Sunday, January 13, 2013

Blind Item #1

With his D list significant other "not available," as he likes to put it, this C list celebrity with A list recognition has been spreading his seed to one of his former mistresses. It is also how he got a sweetheart deal he never intends on honoring. She doesn't learn very well or apparently Google to see that he doesn't keep his word.


  1. Wilmer Valderrama. Demi Lovato is in a sober living house and "not available". Take any one of the random chicks he's boned as the mistress.

    1. Its Ryan Phillipe. He got that chick knocked up, and isn't having to shell out big bucks because she didn't know about his past history.

  2. Lil Wayne? The guy who keeps getting women pregnant? Not sure who the D list girlfriend is.

  3. No way Demi is D list.

  4. Amber Rose and Wiz

  5. Wlimer does not have A list name recognition. Seeing as how it just came out that Demi lives in a sober living house, I am calling BS on this blind. The timing is too convenient.

  6. Eddie Cibrian and MeAnn Rimes

    1. I second it, with that waitress

    2. There is no way Eddie ranks higher than LeAnn.

  7. Rob Kuntrashian and-?

  8. Wiz and pregnant Amber Rose.

  9. I like the Wiz and Amber guess.

  10. what's the sweetheart deal that won't be honored?

  11. And while I think Wiz and Amber fit the first part very well, I also can't find any publicized scandals of him not keeping his word. Just MJ arrests and a possible hit and run. Hmmmmm, I am stumped

  12. Onboard with Wiz and very pregnant and therefore not available Amber. The sweetheart deal might be a f*cking-for-tracks thing with a desperate singer/rapper.

  13. I don't think Wiz has A list name recognition.

  14. Anonymous9:59 AM

    I don't think Amber Rose is D List, I'm sure she took home a nice paycheck for that chick vodka. Which is actually pretty good, cake and marshmallow flavors. And Wiz isn't C list with A list name recognition. He's a very successful and well known rapper/producer, I'd say A, or B+ List at least. Just my two cents. Leanne would never leave Shweddy alone for five minutes, if we can remember a sweetheart deal, then I think we can get to the bottom of this one.

  15. Anonymous10:00 AM

    no one can resist his Shweddy balls....

  16. But MeAnn went to 'rehab' for 'anxiety' and left Eddie to his own devices for a few hours per day...

  17. Wiz and Amber are too in love. Def not them.

  18. Chris Brown and Karrueche? He helped her start her own clothing line, which was supposed to drop 12/12/12. There was an announcement of a delay, and nothing else after that so far.

    1. Anonymous10:36 AM

      @sarah i like your guess but chris isn't c list, unfortunately

  19. Michael Lohan, Kate Major And his love child's baby mama. She waived CS or something. Are you assuming this because of their deal or do you have proof?

  20. With all the hoopla surrounding Eddie Cibrian's ex-mistress not googling him, I think this is him.

  21. Or maybe I would just love to see Leann referred to as D-list. Don't know what the sweetheart deal would be.

  22. I was VERY available with both my kids when I was 9 months pregnant.. I was like a horny teenager!

    As for the blind? No clue

  23. This ranks the make celebrity higher than his partner, so this can't be Eddie and LeAnn. They both sick but no way is he a higher ranking celebrity

  24. Lohan is considered C-list? His baby mama renegotiated their CS and forgave most of his outstanding arrears = sweetheart deal. Kate Major = D-list/unavailable. Well, do you REALLY need to google how unreliable he is? He's a cretin.

  25. I'm on board with J.

  26. Why do women continue to procreate with Michael Lohan? Idiots!! (Nice one, J)

  27. So after 20 years she goes right back to sleeping with Michael Lohan? Jesus some women just aren't very smart when it comes to men.

  28. I'm on board with J.

    Considering he seems intent on rehabbing his public image, you'd think they'd both be smarter than this.
