Monday, January 14, 2013

Blind Item #1 - Golden Globes After Party

They came separately to this Golden Globe after party, but that didn't stop this married almost A list all movie actress from sitting on the lap of this married A++ list celebrity and letting him run his hands all over her body. They even kissed a few times which was really awkward to watch.


Mamaroni said...

Diddy and...

a non a miss said...

Someone and Bill Clinton!

Cassiopeia said...

Totally Bill Clinton!

ethorne said...

Travolta & Cruise

Cleodacat said...

^^ Now we know he prefers a little chunk, who fits that bill?

Cassiopeia said...

It'd be a little obvious had Enty said "former president" though, wouldn't it?

Clubber Wang said...

Clinton and dumpy Lena Dunham. He is a chubby chaser

Karen said...

@yvettie, it wouldn't be a blind item if it said "former president." Enty fudges wordings sometimes to make it less obvious (like using "significant other" instead of bf/gf/fiance/spouse).

a non a miss said...

Yeah but Ent can't say "former president" that would give it away.

a non a miss said...

Luckily Lena is TV and not all movie.

Glitter said...

What other A plus plus celebrity was there? Wouldn't Enty have called an actor and actor? I think the Clinton guess is right.

WareCat said...

I'm thinking there's a huge age difference between the two. Maybe that's why it was awkward to watch? Love the Bill Clinton guess!

Lauren said...

Anne Hathway

danatestingsite said...

Bill Clinton and Megan Fox?

Karen said...

@warecat, I think it would be awkward to watch former President Clinton kiss ANYONE, but especially a married woman.

Karen said...

@Lauren, Anne Hathaway is probably too tiny for him. :)

Trey said...

Don't want to see Bill run his hands all over anyone.

greenmountaingal said...

Julia Roberts and...?

The idea of Bill & Lena is just hilarious to me. I could see him making a play for Adele. She's pretty.

jessica maria said...

Bill Clinton + Kate Hudson ?

They went to an afterparty "together" according to the Daily Mail...

Bit dams said...

if it was done out in the open shouldn't it just be stated? why pretend its a secret?

Adventurous Kate said...

As amusing as the image is, there is NO way Bill Clinton would make out with someone in the middle of a Hollywood party. Too risky.

nevermindthat said...

As long as it's not RDJ I can care less; plus Susan was there so I know it wasn't him.

libby said...


Be the man your wife deserves, Bill. At least in public, since America can't understand/abide open marriages.

VIPblonde said...

Holy Shit! According to the Mail, it's Bill Clinton and Kate Hudson!!!!

ldylkng said...

Emily Blunt & Ewan Mc Gregor

me said...

Olivia Pope and the Prez!!

Middle-aged Diva (Carol) said...

No no no, Bill, no. Not in public. Please. Sigh.

kelgela2 said...

Bill is a celebrity. Former president, but also a celebrity after.

MISCH said...

Kate Hudson's not married.....

caralw said...

Nah, I don't think Bill Clinton would risk that since the Hil is probably running in 2016. Funny guess, though.

Mr. PooLoo said...

"Adventurous Kate said...
As amusing as the image is, there is NO way Bill Clinton would make out with someone in the middle of a Hollywood party. Too risky."

You do realize this is Bill Clinton, right? The hound was chasing after Gennifer Flowers AGAIN a few years ago.

caralw said...

Risk that in public, that is...

Jeneral said...

Kate Hudson is not an all movie actress. She's on Glee this season.

JSierra said...

IDK how the hell Lena got brought into this. Not only is she not married she is not all movies.

Agent**It said...

Bill has become the Celebrity President.

libby said...

JSierra---OMFG--Your new avi, I just noticed.

Sweet jesus, I'm having a coronary! I'm a crazy cat lady too, but...OMFG!

Agent**It said...

Celebrity President would not risk this? Are you kidding me? He who had blow jobs while eating pizza and talking on the phone in the Oval office ? That one?

selenakyle said...

I've always assumed Bill's got a huge schlong. Unfortunately with his heart condition he might no longer be able to wield it...

selenakyle said...

and I think there have been only a small handful of Presidents who did not get some on the side by somebody, somehow. Just a perk of the job, I guess. Our first eventual female Prez might not be any different!

libby said...

Agent---You mean, the 'one' we know about, in our lifetimes.

Buchanan was gay, Truman never cheated, and Nixon had no game---those are the ONLY 3 I'd rule out on the BJ's as POTUS. jmo

libby said...

OMG, Buchanan of course could have gotten BJs. I meant cheating by a sitting POTUS...Buchanan was never married. And gay.

auntliddy said...

Ot: lena dunham looks more uncomfortable in her body than anyone i've seen in a long time. Its like her body is fighting to get away from her. Imo. ( and this has zero to do with talent or weight)

Sparkwee said...

Bill Clinton and Kate Hudson.

portlandjewel said...

Also off topic: did anyone notice how Julia Roberts tromped out there to announce the award? It was like 1 heal was 4 inches higher than the other. I do not get her.

Lauren said...

Kate Hudson ISN'T married and isn't A list! That Daily Mirror link does show that Hathaway was at the same party as Bill Clinton, though.

Rosemary Young said...

@portlandjewel: Indeed, Julia Roberts has an awkward gait. First noticed it in "Ocean's 11."

dia papaya said...

My mind can not handle anyone on Bill's lap! So I need to start some new guesses, but WHO...

@auntliddy - I felt bad for Lena bc her dress and shoes were wearing her not the other way. She will have a stylist next time. At least I hope she does. I felt SO uncomfortable watching her struggle with that gown.

WareCat said...

Haha, yeah true. Your right.

shaun said...

lol portland! i noticed her "tromp" immediately

Amber said...

I agree that it's Bill. He didn't earn the name "Slick Willy" for nothin'.

OT has Eva Longoria gained a bunch of weight? I thought I noticed it watching the red carpet stuff last night, and that pic of her in that DM link you guys posted seems to show it even more. I don't care either way, just curious if my eyes are playing tricks on me.

saycheese said...

how about P Diddy as the A list celebrity?

Nancy said...

I don't Bill Clinton would classify as a celebrity...wouldn't he be considered a politician? Though that make make the blind easier to figure out.
Lena Dunham is not married, so it can't be her. Ewan Mac Gregor can't be the male half of the blind because he would considered actor and not celebrity and I don't think he'd get an A++ designation.
All that being said, I have no clue who this is.

FrenchGirl said...

Bill and Kate Hudson because they're together on DailMail but she's not married or all movies

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eeekalicious said...

I respect Lena if she doesn't want to do hair and makeup but I thought she was dressed in sort of a defiant manner. It was like "Here, I'm wearing a gown. Happy?" It was a beautiful gown, but not with a tattoo showing. If she doesn't want to do hair and makeup she should wear a nice pantsuit and comfortable shoes.

Not sure who the blind is about.

Anonymous said...

I honestly don't know who Lena is (don't have HBO), but why couldn't she walk right last night? Is there something physically wrong with her or was it because she was in heels?

mamabot said...

@mamaroni & saycheese:

You are right with the Diddy guess. The Actress would be Sienna Miller.

They had an all out love fest while being interviewed on the red carpet. They even have special nicknames for each other (according to what Sienna said to the reporter).

Agent**It said...

"s married almost A list all movie actress" Is Sienna married?

nancer said...

no way this is bill. at a very public event like that? absolutely not. so save the ass chewing. not him.

the diddy and sienna guess is probably right on.

Jazzy said...

I like this guess. The only thing is Ewan be A++ though? Unless we're talking Star wars franchise.

Jazzy said...

Putting her in high heels didn't help either. Her stylist should have let her wear flats.

dia papaya said...

@mamabot - YES! I forgot about that awkward encounter!

Seinna and Diddy FTW!

@Agent - I thought she married her baby daddy Tom Sturridge, but maybe they are still engaged?

Jazzy said...

If Sienna got married then its for sure them. I just remembered that she and Diddy have been together off and on.

Agent**It said...

Dia, I think still engaged, not married. But in Enty language.......:)

Jazzy said...

Wait, Diddy is engaged to Cassie, but not married yet. Maybe not them.

Jazzy said...

I like this guess. The only thing is Ewan be A++ though? Unless we're talking Star wars franchise.

Jazzy said...

I like this guess. The only thing is Ewan be A++ though? Unless we're talking Star wars franchise.

Jazzy said...

I like this guess. The only thing is Ewan be A++ though? Unless we're talking Star wars franchise.

Jazzy said...

I like this guess. The only thing is Ewan be A++ though? Unless we're talking Star wars franchise.

crila16 said...

A++ Celeb and almost married A list actress?

Celebrity usually means someone who is NOT an actor/actress.

A++ would definitely be Bill Clinton. I don't think Angelina was there though. She's the only A list actress I can think of who is almost married.

Cheryl said...

@Jazzy--what do you think about this guess?

Onyx Loathes Hydrangeas said...

Kate Husdon might be married. Goldie Hawn let it slip abt a year ago. Enty had an article abt it. There's been several blinds now that she's been the popular guess and he's listed her as married.

Anonymous said...


Agent**It said...

There's supposedly a private picture out there that has been alluded to in a few articles re Kate and Celeb Pres. Somebody is probably waiting for the right $$$$ offer.

Unknown said...

The actress is Emily Blunt. If anyone tuned into the Critics choice awards then they would have seen her doing a similar thing to John.

kpist said...

Someone asked Bill how Hillary's head was and he said, "Well, she's no Monica." badumbump

Amber said...

LOL @ kpist - love.

Fijigrrl said...

Just to be different -- what about Weinstein as the A++ celebrity?

nevermindthat said...

Hold the phone It says A List married male and P Diddy is not married.

KatL said...

Clinton and Jessica Alba - on the E! After show they showed Jessica Alba and Bill Clinton taking pics together in the lobby. It was a really grainy shot, but it was them. I can totally see Bill going after Jessica.

All about Eve said...

Aaaaahhh, the mental image of Bill Clinton with his hands all over some young starlet makes me cringe, someone please come up with another guess.

Anonymous said...

I hope it's Bill and Kate Hudson! I like Hilary and think cheating is disgusting but his cheating has been so well known, I'm pretty used to the idea of him playing around on her. Kate didn't look buzzed or flirty though in the mail pics, but I do love her dress. If Enty is what he says he is then why would he be at a private GG after party watching Bill kiss and grab Kate Hudson... 300 lbs and living in Mom's basement huh?

AndyCane said...

I like this guess. The only thing is Ewan A++ though? Unless we're talking Star wars franchise.

Sunny said...

There was a Random photo today of Emily Blunt with Harvey Weinstein (John K was in the photo too). I thought I was being so clever by guessing them for this blind over there, but now I see Fijigrrl and Max Power threw their names out already. As important as Weinstein is, WOULD Enty describe him as A++? The only people I consider A++ would be Spielberg (can't see it) or Clinton (sorry, but can kinda see it)

Tampa Shawn said...

Clinton and Betty White FTW!!!!

Agent**It said...

Sunny, I thought that as well when I read Fiji and Max. But, that is a very familiar scene around Harvey. One that people ho are there would not be surprised by. Still thinking it's Celebrity President Bill.

goheels83 said...

Lol @andycane

Unknown said...

It is the A++ celebrity, who beats Clinton on that scale. Not even Diddy.

pretzel logic said...

I'm liking the Emily Blunt / Harvey Weinstein guesses. Although Harvey may not come to mind as an A++ celeb to many of us not involved in the film industry, he does fit that bill in the ranks of Hollywood as a successful producer and film company owner.

As far as Blunt, I could see her being thought of as "almost A list". Her career appears to be right on the cusp of that (if she'd stop doing so many shitty films) and she's all films. Look at that photo in random photos. Blunt is smiling like the Cheshire Cat, Harvey looks like he just scored, and Krasinski looks like he's trying his best to muster a smile. Maybe that shot was taken shortly after the incident?

Kathy K said...

Sorry I'm not scrolling through all the posts, but I don't think I'm too late to link to this:

PookieTwo said...

Alba isn't anywhere near the A list and Danes isn't all movies anymore. Hudson isn't married at least not publically. This is Clinton (or Harvey possibly) and either Hathaway or Blunt, more likely the latter.

HalleGoLightly said...

1/14/13 - 6:33 PM CST


It's Dan Schneider's (47) birthday today. Ugh. Maybe Hungry Girl can whip him up some pedo chicken fingers.

EGB said...

My favorite thing after reading through all these guesses? That there are multiple options that Bill Clinton was making moves on! The guy's still got it!

Unknown said...

When I did celeb charity work long time ago, we dealt w/ the huge vainess that is JR. Awful, awful, awful. We called her "Old Paint," as a codename.

cbb said...

Why isn't it Bill Clinton and MEEEEE?!


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