind out of his ass.

  51. Nicole,Keith&the girls at Sidney airport today

    it's definitively not Nicole Kidman and keith :she comes back at Sidney with the girls and keith was there to welcome them

  52. Anonymous5:07 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. There are many photos of Kidman arriving in Australia today or yesterday being met by Urban, and they kissed in a way which would suggest that they're still into each other. The kids were with her, so it kind of kills the theory that the kids can't leave the country since they were in two different ones in a 24-hour period.

    Gwyneth and Chris seem a tidier fit.

  54. i didnt think there was anyone that thought higher of themselves than GOOP.

  55. They would have said that they were married if it were Nicole and Keith. Plus, the are together now in Australia. Why does everyone want them to break up? Seems like he adores her and they are happy.
    I don't think she "uses" her kids for publicity either. MOst of the pics you seee are iPhone ones.

  56. Keith picked Nicole and the kids up at the airport in Sidney....
    I think Halle and Olivier have split but well this doesn't seem right for them...

  57. The Goopster was pictured with her kids at Saint Lucia last month, and the whole family was vacationing in Portofino, Italy in October.

    Damn, I was so sure it was her. Thinks highly of herself -> only the Goop.

  58. i don't think it's nicole...it say
    "kids of her current significant other" implying that they aren't her kids...but his from another relationship.

  59. I think Tom is right. Enty means that these are not her children biologically. That's why none of the guesses fit.

  60. if not for the plural KIDS-K. Hudson/M. Bellamy-she does think VERY highly of herself... and she dated Alex Rodriquez for a while, Yankees-and he allegedly does not see his daughters that much-PLAYBOY.
