Sunday, January 20, 2013

Blind Item #2

This A+ list movie actor is having an affair. Not a big deal, but we are talking Mr. Squeaky Clean here. We are talking kids. Married for a long time. Academy award winner/nominee. Parked his car at the hotel where he was meeting his mistress. Then the valet got into an accident with the actor's car. Not probably a big deal except the actor had told his wife that he was going to be doing looping all day and didn't have time to do anything with her and the kids. Now everyone knows he was at the hotel. His explanation has not convinced the wife.


  1. Replies
    1. My thought this too, though I hope it isn't

    2. My thought *is this, sorry

  2. Is this the same guy scouting rooms for a birthday party at the Four Seasons?

  3. Warren Beatty!!

    Ha jkjk he was on The Many Loves of Dobie Gills in 1959. So it definitely can't be him anyways.

    1. Bwahahaha, JSierra! Four gold stars for you, girl.

    2. Anonymous9:52 AM

      Baha- I think timebob just exploded

    3. Hahahahaha! This is great!

  4. What is looping?

    1. The actor goes into the sound booth to re-record lines from the film to edit in over the onset orginals.

    2. Thank you @ whocaresnow12. I figured it was something post production.

  5. ben affleck?
    matt damon?
    denzel washington?
    hugh jackman?

    every a+ list married with several kids! too vague (even Daily Mail can't help)

  6. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Matt Damon or Tom Hanks?

  7. Replies
    1. @FG - thanks, and I kind of had Mark Walberg pegged for that one. Just because I thought it sounded like something he would do.

  8. FrenchGirl, I just combed through the DM and got nada as well. Hmmm.....whatever shall we do?

  9. Tom Hanks is the only truly squeaky clean actor - well, at least to the soccer mom set. Maybe Mark Wahlberg?

    1. Marky Mark had a juvy record for attacking some dude and using gay slurs.He went on a gay club tour to save his image but gay dudes were mad because he wasn't dropping his britches like he did for the girls. He ain't squeaky clean.

  10. @Puggle I think it's movie jargon for something to do with looping in sounds or something like that? Movie people???

  11. Replies
    1. That's what I was thinking too. It sounds like someone with young kids. Not a Hanks or Washington.

  12. So maybe it is someone with a movie set to come out soon.....

  13. Tom' s children are grown.

  14. Puggle: looping is filling in dialogue over filmed movies. Lots of time it isn't even done with the original actors.

    My thought was Tom Hanks but he's too old. How about Matt Damon? He's goody goody isn't he?

    1. That's completely false. Looping is always done with the original actors. Their contracts always include post production and marketing.

    2. Sorry WhoCares but it depends. I know every line I had in a movie I did and SOMEONE other than me added one as I was walking out of the room. I assure you lesser players from a location other than the editing studio are not cost effective to fly for a line or two.

    3. For A List films the leads are not being dubbed by some unknown. So no, it's not true. For low budget, small films maybe, but even then it's rare.

    4. Agreed Whocares. Little peons lke me were easily looped. Not so much for higher players.

  15. Mark Wahlberg is not married for a long time (he's married in 2009)

    1. Splitting hairs, I know, FrenchGirl, but he's been with his wife since 2001, and they had their first kid in 2003. That could be "a long time" by Hollywood standards.

    2. Damon's been married since 2005, but I really don't want this to be him. So if it is, he's done a very good job projecting Mr. Squeaky Clean, because I've bought it hook, line, and sinker!

    3. Ugh, he is such a jerk! Smirky and snide behind the backs of "the helper" class.

    4. @ bri - you mean Matt Damon is a jerk? Do tell, if you can :-).

  16. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Agent It's right Hank's kids are grown up. Mr. Squeaky Clean Matt Damon was revealed recently to have been having an affair with Famke Janssen wasn't he? Matt Damon is my guess.

    1. Anna, yes, Matt and Famke. I do believe !

    2. Anonymous10:36 AM

      That's the blind that made me think this is him too. I saw Rounders again recently they did have lots of chemistry

    3. Yup, I agree this has to be Matt Damon.

  17. My first thought was Tom Hanks, but his kids are grown or almost grown. Not to say that he, Rita and the kids don't do stuff together...but I don't think it's him. I'll cast my vote for Matt Damon. He's been married for 7 years---maybe that counts as a long time in Hollywood?

  18. "but honey, I lent the car to Lindsay Lohan!"
    yeah, I can kinda see where that wouldn't fly.

  19. @Whocaresnow12:thanks for the explanation of "do looping"

    1. It's probably the easiest part of filmmaking, and the most boring. Session don't last more than a couple of hours.

  20. Oh wait, Matt Damon was on an episode of Will and Grace, better keep looking. Lol.

  21. I hope the valet doesn't loose their job because of the actors affair.

  22. @Anna Nominmous:

    i totally had forgotten this blind item on Damon/Janssen so Matt Damon!

  23. @Cecilia00:
    if the valet loses his job,it's because of the accident (who will entrust his car to a valet who has some accidents?)

  24. Too vague, but to throw another name into the mix: Will Smith? Is he working on anything now?

    1. A mistress would mean Smith is straight...

  25. Matt Damon was also on 30 Rock.

  26. Really wouldn't blame Matt Damon...
    As for Tom Hanks I'd be terrified of Rita....

    1. Agree, she's very pointy.

    2. If you're implying that Matt's wife isn't attractive enough for him, perhaps he should have chosen another if that's true.

  27. Ha-ha. Will Smith does have a movie in post-production, but Jaden is in it with him, so I guess he couldn't sneak away.

  28. @ Anna Nonymous - Matt Damon and Famke Janssen were the popular guess to a blind. IIRC, they were not the reveal. Don't tar and feather the man yet, ya'll.

    If it was Tom Hanks, I pity the man. He's married to Rita Hanks, as we all know, and she can be a SHREW.

    Why didn't he (whoever it was) just say he was meeting someone for a business lunch at the hotel???

  29. @TurkishTaffy , I also automatically thought Will Smith!

  30. Hanks, hands down

    Go Ravens!

  31. I read it as Hanks, but then remembered that he had a very successful TV career on Bosom Buddies.

    ducks for cover, giggling

    Seriously, though, Damon fits and that sucks. His family always looks happy.

  32. Hanks initially popped into my head, with the 'squeaky clean' description - but, I think he'd be considered A++, no?

    Damon was on 4 episodes of 30 Rock - that hardly disqualifies him from being a movie actor. Stop being so literal.

    My guess is Damon.

  33. Doesn't say "all" movie actor.....I definitely associate MD with movies vs. tv, and first person that came to mind with "squeaky clean". But I hope not, have always liked him!

  34. Wahlberg is not what I would think of as squeaky clean. I don’t want this to be Damon, but I guess it’s not that shocking. Will smith.. mmm that would be a Mister, right? LOL

    Damon - FTW

  35. Oh, I hope it's not Matt Damon. Sigh

  36. Matt D has a piece on the side, but he's a male piece.

    Other than Tom H, I can't think of a squeaky clean actor. How sad is that?

  37. I'll agree with the people that said it's not Tom Hanks bc it does sound like the kids are younger, so I'm going with Matt Damon.
    Every time I see his name, I hear it in my head like "he" said it in South Park. "I'm Matt Damon" lol

  38. Hanks still has a teenager in the house so I think he still fits the blind.

  39. If it is Matt, I wonder if Jimmy Kimmel will release his version of "I'm F*ing Matt Damon."

  40. Bruce Willis. Was in Looper. FTW!

  41. Eddie Haskell.

    OT: If you are watching the football games today, Tony Ortega said that Co$ is going to be advertising in select markets. Nobody knows what particular TV markets.

  42. Looping is where you kill your future self.

  43. it better not be Tom hanks.=[

  44. How can a valet wreck a car? It's in a parking lot FFS!!

  45. Y'all may have discussed this before, so sorry for repeating. Does academy award winner/nominee mean he was nominated and possibly won or does it mean both? It just seems silly to put winner/nominee if he won an award cause if he won the award that definitely means he was nominated. Just wondering.

  46. @mistang; could be either one of them; winner or nominee. If he won it's logically both, yes xD Enty probably mentions both because it would be too easy to guess if he just said 'winner'.

  47. __-__=__ said...

    Valets in LA are notorius for crashing cards.

  48. First thought was Bruce Willis, because he was in 'Looper', but he aint got nominations/awards.

  49. Maaaaaaattt Daaaaaaaamon

    Go Ravens!

  50. Didn't Walberg take someones eye out during a fight at a bar? In my mind, that keeps him from ever being "squeaky clean".

  51. Rupert Sanders - Liberty Ross - Kristen Stewart.

    Oh wait, never mind. I missed the part where it says "Not a big deal..."

  52. Anonymous11:52 PM

    I see Ewan Mcgregor for #2 blind item, he has been photographed getting close with one of his co-stars, he also has kids.

  53. I hate to say this, but the first name to pop into my head is Colin Firth (my fake boyfriend!). He's got two young sons (well, they're not yet in teens, anyway) and is generally thought to be squeaky clean. Married since 1997, I think?

  54. What about Kevin Bacon?
