Thursday, January 17, 2013

All My Babies' Mamas Never Gets A Chance

I admit it. I was going to watch the season of All My Babies's Mamas featuring the 10 different moms of Shawty Lo's 11 different children. Apparently though people complained and Oxygen decided it did not want the bad publicity and is pulling the show. Why? How is it any crazier than half the stuff that is on the air?  This would not even be crazy on VH-1. They should pick up the show. Apparently Shawty has never heard of a condom, but I think that Lil' Wayne is going to pass him at some point. Wayne is young and has more money so can keep procreating as much as he wants. I think it would have been a fun show to watch and I'm not sure why Oxygen is worried. They did have multiple seasons of Tori Spelling on their network.


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