Sunday, January 06, 2013

Blind Item #1

This C+ list movie/television actress probably has B list name recognition. She has recently reunited with a C list celebrity who appears to be famous only because of a connection. Anyway, after he apologized repeatedly for months for saying that she was the cause of the miscarriage of their baby, she finally took him back. Probably not a good idea. It was not like he was exactly celibate while they were split even though he told her they were.


  1. Idk. Rob Kardashian?

  2. Meh I might retire from blinds for today. I just did extensive research on those Stuebenville monsters and combined with this, I am in need of some serious sunshine, rainbows, and kittens.

    And mind bleach.

    1. JSierra - one order of HAPPY coming your way with a side of unicorns and joy fairies!

      Just for you, my lovely! Good Witch Dia is on the case!

      Delivery in 5... 4... 3...

    2. I'm with you, JSierra. I've been catching up on Sons of Anarchy. Season 5 is DARK.

    3. Didn't mean to trivialize something terrible like a rape, I haven't seen the news. Guess I need to read up on what happened in Stuebenville :(

    4. Here is the 12 min long taped confession. Monsters.....

    5. I heard about Steubenville a few days ago and it makes me sick to my stomach! My daughter is not leaving my side until she's 30! It's a scary world out there.

  3. I'm confused by the pronoun mixing in this one. But who was that dj that dated Lindsay Lohan for awhile? Samantha Ronson?

  4. Maybe Bethenny Franckel and whatsihame Hoppy? Although I thought they had broken up they might be back together for a day?

  5. Dia was that you who just made the mimosa appear on my side table? You rock!

    1. Why Yes! Yes! That was me :)

      Turn that frown upside down!!! Mimosa.... Now I want one ;)

  6. Don't flame me, but I get all those Twilight actresses mixed up. People were speculating that one of them was pregnant last year (I specifically remember some pap photos at a music festival) - was it Nikki Reed and Paul McDonald? I think they're married now, but maybe they were privately separated?

    1. Are you talking about this blind??

    2. @lite

  7. @ JSierra - The Stuebenville rape is really distressing. I can actually feel my blood pressure climb as I read about it and when I think about that jerk in the tape talk about the victim being dead I want to smash him in the face over and over again. Any girl who knowingly dates him is an idiot.

    OT: Downton Abbey returns tonight!! I hope this season is better than last season. I've read that Matthew isn't returning after season 3. I hope that's just a rumor to titillate us and they aren't going to kill him off after all he and Lady Mary (and we the audience) have been through! And I can't wait to see how Bates gets exonerated!

    1. @mango, I heard the same thing about Matthew, I think it's true because he wants to live in the US full time :(

  8. On second thought, I probably wouldn't call McDonald's appearance on American Idol "a connection". I have Sunday brain :/

  9. I'm just reading about the Steubenville incident - absolutely terrible. People are getting tired of local crimes like this getting covered up and trivialized.

  10. Not just the rapists, but the authority figures who should be behind this girl, totally dropped the ball. I know this is off topic, I just read about all of it yesterday too, and it is disgusting. Some of those people should be fired, but I know they won't be.

    Anyhoo...... No guesses here. It sounds like a really classy guy.

  11. I have NO idea what you guys are talking about. I was hiding out yesterday watching old movies (ok really I was watching a Lost Girl and Merlin marathon saved in my TiVo while playing the new Lord of the Rongs online game...)

    Can I audition for Big Bang Theory now? I think I've surpassed my nerd quota for the whole year...

    *hopefully this will make someone laugh!*

    1. Love Lost Girl! Can't wait until it comes back, I'm totally jealous of your day!

    2. I need to watch that show! I've had a couple people tell me I look like a girl on it - not the main girl but her best friend? She has black hair? Anyway, the last time I got compared to a movie star it was Dakota Fanning. When she was 12 and I was in my mid-20's. So this has to be a step up, right?

  12. i just hope anonymous releasing all this information doesn't affect the trial. it's absolutely disgusting that some people in that city blame the victim. i also think that the jury should be from another city.

  13. Dia, start playing World of Warcraft, you will then be a bonafide nerd! We can be in the same guild!


  15. @puggle - the BF and I stopped playing WoW bc it got too easy. AND bc it wasted hours and hours of my life!

    Some BFs get their girls into drugs, mine dragged me screaming into nerd land. I am ridiculously bad though. But it's couple time :)

    *still hoping people are laughing and distracted*

  16. Ha, dia! My husband got me into WoW! We would spend weekends glued to our computers, playing that game. My husband lost interest, and has no plans of playing again. I haven't played in well over a year. The new expansion has gotten me interested in taking a go at it again.

    1. Puggle, don't get sucked in again....

      *To everyone else, sorry for the OT. Just couldn't go there today with the Ohio situation. Really a sad sad thing*

      And back to the blind... Am liking @spritely's guess too!

  17. Brenda Song & Trace Cyrus

    1. Cosign. Michael K posted about them being back together today.

  18. @spritely
    Oh wow. I totally forgot about them. I think you got it

  19. @spritely

    I think you're right. I love Brenda Song though. Trace just does not seem ready to settle down.

  20. @ spritely - I third - think you've got it. I was just thinking about BS yesterday - my youngest was watching Suite Life on netfix all day. Brenda was so cute when that series started - she looks pretty hard now compared to how she looked then.

  21. Trace is Miley's brother right? Blech... err... um, he must have an AWESOME personality.

  22. Re Brenda Song ^^

    I used to watch my nephews a lot when they were little and so had to sit through waaaaayyyy too many Disney and Nick shows. Brenda was a graduate of the "Miley Cyrus School of Over-Acting and Reacting" but was otherwise really cute and had a presence. I dunno if she's good for this blind, but I could never figure out why she hooked up with Trace Cyrus. Momma and Papa Cyrus have got a lot of 'splaining to do. Their kids might not be Lohan level mess but they are a mess.

  23. I think you have it - Brenda Song & Trace Cyrus!

  24. LOVE That Downton is back and yes, Dan Stevens is currently on Broadway in The Heiress with Jesica Chastain. He will not be back in season 4 I believe. This should be season 3. I think that's right.

    No clue on the guess.

  25. @ Sherry - Season 3 will be available on Amazon on January 29th. I'm tempted to pre-order so I don't have to wait every week for each new episode.

  26. The guy sounds like your typical jerk - she was better off without him.

    I cannot bring myself to read about the Stuebenville rape. Jesus Christ, the little bits and pieces I've come across are horrific and it shows that much of this country coddles it's rapists while raping the victims time and time again in the court where small-minded, victim-blaming, sports coddling public opinion dwells. People like this are the reason the child rapes at Penn State happened unreported.

    On a lighter note, I didn't realize Downton Abbey was returning so soon. Yay!

    1. Agree. Its like if you're good at sports, you have free license to sexually abuse with impunity. Im glad this masked crusader did out him, even if it does negatively affect trial, beacuse now everyone can see his true colors, no doubt about it. Rot in hell, moron. And as ysual, notice the female gets slammed- it was consentual, or whatever crap they say. You know, i do not care fir Yoko Ono, but many years ago, she said the truest thing: woman is the n- word of the world.

  27. Way to be on the ball Spritely, I too forgot about them.

    And hopefully Anon will help the trial, versus hurt it. With all the outstanding evidence against the slime that did this, I really hope that justice is served. But look at what happened last time everyone thought the evidence would condemn, hello Casey Anthony.
    As a matter of fact, who wants to place bets on Casey dating Michael Nodianos sometime within the next year? God I don't want to imagine the horrors that these people will encounter in their lives, karma is a bitch during menopause and they deserve every single second of it.

    Also, Honey Boo Boo is back tonight! I haven't been able to get into Downton Abbey yet, but Maggie Smith is a goddess so I can only imagine it's greatness.

  28. Ray J came to mind, but I don't know who he dated recently.

  29. I think Spritely got it!

  30. I see some parallels between the Steubenville scandal and the non-punishment of Brian Deneke's murderer in '97. Towns that revolve around and turn blind eyes to the "good kids." In the punk community, Deneke's murder brought a lot of us together. I see that happening a bit with this, too, across many boundaries and I hope real change can be effected.

  31. A Quote from Steubenville High School:

    "The rape was just an excuse, I think ...What else are you going to tell your parents when you come home drunk like that and after a night like that? She had to make up something. Now people are trying to blow up our football program because of it."

    I had to post that, it just infuriated me so much that I felt I had to share.

  32. And that is my last hijack for the day. Sorry all you die hard anti thread hijackeres.

  33. RE: Steubenville, I've been following the casee since I read about it in NYT & it blew my mind. Rosanne Barr has a podcast/radio show. Today's guest is Tracy Lords (yes, that TL) who grew up in Steubenville. I can't wait to hear what she has to say about it all.

    A couple of weeks ago was with locals, a friend of the victim, members of Anonymous & Prinnie, the blogger who brought light to the case. Look it up! xo

  34. The link wasalready posted upthread ..

  35. Anonymous1:25 PM

    I'm not going to even look up the Stuebenville rape, I can't handle that kind of disturbing shit anymore. I was appalled and depressed for one whole day last week after reading about the New Delhi gang rape. This world. (shakes head)

  36. I hope that quote was from a student and not a teacher. Not that it excuses it any more...

    1. It was from a volunteer football coach

  37. Going OT for a minute: Mango, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Matthew Crawley will not be back for S4. :'( He talks about it here (and isn't he hot in that photo?).

    Did anyone else think the final scene of the Christmas special was almost *exactly* like Maggie's last scene in "City of Angels"? I watched it three times to just to make sure I wasn't losing it - they are very close, especially when the guy gets out of the coach/the trucker gets out of his truck.

  38. Retracting exactly like - there were just some similarities.

  39. Don'tRainOnMyParada

    It was the football coach from the high school. The same one who would "reward" players with drugs, alc, and porn when they did well.

    I also have all of Jim Park's emails if anyone wants them. The emails in which the "RapeCrew" students sent him pictures of their conquests and underage girls sent naked pictures from the school bathrooms. The emails and attachments are seperate so you don't have to worry about opening something you don't want to see. You can read the emails he sent without seeing the dirty pedo pics included with them.

    1. JSierra if you send out those attachments you can be charged with distributing child porn, be careful...

  40. DBZ,The season will end with Crawley getting caught in his undies with the gay guy we all hate who got out of the war by shooting himself in the hand. They are caught "in the act" by Maggie and Shirley....

  41. Agent**It..LOL! doesn't (I hope!)
    Yes, Dan Stevens is another Brit who has been seduced by H'wd. Good for these guys. They have gotten recognition for their excellent acting and some will make it happen and others will be chewed up and spat out. Hope he makes it.

  42. I live 20 minutes from Steubenville; rumors are the coach will resign tomorrow (Monday). I've heard the sheriff go on and on about protecting the kids, apparently it only applies to kids on his side of the river.

  43. All you Downton fans are stronger than me, I couldn't resist the urge to look at an article around Christmas time about the lips are sealed.

  44. Jsierra, the hijacking that caused the frustration was when Enty published a news item about automatic weapons, and the subject was declared to not be of interest by one person, and the followers / admirers of that person discouraged people from posting on the topic of automatic weapons.

    This is quite different. It is a current news topic for which there isn't yet a thread, and people aren't being bullied into not posting on the Blind Item.

  45. Victoria we can only hope.

    Until then HONEY BOOO BOO IS BACKKKK!!!! She is on right now, TLC, tune in!!

  46. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Brenda Song and Trace Cyrus... And if they had broken up, does it matter who he slept with? I never understand women who want a commitment from someone they're no longer with.. But its them for sure

  47. This case is similar to the one detailed in the book (which I read) "Our Guys: The Glen Ridge Rape and the Secret Life of the Perfect Suburb". The crime took place in New Jersey, and the boys were local sports heroes. It is by Bernard Lefkowitz.

  48. Eeek thanks Astro, I did not even think about that.

    I downloaded the zip file from Anon earlier today and have not had a chance to check out all of it, and I am pretty sure that I never will. Thankfully the file is organized by emails, and attachments so there is no risk of stumbling upon something you don't want to see.

    Fuck, that could totally ruin anyones life. "Hey, I got the scandalous files of the corrupt town. Let's publish how horrific these people are! BTW here is your arrest for child porn trafficking."

    DON'T CLICK MY LINK! I don't want to get anyone here arrested for child porn. Unless you deserve it....

  49. Tuxedo that sounds like a Jodi Picoult novel. Don't get me wrong, I have read almost every book and absolutely love Jodi.

  50. @JSierra

    I have read a couple by Jodi P., but not this one - it sounds interesting.

  51. *Going OT, I promise to make it quick*

    @Agent, hahahaha!

    I was disappointed by last night's Downton. It felt like reading a book after you've read the last chapter.

    Re Stuebenville - I was reading an article today that said the police chief "can't" press charges because they don't have any physical proof, the partiers deleted the photos from their iPhones, etc. If anon has a zip file full of emails and pics... ???

    *Back on topic*
