Sunday, January 27, 2013

Blind Item #1

This very recent reality star on a far flung network wants to make a name for herself and stand out not only on her show but in the reality world. She wants to be the next Kim Kardashian so made up a topless photo scandal. All her doing despite what she is telling the world.


  1. Asslee from Big Rich Atlanta - she's the only one stupid, crazy and trashy enough that comes to mind.

  2. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Yep the trout pouting busty blonde on Big Rich Atlanta, That's funny, I just watched her little video on the DM saying that she's the boss bitch, she won the sperm lotto or something like that, that her Grandpa worked his whole life so that she'd be pampered every second of hers. Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury I submit to you the end stage of the rich kid/princess. Spoiling a child with money and privilege creates a monstrous human being. Not monstrous as in serial killer, just monstrous as in fame whore, entitled, vain, self centered, shallow, vacuous, etc. As we used to say in the late nineties, whatever bitch!

  3. Wait, topless photos are a scandal still? Ummm


    1. Thanks boo! I love sources! Xo

  5. I was just guessing before, but TMZ has a story that trout face is "outraged" over topless photos.. ick. As much as I hate Kim K she had youth and looks on her side, Asslee has neither, who would want to see her topless?

  6. Groovy's got it. The TMZ is running the story.

  7. She should have had someone pee on her....

  8. I had to Google this bitch bc I had no idea who she was.I forgot right away bc she's just like every other big boob, trout pout, empty eyed fame whore out there. If you've seen one...

  9. Enty pleaaaaseeeee!!! No more of these nobodies!!
    More kindness blinds and reveals please!! Or real Hollywood. Tired of these people who aspire to be kk

  10. Side note but a friend of mine used to date one of the girls from Big Rich Texas, the white blonde, super SUPER skanky one with bow tats on her collarbone. Anywho, she got him addicted to oxy and is a huge drug addict who will do anything for drugs. She treated him horribly, he won't go into details, and just fucked up his life with all of her crazy antics. He finally got rid of her and it took a year for him to get his life back together.

    1. @JSierra, I'm so sorry about your friend. She sounds like an awful nasty bitch from hell.

    2. Oh my gosh, JSierra, Big Rich Texas is a guilty viewing pleasure for me and that girl always made my skin crawl. That explains why she's so scruffy.

  11. Amen on that In-n-Out. Watched a stupid movie last night and at one commercial break I counted 5 new reality show. It was so heartbreaking that they shove this shit at us. Hmm what stupidity can I create that will make me a media darling?

  12. Nude pics of celebs are much hotter when they are hacked than leaked. The fact that they don't want them out there adds to the naughty factor. Kinda why I love

    It does make me sad Selena Gomez was underage for her hacked pic :( At least the squatting on the beach pics of her were legal to distribute :)

  13. @ Lola - just what I was going to say! Quick, someone pee on her!

  14. Entyspeak "far flung network " = style network.

  15. Anonymous10:59 AM

    @ Jsierra, I usually dont crosstalk on this site, I try not to have opinions on other peoples lives until mine is perfect, but I couldnt help but wonder if your friend takes any responsibility for what happened, other people cant "get" us addicted to drugs. He had a choice in who he attracted, stayed with, and shared drugs with. Buuuttt, thx for spilling details on the oxy use, for some reason that is my guilty pleasure... celebrity drug habits. I wish more blinds had to do with the out of control drug use that goes on.

  16. @clynn - I've mentioned this before on CDAN but I'll say it again. I had never taken any form of prescription meds until being introduced to it by my ex - who it turned out was an addict. I thought it would be easy to take on occasion recreationally. It's not. Years later I'm still trying to kick it. So no, it wasn't his 'fault' per se, but it was being with him and partaking with him that got me hooked.
