Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Beyonce And Lip Synching
Do you think we will ever hear from Beyonce about why she didn't actually sing at the inauguration? I bet as soon as the news went viral yesterday she was on the phone to Obama trying to get him to get the spokesperson for the Marine Corps Band in trouble. I think Beyonce thought no one would ever know and the yanking out of the ear piece added the right touch to what she thought rightfully would go down as a legendary performance. Then someone spoke and crushed her little lie. Make no mistake, it was. You don't do the whole tearing out of the ear piece unless you want people to believe. It is kind of like when she sat down on television and never expected her baby bump to collapse. Anyway, apparently everyone else performed live, and Aretha Franklin threw Beyonce under the bus for not singing live, but did say her pre-record was really nice. The only one who really had any sympathy for Beyonce was of course, Jennifer Lopez. Last night on The Daily Show she said, "Sometimes it happens when you are in certain stadiums and certain venues and things, they do prerecord stuff because you're going to have that terrible slapback." Jennifer would have definitely not sung live.