Saturday, January 19, 2013

Blind Item #1

This B list reality star has a significant other. She always says it is serious and they are committed to each other, but he sure never acts that way. In the past few days he has been left alone and spent an hour hitting on this foreign born B list all movie actress. She kept trying to get away from him and talking to other people and he kept drinking and hitting on her and touching her and grabbing her arm until she was forced to just leave the event to get away from him.


  1. OT:

  2. Anonymous9:23 AM

    I don't think Spencer's B list, more like D, jmo. I can't even think of any B list male reality stars, except maybe the douchey Kardashian mama's boy, that doesn't do shit, Rob Kardashian. But he doesn't have a significant other.... B list reality star.. hmm I got nothin.

    1. Rob has to be completely d list or lower!!!!!

  3. That dick gets hard and the brain shuts down for some guys. Sad and gross. Don't know who this is, but I feel for both ladies.

  4. What about Douchelord Disick? No idea for the actress though

    1. He's in the mail at the Givenchy show. Is Noomi Rapace B list yet?

  5. Spencer Pratt is married.

  6. Scott Disick, for sure.

  7. Scott Dick was my only guess. Who's he hitting on I wonder?

  8. Courtney stodden?

  9. Scott and hitting on ?

  10. Spencer and Heidi are in the Celebrity Big Bother house right now.
    Sounds like Scott D.

  11. Why didn't some other man at the party put him in line. Sounds like it was obvious the actress was trying to get away. As women in this situation the ONLY choice is to leave? This is so wrong. He should have been escorted out.

    1. Um, I don't think women need to rely on men to save them. It is the 21st century, right?

    2. Um, I don't think women need to rely on men to save them. It is the 21st century, right?

  12. I think you guys are misreading it.

    This B list reality tv star has a significant other. She says it's serious, but he's cheating.

    In other words, the B list reality TV star is a female.

    So we're looking for a guy who's significant other is a B list reality TV star and who has enough juice to get handsy with a B list actress without security stomping him.

    So, which females in Real Housewives or American Idol have significant others in production? :)

    1. @MrWolf The B list reality TV star is Kourtney Kardashian

    2. Anonymous10:55 AM

      I read it the first time like MrWolf. This with the implication of "she" which started the second sentence is talking about the B rated reality star mentioned in the first sentence.

      It could be read however that "she" is the girlfriend/SO of the B reality star who is male. I think it just depends on the readers assumption, or Enty's writing style, but it is confusing.

      Enty needs to take a English Writing refresher course ;)

  13. Anonymous10:04 AM

    What about Snookie and her guido baby daddy? I could see that type of guy really turning women off- and him trying to "upgrade". Plus recently she was on a talk show saying how serious they were etc

  14. Kourtney B List??? She's not even the most recognizable K sister.

    If Kourtney Kardashian is B List the world really IS coming to an and the Mayans were off by a month.

  15. Wait, I had to remind myself that the grade listing means A-B-C-D in the reality show world, not on the movie star/tv show A-D list, so it might very well be Kourtney who could be B list in the reality world but D list in the "real world", lol.

    1. Anonymous11:05 AM

      Watch out, you might piss off Robert hahahaha
      (he got peeved the other day about the ratings talk)

      Maybe we need JSierra to do one for the reality people too ;)

  16. I read this as JWoww and whatever his name is

  17. I read this as JWoww and whatever his name is

  18. I read this as JWoww and whatever his name is

  19. Anonymous11:18 AM

    ha! douchelord disick, love it.

  20. I really like 10-4 over's guess. But,and it pains me to say it, would Snookie be A list in reality world? Seriously that's my question.

    1. I think the answer is, unfortunately, yes. I don't watch *any* reality TV and know her name. And that weirdo hair. Sigh.

  21. This has to be Scott Disick (the S is silent -MK) He seems like such a Douche Nozzle.

    I only hope Enty wouldn’t classify the Kuntrashians as A list though??

  22. I read it as he's the B list and the S.O. says its serious. I think this is a case of Enty's shorthand writing.

    1. With that being said, I think its Scott. Plus, it reminds me of the BI about the cheating bf getting sympathy over his icy, mean gf.

  23. That would make more sense @Jazzy. The next sentence starts with “She”, so I assumed the B list star was her :)

    At any rate still SCOTT Douche Bag DISICK - FTW

  24. The only person I was thinking is Scott Disick. Kourtney is the least "visible" of the sisters, so I wouldn't rate her higher than b in reality show world.

    As for the foreign born actress I keep getting in my head she's a latina. Don't know why! Penelope? Eva? I can't be bothered to think this any further. I'm sure this will be revealed at some point anyway. And yeah, you can always say F*** off!

  25. I love Lord Disick. He's hilarious.

  26. It's badly written, and I did a double take to figure out what Enty meant, but I'm 99% sure he means SHE is the B list reality star. Therefore, I assumed this was Kim and Kanye (unless you would count Kim K as being A list... But I definitely think Kim is at least B list due to her name recognition).

  27. Is Khloe B List? Didn't she kick Lemar out. Could he hae met the b lost actress in the hotel?

  28. *have. stupid fingers.

  29. Ooh, Khloe is a great guess. I just read something about Lamar getting caught with another woman.

    If not, then the other one for sure. Disick with the silent "s".

  30. Keibler and clooney

  31. Spencer Pratt wouldn't have been hitting on a woman.

  32. Disick is really good looking, albeit a douch. Not many women would refuse him.
