Monday, January 14, 2013

Blind Item #2 - Golden Globe After Party

This designer and former reality star was overheard telling a guest that the designer had worked out for 8 hours a day for the past three days and not eaten because she felt she was too heavy to fit into her dress and it needed to look just right. It looked like a sack on her even though she weighs under 90 pounds. Thank goodness it covered her bones because they could hurt someone if they hit you.


  1. Was Nicole Richie there?

  2. Rachel Zoe. Everytime someone throws shade at Giuliana for being to skinny to get pregnant, I point at Zoe

    1. But Rachel got pregnant and seemed to have an easy pregnancy and child birth. Both ladies are way too thin

  3. Was Nicole Ritchie there? I saw her looking BONEY again somewhere (?).

  4. Nicole Richie was the first to come to mind

  5. Also a good guess VIP, I think Zoe was there.

  6. Nicole Richie wore a heavy looking blue dress that covered her arms shoulders... Everything

  7. Nicole was there. I loved the color of her dress - it was long-sleeved and very tailored.

  8. I'm on break between my classes today (first day of semester, yay!) so I'm on here reading and posting. Normally I do it later in the day but what the heck.

    I didn't watch the Golden Globes last night, but Nicole Ritchie (sp?) came to mind.

  9. Nicole Ritchie. She looks like a little old lady these days. Quite unhealthy looking.

  10. Nicole Richie was there, her dress was fabulous (the best I've ever seen her look) but she was scary skinny again!

  11. Nicole's dress was form fitting. Zoe had a dress on that looked like a sack on her.

  12. Yep Nicole Ritchie. Heard everywhere about her dress, time to Google it..

  13. My first thought was Zoe, but I somehow doubt she even works out. Just smokes. I'll go with Richie.

  14. Nicole-related, but not dress-related: why is frosty blue eyeshadow a thing again?? I thought Nicole's dress was gorgeous, but the eyeshadow ruined the look for me.

    I'll have to go back and look again to render a weight-related judgement.

  15. Georgina Chapman's dress looked like a sack.

  16. Nicole's dress was very form fitting, I don't think it would be described as looking like a bag. I didn't see Zoe though.

  17. Okay, after looking at the photos I retract my guess. Zoe definitely has the sack dress.

  18. Meh.. the color of the dress is GORG. but maybe without the sleeves it would be prettier? Nicole's eyeshadow is too 1983/1998 for my taste and she looks very dehydrated.

  19. See I thought Nicole looked really healthy, especially compared to some other scary skinny red carpets. And that dress was form fitting, it didn't look like a sack on her at all.

    Google Rachel Zoe GG 2013 and she is wearing s shapeless silver dress with no tailoring. A sack.

  20. Changing my guess to Rachel Zoe, now HER dress did look like a sack. Hideous!

  21. Just googled Rachael Zoe, yes her bones look lethal, but her makeup is fugly as hell.


    1. OHMYGOD!!!?..that has GOT to be a joke.....did Sacha Baron Cohen have anything to do with her outfit and spray tan?...because if so then BRAVO Sacha BRAVO!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Rachel for sure. Thanks for the link, Groovy.

  25. Oh my god, her face. I didn't even notice the dress. Did she fall asleep in a tanning bed and try to cover up the evidence?

  26. How can you work out for 8 hours a day and not eat for three days and not completely collapse? How do their bodies handle that? I work out for an hour and am famished...

    1. You can't, unless protein shakes are involved and not physical act of eating and chewing.

  27. Definitely Rachel Zoe. The first thing I thought when I saw Nicole Richie was that she's put on a few pounds and looks great (she was definitely NOT looking as stick-figure-y as she usually does). But Rachel...she truly is skin and bones and has a MASSIVE eating disorder.

  28. @Frufra--YES. First rule of thumb in my book of makeup--NEVER match your eyeshadow to your outfit! Never ever ever! (Unless it's a neutral though, duh.)

  29. Frufra and Jolene y'all just reminded me of when I was in Jr. High (Thanks Amy and Tina for all your Jr.H. support!) and used to match my roll on glitter to my outfit. My favorite was the blue raspberry and I would roll that shit all over my eyes, cheeks and even in my hair. I was one giant, matching glitter mess.
    This was also around the time I shaved my eyebrows off. I wanted to trim them and kept going to far on one side, so of course I had to make the other side match it.

  30. Jsierra
    I'll see your glitter collection, and raise you a crimping iron

  31. Checked Rachel's pic. How could you work out and still have bingo wings? She doesn't have any muscle on those arms at all!

  32. @JSierra, your avatar... I can't breathe, I'm laughing so hard, where did you get that???? Lol

  33. Holy crap - thanks for the link to Rachel Zoe but i would not have known it was her. Where are her eyebrows? and the five-head? Nicole actually looked healthy so I am going with Scary Zoe on this blind.

  34. This is def Zoe. Richie's dress looked far from sack-like on her. Plus, not sure if anyone remembers, when Zoe was first getting press as a stylist there were lots of rumors about her giving her clients meth to get skinny. Clients being Nicole Richie & Lohan. Remember when Lohan was scary skinny for a while, and she was hanging out w/Richie?

  35. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Definitely Zoe. She looks downright emaciated and I am surprised she is not covered in hair by now.

  36. Nicole Ritchie looks great thin but not skinny so Rachel Zoe

  37. Zoe looks like CarrotTop's anorexic older sister in the DailyMail photo.

  38. _-_=_Bingo wings?!!! That's amazing.

  39. It's Zoe (who styled Kate Hudson, Anne Hathaway and Jennifer Lawerance last night), but I thought Nicole Richie looked way too skinny and it aged her.

  40. Poor Zoe. She seems like a sweet woman with some real issues. If she wants to be around for that little boy of hers she needs to get some help.

  41. Anonymous9:50 AM

    No lie-we were out to lunch in Beverly Hills not too long ago and Rachel Zoe was at the next table with her kid, husband, and another couple. This is a great Italian restaurant we all love. Anyway, the rest of her group ate more or less normally, including her young son-but Rachel ordered only a bowl of lentil soup, from which she drained the broth into a cup, and then sent the entire bowl of essentially lentils back with the waiter so she could only consume the broth. The Italian waiter thought she was insane, from his facial expression. And she had like 1/2 a broccoli from the huge plate of it that the whole table was eating. Anyway.

    1. @digbydog I completely believe you! I've had the misfortune of being seating next Zoe at 3 different dinner parties. I think I've seen her eat a grand total of 35 calories. she's the biggest bitch I've ever met in my life. Her black soul eats away at her face.

  42. Ugh, she looks so unhealthy. Has to be Zoe.

  43. Nicole Richies body looks great and you are kidding yourselves if you think she's only 90 lbs. Def Zoe on this one.

  44. Anonymous9:59 AM

    zoe would be WAYYY TO EASY this wouldnt even be a blind if its zoe

  45. @digbydog
    And I just have to tell you that my childhood dog growing up with named Digby. He was a sheepdog/mutt named after Digby the Biggest Dog in the World.
    But more importantly, thanks for the Zoe info :)

  46. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Anytime, Sunny. Our big old dog is Digby is well! It was our big celebrity sighting of the week..kind of sad!

  47. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Anytime, Sunny. Our big old dog is Digby is well! It was our big celebrity sighting of the week..kind of sad!

  48. all i can say is thank god rachel zoe didn't have a daughter just imagine the self esteem issues she would've had.

  49. Zoe's pregnancy was pretty obviously fake in one episode of her show where she is "super pregnant" and does this impossible move where she easily twists herself and sits down in her dressing closet, on the floor; no way a pregnant woman could do that move. That's what made it clear to me that she used a surrogate. Somebody that thin and relatively "old,' along with her eating disorders and drug problems, wouldn't be able to conceive naturally.

  50. Looks like Zoe is the winner or loser actually.

  51. Except for the reality part, I would say Sienna Miller: She looked like 4 shades of turd in that dog of a shapeless dress. It was hiding something...

  52. Anonymous11:35 AM

    HOLY FUCK! La CHUPACABRA! La CHUPACABRA! Call Mulder and Scully.
    The poor thing, she looks positively, pinched, famished, dizzy, dazed, and skeletal. She needs to be hospitalized. She's probably trying all the harder because she's not doing so well professionally, don't think her show is on the air anymore, and everything that she wears or dresses someone in is hideous 70's out dated, overly dramatic, wookie fur, strange patterned vom inducing fugly. I'd rather let a toddler dress me than the chupacabra. I feel sorry for this woman, she's obviously very sick with a severe eating disorder.

  53. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Lentil water? I believe it, she needs to be admitted to some kind of anorexia program right away. What kind of world is it where someone strains the water out of lentils and sets the lentils aside? Why isn't her husband saying anything? Why not her dinner companions? It's not like she could put up much of a fight or come up with and speak any coherent thoughts, she looks like she's about to collapse. If any of you see anything like this again, say something for heavens sake. Kindly and gently, but say something!
    " Are you okay? I'm really worried about you!"

  54. Why is no one mentioning Georgina Chapman? Designer, was on Project Runway All Stars, and she'd have been there with Harvey.

    1. I did say Georgina :)

    2. No way was it Georgina Chapman! I would certainly hope she didn't weigh 90 pounds as she is currently pregnant.

    3. I didn't know that, I feel bad for her, now we know she had sex with Harvey.

  55. @digbydog, doesn't surprise me at all. I've heard all sorts of stories like this about Rachel. I remember there was one where she threw a fit on an airplane because they didn't have any green beans and that was the only thing she would eat at the time (maybe still is). They offered her other options but she refused everything. What a miserable way to live.

  56. Nicole's dress was commented on during the E Preshow because it had long sleeves and was very covered up--to me that pun intended.

    Last night I was wondering if Rachel Zoe is still Anne Hathaway's and Kate Hudson's stylist--on her reality show she used to go crazy over their appearances during award season--so with Kate presenting and Anne nominated I was picturing her being as crazy as possible over them if she is dressing them this year.

  57. Nicole's dress was commented on during the E Preshow because it had long sleeves and was very covered up--to me that pun intended.

    Last night I was wondering if Rachel Zoe is still Anne Hathaway's and Kate Hudson's stylist--on her reality show she used to go crazy over their appearances during award season--so with Kate presenting and Anne nominated I was picturing her being as crazy as possible over them if she is dressing them this year.

  58. 1/14/13 - 6:32 PM CST


    It's Dan Schneider's (47) birthday today. Ugh. Maybe Hungry Girl can whip him up some pedo chicken fingers.

  59. Looked at both Zoe and Nicole and I'd say Zoe for this blind... But when did Nicole get implants? Cos she hasn't had those before!
