Saturday, January 26, 2013

Blind Item #1 - Easy Easy

This blind item is so easy, it is barely blind. This newly announced baby mama of an A list all movie actor has a past that no one is talking about. Although she is a model she has also earned money being a topless blackjack dealer for bachelor parties and always making sure the bachelor has a good time.


  1. Jeremy Renner and that model girl...

  2. Work it girl.

    Is Jeremy Renner gay or not? Yeah, yeah it is none of my business but this is a gossip site and I am nosy so I'm asking.

    1. @JSierra
      Word is he is. He has a "roommate" that lives with him. I think this girl is probably their surrogate.

    2. @JSierra, you have to go check out Dlisted. He posted a picture of him caked up with foundation and eyeliner for the premiere if his new movie. Can't say that makes him gay but my god it's hilarious to look at!

    3. Wasn't he a makeup artist previously? I think he needs more practice.

  3. Anonymous9:19 AM

    When I first saw the announcement I thought, " Huh, guess he's not gay!" Until I read the part about how the baby mama is moving in with Jeremy and his ROOMMATE.

  4. Ahhh well if it's true, good for them! She sounds like a decent lady if she will give up boobie parties and blackjack to be a surrogate.

  5. She's seriously moving in with him and his roommate? LOL Good for them though!

  6. Renner

    JSierra:he can be bisexual and lives a Ménage-a-trois (threesome)

  7. Another poor soul being brought in to build and keep up Hollywood lies.. I hate seeing the baby used as cover...come out for criminey sakes....we dont care at this stage...we all know Hollywood is full of all sorts of sexual preferences and yet we keep watching....because it doesn't matter.....Act and if your good we will watch...but dont use the baby as cover....tell the world the truth....and if you are going to use a least use someone who can provide some smart genes.....a pr@*%&tute really far all the lies are more damaging to the child than anything....just sayin

  8. LOL Lotta I think I heard about that! Guy liner will never, ever be sexy. I feel bad for Thomas Dekker who has deep black, thick eye lashes giving him the appearance of heavy makeup. I must admit, I am jealous.

    1. @J, I'd have to wear false lashes to achieve that look! Anyways about Renner, did you know he used to be a make up artist??? Michael K links the story where he talks about it.

    2. Really? Makeup artist?? I had no idea!

      I feel like I'm watching a real world version of that show The New Normal - which I love BTW

    3. Yeah, he didn't appear to be too great at it, judging by his orange face.

    4. Anonymous11:35 AM

      I read that on Dlisted too. I can't get a good read on Renner. Don't know if he's bi straight gay...whatever I do know he's better at acting than makeup artistry.

  9. he's a former makeup artist too. That is a big red flag.

  10. Lol for minute there I thought it was jenna until the end.

    Yeah Jeremy Renner. I honestly think Renner is Bisexual. Before he became Huge he was in 4 year relationship. Idk lol

  11. I have never really read Michael K but I am going to start because I have only heard good things about him here.

    Also, since this is labeled easy easy is it safe to assume that the popular guess is in fact the answer? Since that popular guess is JR (so far) we can officially say that JR is A list. Unless Enty just fucks with us now that there is a chart decoding his secret language.

    1. Easy Breezy Beautiful Cover Hawk

      So you don't have to sift through everything :)

    2. @JSierra- Go to Michael K, he cracks me up daily!The commenters are nuts though, I usually don't bother.

    3. Anonymous11:37 AM

      Ethorne couldn't agree more!reading the comments over there gives me a headache. The way the replies are strung together on top of no one makes any sense it's weird

    4. @katydid-I know, and they all have crazy tags and quotes that make it super confusing to figure out. I just come here if I have something to say.

    5. As crazy as we think the comments are over at Dlisted, someone ALWAYS bitches about Enty when Michael K reposts his blind items. This comment is in regards to the blind item about the VS model:

      Submitted by Persistent Cat on Sat, 01/26/2013 - 12:05pm.

      I hate the writing style of Crazy Days and Nights so much. Did the writer think it was cute and funny to write "baby daddy" over and over like that?

    6. @Lotta-So those bastards talk shit too.

    7. Lol yes it goes both ways!

    8. Scroll to the bottom if you're on mobile to see their other thoughts

    9. Ooh commenter wars!

    10. Anonymous5:36 PM

      Hahaaa Lotta those Dlisters be crazy! I love my CDAN'ers I love Michael K but those commenters are dememted.
      I've picked my side

    11. Same here. I have a hard time following the comments but some are funnier than hell!

  12. I don't care if he's gay, straight, bi, whatever - I find him insanely attractive.

    I was a theatre geek in school and we had several straight guys who did makeup and costumes. I remember one guy got some guff from his buddies about it and he asked them how many times they got to measure and dress some of the prettiest girls in school. Hah!

  13. @ grammy I don't think the baby is being used to keep up a straight appearance. Renner and his partner may really want a child and this will provide an opportunity to say Renner was given custody.

    This sounds like the MJ situation where someone (Debbie Rowe) was hired to be a "girlfriend" but was really just the breeder/surrogate and "gave" full custody to MJ.

    1. I dont think its ploy to pull the staight game either...If it's a surrogate thing be honest about it...whether he is bi.. or gay....just say hey Im having a baby and go from there...just seems like the baby is going to get caught in the middle of stuff when and if he does eventually comes out and hopefully the baby momma doesnt start playing her game too....honesty is best from the beginning with kids. That being said...congrats to whoever it have a long road ahead so enjoy every step

  14. Awww she's moving in with Vicki Cupper and Jeremy! congrats!

  15. What prolixe said about why straight guys get into costumes/makeup; also, if you're an actor, particularly one who's done live theatre (which he's done), it's a very good skill to have. I'm thinking it was a "professional" who did the premiere makeup job, since I'm guessing he would have done a much better job blending had he done it himself.

    Why would a guy wear makeup at a premiere? If he's fair-skinned and light-eyed, so his features won't be totally washed-out in pictures due to all the lights and camera flashes popping. (People of color don't have nearly as much trouble in this regard.) In a sense, it's closer to theatrical makeup than streetwear, and isn't necessarily intended to be seen from close up. I've done quite a bit of concert photography over the years (hence the TMP, for "the Mad Photographer"), as well as some theatrical makeup, so trust me on this one, OK?

  16. Sounds like the girl is still selling her body, just this time it's the inside of her womb!

  17. Alright, you guys have got me sold. That Easy Breezy Beautiful Cover Hawk post has me in stitches. I am officially a convert!

  18. Yeah it could be a polyamorous relationship. It happens. I think he's bi. Or maybe he really doesn't like to live alone. Pretty much it's nunya until he makes it so.

  19. Robin when I was in 7th grade I had the bright idea to wear my stage makeup as every day makeup. Needless to say I looked like a child bride who had smushed her face into peach colored mud.

  20. Agreed Michael k is hilarious but don't bother read comments.all over the place

    @agreed Prolixe. I do know a lot of straight guys who does make up especially I'n theater and movies.

  21. In the article Renner clearly states he was a theater geek and that's how he learned make up. No need to all defensive because we're sharing details about out him.

  22. Michael K IS hilarious but I can never follow the comments. Too all over the place.

  23. I'm not being defensive. I could careless if Jeremy plays for my team lol

    1. @dragon I wasn't directing that at anyone in particular. I just don't want people thinking we were insinuating he IS gay because we were taking about his history with make up.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. @LottaColada oh okay Gotcha =]

  26. dia: Yep, both theatrical and working at a Lancome counter in his hometown; there was a funny bit on Ellen's show a couple of years back when she asked for makeup advice on behalf of the audience, and the response was brows, lashes and lips--do those 3 things, and you can pretty much frame the face. Sounds like a good way to get out the door fast to me...

    As for the rest of the story: IMNSHO, because some famous people are involved in extremely convoluted situations of their own devising in an attempt to present a particular public image, there's a tendency to assume that such is almost always the case for people in the public eye...except that it's not necessarily true, and I really don't think it is here. After reading some of the gossip that's out there, it's all too easy to think of celebrities as A Breed Apart, and forget that, when you get right down to it, they're still human beings like the rest of us. (Also, one doesn't have to be a celeb to get tangled up in Machiavellian intrigue; it goes on a LOT more than most people realize in "civilian" settings as well. Again, trust me on this...) Besides, if this really was a bearding/surrogate setup, wouldn't it have made a lot more sense to hire a civilian surrogate who doesn't have an easily Google-able and potentially embarrassing past and who could keep a lower profile? You have to think these things through...

    My gut instinct is that the whole situation is exactly what it appears to be on the surface: a casual fling that turned into an "OOPS!", and now needs to be dealt with. It seems to be pretty much the same thing that Colin Farrell went through about 10 years ago or so, and to both gentlemen's credits, they're stepping up, accepting responsibility, and taking care of both the child and its mother, especially before the former is born. Didn't Colin bring his pregnant baby mama, as well as his sister, to an awards show at one point? I distinctly remember seeing that, and thinking that it was good that even if they were no longer a couple, they were still on friendly enough terms to work together for the sake of the child. (Shotgun weddings are such a bad idea; after all, there are reasons couples break up, and putting a ring on it won't make those reasons go away.)

    Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and not a nuclear-powered multi-filtering-chambered bong, eh? Just because a situation wasn't planned doesn't mean good things can't happen, and I hope everything works out well for both parents and their child. Mazel tov!

    (I was going to say "If you can't be good, be careful, and if you can't be careful, name it after me," but that might be in seriously poor taste...then again, Robin is a name for both boys and girls... ;-)

  27. Gay or straight, Renner is hot!

    1. PuggleWug, yes he is. You should visit Woman, This Is Jeremy Fucking Renner Talking, hubba, hubba!

  28. Only have a minute to spend here today, but in keeping with the 'all things Renner' discussion that's developed, he's also a prolific high end LA house flipper. Here's his latest, located in the Holmby Hills neighborhood of Bel Air which he dubbed The Reserve.

    MLS Listing:

    60+ large picture tour:

    Article about Jeremy and The Reserve:

  29. I'm guessing that the money for being a surrogate is better than what she was getting at the bachelor parties and as long as everyone is cool with it, I have no problem with their arrangement. I don't think it's a set up for proving he's not gay. Even if he is, it would have been less complicated to take Taylor Swift out to dinner and then dump her at the restaurant.

  30. @ phoniex He did that house. Dam I wish I live in a place like that.

  31. i don't think Renner is gay. that guy was always going back to his hotel room with a girl in tow. different girl every night after hitting the clubs. i seriously doubt they were there for some make-up 101.

  32. @dragon, it was very run down when he bought it, and really sunk a lot of money into it. I think he's got amazing taste. It's one of the most beautiful I've ever seen.

    BTW, I think his business partner as mentioned in the article about him is also his roommate, in case anyone wants to do a Google image search. Freckle face red head ;)

  33. Thanks Phoenix! Idk that I am a huge fan of his design aesthetic but it still looks great, I am pretty impressed. Who knew he was a multi hyphenate?

  34. Looooooove Dlisted!

  35. BTW if you Google image his roommate Kristoffer Winters you get random penis pictures. Not everyone appreciates those as much I do, so I figured I would give a warning.

  36. You're very welcome JSierra :)

    I have to go now, but one last thing.. it really seems that Renner is similar to some other celebs prior to coming out, in that he doesn't mention it, but doesn't try to hide it either. This may clear things up a bit:

  37. Damn JSierra, I didn't see those, sorry. Open the link I just provided and you can see him there.

  38. There's no way a strictly hetero guy is responsible for The Reserve. None.

    And btw, it's FANFUCKINGTASTIC, so great job!

    I think Jeremy is bi.

  39. It was a fast fall from A list Academy nominee to a stripper marrying white trash. You just ruined your career, man!

  40. Lol it's all good Phoenix! I love a good surprise peen.

  41. It was a fast fall from A list Academy nominee to a stripper marrying white trash. You just ruined your career, man!

  42. I was out with my bff gay couple who are deep in consideration of adoption vs surrogacy at the moment, and we were talking about Renner. They said that the surrogate is typically not the egg donor. Some couples know their egg donor (like a friend or sister) and some know their surrogate. Some know both. Some couples don't know either, and both egg and surrogate come from an agency. Having the egg and carrier be the same person can complicate things when it comes time to hand the baby off. We decided it is more likely in the Renner situation that this woman is a friend and is the surrogate, and the egg was probably purchased. Having the surrogate live with or near the adopting couple is common, because the couple can bond with the baby in utero (for real!) and keep an eye on the surrogate with regards to substance abuse, nutrition, medical care etc. I just thought this was interesting, as I knew nothing about the world of surrogacy.

  43. @LottaColada Lmao. Well Dam. Enty has done way worse writing than "baby mama" plus its part of his charm lol

  44. Renner is gay.

    His bf/roommate is the tour bus guide from "Under The Tuscan Sun."

  45. These are my personal favorites:

    Submitted by RandéSleepover on Wed, 01/23/2013 - 8:54pm.
    That's not CDAN's writing. He must have hired a utility man.************************************************

    Submitted by Puppy Love on Wed, 01/23/2013 - 9:00pm.
    Good point on CDAN. His piss-poor writing and grammar are instantly recognizable.

  46. This one is about the reality star at Sundance who was begging for interviews:

    Submitted by Juniperjump on Thu, 01/24/2013 - 4:33am.
    CDAN is fun but so full of shit. What on earth would be preventing ANYONE from just saying who #1 is?

  47. Here is my issue with Renner. Realistically, what 43 year old movie star has to have a roommate?? What Jer? Can't afford the rent?

    Sorry babe, you just read as a closeted gay man. And that is just sad. Be who you are .. it makes your life easier and gives those who are struggling to come out themselves in Hollywood a role model.

  48. Utility man. I always wonder if Enty have people writing here sometimes like working for him

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. When you're a CDaNer
    You're a CDaNer all the way
    You'll overlook Enty's grammar
    Until your dying day.

    When you're DLister
    You're a DLister all the way
    Top down threads don't matter
    MichaelK snark all the way!

    Either way, you're never alone
    No gossip disconnected
    You have your own little home
    As long as your internet's connected!

    Then you are set
    With a capital G
    You'll never forget
    The Gossip is key!

  51. @dragon, that's enty's new nickname for when he produces good grammar ;)

    @prolixe, LMAO!!! That was amazing! Someone please record this beautiful anthem!

  52. and Jeremy Renner was the fool that went in raw idiot

  53. @Prolixe Love it

    @lotta Utility man it is lol

  54. Lotta I saw that today! Some guy was talking all sorts of smack about Enty's grammar.

    It's only ok when we say it! You can't sit with us!
    Ok that last bit was me getting carried away with Mean Girls.

    Prolixe you are quite the poet, and we didn't even know it!

  55. That was great Prolixe!

  56. OH MY GOD. CDAN vs Dlisted. Why do I picture it going down like THIS

  57. Oh shizzz! This means war!

    Team CDAN 4 life

  58. Sunny I picture it like this

  59. I think our war would be more like a nerdy slap fight (we'd still win). We're more along the lines of Teen Witch's Top That (I have no idea how to do a link here). Sorta corny, but means well.

    Hope this one works!

  61. It's official: we need a montage

  62. clickable for pug

    I wonder if Jeremy will do our makeup? :b

  63. CDAN would obviously be MJ and his gang in that situation Sunny.

    I call for a dance off!

    Prolixe as long as it is as good as his red carpet looks. And he does it with his shirt off. In a man thong. Ok the man thong may be too much, we will stick with just shirtless.

  64. (Clears throat) pretty sure I mentioned that I am in charge of dance offs, it's my job! I officially approve of this idea?..

  65. What a perfect ending!

    Name a time and place DListed Bitches. The CDaN crew gonna dance it up! Can we have a sing off too ala Pitch Perfect? I want to see a face off between Michael K and Enty. Both are revealed!

    High five prolixe for that awesome poem!!!

  66. It's Entities people.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. Sorry but I had to share this last one, don't you just love how time and time again someone claims that all of the blinds are fake(and also talking about Himmmm!):

    Submitted by Evil_Cupcake on Tue, 08/21/2012 - 5:38pm.
    Clint fucking Eastwood is NOT a former A List celebrity. I bet the dumb ass who wrote that blind thinks the likes of Blake Lively and Charlie Sheen are A List.
    Oh, it's from CDAN, that explains it all. Home of the dumbest and most false blinds ever.
    LOL@ people who think RDJ posts there. *eyeroll*

    This is the blind that caused the tragic outrage.

  69. OMG--I am SO in on the CDaN/Dlisted rumble.

    I can't believe no one mentioned this one from SNL.....We're the Cobras dammit, lead by RDJ!!!1!

    Dlisted are the Panthers.
    And I want the Cheri Oteri part.

  70. Lotta--Clint Eastwood has never been A-list? Is that OP 18 yet? JEBUS!

  71. If only we could make this real, solely because I love a good song and dance number.

    I almost flipped a lid when Sister Jude sang Lana Bana Fo Fana on AHS.

    Man they are mean over there, we can be snarky, but for the most part we just snark at each other, not other blogs.

  72. For me, this helps clear up the "all movie" thing. He was the lead on a TV show in 2009 & is now considered all movie. There is a statute of limitations then. We can finally abandon the Clooney "but he was on 'ER'" phenomenon.

  73. I love Dlisted. I've been a dlisted reader since its start in 2005. Michael K is so funny! Anyway I learned of CDAN from reading Michael K. 😘

  74. @Libby, file that OP under "You Learn Something New"

    @J, They can be mean, as long as it stays over there!

  75. Fluffy I am a little ashamed to admit that I learned about CDAN from Perez. I was getting tired of him and saw someone mention CDAN in the comments, it was actually this time last year. We have been together ever since.

  76. Lotta I agree! Stay on your turf!

  77. If MEAN is being discussed, CDAN has had more than it's share of MEAN in the past few months.

    1. Yes we have Tuxedo! And usually on the weekends, so I'm happy everyone's been in such a good mood lately.

      Don't want to jinx anything though.

  78. Haha the last thing we need is a turf war here. I stopped reading Perez a few years ago, it was right around the time that he had that feud with the BEP and called someone the F* word. I believe he kissed John Mayer that same year and his ego was just getting way out of hand.

  79. Can I say how proud I am of us that we had no in fighting this weekend? I hope that continues today! More snark, less bark!!!

    Dance Off!!!! Lets solve all future problems this way! ;)

    PS - I learned about CDaN from Dlisted, but I would never comment there. It's like a prison fight every day.

  80. @Tuxedo, it sure has I've seen some of the stuff that happens but is just no where near on the level of what goes on over at DListed.

    I also heard of CDAN through Dlisted! I slowly started reading it but there were hardly as many daily posts as there are now!

  81. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Dia I too learned of CDaN on Dlisted. I just read here for a few years before commenting. I still read Michael K daily but find the comments here so entertaining. I appreciate being able to contribute.
    I never read the comments there b/c of the crazy
    Lotta- agree about Perez haven't read him in years he's a famewhore.

  82. I stopped reading Perez when he stopped putting dicks on faces. And I am proudly an Entity.

  83. ethorne, he stopped doing that? How could he abandon the one thing that got him so famous to begin with!

  84. Lol Lotta. Didn't you know he's nice (boring) Perez now?

    1. He's so boring now. That's why I stopped I needed something more interesting. I used to read Perez all the time and now it's just DM and CDaN

  85. I had no idea! It's like when the Grinch's heart grew 3 sizes unexpectedly. I never saw that coming.

  86. I just get the email digest of Perez which has no commenters, just news. I think Perez knew that to grow as a media figure he would have to soften a bit. The drawings were funny but I don't know if he would be on TV so much if he were still so extreme. The comment section there has just turned to people who flamed Perez. I don't know why he even puts up with them, to be honest. He needs an editor bc it looks like no one cares or is paying attention.

  87. I think it was a couple years ago when a lot of gay kids were committing suicide, he jumped on the bully platform. It seemed kinda fake, he did it after people started calling him a bully. Then he was all "My bad, switching it up.'

  88. Ugh, I saw on twitter a few weeks ago that Perez totally stole a story from one of enty's blind items revealed. I'm pretty sure it was the day after the new years reveals because it was a story about how Colin Farrell was Angelina Jolie's true love over Brad Pitt.

  89. Yep, that was the one. He stole it almost word for word, too, and got called out in the comments. You know neither he nor his sister even pay attention to the comments anymore.

    He's an a* and a bully.

  90. Yup, I saw headline somewhere about that. I liked him when I first started on his site, I just can't anymore.

  91. His sister? He has his sister working with him? Omg I am so out of the loop. I'm glad he got called out on it, no one ever gives Enty credit for his stories so I can see why he doesn't credit anyone else back!

  92. I commented a bit on Perez, but I stopped after getting too annoyed with all of the commenters. They read the site religiously, yet continue to gaybash Perez in the comments. A majority of my comments were calling out the assholes and their comments. Too much work!

    I also found cdan from dlisted. While I love the commenters here more, I have to say the posts from Michael K. blows Entys out of the water. A few weeks before my dad passed, I was beyond depressed. I read a post from Michael K. He was describing a Cyrus family Christmas. In his version, Noah Cyrus worked a stripper pole to the song Santa Baby, as Trace Cyrus was fed carrots. I laughed for the first time in a month. Since then it has been my go to for a mood booster.

  93. I couldn't read the comments at Perez because all the readers would do is make horribly homophobic comments, make comments about Perez being a pedo and fantasizing about all the underage boys he posts about, and just nasty stuff.

    I am all for not being a bully, but Perez went from huge asshole to some major butt kissing and sucking up. I felt like he sold out, once he got famous enough he lost the charm, if you will, that made the site. And yeah, the dicks also had something to do with it.

  94. I'm with you PuggleWug, I can feel like shit, and MichaelK will crack me up.
    J.Sierra, the dicks always have something to do with it, lol.

  95. I think my tipping point (not that I was a regular, heh) was when he got into a fight with a singer (, IIRC) and posted a bunch of whiny pictures - oh look, I got beat up by a bully! Boo-hoo!

    Says the guy who spent years insulting people and drawing penises on their pictures.

    I'm all for second chances at life, but his "second chance" seems to be recycling items and sucking up to celebs. You called it, J, he sold out & his schtick is totally pedestrian. (Not that we want him back to phallic artistry!)

  96. ITA about MichaelK good for a belly laugh. "Titty leche" - OMG, I almost snorted my coffee on that one!

  97. CDAN is far superior in my opinion, bc Enty seems to have a big heart, and I like the variety of content. This site has some warmth to the posts, and Enty stops the entertainment posts long enough to draw attention to serious issues.

    Dlisted has such limited content, and most of it just a setup for Michael K's commentary. The commenters are brutal, and the format gives me a brainache.

  98. What about ACE from BG. I hate that monitors his comments. Because when you Call BS and him and put actual receipts. he doesn't post it. When he say something u disagree with.

    1. I didn't like the post about cdan about how it was mostly made up.

  99. @dragon, and he has the nerve to call enty fake!

  100. @bigtexashair, that post he made about CDAN really turned me off to the whole site. I used to read it all the time but he made himself sound holier than thou.

  101. @ LottaColada Wat in the world.I just read what I wrote and I dont understand how U barly understood it lol.

    He called Enty fake before? Ace shouldn't be taking because most of his blind are stories already out in the media and he adds more to it. He also takes his story from Forums and stuff or what buzzin on twitter.

    I remember this story ONTD on justin beiber and Ace took the story and act like he scooped it. people there called him out. I might not believe all Enty blinds but I would never believe Ace.

  102. Dragon if I can decipher entyspeak, your comment is nothing! Lol

    About Ace, yeah he put up a huge disclaimer on his site that he was going to stop running blinds that came from CDAN because of this NY Post interview he read about Enty. If I remember correctly, he apologized to his readers and promised them the utmost quality on his site.

    1. It was so holier than thou! But he never updates anything anymore.

  103. Awh, yes J Sierra, Perez filled me with guilty pleasure in his early days then shame later. I didn't even want it my search history! I believe I learned about Dlisted from Perez. Never posted though, mean ole people at Perez. I still love Dlisted, but never post. Off topic when the gossip site explosion started I had a folder folder for all the websites and thought it was so cool. Now I just a few select ones, CDAN being one of my favorites. :)

  104. Lotta Colada I felt the same way about Perez! Ugh, I started to get so annoyed by his ego, in your face I am super famous crap! When he first opened his website I emailed him a few times and emailed back, he was pretty cool then...but in the end he and his website just turned into a load of crapola.
