Friday, January 18, 2013

Blind Item #2

Massive fights about her coke use have led to this A list couple on the verge of splitting. She is an almost A list at this point all movie actress and he is a B- list at this point all movie actor. He does not do drugs. He has lots of other vices and issues, but he doesn't do drugs. She does. They fight. She now says she has stopped, but hasn't. She just does more when he is not around. This would be a tabloid cover if they split.


  1. The ratings are wrong, otherwise this could be Pitt/Jolie.

  2. Penelope and Javier? I sure hope not. :-(

    1. Ooh this is a good guess! I can see it being them.

  3. Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield

  4. Who is Emma Stone dating? Is she still with Andrew Garfield? Because Ent calls him almost A, but otherwise, I'm very suspicious of her super-skinny bod and the bobblehead look she's been sporting lately.

  5. I first thought Brad and Angie except I remember reading he smokes pot(which is a drug) so it can't be them.....

  6. I don't think Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield splitting would sell a lot of magazines. Aniston and Theroux would, though.

  7. The only problem I have with the Emma/Andrew guess is, I don't think it would a magazine cover if they split. Maybe a corner of the magazine but not front page shocking news.

  8. My guess, based purely on the Mail:

    Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber. Only couple in there today that qualify (Aniston's not in it today, and I would actually clock Justin lower than B-, IMHO)

    1. And "lots of other vices and issues" would fit what Ent tells us about Liev. But, like Megan down there, I hope it's not them for the sake of their kids.

    2. @VIP, now that would be shocking. Definitely front page of a magazine.

    3. @vipblonde wouldnt justin get a higher rating because of anistons fame and the exposure it gets him

  9. I hope it's not Watts & Schreiber, just with the kids and all. And I don't know if they're magazine cover popular. Maybe side panel

  10. I am hard time buying Jennifer Aniston as "an almost A list at this point all movie actress". If you ignore Friends, she is a B at best.
    I am not going to squabble over Justin Theroux's presence on HBO.

  11. Emma Stone/Garfield? he's more than B- list movie actor:he's Spiderman
    Pitt/Jolie? they're A++ list
    Watts/Schreiber? they're in Daily Mail and the rating fits

    1. I agree, FG. Probably about Watts/Schreiber, but I hope it's not true.

  12. My first thought was Emma Stone, she looks very strange lately. She was so cute before, now she's so thin that her head looks to large and her eyes are bugging out. She lost that appeal she had before.

  13. Yes, Watts and Schreiber. Plus Enty doesn't say they are married and these two are not. He's a ho. A magnificently talented ho, but a ho nonetheless.

  14. Was going for my stock guess of Blunt and Krazinski. Ratings fit but I doubt their split would shake the world.

    1. My bad- all movie! Not JK then!

  15. I don't buy Emma Stone being a coke addict. I'd wager that she's one of the only starlets not on drugs. I'd also put her as a solid A and Garfield as a B+ at the moment

  16. I know Watts has been nominated for things and imo is a good actress, but I don't think she would make the cover of a trashy gossip mag. I still think a lot of people don't know who the hell she is. I just couldn't picture a scandal of hers being front page news. Same with Stone and Garfield.

  17. I'm not sure NW is almost A list. More like firmly B list.

  18. Anonymous8:20 AM

    What about Rob and Kristen?

  19. Could it be CZJ and Douglas? Though the ratings seem off.

  20. Or Beatty and Benning? This reads older to me.

  21. I'm with katie - I thought Michael Douglas and CZJ, though I'm not sure about the exact ratings.

  22. I'm just hoping it's none of the mommies. That's my wish du jour.

  23. Anonymous8:37 AM

    I think if this was anniston and theroux it would read B list in multiple fields for theroux. I think of him more as a screenwriter than actor. Otherwise it fits. Not feeling the Naomi/Liev guess although cheating seems to be his vice. On the Emma Stone thing, wasn't she the popular guess for the blind the actress who was just as bad as lindsay but better at hiiding it? It was from a few months back.

  24. Elle Bella the only rating that would change for Justin because of Jennifer is his name recognition. Talent ratings don't change based on who the person is dating.

  25. Mila kunis and Ashton lutchet

    1. Anonymous5:29 PM

      Mmmm best guess here

  26. Never mind.. He's tv... Crap I'm bad at this

  27. Diane Lane and whats' his name?

  28. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Canadachick I thought of them too but I would say they're equally B+ list. JSierra what does our trusty spreadsheet say?

  29. Anonymous9:02 AM

    I also thought it was Brolin with the coke problem I know I read something a few years ago about him and Sean Penn doing coke together at a club in front of everyone

  30. If it were Watts, wouldn't enty have written, "academy award winner/nominee?" She was nominated for "21 Grams" in '01 and for "The Impossible" this year.

  31. I'm stumped but I feel like if the couple had kids, it would be mentioned in the blind...

  32. Another reason Liev Schreiber might not work is that he is the star of a new Showtime series. That kind of contradicts the "all movie actor" statement.

  33. Liev has done tv. he was on csi a few years back. I don't believe that Naomi has a coke problem. she seems too earthy for that.

  34. Maniston is a cokehead

  35. Brad and Angie are A+ list people

  36. I really think this is Jennifer and Justin. I don't know why, but I just see her and Chelsea being friends because of this habit!

  37. i agree annabella9. I also don't think they could sell a mag quite like Jennifer Aniston. Tho she's been looking chubbier lately, not rail thin. what about Goopy?

  38. oh scratch goopy, hubby's not actor. just dislike her sooooooo much! lol and she seems like such a hypocrite.

  39. Melanie Griffith and Antonio Banderas.

    Jennifer Aniston is a stoner, not a cokehead, and I'm sure Justin Theroux smokes right along with her.

  40. Or maybe Halle and Olivier. Or Maggie Gyllenhaal and Peter Sarsgaard? Sienna Miller and Tom Sturridge? Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz?

    Broaden your horizons!

  41. Justin is now strictly no drugs and quite against them. JA may be a stoner and a drinker, but she could also be a coker. No one else would explode the tabloids as much as them.

  42. I don't believe that Jennifer Aniston does hard drugs because she looks very healthy (certainly healthier than most others in H-wood) and always has. And even if Justin doesn't do hard drugs anymore, a lot of stoners don't consider pot a "drug". Especially since you can get a prescription for it in Cali.

    Anyway, this may just be made up.

  43. Aniston looks like she's gained a few pound. I don't think that's the way coke addition works.

  44. Unfortunately I think this is Emma Stone :( on blind gossip there is a blind about some actress doing coke and it matches her perfectly as well.

    1. Nevermind, it mentions a new baby to take care of. Must not be her then.

  45. Hmmm...perhaps... Halle Berry and Oliver Martinez?

  46. griffith and banderas came to mind for me. she's always had a substance abuse problem.

  47. Aniston has been a coke head forever...

  48. Just to help out - after a while of doing coke it no longer has the same effect to help keep you thin. It messes with your metabolism and does the opposite. It is affectionately known as coke-bloat.

  49. Am I the only one who thinks this might be Robsten? Kristen's definitely been looking rough and strung out lately.

  50. I like Watts/Schreiber as a guess. She is deffo "almost A list" with her lead Actress Oscar nom, I'd put Liev as a solid B and not a B- but I'm quibbling. Watts has done appearances for her recent tsunami movie and although not jittery as you'd think a coke user would be, she's looked shockingly thin to me which is another sign. I like her and hope its not her but she fits.

  51. I'm going with Jen and Justin, she has been looking thicker which could be "coke bloat" as Unknown mentioned.

  52. "He does not do drugs." This guarantees that it can't be Billy Goat Brad, and his famous bong. That dude is a wake and baker, from decades back.

  53. it couldn't be Pitt....everyone knows he loves his hash...just ask Quentin..

  54. Aniston is a pothead

  55. I'm not some kind of Jennifer Aniston apologist but seriously - coke addicts do not look like Jennifer Aniston. Does she do it every now and then - maybe, I have no idea. But the person in the blind is supposedly a coke fiend. And people who like to be stoned all the time are usually very different from people who want to do coke all the time.

    I think this is supposed to be Griffith and Banderas.

    1. Pretty sure Mel has this one!!

  56. some one puts on weight and it's "Coke Bloat". intelligent observation

  57. Sarah Michelle and Freddie? first post :)

  58. after taking a look at a recent picture of emma she looks ten years older than she did last year. it's her wikipedia profile pic

  59. Sarah Michele and Freddie

  60. Sarah Michele and Freddie

  61. If I had gone through as much as the Travoltas have gone through beginning in 2009 with their son's death, pet killed when escaped at an airport, tabloid spa scandal and Scientology headlines all while having a new baby and having people question if the pregnancy was real - I'd be in fetal position on the floor.

  62. But I meant to add this isn't the Travoltas, since he's an A and she's not almost-A as an actress, just in name recognition.

  63. liev and naomi for the win. their body language was very awkward when ryan interviewed them at the globes. that is how she stays so thin

  64. I think I've heard this one before. Halle Berry-Martinez. He is a frequent drinker.
