Thursday, January 17, 2013

Blind Item #2

This former B list television actress from a very hit show does absolutely nothing now except dump money into a money losing venture. Things have got so bad that our actress doesn't even have enough money to pay all the parking tickets she has accumulated throughout the last year and as a result is driving on expired tags. Her boyfriend has been giving her money to live, but nothing extra to dig her out of her hole.


  1. And mischa barton pumping gas with expired tags on the daily mail ftw

  2. @Onyx - Yep! And the "Mischa Barton fashion brand" being the money-losing venture

  3. not to mention she payed for EVERYTHING when she dated Cisco Adler...

    1. Really?! I didn't know that. Sad.

  4. She's got quite a motor in the back of her honda. Yum!

  5. I was thinking Shelly Long, but y'all are prolly right.

  6. Oh shit, Lilo should hook her up with hooking.

  7. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Slow clap for Onyx loves Hydrangeas

  8. Very good sleuthing, Onyx.

  9. hoping that you get some work and get your finances in order, mischa.

  10. Nice @ Onyx! I always forget to check the DM before I come here

  11. Rose McGowen popped in my head.

  12. Rose McGowen popped in my head.

  13. There's that "have got" again. Enty is a Brit. Or maybe Canadian, just definitely not American.

  14. I worked for the property letting company that rented Micha Barton a shop in the exclusive London Old Spitalfields Market for her bags and crap.

    The shop rents there are SKY HIGH and I can't see her brand being hip or exclusive enough to sell enough to keep the place afloat.

    When I say rented her a shop, actually I really mean her mother. the mother seems to deal with everything to do with that business. I had to deal with her on the phone. She was a scary lady. And always referred to herself as MICHA BARTON'S MOTHER. Name dropping isn't going to get you cheaper rent on a shop unit, darling!

    In other UK/Micha Barton experiences, she turned up at a small gig night at a bar as I at (she lived here for a bit and seemed to be such an indie scenester tryhard). She tried to get in without paying the £3 door cover charge by using the 'don't you know who I am' card but the people on the door didn't give a shit, told her so and made her hand over the £3. She sat in the beer garden smoking and looking fucking wasted (drugs, not drink), all the while trying to pally up with some lead singers of little known UK indie bands like a proper desperado. They didn't seem to give a shit who she was either. Ah, it did make for quite an entertaining night!
