Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Blind Item #1

He bought her drinks. He shared his coke stash with her and said he had plenty more and another $25K in his pocket to spend on her. Back to her hotel they went. Her middle of the night special. She is a C list all movie actress with A+ list name recognition who is on vacation.


  1. Yeah, def sounds like Lohan to me, too!

  2. Lohan, damn autocorrect!

  3. Ugh poor Dorchester chambermaids, they need to wash those sheets with industrial bleach and pure ammonia to get her skank stains out of it.

  4. Oh God and he got her mom in the package too?

  5. DingDingDing Lilo!! I hope he has a wall safe, no fine jewellery and that he doesn't let her fix his drinks. That is getting to be serious money for Lindsey.

  6. Is she still an all movie actress after Liz and Dick though?I guess that was a TV movie, so it could fit.

  7. Blohan's become the Ben Affleck of actress-turned-hooker blinds.

  8. Is she high enough to be C List?

  9. I guess we know what she's doing in London, and not one to miss out on free coke Dina tagged along as well! Wonder who "he" is?

  10. @Vicki - I'd be skeptical, but as others have said before, the BIs must come from consistent sources. Rihanna showed up in the reveals yesterday a handful of times, and I know we've all probably thought, "Oh it can't be her AGAIN! Has to be someone else!" The Lohans must have some really chatty (and not-so-loyal) hangers-on.

    1. @Amber, probably anyone associated with Lohan doesn't have any qualms about loose lips. Didn't her girlfriend even rat her out to the tabs once? I think I remember a blind about Dina bragging about Linds getting rave reviews in bed, I wouldn't doubt she lets stuff spill and is proud of how much her daughter can sell herself for.

  11. Gahd, I'm so grateful for my safe, boring rural-life existence!

  12. Lindsay go to Saint Thomas' Casualty and check in. Or you'll be there for your autopsy.

  13. Just BURN THE SHEETS......

  14. Anonymous7:36 AM


    I wish she would just stay in London- so, so, so tired of all of the unnecessary publicity she just enables her further. She has gotten more than enough chances- especially for an awful actress who is more or less pretty unattractive and looks 3x her age. I am pretty sure there are thousands of other better, better looking and harder working actresses who would have been grateful as shit for the jobs she somehow got this year, and they would have caused a LOT less trouble.

    1. Anonymous11:29 AM

      I wonder how long til Lindsay looks OLDER than her mother. It will happen.

  15. I'm really starting to anticipate the "Curse of 27" with Lilo ...

    1. Except her mother's still alive and kicking.. She's got cockroach genes

    2. Cockroach genes! Ha!! Poor girl was wrecked before she started. Always reminds me of a quote I read in a self help book: "The Statute of Limitations on childhood trauma has run out". Basically: if you are an adult, you have no excuse not to figure your sh*t out and fix it. What a mess that entire family is.

    3. Oh Lord don't even put her with the 27 Club! The people in that group were talented and she's a far cry from that label!!

  16. This is Lohan. I'm going to start asking around to know if anyone knows her rates. I have a friend in a "similar line of work" who may be able to give me some insight into this....I'm guessing La Lohan probably makes 2-3k a night. I'd say more but she's over 25 and looks a decade older and, frankly, in that "realm", 25 is when your star starts fading....

  17. I hope she reports her earnings.

  18. @MAC, I think so. There's another actor who's done TV movies but is still called all-movie (damn if I can remember who right now).

    Drinks, coke, cash, vacation - yep. @hunter, EWWW.

  19. @Maximus - I think it's been said before she gets like $20K. Puke. If you find out better info, definitely share. :)

    1. What?! I have seen better and cleaner looking on corners who should probably raise their rates? They must be big Herbie fans.

  20. My guess is LILO too but I kind of feel a little sad for her that this is what she's allowed her life to become but I always remind myself that it was her choice.

  21. Anonymous7:46 AM

    @rll hahah yes! cockroach it. She is exactly like a cockroach. She just won't go away, no matter how much of a disgusting hot mess she has become.

    BARF. 20k for sex with Blohan? No thanks. I hope whoever pays that has a lot more left over to treat whatever multiple diseases she passes on to him....

    1. Anonymous11:33 AM

      The pesty type ppl who won't go away my dad calls wet boogers lol

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Definitely Blohan. Who are these idiots who are spending money on her????

  24. You know what's sad? I saw the promo for the upcoming Gangsters movie that has Emma Stone in it. That could have been Lindsay. If she would have stayed away from the drugs and celebrity high life, that could have been her. But all of these great roles are going to others - Stone, Seyfried, etc. Lindsay had it all and pissed it away.

  25. i'm tired of mourning lindsay's career----the roles she had, or could have had. SHE BLEW IT.

    and she's not nice and sweet like RDJ who was able to make a comeback---she's dishonest, she's a liar and she's a thief. she cares for no one but herself.

    fuck her. i'm sick to death of her.

  26. Was the "he" completely disgusting himself? I saw Lohan walking out of a restaurant on NYE and she looked beyond disgusting. Bloated, drunk/high, disheveled to the extreme. Who would pay good money for that? Even if this guy was pretty gross himself, money can buy a better looking date.

  27. so tired of the Lohan blinds. And why are they blind items, anyway???

  28. Lindsay will have you all know that she sits at home reading her bible every night. She does not drink or use drugs or accept money for sex.

  29. I would say that Lindsay is tapping that European market, but I'll say that Lindsay is getting tapped by the new market instead.

  30. First time poster (I'm from the UK and don't usually have a clue about half the slebs on here) but I couldn't resist posting this link. Good old Daily Mail (for a change)

  31. lindsay yesterday in london

  32. I'm watching her episode of Million Dollar Decorator and she just looks like she smells horrible.

    1. I DVRd it just cause I was curious about the pig sty she probably lives in.

    2. It's a great house. Her bed at the beginning of the episode is this tacky mirrored 4 post bed. You need to watch this, especially for the preview for the next episode in which the designed fake cries because Lindsay was in an accident.

    3. I saw the episode, too - her house in nice but, everything in it looks trashy! I feel so bad for the designer knowing that Lindsay is going to end up trashing her hard work and not tape the reveal. I actually ended up liking the episode because of the other 2 designers and the house in Nantucket.

  33. Welcome Bat E and thanks to you and French Girl for links. Good Grief, girl looks roughhhh!!

  34. LOLhan for sure. I wonder if she'll be going into the Celebrity Big brother which starts here tomorrow....

  35. I wonder how much RPatz paid.

  36. Maybe she's in a different country than where she lives, but how could she be on vacation when she doesn't have a job, or, since movie actors tend to be more like contractors who do project work, any roles lined up?

    I got laid off from my cubicle-dweller job three months ago, and no one says that I am "on vacation." Even if I went to England for some gigolo work--big market for 50-year-old, overweight, short, balding, Jewish men--no one would say that I was "on vacation."

  37. Thanks ReesesPeace. She looks like a proper skank who needs a good scrub.

  38. I wonder what her sexual appeal is. I mean, it's been a couple of years and she looks like she's been put away wet a few too many times.

  39. Mannyv her appeal is her always willing and ready vagina. No warming up this engine, spreads easily for faster go time.

  40. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Oh my goodness- I need to find this episode and watch. I am super tired of her undeserved publicity....but I will admit that making fun of her is...well, fun. I am totally done feeling bad for her- she made the choices that lead to where she is. I am still waiting for the horror that is 'Liz and Dick' to be on on-demand, as I totally forgot to DVR it and I was so mad hahaha....

  41. WTF? how is she still getting paid? Gross - who would want to touch her at this point? She always looked smelly and nasty and now she is bloated, too.

  42. Lohan for sure! I just don't get the appeal.. yuck.

  43. ugh why would anyone want to pay for her?

  44. Too obvious to be Lohan.

  45. A comment on the Daily Mail story:

    "That mystery man with Lindsay is actor Avan Jogia. He has been on holiday in England with his family, staying at The Dorchester. He is most certainly the man in these pictures."

    His Facebook page has recent photos from London. If he did spend the night with Lohan, hopefully his newest photos will be of a clinic that gives rabies shots...

  46. @tuxcat...I just LOL'd at your comment...shit ... too funny
