Friday, January 18, 2013

Blind Item #1

This former A list all movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee has dropped to a B because of her crippling depression which makes her unable to work much had a recent relapse. She had been doing much better and had been taking her meds, but decided she didn't need them and ended up holed up in her hotel room out of the country for a few days and would not come out. Finally she let one of her friends in who said that our actress needed to be at an event and that she was getting paid to be there and our actress got up, got dressed and was out the door and acted like nothing had happened. She is really on the edge.


  1. I was thinking Halle till he got to the friend part. I don't think she has any.

    1. Daaaaayum, Patty- you might be right!!!

  2. Replies
    1. Yup. Didn't enty say she had been through some rough times recently?

  3. This is on the crawl of MSNBC as Michelle Williams

  4. Winona? Was she ever nominated?

  5. Renay83, wrong Michelle Williams. That one is a former Destiny's Child singer.

  6. I hope it's not Kiki.

  7. Nevermind, not a nominee.

  8. Wish this actress would "come out" when she is able to. She could help a lot of other people struggling with depression by showing it's a disease that can affect anyone.

  9. Just a shot in the dark, Meryl? She wasn't at the Globes and she is always there. Throwing yourself into character after character must take its toll - though she is A++++

  10. Renee Zellweger. She's not around very much anymore.

    1. @Karen, ding ding ding! She's in Berlin

    2. This sounds good to me, but she's been in a new-ish relationship and has been photographed looking very loved up lately.
      She's been very low profile the last few years though.

    3. That's who I was thinking of

  11. Hilary Swank? Seems like she doesn't work as much as she could/should considering she's a two time Oscar winner...also, isn't she selling her house in Pac Pal after a recent break-up? A big break-up could def lead to a relapse of depression...

    1. I'm onboard the Hilary Swank guess. She doesn't have much going on, had another big break up, and had that scandal last year from taking money from some devious foreign politico.

  12. I second the Renee guess. She's in the DM today at a Hugo (?) event. Is that Hugo Boss? I have no idea what Hugo is, but there she is, posing on the red carpet. She actually looks pretty great, too.

    1. Frufra I believe the Hugo is like our Oscars. As in Victor Hugo. I think. Although that seems French doesn't it. French Girl help?

  13. Or, Jodie Foster? Oscar winner, rarely works, perhaps the speech at the GG's was the event Enty is talking about? (And also a clue?)

    1. Though, I guess the GG appearance woukdn't have been a paid event

  14. Definetley reads like Catherine Zeta-Jones. She has admitted to being bi-polar and was prescribed meds for it.

  15. Therapy and meds help! Depression sucks. I also have no guesses.

  16. Either @Karen or @Rick got it. Zellweger's on a red carpet in Berlin, Swank is on one in Hong Kong. They are both in relatively new relationships. Neither Mail piece mentions anything about being holes up in hotel rooms. It's a toss up between the two

  17. I'm thinking Zellweger. Hope she gets it together. I think she's great in so many of her roles.

  18. I read this as Renee Zellweger, too.

  19. Renee Z was my first thought. She's been pretty invisible the last year and she doesn't have much in the pipeline considering she is/was A list.

  20. Renee Zellwegger is in Daily mail today and she does nothing since 2 years

  21. Rennee Zellwegger is in Berlin for the fashion week

  22. I just don't think Renee is depressed right now, she's very much in love with some famous musician. If she were single I'd think it was her.

    1. I'm sorry but this is hilarious. Only single people can be depressed?

  23. The last line! "She is really on the edge." The second Bridget Jones book was subtitled "Edge of Reason"!

  24. But Renee was the answer to the blind about being in the new relationship and staying in a room 24/7 fucking like rabbits. So I'll go with Hilary.

  25. Whoever it is she has my deepest sympathy. Depression sucks. Poor thing, I hope someone can convince her to go back on meds.

  26. Just because you're in a somewhat new relationship doesn't mean you couldn't have a bout of depression. No rhyme or reason what triggers episodes. I had a coworker who said she had them when it got cold and darkest part of winter. She would try to schedule a tropical vacation to beat her blues.

  27. @Sarah...depression can hit you if you're single, married, dating, have kids/dogs/cats/cute pets.

    I'm not trying to be snarky, just trying to educate & debunk the myth that "Wow, she has everything going for her (him), there's no way she could suffer from depression"

    It sucks reeeeaaal bad when you have so many blessings, yet you can't get out of the rabbit hole.

    Also, "just get back on meds" isn't always easy. Sure, you're 'happy', but anti depressants also cause insomnia, zero libido, weight gain, sluggishness, brain fog. It is NOT a magic pill :(

    Cheers & prayers to all that suffer.

    1. I've been through more than one legitimate bout of depression, and none of them during a bout of new love. If the relationship was old enough for some of the new chemical benefits of the love to wear off, sure, but she has just fallen in love.

    2. Anonymous10:43 AM

      Amen! Big pharma is evil. Coming off these meds is like coming off heroin. Not surprised she is hiding away.

  28. I can assure everyone that you can have the world wrapped around your finger and still be depressed. Except I'd argue if you're in love and having a ton of sex, which has biochemical properties in your brain like added serotonin, endorphins, etc - everything that a depressed person is lacking. That's why I'm not sure if it's Renee.

    1. Yeah all those new love/sex hormones operate on the brain much as an antidepressant would. I think that's why so many people like JLo and Swifty are in love with falling in love.
      The new feelings are so axing that when they wear off you feel disillusioned at times, immature people mistake that with falling out of love and are on to the next.

  29. My second hope is that whoever it is is NOT a scientologist.


  30. I think it's Michelle Williams.. She just came outcsayingcshes battled depression for years.. If not her how about Kim basinger??

  31. Renee needs to hunker down in Katy for a bit, take a breather and enjoy the slow southern lifestyle.

    I just want her to move back to Katy so we can hang out and I can get all the juicy details on Bradley Cooper and his pencil penis.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. I had Squinty McLemonface on the mind when I read this, too. If it *is* her, I guess I can stop calling her Squinty McLemonface.

  34. Can someone who suffers from depression please explain to me why anyone would stop taking their meds when they feel better? I'm serious here, not trolling. I mean, you do get that the reason you feel better is BECAUSE of the meds, right?

    1. Anonymous10:49 AM

      Everyone is different. Ssri ( like prozac) would be prescribed for 6 months. Then you can be monitored to see how tou are going. No one wants to be on meds for life especially with the side effects. some people will need meds for life, some can go years without. Also if you wanted a child, you may want to come off meds.

  35. Renee Z. isn't depressed. She's getting laid on continual basis. She's happy and looks fantastic.

    I'm thinking it could be Halle.

  36. Cee Kay = I'm not sure about depression but it's common for bipolar to give up their meds. The meds have side affects and when you're feeling good you think you don't need them anymore.

    As for depression, I don't think it's as common, but it could be the same reason.

    1. I was about to say the same, knowing someone who is bi-polar. They hate the way they feel on it but if they don't take the meds, it's not good either. Really sad situation.

      I feel sorry for whoever this is. :-(

  37. Because the meds are generally used in combination with talk therapy, and sometimes with therapy you get to a breakthrough or epiphany of sorts where you feel like, I understand, I can do this, I don't need the medication.

    And the medication can have wretched side effects - massive weight gain (like 30 lbs in just a few months), sleeping 10-12 hours a day, sleepwalking, airheadedness, short term memory loss ...

  38. the truth speaks the truth! i've been on and off anti-depressants for years. now i'm off because IMO, they are WORSE than the depression. i felt nothing. and i didn't care. plus i got fat almost immediately. withdrawal was horrid. can't describe how bad that was. but i'll never take them again.

  39. RZ looks good in that photo. Not happy, but good. Thank god she got rid of those huge implants.

  40. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Not Renee on DM there's photos of her out and about before her appearance. This Hilary she's in the randoms today Rick got it right IMO

  41. Re: meds, some take the lows away but alas also the highs. You coast along on a level plain all the time but never feel real joy again. I would want a chance to feel joy, happiness, all the wonderful things in life.

  42. Depression can make you want to shut the world out, forever. I hope whoever this is gets some help.

  43. I think this is Michelle Williams. But I kinda hope enty doesn't reveal this one.

  44. I think this is Michelle Williams. But I kinda hope enty doesn't reveal this one.

  45. This is Zellweger.

    "She really is on the edge."

    As in, "Bridget Jones, On the Edge of Reason."

  46. She needs to sort it out! Depression is no joke! It is not just feeling sad and you cannot beat it with positive affirmations. It is a chemical imbalance. I hope she gets help soon
