Monday, January 21, 2013

Adrienne Maloof Is Dating Sean Stewart

I'm trying to think of two people who could be dating which would be more bizarre than Adrienne Maloof and I can't think of anyone. I thought when she got divorced that she would never date anyone ever again. She always seemed so cold and unapproachable. I'm trying to remember if I ever saw her kiss Paul at all except the one time where she was basically pressured to by her peers. Then, if she did end up going on a date, I didn't think it would be with a guy who has been to rehab and had a lot of problems with drug abuse in his life and is 19 years younger than her. She is 51 and he is 32. On Saturday night, they went out for at least the second time and were spotted kissing and canoodling. I always want everyone to be happy, and if Sean's sister Kimberly could have a baby with Benicio then I guess Sean can date Adrienne.


  1. I think the difference between Rod Stewart's kids and Paul McCartney's kids is fascinating.

    1. Anonymous8:04 AM

      Paul's kids were brought up in a sleepy southern english town and sent to local school, supported by both happily married parents. Hippy vegetarian types.
      Rod's kids - not 100 sure but i think lots of baby mother's , brought up in the spotlight of LA...

      Not that surprising really

    2. I guess my point is that the kids don't have to be screwed up just because Dad is famous and rich. I haven't heard much too awful about any of the Beatle kids, or for that matter, any of the Rolling Stones' kids.

  2. Bizarre is the right word to describe this mess.

  3. I've never heard of either of them :s

  4. He's going in the opposite direction of his father, age wise.

  5. I consider myself lucky i have no idea who either of them are.

  6. Whatever she is wearing is hideous and just like the guy on her arm Not age appropriate.

  7. Now if this was her ex photographed hanging off a former(?) drug addict, she would flip shit & start the media war. Again.

  8. i wouldn't be bragging about it if i were seeing this guy.

  9. at this point, I think Sean is passed around to rich older woman. He has no other means to support himself and I think his dad cut him off the teat a long time ago. As long as he stays cute he has a gig, I saw his reality show years ago. He had the personality of flypaper.

    1. That's exactly what is happening. Usually, he oes not go public, so this is kind of weird.

    2. The personality of flypaper....thanks for the laugh! :)

  10. Uhh TimeBob what about that man in that picture is cute? He needs a different mirror if "cute" is what he sees every day.

    Adrienne is such a slimy person.

  11. I'm reading Rod Stewart's biography right now... It's really good, and he seems very likable. I do think his two kids with Alanna Stewart (Sean and Kim) seem the most messed up...

  12. ok, edit, years ago he was cute, there he is a bloated mess, i was just basing it on the reality show he did with Randy Spelling

    And big thanks to Enty posting today, my ogre of a company is open today and I have to go into work. Happy MLK & Inauguration day y'all!

    1. Same here timebob! My boss went home sick so I get the whole office to myself. Thanks ent!

  13. I super-uber-like Adrienne Maloof, in spite of everything. I like her voice, her hair, her glitter (even though I normally don't fall for vampires), her clothing, her schtick, her "Hey hey cool it" attitude, her intensity, and everything about her. Seriously, even though she came across as a little harsh, I'm starting to notice that Lisa really is kind of reptilian and inhuman and Adrienne was probably onto something when she went after Lisa's coziness with certain press outlets. I say, Adrienne should date whomsoever she wishes. She has some awesomeness in her, the old girl.

  14. Hmmm. A more unlikely couple? How about Betty White and Snoop Dog.

    Stewart's son has gotta be for hire.

    I am really interested to know more deets on Adrienne's divorce. She is a total wackadoo.

  15. At some point it should occur to celebrity spawn to get an education. I can't imagine their estranged parents wouldn't pay for that. The constant drinking and drugging seems so boring.

  16. Add their ages together and you have their IQ.

  17. Adrienne must be hearing some very interesting stories about Rod Stewart.

  18. After seeing Sean on Celebrity Rehab, I would say he has mommy and daddy issues. Doesn't surprise me that he would seek out an older woman.

  19. This has longevity written all over it. I have a friend that had to work with Sean once. The guy is totally burnt out. Would love to be a fly on the wall during some of their conversations.

  20. @someonelikeyou, I'm reading the bio too. Really enjoy it. Rod does seem rather likeable and down to earth. I'm still in the 1960's in it, but have looked at all the pictures and captions a few times. And model railroader?? Whodathunkit?

    I do agree that his kids with Alanna seemed the most messed up. In fact, they may be his only kids that are messed up. You don't hear boo about the others. Rod seems family oriented and proud of his kids. That fact that his oldest tend to be screw-ups makes me sad for Rod.

  21. I can't stand Adrienne myself she is definitely the never satisfied type that you want to slap and say snap out of it but then the whole Housewive series is women who have what it seems they all want and still whine well they have to do something for the cameras - is she trying to give Brandi a run for her money on sleeping with everyone in town as Brandi declared in the season opener. And I still love Brandi even though she made that statement.

  22. I like her husband alot better than her and that isn't saying alot .
    I thought she was okay until she started pulling that shit with the kids . I can't stand either sex that pulls that

  23. Anonymous8:51 AM

    She's in alot of pain from being abused and divorcing, but wasn't that supposed to be a bearding arrangement of some sort for her anyways? I thought I remember something like that. A blind where Brandi or someone had said well you're marriage is a sham, and the person had gotten all upset since it actually is? If she's just trying to cover her real preferences and/or is confused/hurting then that's the only way that this coupling makes sense. My coffee isn't working!!

  24. Barton - pretty sure one of the reveals on New Year's was Adrienne was selling stories to Radar. Just FYI.

  25. I looked at these photos on another site yesterday and scrolled up to cut off her head. She looks like a 25 year old from the neck down. I had no idea she was 51. Hard to tell with all that plastic. I'm 53, look pretty good and my kids would kill me if I ever dressed like that. Trying a little too hard there lady.
    And Rod Stewart's son with Rachel Hunter is a normal, hockey playing teenager. At least he was when I saw him and Ms Hunter at an arena a couple of years ago. Mady my day!

  26. Maybe growing up in H'wd isn't the best thing for celebrity kids. Who's with me?

  27. @ Barton - Wow, I can't believe you called Lisa "reptilian". I totally love her (but hey, I really liked Adrienne in Season 1, but I NEVER cared for the dismissive way she talked to Paul).

    As for Sean Stewart, I read that Kimberly is an over-achiever compared to him, LOL!

    Rod Stewart has always been on the road a lot so I guess I shouldn't slam him too harshly but he really did his kids no favors. They seem to be layabouts. I know he has a few more with other models and ex-wives and hopefully they do more than model and make appearances on Celebrity Rehab. Doesn't anyone go to college anymore???

  28. *Made* my day. Obviously

  29. Yeah, I can totally see Adrienne planting stories and talking to reporters and dealing dirt (and misdirection) to editors and bloggers. But to then pocket a tiny little check for a few thousand dollars? That would be odd. She's operating with a few more zeroes behind her numbers, or so it seemed. I always thought that her connexions with bloggers/publicity was how she learned of Lisa's shenanigans.

    I like the scenes where Lisa and Brandi are talking and being interesting, but when it turns to skullduggery (and «douchebagguerie») I tend to lose interest in them.

  30. I assume they share the same PR firm.

  31. In regards to Rod's kids Sean and Kimberley not really doing anything with their lives, maybe their mother Alanna has something to do with it. I only say that because her son Ashley (with George Hamilton) had his biggest fame from being married to Shannen Doherty and being a drug addict. Don't know what he's up to these days but I hope he's alright. An interesting note: Ashley once said that people would probably be surprised to know that Rod was a rather strict stepfather who tried his best to straighten Ashley out.

    1. Ashley is my friend. He's had his share of problems but if there is one thing, the Stewart/Hamilton family loves eachother very much. He is soon to be seen in Iron Man 3.

  32. Why?! Seriously, this guy who looks like he smells like hot dog water. She has enough money to keep a hot, model type guy. Eww, just eww and his body language looks like he's grossed out by hugging her. Adrienne needs to find her receipt and get her money back.

  33. Anonymous12:36 PM


  34. Well this certainly makes me less concerned about being 9 years older than my fiance.

  35. She totally thinks she is the new Demi Moore. She is wearing that same stupid onesie as Demi was when she was dating Schnable Jr. for 5 minutes.

  36. Rocketqueen: don't let the age difference bother you. My husband and I met when he was 24 and I was 31. We were on vacation and didn't care. Been married going on 19 years and still very happy.

  37. I don't really care about the age difference, but if he is as described, I definitely don't see this as more than a fling. This is to show that she can get a younger dude, post Paul.
