Monday, January 14, 2013

Apparently Jodie Foster Is Gay

I guess before last night, Jodie Foster had never officially come out as gay, but is there anyone who didn't know? Mel Gibson? Did he think he still had a shot which is why he has always been so nice to her all these years? Although I thought it was a very moving speech at the Golden Globes last night, I also thought that her saying how private she is and how she never wants to talk about anything, but hey, I want to tell you about my ex and how she and I co-parent together and I'm single kind of did not all go together.


  1. Apparently she came out in 2007..

  2. Cynical! People share wayyyy too much these days over the Internet. Jodie's speech was so heartwarming. Glad she came out in her own terms - though it was an open secret!

  3. Enty, she was fun, high as a kite, and did it for her sons,not for us.

  4. She was awesome. I've never really been a Jodie fan (and she didn't seem drunk to me, but that's what all the rags are saying), but I thought she did a great job. I didn't know they broke up, but it sounds like it was amicable, since Cydney was there in the crowd.

  5. Her speech was so poignant! I was watching the Globes with a friend who knows nothing about celebs and gossip, and I was telling her that Jodie is gay and pointed out her (apparently ex) partner on Jodie's way up to the stage, and she didn't believe me until the moment in her speech where it became clear that she was about to come out!! Then I told my friend about John Travolta, and she said he can't possibly be gay because he's married with children. Bwahahahah

  6. She looked fab. Thought her speech was from the heart but a bit rambley. Her sons are cutie pies.

  7. Does anyone remember that when she was college-age, John Hinckley tried to assassinate a President for her?
    Her reaction by pulling into total privacy black-out was understood from that time.
    I'm surprised people seem to forget a big reason why she might have been SO private as an adult.

    1. I remember (I'm old) she's taken so much criticism but JD Salinger became a shut-in after his similar incident (john Lennon) and he's just an eccentric, esoteric artist. That is a life changer!!!

  8. Overall, the Golden Globes this year was great. I watched the whole show and really enjoyed it. This was by far the highlight of the night! Jodie gave such a moving speech and to be 50 years old and look so beautiful! I wonder if she will inspire K.Stew to be honest and proud about her sexuality. Didn't they star in panic room together? Also during the broadcast I found it hilarious how the sound went out when the room applauded for Mel Gibson when Jodie mentioned him. Lol

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. great speech :little confusing,over-the-top(because she enjoys her moment) and honest

    she also said her retirement of acting

    1. Is that what she was saying? Shes retiring from acting? Her speech was lovely, but i didnt really get that so much as glean it. And i think its great she bought her friend mel, whom i am tired of not liking.

    2. NO. She even has to clarify it later, though she never said that she was.

  11. That was amazing. I've been a fan of hers forever and this made me love her that much more.

    Go Jodie!

  12. Noooo. I don't believe it. Next you'll be telling me Queen Latifah is a lesbian, too. For shame.

  13. I remember Libby. Totally makes sense why she would keep a low profile.

  14. I thought it was a great speech! TMZ sure is ripping it apart though...

  15. FrenchGirl--I saw later that she clarified backstage that she was NOT retiring...just talking about it. She said backstage 'wild horses would have to drag me away' from acting, something like that.

  16. shame on Enty for downplaying what Jodie Foster did last night. It takes a lot of guts to do what she did, and i admire her for that. good for her for coming out, we need more celebrities to follow her lead!

  17. I agree. Shame on you Enty.

  18. Jodie Foster looked fabulous and it was great to see her be rewarded for all her work over the years.

    A related fact: John Hinckley Jr. went to my high school. So did Angie Harmon.

  19. @libby, you're right about why Jodie went into 'seclusion' regarding her private life. That, and IIRC, she was afraid people would react aggressively to her after the movie. Taxi Driver was it? I can't remember, but if that was the child prostitute one, then that's the one I'm thinking of. She was afraid people (crazies, I think) would go off the deep end. Probably not what happened (shooting Reagan), but something like that. Isn't Hinkley still in jail? I hope so, that would be scary if he were out.

  20. I thought it was an AMAZING ;) speech. She was wonderful and looked so beautiful. I certainly don't think she really even hinted at retirement but more to the fact that she's at a point in her life and career that she can choose to only do projects that challenge her and not just do a shitty movie to keep her name out there.

    I loved the look on Mel's face. It was hilarious. I'm not going to throw any shade on Jodi for being such good friends with him because goodness knows we've all had some friends that not everyone in the world would like and I'm sure she has a much deeper insight into his mental issues.

    And that dress was PERFECTION on her.

    1. disco, you nailed it - I need say nothing more.

    2. Yes, everything disco said! She did look stunning in that dress. My girl JLaw was looking pretty until she turned sideways and oh, look, scarlet cone boobs!

  21. Did we really need her and Ricky Martin to announce that they were gay? I love Jodi but last night she seemed like she was enjoying the juice a tad bit too much. First she thanked Downey for talking her into staying in the acting game, then she says we won't se her on the stage again but behind the scenes she says no I'm not retiring, I love acting and directing too much.But overall she was a joy to watch; not a dull moment with this lady.

  22. Everything Discoflux said.

  23. Silly Girl---Taxi Driver was made when she was like 13, and she DID attract many crazies from it, culminating in the big crazy Hinckley trying to kill Reagan to 'impress' her. He had been stalking her for a LONG time before he did that though. I heard tapes of college-Jodie trying to REASON with him. It was scary as fuck---back then stalking wasn't so understood.

  24. The speech was just her way of bridging the gap between her desire for privacy and the need to make clear that it doesn't mean she's ashamed of who she is.

    Jodie was and is forever flawless imo. Major kudos to a classy lady.

  25. I love her. She was rambly though.

  26. @Renoblondee, when you've had the same career for 47 years, excelled at it, and you're being honored with an individual award - you've earned the right to ramble a bit.

    I don't know what was rambling about it. She spoke of herself, her life, her career, and her heartbreak when she reached out to her mother. She never said "I'm a lesbian." She made a joke of the media speculation and then thank Cydney as a co-parent and friend, which is more of an acknowledgement of her lifestyle than an announcement of it.

  27. Everything Discoflux said.


  28. I love the Golden Globes. Something interesting always happens, because it is open bar and there's always a celebrity who gets trashed by the end of it.

  29. @Disco, yeah.. it was a bit rambly, but in a riveting and fun way. Understandable considering the degree to which she was stepping outside her comfort zone. It's such a refreshing relief at award shows when stars take the boring out of it by just being real.

  30. Her speech was perfect, loved it.

  31. This makes me love her even more.

    Not only she is a great actress, a friend of her friends even in the hardest enviroment (being Mel's friend nowadays has to be very difficult) or a definitively nice person (according to most news I've heard). She is also a brave and sincere woman.

    Kudos for Jodie, one of the greatest, in movies and in celebrities world.

  32. Not quite sure how enty is "downplaying" it, it is after all the title of a blogs post.??

    Her speech was slightly rambling, she might have been slightly tipsy, but it seemed heartfelt and like she wanted to get a few things out since she so rarely speaks publicly.

  33. Glad I'm not the only who thought Jodie was on something last night

    She was getting really rambly there

  34. I didn't see this last night but now I understand what all the fuss is about. I don't think she seemed high or drunk. I thought she seemed elated, a little nervous, I think she had probably decided that she was going to share these things in public and once up there, actually saying the words, they stumbled upon each other a little bit.

    What I wanna know is, did we get a shoutout from Ironman or what?

    *LMAO* Just kidding, you guys.

  35. She did seem high, but I still got teary eyed. I love her

  36. Good for her, though I didn't love the speech. Parts of it made sense, other parts were just rambling.

    no one should feel forced to come out, but I also don't like the idea that coming out is no big deal. It's a huge deal, especially for a lot of celebrities just starting out. They're brave and should be celebrated, not mocked for being willing to be so open.

  37. I think what appeared to be rambly on the surface was due to nervousness from being so open about herself. Maybe she had a drink or two to fortify herself.

    Here's a transcript of the speech, which when read as text, really isn't as rambling as it may have seemed last night:

  38. Am I the only person who thought her older son really looked a lot like Mel? Especially the nose and chin lines.

  39. @Dewie, he didn't to me, but I'd love to know who the father is, seriously. Maybe Jodie will reveal that too in the future.

    Charlie & Kit Foster:

  40. Thanks for the pics, @phoenix! I'd never seen her boys before! They absolutely have her coloring, and if the older (or either) were Mel's, I would think they'd be darker, like Mel. I don't think Jodie's coloring would be dominant (too fair), but what do I know. Wait, what do his other kids look like?! Maybe that's why Mel and his wife split? She didn't like the fact he fathered Jodie's kids? Oh, I need to slow down on the coffee....

  41. @Silly Girl, you're welcome!

    That one is actually a year old. Here's one taken of them last night:

  42. I think the ginge is strong in Jodie--and doesn't Mel have a Scots-Irish background? I always thought he looked like a Stealth Ginger--ginge when very young, but head-hair darkens. (I dated a guy with exactly Mel's coloring--then got the happy surprise later that he was a secret ginge. SIGH--Good times.)

    Jodie DID say to Mel, 'You know, you saved me too.'

    I was chomping at the gossip bit when I heard that line.

  43. Well....wouldn't THAT be a blind worth revealing?!?! That would be AWESOME! Seriously, on a totally conspiracy-laden thread.....with no one backing Mel and everyone loving Jodie, it would be a HUGE thing to come out and have be true. Can you imagine what Hollyweird would do?! Shit, just like the rest of us, probably!

  44. Good for Jodie. But she won an award a few years ago and thanked her female partner live, so this isn't really earth shattering as the media is making it out to be.

  45. @Dewie, I think you're on to something there, definitely see a resemblance. She said Mel "saved" helping her into the world of motherhood? It would explain why he is at her table and their might go deeper than just a movie.

  46. Who cares??? When is the last time any tabloids mentioned her? News flash to her: she had privacy, she doesn't anymore now that she's brought up her sexuality publicly out of the blue.

  47. Who cares??? When is the last time any tabloids mentioned her? News flash to her: she had privacy, she doesn't anymore now that she's brought up her sexuality publicly out of the blue.

  48. @Brooke, Mondays sure can suck huh ;)

  49. Anonymous8:08 AM

    @Libby you were right the first time, it's "chomping".

    Jodie is such a classy lady. Would that more celebrities nowadays would have her dignity!

  50. I thought her speech was great. A little awkward at times, but great.

    The end bit about her mother really got me, when she said "I know you're inside those blue eyes somewhere" and to take her words with her when she is finally ok to go. It was so beautiful and touching, they were words that I would say to my mother.

    Gah I am tearing up just watching the end again.

  51. What a great speech. She looked absolutely amazing. I think she was just speaking quickly bc she had so much to say but didn't want to take time from others...RDJ is such a little hottie.

  52. Dagny--I just checked. We're both right. Or, I was right twice. lol

  53. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Libby, YOU. BITCH.

    How dare you correct my correction, you trollop? You and your armpit will feel my wrath.

    (Just kidding)


  54. At the time of Jodie's pregnancies, the donor father was presumed to be director Randy Stone. The Mel Gibson speculation is more recent, maybe because Randy Stone passed away so people don't think of him when they ponder the possible donor fathers anymore?

    Jodie bothers me because she doesn't seem to have a space for compassion in her stong woman demeanor. I was immensely bothered a few years back when she said she hates weakness so much that if she saw a wounded bird on the sidewalk, her impulse would be to kick it. I have a complete inability to understand anyone who thinks and SAYS things like that.

    (Oh, and libby's right, it's champing at the bit.)

  55. Chomping. A teeny tiny nitpick: i didnt like the color of her hair. Too dark.

    1. And its no bodys business who the father of her children is.

  56. They gave her 6:47 and they drowned out Daniel Day Lewis, bullshit man just bullshit. I know she got her special award but what a time hog when half of her speech was rambling. Daniel was eloquent and concise and they cut him off?

  57. The fact that Jodie Foster actively supports not only Mel Gibson, but also Roman Polanski, cancels out anything else that may have been positive about her. And make no mistake, when it comes to supporting these famous antisocials, it's about egotism, narcissism, special treatment, selectiveness and entitlement - not about right or wrong. Depravity is the word.

    What you permit, you promote. What you allow, you encourage.

    And I have absolutely no respect for anyone, no matter who they might be, who can stand behind such heinous people.

  58. Looks like I'm not the only one @Disco

  59. Yeah I can't respect anyone who stands behind and defends woman beaters and child rapers. I didn't know she was fond of Roman P, he skeeves me out.

    Still a good speech though.

  60. I am definitely a Jodie Foster fan and I am happy for her that she came out officially. However I really hate when celebrities do things like this during awards shows. These shows are about all of the participants, not just her. A well timed PR announcement on her own time would have been much better. But I am happy for her that she can just simply live her life in the open now.

  61. She isn't a fair weather friend, which says something on her behalf too. I don't recall her "standing behind" Gibson or Polanski in terms of supporting their bad behavior. I think the unconditional nature of her heart/affection speaks to it's depth.

    @WUWT, who hasn't made a short sighted error in judgement a time or two. Maybe she's not an animal person, and I say that as someone who definitely IS an animal person.

  62. @Lurky Loo, in Ricky Gervais' Golden Globes monolog last year, he jokingly made a thinly veiled reference to Jodie's sexuality, practically outing her, which made the tabloids. Perhaps the confluence of events between that and this year being chosen for an award at the same venue, prompted Jodie's decision to go for the gold, put it all out there, and be done with it.

  63. @ auntliddy Forgive us for speculating on the father of her son, I suppose none of the content on these gossip websites is any of our business. *hangs head in shame*

  64. @WUWT?

    You posted something unbelievably cruel to me once, so I don't think you are as nice as you might think you are.

  65. Great speech! For years bossy gossips have been saying abusive things about Jodie for not fronting her private life. She doesn't hide it but she doesn't put it out there for sale, either. That's a good thing! No wonder this post is so very defensive. Well done Jodie.

  66. i know the pc thing to say here is how moving and empowering and so on and so forth and yadda, yadda it was...but ehhh. whatever. i thought it was manic and all over the place. i did love that it was heartfelt, and i loved how proud her boys were when the camera panned to them. they're handsome young men, so wtg, jodie. i don't doubt the sincerity of her speech for a second, and my favorite part was the loving words about her mom. i do think the media are making it out to be more than it is tho. that said, she looked fan-FREAKING-tastic, her body is insane, so props to her for the discipline that requires. she OWNED that dress.

  67. I swear there's an old blind that implied that @dewie. I looked up the pics of the kids and don't really see it, but I've def heard that rumor before.

  68. Phoenix:

    It's about consistency.

    "Lady Justice has often been depicted wearing a blindfold. The blindfold represents objectivity, in that justice is or should be meted out objectively, without fear or favour, regardless of identity, money, power, or weakness; blind justice and impartiality."

    There is a difference between unconditional love and an unconditional friendship. You are not a "fair-weather friend" when you choose not to support a person who raped a kid, or who abused their partner, or who's a belligerent racist. Being a so-called "good friend," as you describe it, does not necessarily make you a good person. On the contrary.

    And yes, she did and does stand behind them, thus in/advertently supports their bad behavior.

  69. I thought it was one of the best speeches ever. As a woman who has always tried so hard to protect her and her family's privacy, that was HUGE.

    I have known Jodie for years, and have loved her since I was a child. She is an incredible person, and her speech brought tears to my eyes.

  70. Didn't Russell Crowe out Jodie around the time he was serial dating (the Meg Ryan era)? He said something like "Jodie is the type of woman I could fall in love with but she plays for the other team".

    I can only hope I look half as gorgeous as Jodie does when I hit 50. She was stunning last night.

  71. I thought it was courageous of her to invite Mel Gibson to be part of her table & sat him right next to her. That is loyalty. There is no upside to being Mel Gibson's friend publicly in Hollywood anymore. It was a real screw you message.

  72. Sorry, but for a lifetime achievement award (at 50 year old), she seemed amazingly ungracious. She only acknowledged a few key people who helped get the award for her, not those that supported and help develop her talent throughout her career. Those thousands of people who helped work on the movies from the early 1990s that made her worthy of such an award? Pshaw. And how dare you be nosey about the personal life of someone who works in an industry where the job is to put yourself on display (albeit as a character you play)! Peasants. :-) She didn't talk about her work, maybe because the golden days of her acting were so long ago. And even if she did, I assume it would be to shame others for talking about it. I think she's a terrific actress, but amazingly controlling and apparently paranoid about privacy. Apparently she severely limits her charity commitments, cause someone with a net worth of $100 million cranking out hits like "The Beaver" really has little time or money for that sort of thing. She reportedly gave a sizeable sum to the Trevor Project but seemed much less than someone of her means and influence could manage. She wrote that nutty essay for the Daily Beast defending Kristen Stewart and she's still very good friends with the anti-semitic, homophobic Mel Gibson. She's made it clear that this whole showbiz thing is basically a big burden to her and yet she somehow can't walk away? Kristy McNichol had a near exact experience growing up, and when she found it to be too much she walked away. She didn't stick around and then blame the public for what the business is. And she definitely didn't accept any lifetime achievement awards and use the platform to berate others about privacy.

  73. I think her defending Stewart was awesome. Stewart got shit on over the affair, while we barely heard about the man who stepped out on his wife and kids. The slut shaming was beyond ridiculous.
    In terms of her friendship with Gibson, I've got nothing. The guy is a racist, misogynistic, pig. It goes to show that very smart people, can have very poor judgement.

    1. She says that is not at all the mel she knows. Thats her ball of wax.

  74. @KZoeT, she looks amazing! I can only hope I age as well as she has.

  75. @85134943, I chalk it up to a combination of fundamental non-judgmental attitude and maternal instincts.

    Do most mothers whose sons commit terrible crimes stop loving them? Nope, they always hold out hope for redemption, and bear in mind Jodi has known both men since she was a small child, so she most likely perceives them more as family than simply friends.

  76. I'm glad Jodi and RDJ are standing with Mel, it shows that their friendship is deep and goes much further than that Hollywood fake ass friendships.

    I've said this before and will say it again, until I hear Mel make anti-semtic, racial & homophobic slurs in his sober state, I refuse to believe he is a racist. It was clear that at that time the man suffered from mental issues as well as SA. If he is such a homophobic why would he stick by Jodi who we can assume Mel knew was gay. Also let's not forget that it has been said by others and in some unique way by RDJ himself that he is bisexual. So why would Mel hate gay people when two of his closest friends fit that sexual orientation?

  77. Wait, she is buds with Polanski too? My god, her taste in friends is horrible.

  78. Said much better than I could:
    "Here is how you can have privacy, Jodie Foster: do not attend the Golden Globe Awards. Do not walk down a red carpet in a Giorgio Armani gown. Do not give seven-minute tributes to yourself on national prime time television. Do not attend several similar high profile events every single year. And while you're at it, do not spend decades in the movie industry pursuing the conscious goal of fame and celebrity, before taking the stage to beg for your privacy. (We can, of course, see how the whole John Hinckley obsession might have made her desire a private life; but if it did, her actions have certainly not been oriented in that direction.)" http://www.

  79. I totally agree. If you have ever been around a true bipolar, then you have some insight into Mel Gibson's behavior. He is a classic bipolar along with a substance abuse addiction which is usually par for the course for that disorder. I sm sure a properly medicated and sober Mel is nothing like the dui/ Oksana stuff. If he was truly awful, I doubt a lesbian (Jody), ex-substance abuser/bisexual RDJ and ( afro-american (Whoopi) wouldn't be friends with him. He did stick by RDJ when everyone else had written him off and didn't want to deal with the insurance hassles and I remember him trying to help Britney when she was doing her crazy thing. I can't hate on the guy.

  80. I'm with Pookie. The speech was too rambling for me, but I guess maybe she was emotional? I could not stop saying how freaking fantastic she looked.

  81. Thanks for seeing it from my point of view Livingthedream76.

  82. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Good for her, but didn't everybody already know?

  83. The father of her children is Chloe Grace Moretz.

  84. Nevermindthat - I'm not so sure. What I've always seen is that people tend to get more honest when drinking; it's harder to keep opinions from slipping out. Well, with the exception of beer-goggles, like when a person is drunk, they're attracted to people they wouldn't normally be when sober.

  85. @Ingrid, that was funny! Where's @sav when you need a response?!

  86. @Tuxedo Cat:
    I seriously, sincerely do not know what I said to you. Since I do not try to insult anyone, could you please let me know what I said? I hope it was a misunderstanding.

    In a post about Morrissey, many people quoted some of his lyrics, and I did too, from his song Ouija Board. After that, I noticed you used a Ouija Board reference after some of my posts, but I didn't know what was up with that so I ignored it. Was is around that time? Please let me know and maybe I can explain what I meant. I would not have said anything deliberately mean, and I can't recall another incident. Please tell me.

  87. @WUWT?

    I think we had a misunderstanding, because now what you posted totally makes sense. Sorry about that, I was assuming the worst and that was wrong of me. Hope we can forgive and forget?

  88. Tuxedo, ah, good!
    I know nuance is hard to read in typing, so I generally try to choose my words carefully, but since you never know someone else's private struggles, you never know what may unintentionally offend.
    But that day, I was reading other people's clever jabs back at Morrissey using his own words and lyrics, which I found very humorous, and I was just trying to join in. I thought using the "How soon is now?" line "Shut your mouth, how can you say [they] go about things the wrong way?" would be too obvious (and require a pronoun change), so I went more obscure....and ended up with a reference that those who didn't know the song could find offensive. Enough people were quoting Morrissey lines that I thought it was safe, and it turns out I wasn't. I'm sorry you spent so long thinking that line was personal.

    I'm all for moving on (and for getting back on topic), but thanks for letting me explain.

  89. @WUWT?

    I'm so glad we got it cleared up, thanks again for explaining - it was just a misunderstanding, and thanks for listening...

  90. Did she have ANY help from autocues or cue cards? That was an EPIC and moving and beautiful speech.

  91. Both RDJ and Jodie Foster have stuck by Mel, RDJ because Mel was the only one to stand by him when he hit his lowest point and helped him get sane and sober. When RDJ could not get insurance Mel took on the liability for Air America. That was huge.

    Polankski, that's a tougher one. I guess I see what Polanski did as worse. I think he had a pattern of drugging and raping minors, not just the one case he was charged with and so there is premeditation to that along with his running away, another premeditated act, which is different than Mel's transgressions.

  92. Good points nevermindthat.

  93. I believe Mel and his wife split and were separated because she was fed up with his drinking, falling off the wagon and cheating and the fact his bad habits were being picked up by their kids, the one son got charged with DUI after Dad did but I believe she filed for divorce when he knocked up Oksana. That was the final straw. Like a good Catholic wife she hung in there as long as she could.

  94. For the many children Mel's had, there's not much negativity associated with them.

  95. @nevermind and livinthedream

    im totally with you, dont think mel is a racist or a homphobe. i think he has mental health issues.

    lets say us 3 grab a table with Jodie, RDJ and Mel!

    @countervail - wow. not sure if you comment much around here but id just say if you dont like the person dont comment on them yeah? easy peasy then? oh and jodie HARDLY goes to these things and last night SHE was HONOURED. she is in fact quite private. FFS

  96. Good for Jodie! She looked so gorgeous and better at 50 than I do at 31 lol

  97. @Blinditem me; I'm down, when is the next Hollywood event; Oscars perhaps.

    One last thing to add RDJ is part Jewish so that would be a double whammy and reason for Mel not to like him. I'm not buying the racist thing/homophobic thing.
