Friday, January 25, 2013

Blind Item #1

This recent split between a B list celebrity with A list name recognition and his celebrity girlfriend is not for the reasons that are in the press. Turns out that he hooked up with his A list celebrity ex more than once when they met for work. Girlfriend found out about it.


  1. Marc Anthony who just Brooke up with his gf hooking up with JLo multiple times.

    1. broke* whhyyyy you mess with me autocorrect??

    2. Right? My autocorrect has a neat new trick of taking correctly spelled words and turning them into nonsense.

    3. Sarah my phone is always turning herinto get and I've had enough!

    4. Sarah, mine does the same thing since the last automatic software update.

  2. Damn Lotta, You beat me to it. LOL.

    Ewl, she managed to break away from that physical abuser and then she still sleeps with him. They deserved each other.

  3. Yeah. I'm on the Mark Anthony train too. They've been working together on their TV show project recently. Why anyone would want to schtupp that bag of bones is beyond me. Gross

  4. And Casper gets in trouble for going to a sex shop! Wow, double-standard much J-Lo?

    1. Of course there's a double standard, she's supporting him.

  5. Yuck! Why these women want to hit the sheets with Skeletor is beyond me.

  6. I personally, totally am not into Marc Anthony, but y'all gotta know that a dude that can sing, and he can really belt it out, always scores with the ladies.

    1. I love his song "I need to know." Back in college I played that song on the jukebox at a Mexican restaurant and everyone was dancing and singing - it was crazy!!

  7. "Bag of bones".... Hahaha you guys kill me!
    I hope she dumps her "bear" and hooks back up with Marc, those two deserve each other just like BQ said! They are using these work projects to cover up their rendezvous.

  8. Was skeletor's Gf a celebrity?

    I don't doubt the power of the Daily Mail, really.

    And Ew, JHo, going back to him? Feeling scared about your falling star?

  9. Replies
    1. Anonymous7:34 AM

      Seachica I always call her JHo! If the shoe fits..

  10. Most uber-skinny guys are packing, and he's battle-tested. That's probably why it's easy to schtupf her ex.

    1. LOL. I guess Bear is a Baby Bear in the underwear.

  11. Anonymous7:31 AM

    JHo is gross, he's gross. They're meant to be together! Seriously she's so full of crap, I tried to read the kneepads article the other day while getting a pedi and it was such bullshit. I hope she gets exposed.

    1. Yes! She said she's never done anything to her face, she just has great skin! Bullshit! Check out the new photos of her in that white backless dress, her face is plumped, tweaked, and pulled to the gills.

    2. Anonymous7:45 AM

      Sarah, yep I call bullshit on that one and the part about I don't drink. I don't smoke- she must've had so much in common with Affleck! Drinking like a fish and chain smoking. Hanging with Diddy pulling guns and her manager threatening people she's a real Sandra D!

  12. it was on Radaronline :Jlo&Anthony in NY secret rendez-vous

  13. Nice try Seachica---ON PURPOSE. Or your computer is more helpful/aware than you realize.
    I suggest backing away slowly from the machine. It sounds pretty snippy & judgmental. Be careful.

    1. Ha, I intended JLo, but my finger went into automatic mode. Now where the hell did I put my coffee?!

  14. Well, he is a Scorpio - scorpio's are known for mucho skills in the bedroom!!

  15. eww! why would you go back to THAT!??

  16. How is Mark's gf a celebrity, I've never heard of her? It says "broke up with his CELEBRITY gf"

  17. @Jessica, don't worry none of us have every heard of her either but she's a model.

  18. Yep, JLo and Marc and I agree with you guys about not finding him attractive, he's scary skinny. I'm not surprised that they're back together, these two have been in each others lives for a very long time and he's always been in love with her since before P Diddy.

  19. Marc Anthony's girlfriend was a celebrity?? Honestly asking because I'm too lazy to look her up and have already forgotten her name..

  20. Extreme Dickmatization.

  21. "Why anyone would want to schtupp that bag of bones is beyond me. Gross"

    LOL - I once had a very skinny boyfriend who had some amazing skills. JS...

  22. Anonymous12:26 PM

    from casper to mark anthony
    all that meat and she likes these pasty or bones ass men

  23. Mark Anthony looks like a corpse but I always thought it was because JLo put some kind of mojo on him to keep herself looking young. Maybe she's going back to keep the spell fresh. Ick! I hope it's worth it.

  24. She's always gotta have one waiting in the wings, jeesh just go it solo for once JHo-Lo

  25. jlo and marc anthony deserve each other. they are both so fake and narcissistic.

  26. I think that while they were married, that Jennifer used Marc to teach her to sing properly, since a person can learn to sing decently, even without a huge god-given talent. I still think that Jennifer is MV, and that Marc is the one that made the difference in her vocal ability rising so quickly. Although he's a dickmaton, he can sing like a bird.

  27. Yep. I'm telling you, its just a matter of time 'til they get re-married. It's like Liz and Dick, but tone deaf.

  28. wait, wasn't skeletor the answer to the blind about the guy who doesn't bother with the kids he has because hes too busy trying to make new ones with the new lady?

  29. If y'all knew anything about the salsa world you'd know Marc is lusted after around the world. Women want him. I have friends who want him. It's because he is probably one of the best singers in the world. His voice is amazing and that makes women faint.

  30. Wait wait wait. Isn't MA the asshole woman beater from Ted's blinds? Caesar Anchovy Arse/Strippa Rip Ya? I know she's a bitch who can't sing, but is she this stupid too? Even if you were attracted to MA despite his Skeletor appearance, surely after reading all of those blinds, it'd kill it for you.
