Thursday, January 17, 2013

All My Babies' Mamas Never Gets A Chance

I admit it. I was going to watch the season of All My Babies's Mamas featuring the 10 different moms of Shawty Lo's 11 different children. Apparently though people complained and Oxygen decided it did not want the bad publicity and is pulling the show. Why? How is it any crazier than half the stuff that is on the air?  This would not even be crazy on VH-1. They should pick up the show. Apparently Shawty has never heard of a condom, but I think that Lil' Wayne is going to pass him at some point. Wayne is young and has more money so can keep procreating as much as he wants. I think it would have been a fun show to watch and I'm not sure why Oxygen is worried. They did have multiple seasons of Tori Spelling on their network.


  1. One of the reasons was because a lot of women said it perpetuates the stereotype that black women are ghetto baby mamas who don't care if the guy has other children.

  2. Those poor kids. People should call out irresponsible breeding more often. This is not a society anyone should live in. Where are these girl's parents? Enablers??

    1. The girls & their Mommas grew up the same way. Not 100‰, but trust me...this is a cycle. I bear witness every day. The only difference is that this generation can get a reality show out of it.

  3. Oxygen airs the Bad Girls Club. You can't get any worse than that. E'creia sounds like some sort of intestinal disease.

  4. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Oooh burn on Tori Spelling! I like her though, and Dean, even if they did pull a Leanne in getting together. She seems like an amazingly nice person for someone that was raised so obscenely wealthy. I too would have watched this show, it looks entertaining. And PuggleWug is absolutely right, nothing is worse than those drunken toddler bitches. Imma kick yor ass ho!

  5. Seriously, why reward & glamorize people who are making the WORST choices in life?

  6. Would love to say I would never watch this trash, but then realizes I did faithfully watch all seasons of
    Flavor of Love
    Rock of Love and Rock of Love Bus
    And lets not forget the gem I <3 NY

    So yeah, I would have watched it.

    Hangs head in shame....

  7. I don't now why they pulled it, either. I've met people IRL who were one of a dozen baby mamas and think it would be an interesting slice of life to know.

  8. libby said...
    Seriously, why reward & glamorize people who are making the WORST choices in life?


  9. Preparing myself for the onslaught of fake ebonics.

  10. How is this worse than Honey Boo Boo perpetuating stereotypes about Southerners? I agree I'd rather not see this type of behavior glamorized, but it's no worse than many other shows on, and anyone who thinks black women are the only ones who get in these situations is just insanely ignorant.

    1. You are absolutely right. This situation is more common than people like to admit.
      I am Irish, white and Catholic. My brother has 5 children with 4 different women. It happens.
      He is a great dad and supports them all. They all know each other and spend a lot of good quality sibling time together.
      Is it ideal? No. Does he make it work? Yes.
      He is a firefighter so he works hard.

    2. I hit publish before I was done.
      My point was not everybody who has multiple children with different partners are horrible people.
      My nieces and nephews range from 18 years to 4 months old.
      Shows like this obviously like to show extreme situations, for ratings and publicity etc. of course, but they aren't all like that.

  11. I just finished watching a recording of the newest Bad Girls Club. I probably would have watched this too. Kendra, you forgot Real Chance at Love (I think that was the title!).

  12. I can't pretend I'm above it, I would so watch if I had pay tv. I love the worst of the worst shows. I'm the only person I know who can watch toddlers and tiaras without vomiting

  13. Tammy there are MANY insanely ignorant people running around then.

  14. I'm delighted it was cancelled. Crap like this just perpetuates the idea that this is a good lifestyle, that no one gets hurt, that no one suffers financially. And I just can't watch crap like this. And I also despise Honey Boo Boo - the only parts of that I've seen are what is shown on The Soup.

  15. Putting these people on television 'normalizes' this behavior on impressionable minds. I think "Toddlers & Tiaras" is such an atrocity too.

  16. I'm with you Libby and SusanB. Why can't they air shows that aren't garbage and just for ratings??

  17. and anyone who thinks black women are the only ones who get in these situations is just insanely ignorant.

    That's thing though, millions of Americans do believe that. Millions more only know of black people through what they see in the media. That's why people petitioned to prevent this from airing.

  18. I would've watched it. I love despicable television. When I get home at the end of the day, I like to turn my brain off. Most reality TV is fake anyway, because most of the real stuff they film is boring as shit. The production people in charge of the story have to come up with things to make it more interesting. (This is direct from my friend who works in reality TV, and is currently on a show.)

  19. (**By "on a show" I mean working in the production of it. Not a cast member.)

  20. The difference is that Tori Spelling can afford her kids and this show celebrates irresponsible parenting and having kids you can't afford out of wedlock. It's about time we said no to this sort of program. Sorry to be the jerk here... but I am sick and tired of the complete collapse of the TV industry's moral compass.

  21. I'm guessing they have as much right to a reality show as anyone else. On the bad side, it seems to resemble Shawty's personal harem. On the other hand, the children get to see their dad, and will grow up with lots of aunts. It actually makes sense to me from an economic point of view. In this economy, people are coming up with more creative solutions on how to get by. I'm not saying at all that this is responsible behaviour by Shawty, and he should stop it now. But what's done is done.

  22. Then Honey Boo Boo needs to get yanked off the air, pronto. Read about June the mother of the Boo, four daughters by four different men - one of which she cannot identity.The three men the 33-year-old grandmother can name have all served time in prison for crimes including sexual exploitation, arson and burglary, and that's just a slice of it. Let this show air, or take off the Boo. IMHO.

    1. Agent**It - totally agree. Like libby said this normalizes the behavior as a lifestyle choice when clearly it is not.

  23. This is not meant to sound racist, rude or anything of the sort. But in many urban areas, this is the norm ( well not to this extent - I am referring to multiple baby mamas). I don't know if it's the lack of unprotected sex because "
    He won't have sex with me if we do" or thinking the man will love you more if you have his kid, but it's out of control. In Detroit and some suburbs, this happens all the time

  24. Tuxedo, I have no doubt these women got paid for being on the show. If anything, it was smart to do from a financial aspect.

  25. I have a problem with the premise of this show, just as I had a problem with the shows about the polygamist families - Sister Wives and even the fictional Big Love. Sorry. I don't support this type of arrangement AT ALL. Race has nothing to do with it.

    None of these people have any shame and well, that's my problem with it. Why is it OK for you to have all of these children, which you probably can't support, thus you're going on reality television to make a fast buck? Do any of these grown-ass adults realize how their decisions impact the children in all of this? Hell, no.

    Yes, I have watched my share of reality TV. In retrospect, I know I spent way too much time watching Jersey Shore. But at least with those fools, you could argue that no children were getting hurt by their stupid actions. Yes, they impact the adolescent viewers, but it's up to parents to monitor what their children watch.

    All of these poor parenting programs drive me bananas.

    I wonder how Oprah feels about this show. Didn't she start the Oxygen network?

  26. This is not some example of sociological evolution where the children all gain a vast network of 'aunties'. They did NOT have these children to build a reality show around them (as if that would make it any less reprehensible). These are a bunch of women who have no sense of self worth or value. They are raising children who will feel anything but unique or treasured.

    Even if this asshat is financially supporting them, he is not providing them with anywhere NEAR the emotional support every child deserves.

    Unfortunately, this is becoming all too common and women like this make scumbag losers delusional enough to think that they are desirable to other women with a modicum of self-respect (and no children, because that's what they want- no kidding, I hear that quite a lot).

  27. Chris, many people (especially the posters here) think that anyone from a rural area is a redneck, racist hick. But it's only OK to stereotype when it's white people. I knew you people would get offended over this but wouldn't see how you do the EXACT SAME THING to white people. And of course despite my pointing it out you still won't see it, and will call me names instead of examining your own prejudices. But that's to be expected from tolerant, accepting, progressive elites.

    1. Don't think we don't get what your google ID name stands for. " oh I'll add an extra 8 they'll never know"

  28. But millions of people, including enty, also believe stereotypes like it's worse being openly gay in the South, and that all southerners act like the Honey Boo Boo family or the Clampetts or the Dukes of Hazzard. SO why should a show that furthers black stereotypes get special treatment?

  29. while I hate all of those reality type shows, this is just sheer racism. those crazy christian white people can have 19 children and they're still on the air. the jersey shore people can be drunk all of the time and their show lasted years. real housewives wouldn't be on tv if they didn't act like catty thugs.

    and yet, the thought of non-white people procreating is just too much for the white majority to take.

  30. yes @cc423 and @Pini 27 - i echo your posts.

    This show would have been less moral specifically because of the seemingly broken family.

    At least Sister Wives/polygamist families are FAMILIES, care for each other's kids, spend time with each other, have a moral and religious structure... Even Toddlers & Tiaras, where the mom is actively involved with the child's life.

    How many of the kids on this show will be neglected, even abused, etc etc... It's so sad.

  31. @annabella, i'm pretty sure this is not the issue here.

    @888 ITA. I live in the south and it's so funny/ironic to hear what some posters have to say.

  32. @888, what?

    You're pointing out that it's OK to stereotype white people, but not black people, and everyone here says rural people are hicks.

    Meanwhile, a bunch of posters are expressing disgust at the Toddlers & Tiaras and Honey Booboo shows - which are portraying "white" stereotypes. Just because this show was pulled (and the race thing was only ONE of the reasons - another one was that it showcased multiple "baby mamas" as if this guy was a stud with a harem) and the other shows remain on the air doesn't mean everyone's all up on the redneck hicks in rural Pickleton.

    I'm from the South (New Orleans) and there's a lot of racism there still. My husband grew up in a very rural area (45 minutes from the nearest real town) and half the people he grew up with were rednecks (and proud of it).

    Every stereotype has a kernel of truth buried in there somewhere. It's our job as a civilized people to ignore the stereotypes and look at the people as individuals, not a stereotypical whole. (BTW, I'm not white.)

    Also - But that's to be expected from tolerant, accepting, progressive elites.

    Way to stereotype.

  33. All this show is is a "What are they doing now?" episode of the Bad Girls Club.

    Side note, when I was in NOLA two years ago I saw the bad girls walking through an empty Bourbon St. That is my only claim to fame. Aside from Amber Tamblyn being my second cousin.

  34. I don't see this as a racial thing. I see a bunch of women with little self-respect. A woman deserves to be treated well by the man in her life, not to accept being "one of many" in order to "keep" a man. If you don't respect yourself, why expect a man to respect you? And this poor self image will go on with the next generation who see their mothers treated as "part of a harem" and not given the respect they deserve. Their sons will grow up thinking it's ok to have kids with multiple mothers, and the daughters will think she has to accept this behavior in order to have a man in their life. And the cycle will continue.

  35. Kendra and Puggle, also don't forget Rock of Love and the award winning Rock of Love Bus.

    And seriously, don't knock Honey Boo Boo until you watch it. I get tired of people talking shit about their family and what horrible people they are when in fact, that is the total opposite of who the family is.
    Mama June is a maneater though, there is no denying that.

    888 I'm confused, are you pissed white people get stereotyped?

  36. I teach in an urban environment. Many of the students that I work with come from mixed families and have several siblings and half-siblings. They frequently ask questions about why the only shows about big families feature white people. In my opinion, not putting something like this on air is telling these kids that their family structures are something they should be ashamed of.

  37. So....when is Ten Mom getting cancelled? How is glamorizing that OK?

  38. Gaaaahh! Teen Mom! LOL

  39. I would probably love this show

  40. I would have never watched this crap just like I never watch sister wives....

  41. If I wanted to see crap like this I'd go to a family reunion.

    1 of 8 by 5.

    BTW, my bio-dad and four of his "baby mamas" are caucasian, the other is hispanic.

  42. 888 seems to think we're racist towards whites. All of these reality shows have stereotypes of various races and genders. They are train wrecks, which is why people watch them.

  43. @JSierra, I loved Rock of Love Bus! The show Charm School, which would bring the trashy contestants back to learn how to be ladies was pretty awesome too.

  44. I hate when people equate urban as meaning black people!
