Monday, January 28, 2013

Blind Item #1 - SAG Awards - Easy Easy

This A list all movie actress was overheard telling one of her people in advance that "when she won" at the SAG Awards that she would do the "tears thing," and then at the Academy Awards do the "humbled thing," because she said she had to "keep it fresh each time so the audience doesn't get bored." When her person asked if the actress would change things up if someone else won at the SAG Awards our actress said that no one else would win because if she thought otherwise she would not have bothered to show up and would have got sick, "like that other girl."


  1. Hathaway?????? Not really sure.

  2. Is this Anne Hathaway throwing shade at J Law?

  3. Insufferable Anne; I don't like this beyotch.

  4. So someone who was nom'd for both awards, then?

    Jessica Chastain
    Jennifer Lawrence
    Naomi watts

    Hard for me to guess this one - I like all three of them!

    1. Duh, how'd I miss Anne? Need more coffee.

  5. No wonder I can't stand this woman. Definitely Anne.

  6. It's someone who really thought she was going to win. Naomi knows she has no chance. I'm guessing Jessica Chastain. She's been strutting around for weeks now, thinking she has the whole thing in the bag. I fist pumped when Jen was announced. So happy for her!

  7. Oh, and I'm not saying Anne isn't obnoxious, but she did win last night and didn't cry. So...I'm guessing it wasn't her.

  8. I don't think AnnE got teary when she won, she just did the breathy, flustered shtick. I do thank her for not doing the you are the wind beneath my wings shlock she did to her husband at the GG.

    1. @timebob, true but her "I haz dental!" made up for that. This is so her she's the only one who puts on such a dramatic show whenever she wins something.

  9. AnnE. ShE is bEyond insuffErablE.

    1. Lol! Don't you dare forget that E, gal!

  10. If this is indeed AnnE, then I understand why people do not like her.

  11. Has to be Anne since JLaw was legitimately sick and recently missed an awards show.

    Plus I find it nearly impossible to believe that JLaw would have become so catty so quickly after being so down to earth for so long. She also is very spontaneous so I don't see how she could feel the audience would ever get bored.

    Anne - tsk! Be gracious!

  12. My thought was Jessica as well. I don't know why; just a hunch. Enty's post made me think that it was someone who thought she would win but did not.

  13. Annie. She needs to shush.

  14. Anne is not a Lohan though. Can't we cut some slack to DORKS who otherwise bother no one?

    She doesn't DUI, she doesn't hit baby carriages & drive away, she's not demanding cones be moved, she's not nothing but a dork livin her dork dream.

    If I ever get up there, I'll act the same way, and ma CDaN buddies would hate me too...SIGH.

  15. It has to be someone up for supporting actress since JL, the sick one, has been wining all the awards for lead actress. Since Anne at this point has won the other awards for suppoting and so can be sure of her win, it's got to be her.

  16. @libby - I love it - dork livin her dork dream

    That's pretty much my story, too. The mister and I joke all the time that I'm livin the dream - which seems unlikely when I'm cleaning up cat poop or whatever, but is actually very accurate. I just happened to have very mundane dreams :-).

  17. I agree with libby. Anne may have gotten a bit of a big head, but her behavior is pretty minor in the grand scheme of star activities. She hasn't pulled a Goopster, nor has she pulled a Lohan, so I'm giving her a pass.

    1. Hey now, Kelly Lynn...leave the Goopster out of this....

      Where's Sunny?

  18. To be perfectly clear, my dreams do not include the cat poop thing; it's just one of my collateral duties.

    1. Love it! That may be the best comment i have ever read. You are wonderful! :)

    2. @Alma - thanks, girl - I think you're one cool chick, so that about makes my day :-).

  19. AnnE. Although the Jessica guess is valid. I've heard she's very sweet, but something about her makes me very wary. Something's off. And I felt this way even before the whole "Richie Cunningham" thing!

    1. I respect the mystery, though. I love my celebrity gossip, but with so many outlets and famewhores it can be too transparent at times with certain people.

  20. Anonymous7:37 AM

    I don't know where the cat poop thing came in but I'm with Libby on this one too. She if Anne Goaway said it then it's more snarky then how she tried to portray herself, but she's no blohan.

  21. But Anne's speeches have all been the same: flustered, breathless, gushing over her (gay) husband. She hasn't been mixing it up. Doesn't make sense for this to be her. Don't get me wrong, I can't stand her, but I think this is someone else.

  22. I agree w/ everything you said, libby. And I like that you made DUI a verb. ;)

  23. Anonymous7:39 AM

    need more coffee

  24. This has to be AnnE, because she's the only one who's been winning award after award, other than JLaw. And according to this, she was "choked up":

    Oh gosh, is it wrong to cackle at the warnings people are getting this season that they'd better watch out orthey're likely to become the next Taylor Swift?

  25. I would love it if by some chance Annie doesn't get an Oscar....can't stand her.

  26. Frufra-the cat poop is priceless. Not my dream either, but always there.

    thanks for the nice comments everyone, after my Anne Defense Whine^^^. I was a bit embarrassed to come back.

  27. Anonymous7:51 AM

    We really need to make a list of celebs that may be a bit annoying but are ultimately harmless: Taylor Swift, Anne Hathaway, etc. Let's not lump them into the same group as Lohan and others who are on self-destruct mode.

    1. The difference between a tooth ache (too sweet) and systemic cancer (whenever you think it's been neutralized it pops back up somewhere else, as toxic as ever.)

  28. Jessica Chastain is far too intelligent and professional to do or to say such a stupid thing. unlike most of the stars today, she actually studied acting and went to Julliard and had a long climb to the top.

    most stars in h-wood don't want to be actors so much as stars. jennifer lawrence brags about how she never took an acting class.

  29. DM described Anne as "tearful" so it counts:

  30. It took me a minute, but I thought JLaw was Jude Law!

    1. First time I saw it? Same reaction ;)

  31. Anne always tries to make a joke in her speeches and it never quite makes it. Amusing.

    1. @Lauren, yeah it sounds like she spends time rehearsing what she's going to say for her big win and never comes across spontaneous.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Also, I think Anne was referring to the actress who played her daughter:

  34. Jessica Chastain for sure. Anne didn't cry when she won, and Jessica has been looking unbelievably smug in her daily DM photos.

  35. I get sort of annoyed when all of these actors say they are former dorks. Dork is now something that is considered "in". I realize this is a very stupid complaint.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Anne Hathaway did the tears thing...or at least tried to.

    I think this is Anne. Her speech seemed too contrived and she seemed to be forcing the emotions.

    I don't think this is Jessica Chastain at all. She's far too private of a person, which was a recent BV. She doesn't show her hand ever.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. I keep saying it and praying for it but I really want nothing more than on Oscar night for Sally Field's name to be called, but Anne, a la Derek Zoolander, gets up and walks to the podium as everyone watches in disbelief. God, that would be precious.

    And we know Anne practices her "surprise" face in the mirror of her vanity, like Abigail Breslin in the opening of Little Miss Sunshine, mimicking how Miss Kansas gets the look down.

  40. I'm with Libby too. Like I always say, I totally get that snark and hating on celebrities is the running theme here, but sometimes the hate is just sooooo over the top. I think Anne H is insufferable, but I mean, she doesn't set my body aflame like fucking Lohan and the Kardashians. It's all relative!

    With that being said, I think Anne Hathaway is exactly the way a Broadway loving, former awkward dork should be. I don't hate her for it.

  41. Just because Anne didn't burst out in tears doesn't mean she didn't plan to, circumstances may have gotten the best of her. So she's not that great an actress, take away her Oscar, heh! I didn't see it but from other posts it does sound like she managed a few tears.

    I don't know how anyone can think this is not her? She's the only one aside from JLaw who has the security of all those awards piling up from all the previous awards.

    I do agree she's not a Lohan, and altho over dramatic she seems down to earth, ya know walking her dog in sweats type, and I also think she's a terrific actress, but I hope this doesn't go to her head.

    Michael K. had some hysterical line about her if she doesn't win the Oscar - can't remember exactly when but I think it was last week. He always brightens my day.

  42. Did Chastain win? I read this BV as it was someone who knew they were going to win. Lawrence beat Chastain I thought, so that would mean this is most likely Anne. Anne knew she was going to win. Everyone also thinks she'll win the Oscar for Best Supporting actress. She's a little arrogant lately.

  43. i change my guess (Chastain) for Anne Hathaway just because Daily Mail wrote "tearful Anne Hathaway won...." and the little girl who acts in LeS MIS was sicked according to DM
    (and like i think Enty imagines his blind items in reading DM...)

  44. I'm with libby and those that are letting Anne be Anne. Who cares if she knows she did a good job in her movie? It's great that she's secure in her job. I like her and think she does a fine job, but damn, anything she does gets ragged on here. Even when it's not something she can control (her ex). Give the dork a break :)

  45. @Dewie, lol your post is genius.

    Anyways it's doesn't say "Easy Easy" for nothin'.... This can only be Anne Hathaway.

  46. Quvenzhane Wallis!

    I'm not saying this because I don't like Anne, but her and Jessica are the only suspects and Anne is the only one who has won an award.

    Although, I would probably say something like this. "Ok next time, I will try and cry, spice it up a little bit guys! Where are the Rotos?".

    Reno I know what you mean about Jessica. I used to have a huge girl crush on her, but there is something that I can't quite put my finger on that makes me think twice.

  47. My first thought was Anne Hathaway too. I am really rooting for her to lose the Oscar to Sally Field. I don't think Jessica Chastain thinks she has it in the bag since Jennifer Lawrence has been picking up several awards this season.

  48. My first thought was Anne Hathaway too. I am really rooting for her to lose the Oscar to Sally Field. I don't think Jessica Chastain thinks she has it in the bag since Jennifer Lawrence has been picking up several awards this season.

  49. My first thought was Anne Hathaway too. I am really rooting for her to lose the Oscar to Sally Field. I don't think Jessica Chastain thinks she has it in the bag since Jennifer Lawrence has been picking up several awards this season.

  50. I would pay good money to see Anne lose the Oscar to someone else, with a nice close up shot of her best actingwork: trying to look happy for the other person, with tears in her eyes of course.

  51. Anne! Her speech was painful, her worst acting in years.

  52. Quit telling us who we can and can't hate, you're ruining it for us!

    J Law is just as much a "DORK" as someone as Anne but the difference is one is humble and one is arrogant.

    If J Law tripping and ripping her gown doesn't scream dorky to any of you, I rest my case.

    1. According to the designer, not ripped. Tiered with tulle so that she could walk the stairs, made to do that.

  53. Adding to my previous comment: I liked Anne before this whole arrogant charade. Also the weird ex boyfriends with creepy businesses skeeved me out. Something is off about her, and now with the arrogance. Nah, not a fan anymore. Girl sure is talented, but the attitude, nah.

  54. Anne Hathaway is no "dork living her dork dream" you just totally fell for it. Arrogant and smug are more like it.

    Are we forgetting her interrupting the director to continue her thank you speech? Come on. Who the fuck does that??

    It's a gossip site. Don't expect people to all of a sudden be nice.

  55. Put me on the pro-AnnE team... I just like her a lot. Loved her in Devil Wears Prada, she defn came across as dorky in that.

    Pretty sure my girl JLaw was the sick girl. JLaw is as downright awesome as they come, I want to be her when I grow up.

    For some reason (no stones, please!), I don't like Chastain. She's a good actor but she has a very I'm sexy and I know it smug vibe.

  56. I'm not saying that Anne doesn't deserve to win because she was awesome in that role, but that part that bothers me is the "like that other girl" part. It's so disrespectful. We know Anne knows Jennifer Lawrence's name & knows who she is. It sounds so catty.

  57. Ha! I was totally reading JLaw as JUDE Law and not Jennifer Lawrence. MORE COFFEE STAT!!

  58. At least Anne is working at putting good movies out. I don't mind her as much as I used to. I'm going to stop complaining about her. At least she's a good actress and takes her work seriously. She sure knows how to dress, too.

  59. Especially you, jax.

    I remember you coming to LAUREN CONRAD's rescue from me, an embarrassingly short time ago.

    I stand by my choice.

  60. I'm sure it is Anne but I read this as Julianne Moore. And what really clinched it for me was when Enty said "Change it up". I realize that movie was on tv but it's still technically a movie.

  61. I read this as her saying that before the awards were announced -- the assumption being that Jen Lawrence was sick because everyone assumed Jessica Chastain would win.

    BTW, what is the lowdown on Chastain? I remember some whispers last year (maybe that she was much older than she claims?), but my mind is fuzzy.

  62. I really think this is Jessica Chastain.

    All you who call Anne insufferable are out of your damn minds. She is really as insufferable as Hailey Berry or Jessica Alba? No. She is normal in comparison. Same for Jessica Chastain, but she didn't win. Anne Did. And I am pretty sure since Jessica is so new she probably wouldn't know Jennifer Lawrances name seeing as she is new on the scene to.

    I get this is celeb gossip. I love to trash em like the rest. But I just don't personally in my opinion think Anne Hathaway is that bad.

  63. Alanna the lowdown on Jessica is that she's Ron Howard's daughter.

    You know, I told my husband this gossip and oh how he laughed and laughed at us! But he got intrigued enough to take a look at her wiki page and her last name before she changed it was HOWARD!!!

  64. Anonymous9:04 AM

    I don't care for Anne Hathaway personally. She certainly doesn't annoy me to the degree of the K dipshits, she does have talent. I think what bothers me about her is she projects that she is the devil wears prada character but is really the bride wars one.
    The nail in the coffin for me was the report that she counted word for word the oscar script to make sure she had the same amount of lines as Franco. I think this acceptance speech bullshit is dead on. I don't think she's very nice or humble. Just my two cents.

  65. Just too perfect of a hatin' BI on Hathaway. Which everyone is doing now. Fake.

  66. This is not Chastain. That girl is in her mid-30s and worked her ass off to finally get some recognition and every interview I've ever read with her reveals a totally humbled and grateful actress.
    Who else could this be but Anne?

  67. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Oh and Jax I forgot about the speech hijacking at the GG another eye rolling inducing moment in a seemingly long line of moments by Anne this awards season.

  68. Okay wait, Anne won for best supporting. Chastain and Lawrence were up for best actress correct?

    If we think Anne said it then it's got to be someone she was worried was her competition and these two ladies were not in her way.


    Wasn't Maggie Smith sick? Also Jennifer was said to be suffering from pnuemonia butI've had it and you can barely walk!

    So it's either someone in either of these categories but it can't be both. Also the person is nom'd for the Academy Awards too...That leaves, Helen Hunt, Anne Hathaway and Sally Field as those who are nom'd for both in supportng

    And Jessica, Jennifer and Naomi in Lead.

    My first thought immediately was Naomi. Do not know why. Maybe because I love both JLaw and Jess Chastain and don't want it to be them.

    Interestingly I have a friend who does something in the movie industry these days, he will not tell me what, but he's always been a bit weird. He told me his girl (worked on Hunger Games or so he says) JLaw was going to win...I said no it's Jessica..And sure enough...He was right. Hmmmmm...Don't know why that struck me.

  69. @Cheryl - I am TOTALLY with you on the Jude Law thing.

    Calling Jennifer Lawrence "JLaw" doesn't make any more sense than calling Anne Hathaway, "AHat" or Reese Witherspoon "RWit". It's dumb.

    1. @Topper - you got a giggle from me on AHat, too.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Topper, hahaha, I like AHat !!

  70. I think this is either Anne or Jessica. Everyone I've talked too assumed that Jessica was going to win. And Anne is basically a shoe in. With Jennifer Lawrence being the sick other girl.

  71. Each time EH has won this season, it's been like she's rehearsed every second of the speech, including emotions. The jokes she tells are badly delivered. It's just so fake fake fake. This is so her.

  72. Oops I meant AH.

  73. I love Jessica Chastain and everything I have seen her in I like. And, sorry, I can't fault anybody who accepts and loves her three legged she does :)

  74. Someone in Anne's camp must have had a little chat with her because her SAG acceptance speech wasn't nearly the gag-inducing POS that was her Golden Globe's speech: "This blunt object will forevermore..." God! Why didn't anyone, her husband, agent, publicist, stop her!?

    That said, this blind seems just too convenient. I call bullshit.

    And I am pretty sure since Jessica is so new she probably wouldn't know Jennifer Lawrances name seeing as she is new on the scene to.

    @smash - Jessica Chastain would have to be living under a rock to not know who Jennifer Lawrence is.

    1. @mango, omg I wanted to bash her over the head with that blunt object. Exactly who let her say that???

      On the whole Anne hate: she's obnoxious and likes being obnoxious. She hasn't done anything crazy bad, but I think your kidding yourselves if you think she was completely clueless abt her conman ex. I wish more shade would be thrown so we got more details abt that situation.

  75. Thanks mango. I barely know who either of them are. I know of Jeniffer Lawarence only from hunger games and Jessica because of cdan.

  76. I think it's Anne too, Jessica seems like a very private person. And it does say Easy.

  77. @Smash - that's quite an excuse! The same people have been nominated for every award this season, there's no reason Jessica wouldn't know all of their names. Jessica was nominated for an Oscar for The Help, she's not THAT new. Plus JLaw has been in the media constantly since she was nominated for Winter's Bone, I'm pretty sure EVERYONE knows her name.

    That's not to say I think this is Jessica, I totally think this is Anne.

  78. I just think this blind is someone who didn't win. Sorry.

  79. Or atleast two people in the same category.

  80. Why is everyone beating up on my beloved Dorky Dork Anne?!? My poor AHat!

    Anne spelled with an E is the old fashioned way and I have a butt-load of auntie's who share that spelling.

    ITA with all the other Anne lovers (Libby Frufra, Smash, and the others!) She is still making great movies without succumbing to the BS of Hollyweird. Why all the hate? Just WHY?

    I think this is a made up rumor to fuel the Anne hate. Who gains from Anne's demise? Follow the money! Wait... Wrong film.

  81. Anonymous11:27 AM

    This blind reads like someone in direct competition with another actress. Anne isn't competing against Jennifer or Jessica. Anne's biggest competition is Sally Field, and I really don't think she would call Ms. Field 'the other girl.'

    Hate who you like, but I don't think this is Anne.

  82. My tweet from yesterday: "Anne Hathaway wishing she had thought to show up still fighting pneumonia."

    I think by "someone else" it doesn't mean one person in competition, but just if they go against the grain and pick someone else. Maybe the rep thought they might pick Maggie Smith, because everyone loves her, or Helen Hunt, to be different.

    I think it's Anne. Jessica is on a roll with well-received movies and will probably be nominated (and win) many, many times. Anne? I've always seen her headed in the Halle Berry direction of a great Oscar role and then a lot of misses.

  83. OMG Topper - AHat!! BEST NICKNAME EVER.

  84. Jessica would NEVA. JLaw either.

    I'm on the AnnE train. Everyone knows shes the only lock to win every award this season like she has. her speech comes out little bit to cocky

  85. My Anne dislike is simply because I do not like her personality or acting. I have never been a fan of her movies, nothing against her it is just my personal taste. Not everyone can like everyone, Anne and I just probably would not be friends in real life. Nothing against Anne or her lovelay fans, she just isn't for me.

    Kinda like all you bitch ass haters and my precious Honey Boo Boo child!! I kid I kid, I just love me some Boo *snaps fingers in air Z with duck lips*

  86. JSierra - I always forget about that! Well you go right ahead and have your Honey Boo Boo love. I'll have my AnnE love and we can all playfully tease each other.

    Just like siblings!

  87. Dia ain't nothing wrong with a little rivalry! Besides, what the heck would we all talk about if everyone liked and hated the same people?

  88. Agree w/B Prof I think this is a fake item. I can't see AH referring to anyone else as "that other girl". She'd use proper names :)

  89. We are only allowed to dislike celebs who have DUIs now?


  90. ^Of course not. I think she was just saying to save the serious hate for those that deserve it (Lohan, etc.).

    I have always thought AnnE in real life is probably a lot like the character, Rachel Berry (Yes, I still watch Glee). I think several people that comment on here have said they knew her/know her IRL and that she was insufferable. I can see how she would grate on people's nerves, but I think she is pretty talented and stays out of trouble, so therefore I cut her some slack.

  91. This hurts my heart cuz I LOVED her in Princess Diaries when I was a kid. So when she mentioned being Mia Thermopolous in her GG speech I kinda giggled a little lol. But I'm also a cornball desperately trying to hold onto my childhood not ready to accept being mid-20s. That being said, she reminds me of every other Alpha-female theatre geek in hs, wants to be the center of attention for everything. They think their wit and jokes are hilarious and if you don't agree then theres something wrong with you. lol. typical pompous hollywood shit. But I'd take her cocky ass over LiLo's drunk non talented ass any day.
