Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Blind Item #1

This foreign born B list all movie actress and Academy Award nominee/winner almost died last year over her refusal to eat food. She gives a million reasons why it happened, but the truth is she was only eating once or twice a week and not much when she did finally break down and eat. She says she is much better now, but she has such body and image issues that no one believes her. Her last boyfriend broke up with her because she was constantly passing out from starvation and would not listen to him.


  1. Who's from Canada?
    If they had a strong accent, I think I'd be able to place it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Penelope Cruz?
    She had a baby, then we hardly ever saw her. Now skinny again.

  4. Am I the only one A-workin' here?

  5. Keira Knightley?

  6. Lol Libby I just scanned all your posts quickly and "confuse, amuse, and Cruz" all jumped out and made a nice little rhyme in my head.

  7. Onyx, I deleted one of my million comments, because I was embarrassed. I'm glad you enjoyed it, lol!

  8. I'm feeling the Kiera Knightly guess.

  9. Keira Knightly's a good guess

  10. Kiera has always been super skinny. Marion Cotillard (or however you spell it)?

  11. Kiera- On DM for claiming lung issues:


  12. @Renoblondee I think you got it! Kiera's in the Mail talking about "lung issues" she had last year

  13. Where was Bosworth born?

  14. Haha, I did! As far as the blind I don't know. Oh but just checked daily mail and it looks like Keira knightley.

  15. And it likes like everyone else did too haha!

  16. Keira's a good guess, Reno, but I'm starting to think KK really is that thin. Her skin has always been too nice for her to be very ill, I think.

    She may over-control her eating, or purge a bit to keep off the 'camera pounds' though, without looking obviously sick.

    I dunno.

    1. Anonymous8:20 AM

      Wasn't there a story about KK's skin being so bad in one of the Pirates movies that the digital team had to fix the poor girl's face in every frame?

    2. Make up? Like we know what her skin really looks like. She reps Chanel FFS. Please. Skin. Pfft

  17. I am on board with the Kiera guess, although I do think she is naturally thin.

  18. Bosworth has not been nominated for any Academy awards, no?

    I'm feeling the Kiera Knightly guess too. Yes she's been super slim as long as she's been taking adult roles but wasn't she a teen actress in Bend it Like Beckham?

    I believe she may have had a healthier body type at that time.

  19. Nothing like a little DM research to prep CDAN blinds

  20. I don't think Keira has actually won an Academy Award....Tilda Swinton always looks painfully thin.

  21. OK, DMC says I may be wrong about KK.

    My best friend of middle & high school was all boney angles---as were all her siblings, and their mother. I never met a family that ate so much too. Metabolism off the charts.

    Her body looked just like KK's--uber-thin, but great skin. My friend always was accused of having an ED, so I may be prejudiced in KK's favor.

  22. I'm not doubting the KK guess but I'm curious what was she nominated for? Atonement?

  23. She was nominated for "Pride & Prejudice" (her first collaboration with Joe Wright). It's a shame she had no traction this year - she was very, very good as "Anna Karenina."

  24. KK was nominated best actress for Pride & Prejudice.

  25. KK in Bend it like Beckham was beautiful. She was still thin, but not skeletal like she is now. If you google pictures of her during Bend it like Beckham and now it is shocking the difference.

  26. Wow I forgot about that movie. Thanks guys.

  27. I thought of Marion Cotillard for some reason.

  28. I dig the Keira guess. Sad. She would be beautiful w/ 15 or so pounds on her.

  29. I don't have a guess, but I'm so sad for whoever this is. The only way to keep an eating disorder going is to be enabled or to hide things and lie to the people around you. I'm not surprised that she lost a boyfriend because of it.

  30. I know Kate Hudson isn't foreign but there was an identical blind about her last month...
    Angie fits also but not foreign

    1. Canadian is foreign, Angie was born there. So, maybe it's her if she's been nominated.

  31. So send her to Dafur, she'll get over it.

  32. Ima---I meant her whole skin, her body-skin. Acne is hard to pinpoint the cause. But I know ED's ruin the look of your skin everywhere. Maybe they make up every INCH, even her wrists. I dunno.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. May be way off, but anyone else seen recent photos of Juliette Binoche?

  35. Carey Mulligan? She is tiny.

  36. I'm going with Kiera Knightly.

  37. I think the Kiera guess is it!

  38. Anonymous9:38 AM

    I also say Keira Knightly, she broke up with her boyfriend and she's always been skeletal. But Kate Bosworth looks worse now in my opinion. Skin and bones.

  39. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Good heavens, so nice to come in to a thread where people aren't yelling.
    (just left gun thread) jeesh!

  40. I thought about Audrey Tautou but she's never been nominated, I'll go with the Keira guess, she is always so skinny.

  41. Every time I hear foreign born and sickly thin I think of Thandie Newton, but I believe she's married and has admitted to an eating disorder. Like the KK guess. She does fluctuate between thin and sickly thing... so could be an eating disorder.

  42. Well, if it's Keira, her lung problem probably wasn't helped by her smoking. As Amber noted, she was nominated for Pride and Prejudice and I *adored* her in that.

    Looking at the photos of KK and her fiance, she looks her usual thin self but not skeletal. My guess was Kate Bosworth but she's not an Oscar nom.

  43. I think it's Kate Bosworth:

  44. Keira. Marion likes her food, journalists always mention that when they interview her that she actually eats not like most actresses.

  45. Not Keira. She hasn't been broken up with in a long time and, if you look at her legs, is pretty healthy. Just pear-shaped.

  46. Was Kate Bosworth nominated for an Oscar? Is she foreign-born?

  47. Angie? As in Jolie? Born in Canada?

    Honey, at least try to do a minimum amount of research.

    She's an LA girl, born & bred. It was her mother's family who were French Canadian.

  48. Only thing worse than a Canadian is a French Canadian.

  49. Except from the award and foreign part, this screams Bosworth.
    My other guesses; Amy Adams/Carey Mulligan.

    Will have to look up pics of their skinnyness and ex-bf's though, but best guess right now is Mulligan with Shia Ladouche as the ex leaving.

  50. Ok, staying on Mulligan; she lost a lot of weight for An Education, and says she hated it. Eventhough, that didn't stop her from losing weight. Could be pressure for the part and her bf not being able to deal with it?

  51. Keira & a long time (many years) boyfriend broke up a while back, not this or last year but not all that long ago.
