Monday, January 28, 2013

Blind Item #2 - SAG Awards

This B list mostly movie actor who is struggling to find his next big thing after his last big thing finally ran its course is not above pimping himself out for a little money or some gifts despite him not being poor at all. Our actor was perfectly willing to spend a night wining and dining this very rich woman for the new Aston Martin she bought him the next day. Apparently she has had some kind of fantasy about our actor for quite some time and he was happy to fulfill that fantasy. It was when she showed up unexpectedly at the SAG Awards and wanted to spend some time publicly with our actor that he balked. On the sly is one thing. Out in public and upfront is not something he wanted at all.


  1. Oh the price we pay for our art...

  2. @Mamoroni - I think you might have it. It's got to be a Twilighter.

  3. Just took a quick gander through the SAG pix in the Mail, and I think it's...

    Peter Facinelli, pictured with Vitalie Tattinger

    Twilight's done, I know he's on Nurse Jackie, but I would still consider him "Mostly Movie" because that's predominantly what his résumé consists of

  4. Peter Facinelli. Kellan has too much stuff going on in his IMDB. He looks like he's working non-stop.

  5. The woman is Cloris Leachman:)

    1. That's some strong mental fortitude if it is.Shiiiiit,fuck dat!!!

  6. I dunno....would a rich woman be fascinated by Facinelli? A pure piece of beefcake like Lutz would probably have a lot more fascination value.

  7. Did anyone catch Peter and Vitalie making the first toast on the E! Preshow? He looked thrilled

  8. Definitely someone from Twilight. I'd think Kellan Lutz over Peter Facinelli, but both are good guesses. Doesn't Facinelli have a new girlfriend that he always trots out?

  9. Great guess! Facinelli it is. He's so damn slimy.

  10. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Facinelli is slimy but the Taittinger woman was there as part of a pre arranged champagne promo for taittinger champagne, probably spelling it wrong, but gimme a break it's barely 8am.

  11. Who is the young guy from Les Mis? He talked about having no work right now while Hugh Jacan is killing it...cute, mid-20's???

  12. Facinelli really skeeves me out. He will not be parking anywhere near my garage.

  13. Pink Eddie Redmayne and his nasty poop colored velvet suit.

  14. Peter facinelly is in DM with his girlfriend Jaimie alexander but he also photographied with Vitalie Tattinger,artistic director of Tattinger champagne (who is the SAG's champagne)

    Enty,the next time before to write a made-up blind,read the article!

  15. This sounds more like Lutz (who is rumored to get down for male and female casting directors) but I REALLY don't think he could be considered B list.

  16. Yes JSierra! Giuliana said he looked great and it matched his eyes...your comment has me rolling!

  17. Hahaha! I don't know if this is true but if it is I would love for this to be Peter Facinelli!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Aren't even lower end Aston Martin models well over $100k? For that much whoever it is can suck it up and not be such a tool.

  20. @jsierre Eddie is going to be filming Jupiter ascending the guys from the matrix. i dont think he is struggling lol

    im with Peter Facinelli I hope my babes Jamie Alexander dumps his ass even if the blind is not him too

  21. Dragon I was answering a question as to who he was. Am I the only one who thinks he looks a bit funny though?

  22. @ah okay. I dont know about looking funny part. he's aight.i dont pay attention to him. lol

  23. For someone different, Zac Effron?
