Friday, January 11, 2013

Blind Item #1 - Kindness

A lot of smaller movie theatres have been struggling because they do not have the money to convert to all digital. A fundraiser was held at a movie theatre here in town to save a small place and the event was not doing that well until this A+ list all movie actor who is very well known on this site asked how much the cost would be and wrote a check for $60K on the spot. The other money raised that night went to replace the older seats.


  1. Thank you Mr. Downey, Jr.

  2. Replies
    1. Oops didn't read it properly

    2. You thought it said xxxmovies teather?

  3. Tom Cruise. I don't know why, but I could see him doing it.

  4. Interestingly enough, I saw a Buzzfeed graphic yesterday suggesting that at 5"7", RDJ is exactly the same height as Tom Cruise.

  5. Plrtz glrb, while Charlie HAS been writing lots of checks lately, he's been mostly television for years now.

  6. Nutty_Flavor - RDJ floats 6 inches higher on a cloud of awesome, though.

  7. And the article:

    1. @ Cousin Eddy - if you click through to the Kickstarter (or however they spell it), and look under FAQ's, it's right there:

    2. OK, duh, it's also RIGHT THERE on the kickstarter page. Sorry, I'm slow on the uptake today.

  8. Very cool. If I ever host a fundraiser, I'm inviting RDJ and Charlie Sheen.

  9. What about Gary Sinise?

  10. @g, I thought the same but Sinise is on one of the CSI's, isn't he?

  11. Do you guys remember how there used to be a pic of Affleck the CDAN mascot on the side where all the ads are now? I would love it if Enty added one of RDJ! Of choose it would be for verrry different reasons ;)

  12. Sinise isn't A+ all movie.
    This is probably RDJ.

  13. Glad no one guessed Fred Willard. (Different kind of smaller movie theatre).

  14. One of the sexiest men on this planet Robert Downey Jr. He has a heart of gold and the man has swagger. Luv him

    1. Anonymous11:23 AM

      @never yes!! he is all kinds of scrumptious

  15. Nutty I am happy to say that I met RDJ some years ago in Manhattan and he's taller than Cruise. He is around 5"8" or 5"9". I am 5"9" and had on 2 inch heels; I was taller than him but not by much. But it doesn't matter the height when your horizontal and we are all Black when the lights go out.

  16. I love rdj! To come back and clean himself up after all he had been through - he & Drew Barrymore are perfect examples of how you can turn your life around despite your past. Good for him!!!! (And hello if he's reading!)

  17. I loved RDJ since The Pickup Artist! Fell in love with him again on Ally McBeal! Haven't actually seen any of his current movies tho. Hope this is himmmmm! ;)

  18. Whoever it was...Thank You

  19. Aww RDJ that's so sweet of you. I just got The Avengers from Netflix and I plan on watching it all weekend (not like I didnt see it a bunch in the theaters)

  20. RDJ is not all movie. Very memorable stint on Ally McBeal. Charlie Sheen is more TV than movie at this point too. Gary Sinese is not A+ List.

    I'm guessing Clooney.

  21. it might be charlie mess but fantastic with opening up his checkbook! love him! go charlie

  22. This is about Cinefamily and RDJ, riiiiight?

  23. oh. right. all movie actor..ok so its not charlie sheen..hes still a rockstar!

  24. I don't know, but what a nice blind, thanks, Enty. It's going to make such a difference to so many.

  25. This was already published

  26. After reading the article provided by Frufra..RDJ. Nice of him to be so generous.

  27. @sarah.estell

    Enty could just mean that the actor has not done television in a long time. Let's not forget Clooney was on the Facts of Life and ER so he is not all movies either.

  28. I've loved himmmmm since Less Than Zero. And what I really admired was when he was going through all his trouble he admitted to the judge that it was like he had a gun in his mouth and liked the taste of the metal. He was so honest in his struggle it's made it that much cooler to see him on the other side.
    And if you've never seen Tropic Thunder is masterful!

  29. sorry Fru and cousin eddy. Didn't see that you had already documented it:)

  30. No worries, Agent. Triple verified for our readers' protection :-).

    1. haha Fru, you could post it a dozen more times and even though it' s been verified as RDJ the guesses will continue:)

  31. RDJr and Clooney both did a bit of tv. Ally and Roseanne.

  32. RDJ my crush on you continues to be justfied ;>

  33. Keanu Reeves. He produced a documentary: "Side by Side" about digital VS photochemical.

  34. Discoflux for Quote of the Day! :-)

    I've been thinking for years that RDJ strikes me as one of those people I'd love to get to know, not because he's rich and famous, but because he just seems like such a mensch...not to mention the stories I'm sure he could tell. ;-) Well done, sir, well done! *curtsys dramatically* (PS: Saw some pictures the other day of you w/Exton at the beach; gotta say, he's a total cutiepie, and he looks a lot like you!)

  35. That is awesome. I live in small community that is having the same problem. Our local theater is trying to raise money for digital equipment. Rocky Horror is their bread and butter and they announced that only digital will fly so we're scrambling here. Our theater is the one Emma Watson is in, in the movie 'Perks of Being a Wallflower'. Congrats to that theater that was saved and kudos to the celeb with the heart!!

  36. Anonymous11:09 AM

    clooney on ER

    thats real nice of RDJ
    i love him, he has spunk

  37. What a great thing to do!

  38. Thanks to the folks doing the research.

  39. LOVE RDJ!!! He's a good man.

  40. Well I was going to guess RDJ. Now I'll just say that's an awfully nice thing to do for a struggling small business.

  41. This is obvious even to me...a stint on Ally McBeal doesn't change the fact that he is an all movie actor...There's only one A+ actor "very well known on this site"...

  42. My first thought was Clooney, but RDJ fits the "well known on this site." Well done, Mr. Downey.

  43. I remember when Kevin Spacey did something similar. Back in 1997 he donated $200,000 to help the Lucas theater in Savannah. Clint Eastwood helped with a fundraiser too. I wish we read more about this stuff.

  44. Cinefamily is an awesome theater. Good for them & RDJ.

  45. I love that man!! Of course RDJ! He's really awesome and favorite movie has to be the Pick Up Artist, he's just so darn adorable! I also have to mention Sherlock Holmes, I know most people like him better as Ironman but there's just something about him as that wacky detective that I love!

  46. I sure wished someone would do that for the now closed drive-in in my area. There was an article in the paper about the costs of converting to digital.

    Enty, tell your friend Donal Logue, he's a local.

  47. Kickstarter said it best:

    "God bless Ironman."

  48. Anonymous3:19 AM

    Late to the party, but I just have to chime in about how much I respect this man! What a wonderful human being. It seems like he believes the purpose for his existence is to make others' lives better. He will always be top-notch in my book.

  49. I was thinking of RDJ when I read a local article yesterday. A couple woke up, found a naked intruder fighting with their dog in the living room. Guy was high as a kite and was fighting with the dog to gain control over the couch where they both wanted to crash. Man arrested, dog back on couch and owners pressing charges. FL. I bet RDJ is grateful every day and it shows in his behavior and in that fabulous face of his son. Chaplin was his best work imo.
