Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Blind Item #1

This A list celebrity and recent reality star caught her boyfriend sleeping with another woman. Everyone knows he does it, but she had been in the dark and only found out when she overheard two of her bodyguards talking about it. Since then, she has refused to speak to him or shower. Did she ever shower much to begin with?


  1. Easy......it's Brittney b***h

  2. Sounds like KStew but the reality thing doesn't fit.

  3. And the answers above show why I don't guess much. Ugh!

  4. Get him out and off the consevatorship(or however it is spelled) Britney does not need that.

  5. Oh, poor Britney. I had hoped this one would work out for her. She needs to pay him off and get him out before he pays himself (if he hasn't already). The children probably love him, so it will be hard for them. I think Kfed is at least a good father, they are lucky there.

  6. I agree with Britney/Jason guess. The DM posted pics of her a few days ago and pointed out she didn't have her engagement ring on. I didn't think anything of it at first because sometimes you just forget!

  7. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2258585/Braless-Britney-Spears-girls-day-sweatpants-engagement-ring.html

  8. Let's take a moment to think about mental health and ask ourselves, "When was the last time I was pissed at someone and decided the best reaction is not showering?"

    Poor Britney, she should be allowed to stop and live a quiet life.

  9. Hunter, i dont think she wants to live a quiet life. I think show business is her normal. If this her, its a shame. Btw, if theres anyone who looks like they are allergic to the shower, its kristen stewart.

    1. She has said in interviews before that she feels best when she's working. When she talks about her work she brightens so much.

  10. Hey, not showering every day is good for your natural body oils. However, you gotta keep yourself somewhat fresh.

    My only wish for Brit Brit is that she finds someone who loves her, who loves her kids, and who she loves. She has been through enough, Leave Britney ALOOOOOONNNEEE!

  11. I never get all the let her live a normal quiet life. How do we know that this is not what helps her keep everything together.

    My cousin who is bi-polar, always says the worst thing for her is to be idle and have time on her hands. She has to work to keep her feeling in control.

    Maybe Brittany sitting in the country with nothing to do but sit all day with her thoughts is exactly what she does not need.

    What she also doesn't need is a cheating asshole!

  12. Somewhat off-topic. There is actually a woman who is allergic to showers. Water, actually... her showers are only a minute or so long. Stars of "Twilight" - what's your excuse?


  13. I agree that excessive showering is bad for the skin. Don't get me wrong, I bather at least every other day although I have gone 3. You don't even wanna see my hair but it keeps the color longer and looks great the day I wash it.

    Anyway, this is Brit..she just cannot find someone who loves her can she? I had high hopes for Jason but honestly I was a little wary of him first being her manager or agent and then her fiance. Someone wasn't very professional and it almost smacked of manipulation.

  14. Showbiz may be Britney's "normal" but I think we can all agree she no longer looks happy or comfortable doing it.

    Those HORRIBLE smiles & tortured eyes photos just make me want to put an arm around her and take her somewhere private.

  15. Anonymous9:05 AM

    I agree with Hunter. Let her take up some hobbies, something that isn't in the entertainment industry. Her hurt, scared, confused, lost eyes are soul torturing to look at. She looks like a dog that was abandoned by the side of the road and doesn't know what it did wrong to be unwanted, and unloved. Let Britney do what she wants within reason, she needs a real man that truly loves her. Trawick is just a bloated parasite that's been feeding off her for far too long.

  16. @Shakira I feel like she says that because that is what she is told to say and react to "happiness = work" Anything that comes out of her mouth is scripted by her handlers. She looks pretty miserable on tour with her lethargic dance steps and doesn't even try to follow the lyp synch anymore.

    Jason might of been a good influence on her for the first few years. But after awhile the charade gets pretty old. Just cut him loose Jamie and let your daughter learn to love herself and grow. I admire him for creating a Barbie dream world for her, but she is 30 going on 31. Time to grow up with therapy and independence.

  17. Brit has been seen out without her engagement ring but perhaps she was just having it cleaned. Yeah right!

  18. "bodyguards". more than 1. how weird wouldit be to have to have 2 people to protect you all the time. and if it is brit, are they pulling double duty by protecting her from herself? doesn't sound like much fun to be this person.

  19. If I didn't shower in the morning I'd never fully wake up until after lunch.

  20. To me she looks uncomfortable when she poses for pictures. she looked like she was having fun in the new will.I.am video.

  21. 1/12/13 - 6:07 AM CST

    Britney called off her engagement to this douche. Maybe now he can get a real job.
