Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Arnold Schwarzenegger Wants Maria Shriver Back

Arnold Schwarzenegger was quoted in a German newspaper saying he still loves his wife Maria Shriver. Yep, they still are not divorced. Arnold says that if it was up to him the couple never would have split and that he really wants to get back together with Maria. Umm, well yeah, if it was up to him, but he is the one who had sex with the maid and fathered a child because of it. What I think Arnold wants maria to do is to take him back and then ignore all the sex he has with everyone not his wife. That would be his perfect marriage.


  1. She'll be back.

  2. Thank you for that! I haven't laughed out loud in a while.

  3. I think she will take him back too.

  4. Anonymous9:28 AM

    I can't agree with you more Enty. He wants the loving wife and family that he had, but he should have thought of that before he started shtupping and impregnating the maid. You think that she's the only one he cheated with? Please, he's probably been cheating since day one, since his bachelor party, probably on their wedding day. These kinds of guys that think they are God's gift to women and the grass is always greener somewhere else, or in someone else's pants! I feel sorry for Maria. She's a blue blooded, smart, educated, serious news journalist, she could have spent a long happy life with someone but she picked Ahnold. I hope that she doesn't go back to him and finds someone that she can be happy with, who truly loves her, not this narcissistic ass. He'll be old and alone, and she'll be loved and happy. That's the best revenge.

  5. how he treated maria; not love.

  6. Wow, you think so re: taking him back? I'm thinking there's no way after Arnold and the housekeeper so thoroughly invalidated what Maria thought was her reality. She was outside the loop in her own damn home for over a decade.

  7. "She was outside the loop in her own damn home for over a decade."

    Makes it even worse when you think of the fact that she's a reporter.

  8. Of course he wants her back. Didn't he always want to marry a Kennedy? If she divorced him, he won't be one anymore. Just like Antonio Banderas saw Melanie on screen eons ago and wanted to marry her. And look how they respond when they get exactly what they wanted.

    Hate to quote Howard Stern, but "You show me a hot chick, and I'll show you a dude who's tired of sleeping with her"

  9. Wait wait wait....is Antonio unfaithful? I hadn't heard that one..

    1. @Rocket I don't know anything concrete; I think it's been alluded to in the blogs. But Melanie used to watch him like a hawk when he was on movie sets for fear that he would cheat

  10. @FSP - good one
    @VIP - love the Howard Stern quote - so true

  11. Not going to happen...

  12. Maria: Consider this a divorce!

  13. Lol VIP - you're HS quote is sadly dead on! My ex husband was a macho dick who cheated on me constantly. When I did finally leave he was shocked .. 7 years later he still tells me he loves me and messing around on me was " the biggest mistake " of his life. He's single and miserable and I've happily moved on to the love of my life. Good for Maria. It's weird they haven't divorced yet though ..

  14. I don't think Arnold's alone in his idea of the perfect marriage.

  15. She's a religious Catholic, so she may not want to divorce. However, I sure hope she doesn't take him back. I think we can assume the housekeeper was not the only one he cheated with.

  16. Maybe he doesn't want to have to give her a divorce settlement.

    And then there are those guys who will stay married because then none of the many, many women they sleep with will expect marriage.

  17. Yeah maybe he dpoesn't want to shell out any money or have it go to trial and have other stuff about him revealed..Or maybe they do really miss each other. They have kids together and spent Christmas with the family. That makes you remember how good it once was.

  18. VIPblonde "Didn't he always want to marry a Kennedy?"

    And who'd have thunk it? A link right there between the Terminator and Taylor Swift...

  19. I think she will go back and Enty's totally on the mark. I also think that while he did want a Kennedy, she's also been his ideal wife. She has known of his cheating, sexist, crap for years. She even backed him up against multiple sexual harassment accusations.

    I'm really starting to think that she a) knew for a loooong time that the housekeeper's kid was his.
    b) only left because it was coming out and she had to look as if she had some modicum of self-respect and he had to look as if he fought to get her back.

    I don't know if I would consider it an arrangement, but those Kennedy's have some effed up ideas about women looking the other way and tolerating crap. Except Ethel's kids, they ALL do what they want to their spouses, men and women alike. Must get it from the golf-club skull smashing side of the family (her's)

    It's funny how everyone feel sorry for Melanie Griffith on this site. Now, Antonio set his cap for her? She was remarried to the love of her life (which is how she described Don Johnson) and had a young child with him finally. She did that movie with Antonio, who was married himself and if I remember the coverage correctly, clawed and effed him out of his marriage. She was derided for years for her obvious desperation in holding onto him aside from continuing to be a mess.

    I think he effed up, got her pregnant which maybe he couldn't do with his wife (its still wrong). Decided to make the best of the situation, married her and has stuck around through most of the the kids childhood. Isn't high school around the time when folks pull the ripcord? The both have a karma ball ping-ponging back and forth between them.

  20. I also think that Maria wasn't totally clueless and she only left to save face. I would not be surprised if she says that wants to make it work because family is so important to her. I think she was more embarrassed than anything about the lovechild.

  21. I dunno, maybe I am a sap but I do think that some couples are good together as friends and they want to stay together as married even though to outsiders, the problems they have seem incongruous within the confines of a marriage.

    I guess the question is, can you fall in love with your best friend and still want to be married to them even if you still carnally look for things outside of the relationship? I kind of see David Arquette and Courteney Cox in this vein too. I think they love each other as best friends, regardless of what else is going on, and hope they work it out in a way that works for them for that reason alone.

    /stops babbling

  22. Enty, he didn't say what you wrote. The newspaper BILD asked him:

    "Did you celebrate Christmas with your family and your wife?" to which Arnold replied "Of course! We are not at war! I still have a longing for reconciliation. I still love Maria." That's it. Your statement "Arnold says that if it was up to him the couple never would have split" is fabricated.

    (original article (German))

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Run Maria....RUN!!!! Once a cheater, ALWAYS a cheater. It's not like it was 1 person...it was a gazillion people he cheated on her with...not that that makes a difference. He's a pig.

  25. First reports of stupid Elin and now stupid Maria? Nooooooooo!

  26. He wants. Who the hell cares what he wants? He is just feeling the pinch of the kids siding with their mother, his movies are flops, hes not in public eye anymore. So oh yeah, I want Maria back. Pfft, get lost.

  27. Yeah, he cheated from Day 1 and she let him. Until the public embarrassment. If that's where you draw the line, you get the marriage you deserve.

  28. He wanted political power, but Nixon's daughter wasn't up to snuff. At least that's the rumor I heard.

    Also, this thread made me laugh a few times. Good contributions guys.
