Monday, January 21, 2013

Blind Item #1

This a-hole of a singer was at a club for five minutes when a group of women approached him. He said he was busy and wanted to know which one, if any would have sex with him right then. One woman said she would so they went upstairs to a hotel room and had sex and then came back down after.


  1. Yupster. Saw him w/ the blonde on his lap yesterday in Daily Mail. Ughhh.

  2. Meant to say, I'd rather sit on a bed of fire ants, smothered in honey, with two handfuls of cat poop. But, that may just be me...

    1. Right??! Thanks for the laugh! ;-)

  3. @bri swartley:
    and i agree with your guess

  4. Pathetic. And yanno what? I don't even blame him. At some point it has to become a game just to see what people will do. When I go to bball games, it's so sad to see the girls that are all tarted up trying to become Basketball Wives. They walk down and parade along the court, and then walk allllllll the way back up to their seats. But, they know, baby = paycheck.

    1. Ugh, Amber, I know you're right on the money, but that shit turns my stomach. WHEN will women get a clue? Makes me pissed as a woman and a human.

  5. what bri said. lulz

  6. Either Brown or Mayer.

  7. a- hole ..of a singer. Is that a new rating code?

  8. @Frufra - I think people in general - in our society, at least - are very entitled and are now being raised in a world where everyone gets a trophy. They don't want to actually work for the glamorous lifestyle they think they deserve and will find the easiest way to attain it. If that means baiting someone rich & famous, then so be it.

    (Obviously, that's a generalization. It doesn't apply to EVERYONE.)

    1. @Amber - it's this very thing that keeps me working with kids. Helping even one girl (or boy) discover their true self worth and power is worth more that all the high-paying jobs in the world.

      And of course, the kids appreciate my goofy t shirts and sticker collection :-).

  9. I can hope and I can dream, and I am full of, full of... Self esteem!

    1. LOL--love the Daria reference!

  10. Amber, I think you're right. And also, women need to get some self-respect.

  11. Yep Amber that was my first thought. Who are these women who act like this? Obviously he knows he can get laid without putting forth any effort, so why should he?

  12. Anonymous8:20 AM

    I love Michael K's moniker for him, Difficult Brown. Lolz
    I think some people will do anything to get close to money and celebrity. Like drinking donkey jizz on fear factor. Or marrying someone for ratings. Or having a baby for positive press. Those women didn't have any self respect to begin with. How terrified must they have been to find themselves alone with him while he's taking off his clothes or unzipping himself? Gah!!

  13. Of course if professional athletes were not so lax in their use of condoms which is just astounding given how promiscuous they are, you wouldn't end up like Terrell Owens, broke and unable to make the child support on what like 4 or 5 kids from different mamas. I guess those college athletic scholarships did not include any real education.

    These guys make it so easy. Even Mick Jagger got caught with on the baby train and he is a smart businessman. Guess not when the peen is in gear.

  14. @Frufra - thank you for fighting the good fight! I really hope it sticks.

  15. Its not like it's a new phenomenon. As long as there has been "wealth" and "fame" there have been those willing to do anything to get near it. It's like the Stewart/Maloof thing... A useless tramp is a useless tramp, male or female. And the person who uses fame or money to get laid? Should never complain if it's pointed out that their toy wouldn't be interested at all if $$ weren't on the line.

  16. Another graduate of The Piven School For Oversexed Douchebags.

  17. What Amber and Mala said..Women will do anything to have the possibility of being famous or saying they were close to someone famous. It's realy sad when you think about it.

  18. I love what you guys are saying about self-respect and whatnot, but I'm not sure I see the connection here. Shameless behavior (and I mean the woman) does not necesarily come from a lack of self-worth. If a woman chooses to have casual sex with a non-celeb they are just doing their thing, right? So how is having casual sex with a celeb some sort of cry for help? Maybe I'm not seeing the link.

    If I were a guy who, for whatever reason, could get laid easily, I think it would mess with my head as well and I would start doing stupid shit like this. Instead of raising men, American society has taught women to adapt themselves to such immaturity (but I think that is about discipline and responsibility not self-worth)

  19. I would totally run over Chris Brown with my car. But no one here heard that, just in case ;)

  20. Agree with Amber 1000%.

  21. @Lee, thanks, glad someone got it!

  22. JSierra - I am in love with your avatar.

  23. Hope shes mainlining pencillen, lol

  24. Thanks RQ, I give a little giggle everytime I look at it. Something about ASKARS in a Christmas sweater is really sexy.

  25. @Geebz That was my first thought. Chris Brown fits too.

  26. He may be an arse, but clearly some people like that. Can't blame him for that. He was completely honest.

  27. I would do it if it was Adam Levine. No shame. And I am full of self respect, because I would enjoy every second of it, for a long time after.

  28. Beater Brown...he's a total crackhead now
