Monday, January 28, 2013

Anonymous Celebrates 5th Anniversary Fighting Scientology - New Protests Planned

Five years ago, the group Anonymous made their mark on the world by declaring war on Scientology. Since that time, they have moved on to other fights and have been very successful in mobilizing people for causes that are important. Next month they are marking the anniversary of their first fight, by holding protests around the world against Scientology. You can read about the protests and their locations here.


  1. In my opinion it's a frickin sad day when an anarchist organization like Anonymous has more conscience than the courts or the governments.

  2. Damn, nothing in Boston.

  3. +1 Tuxedo. Amen, amen!

  4. Matt and Trey think this is funny.

  5. Last week, the Scientology Centre in Toronto closed. They papered up all the windows, and put out some sort of press release saying that they were going to be redesigning the building.

    Hopefully, they never re-open.

  6. The clam is going down.

  7. My respect and admiration for Anonymous knows no bounds. What they did about the Amanda Todd case (when the police did and still are doing nothing)earned my respect forever...
    They are imo the last bastion of a sane voice in this corrupt society.

  8. South Park creators are not the only ones laughing. Homeland Security has been investigating co$ for human trafficking, read about it. Where's Shelly?

    1. I can't wait for Jenna's book.


  9. What I still can't wrap my head around, is HOW they managed to gain tax-exempt status as a "religion" in the U.S. They're widely considered a cult - and have been banned from Germany. I hope Anonymous takes them down, and takes them down hard.

    1. @MalibuBarbie Oh, that's easy. Blackmail, blackmail, blackmail.

    2. Oh, and how could I forget the murdered pets?

    3. Let's not forget bribery and lawsuitpolooza

    4. And spies. They put spies evrywhere--thats how they get ammo for blackmail.

  10. MalibuBarbie, after they were caught breaking into the IRS and other government agencies, they went the other way. Some of the higher ups in the IRS are $cienos.

  11. The Matt and Trey reference was inside-baseball with regard to CDAN. But I do think you'll see the DOJ taking down the clams in Obama's second term, one way or another.

  12. Great article for info on IRS and Co$ .

  13. There are still some hella paranoid freaks in Anonymous, but at least they're using their powers for good instead of evil.

  14. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Hooray! Hooray! Good for them!

  15. Vicki, Agent and Seaward - thanks for the IRS info - I had no idea. I'm aware of quite a lot of their other schemes, blackmailing, murder, abuse, etc - and was an avid reader of OperationClambake a few years ago. Going to check out Agents link now...

  16. I watched a program on my DVR yesterday from the ID channel called "Dangerous Persuasions" and it was about Scientology. It was truly hair-raising and terrifying. This woman had been driven almost insane by them and it showed how extremely difficult it is for people to leave it. The woman and her husband finally did escape it--after 24 years. Scientology's HQ in my state used to be just down the street from my house--they moved up to the next town last summer and am I glad. I got the creeps just from walking past that building. I'm glad Anonymous is taking them on--theyre extremely brave to do so.

  17. Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief by Lawrence Wright is #10 on Amazon' s best seller list.

    1. #3 on NY Times non fiction list. I got a giggle out of Nichole
      Kidman reading P.S. Hoffman' s name for best actor in "The Master".

    2. Agent : I just read the review of the book today in the Sunday book review. Sounds like it could have been a bit more hard hitting but it surely talked about the crazy. May have to check out from the library.

  18. Good for Anon. Hopefully they'll take down Scientology.

  19. TY, Agent, I need to google that clip!

    $cio p*es me off with their "religious" status. Yeah, religion should totally include beatings, intimidation, blackmail, electroshock therapy, mind control - oh, wait, that's a cult that gets investigated, not exonerated.

  20. If they can prove human trafficking, think SeA Org, they are done. Interesting that Tom Cruise was able to get his daughter's boyfriend OUT of Sea Org.....

  21. best source . plus comments, for links to Co$ .
