Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Blind Item #2

This A list celebrity with A+ name recognition had a two week period early last year where she was battling personal demons and her medications were off. As a result, she nearly succeeded in killing herself and it was only because one of her kids was in the bedroom while she was in the bathroom attempting suicide and went to check on her that she was stopped before she could follow through.


  1. Please don't let this be Britney

  2. I'm thinking this is Angie with Shilo to the rescue.

  3. First instinct is Demi Moore when she was rushed to the hospital. It was Jan. of last year when it happened.

  4. I think Britney is still considered a singer.

    I'm going with Nicole Ritchie

  5. Not Britney, Enty called her B list with A++ name recognition last week.

    1. Britney is and will likely always b A-list, honey. You don't get offered 100 million for nothing.

  6. Demi was my first thought

  7. yikes, my first thought was britney too. :(

    please don't be britney.

  8. Catherine Zeta Jones?

  9. I think this is someone with older kids who would recognize a suicide attempt and be able to stop it, not someone with young kids.

    I don't think this is Britney because I can't imagine she would still be allowed around her boys if one of them witnessed her/had to rescue her from attempting suicide.

    I'm going to go with the Demi guess.

  10. no idea. but tori spelling popped into my head last weekend for another BI (new mom w/ depression) i haven't seen tori in ages, and she was EVERYWHERE before that.

    if its demi, would her kids really cut her off he way it looks like they have?

  11. *Although I'd question Demi being A list anything these days.

  12. Kris Jenner - with Kourtney running in.

  13. I second the Catherine Zeta-Jones guess

  14. Britney?

    how can Enty know it ? the celebrity was alone in the bathroom!

  15. I think Demi too, it sounds like the kid is old enough to be worried about what the mom was doing in the bathroom. I really hope she can get it together this year.

  16. Going with Demi because I dont want this to be Brit and because I think her kids are too young to really grasp the magnitude of a suicide attempt anyway.

  17. @All about Eve...

    Your profile pic is cracking me up! What a good doggy.

    1. Wish I could say its my dog but its a funny picture I found online ;)

  18. This sounds like Demi moore. I would think that any suicide attempt would be followed up by a visit to a hospital. I know privacy laws supposedly protect patients in these cases, but it's hard for some people to stay quiet when they have a juicy piece of gossip.

  19. Anonymous8:11 AM

    OH yeah, Demi for sure. I guess she's bi polar or something? It seems like she deals with alot more than just garden variety depression. It would make alot of sense. Not trying to start a mental health/diagnosis/attack on bipolar thread here, simmer down now.

  20. @Me, wasn't Tori (and her kids/hub) in trouble a few weeks back for cutting to the front of the "photos with Santa" line?

  21. Catherine Zeta-Jones - she's been vocal about battling bi-polar depression, which is treated with a delicately balanced cocktail of drugs - and when it's thrown off, can have dire/deadly results. I had an ex who was bi-polar...it can be a challenging and tragic condition if not treated properly.

  22. Catherine Zeta-Jones

  23. When the darkness comes over you and you feel like the only solution is death. That's a scary, scary SAD SAD SAD feeling. You honestly do feel like everyone around you would be better off without you. I have no clue who this is, but sending peace, light and love to anyone who feels this way. Depression fucking sucks.

  24. I'm going with Demi, because it says early last year, and that would make sense timeline wise. I don't want it to be about anyone, but I can vouch, as the adult child of a person with mental illness and medication "challenges" (meaning she refuses to take her meds regularly or as prescribed some of the time), there comes a point where there is nothing more you can do for the person you love, and you have to save yourself. If this is the situation, I'd hope that we all could reserve judgement against adult children at their wits' end.

  25. Whoever this is, I do hope she's feeling much better now...

  26. @Frufra, right on. I wouldn't automatically assume that someone lightly made the decision to cut off communication with a parent.

  27. CZJ-takes meds for bi-polar, had to deal with stepson's problems and Michael's illness.

  28. I'm on the Demi train. This seems so sad. Cannot imagine what her family is going through.

    1. Sounds like demi too. Maybe her girls started talking to her again cause they needed some $$$?

  29. I think it might be britney but i thought one of those bodyguards was also sort of a chaperone while they are out with the kids. In her home, she might have been "allowed" to go to her room alone for a nap or something.

  30. This sadly sounds like Demi. She has not been taking getting dumped by Ashton well at all.

  31. CZJ sounds about right.

  32. Demi. I thought CZJ was outed as using bipolar as an excuse for rehab.

  33. This could be Katherine Zeta Jones. She checked into a mental health facility in April of last year. Is April considered "early" last year?

  34. I'm on the Demi train, I think. Is she being referred to as a celebrity instead of an actress because it would be too easy the other way?

  35. I hope it's not Britney, but kids have to grow up fast when the parent is not capable - children of alcoholics/drug addicts are often wise beyond their years. Poor kids, whoever they are. They definitely don't need trauma like this.

  36. I'm going with the Demi Guess.

    Hopefully this blind if fake because that's just sad.

  37. Demi. Lotta made a good point. Timing is perfect.

  38. Wow I hope she is finding the help that she needs. Depression is a horrible, scary thing that I would only wish on the biggest of dickwads.

  39. JK Rowling
    Celine Dion
    Katie Couric
    Diane Sawyer
    Heidi Klum
    Goldie Hawn
    Michelle Obama

  40. Damn JSierra! I feel bad for anyone who pisses you off. But I totally get what you're sayin.

  41. This BV is contradicting itself and changes the whole answer.

    If the kid was in the bathroom with her while she tried to kill herself, then I would assume the child was young. If her kid instead went to check on her, the actress in question's kid is old enough to know to check on her, and therefore completely changes the BV guess.

    Brit Brit if the child is young and was in the bathroom with her. Demi, if her kid came in to check on her.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Gotta be demi, the bad press after those embarrassing pics from Miami.all the blogs insinuating Mila pregs, the official divorce filing

  44. Dayum, I thought you meant the ho had a period that lasted two weeks. Need sleep.

  45. Def Brit, she's wanted out a long time ago

  46. KZJ was hospitalized early last year for problems with Bi Polar disorder. The only thing blind is that she nearly killed herself.

  47. How about Madonna?

    I doubt it's Britney if Enty has called her B- with A list name recognition last week and Demi is tooo far away from A atm.

  48. Demi again? Also, its creepy how you are able to set up a camera in her bedroom to track everything she does.
