Monday, January 14, 2013

Adam Lambert Needs A New Record Label

In today's world of music where it is tough to sell a record or make any money off sales directly, Adam Lambert has not done a bad job. Compared to most American Idol alums, I would say he is in the top 10%. This past week though he and his record label 19 Recordings decided to go their separate ways when Adam's contract ran out. The deal he has in place with RCA Records is probably a better deal than what he was basically forced to sign as part of his Idol gig. Think about when he was on the show and how his contract is just now ending. He will get better terms with someone else. The thing is now to find him some good songwriters because even though he might get a better deal, if his next record does not debut at number 1, he might be looking for another record deal again. RCA is not just going to want him to sell records overseas, but is going to want some airplay for him here which has not happened in a while.


  1. Sorry but after the mutual beat down by him and his toy followed by acting like it was no big thing has simply left me not interested.

  2. Maybe he can join Morrissey in a world-wide "bitch about everything to stay relevant" tour.

  3. He needs to go away.

    Go get an education and do something worthwhile.

  4. He will be all right financially because he's willing to sing pop music and he can actually sing.

  5. He'll be popular overseas. Seriously. He should leave the U.S if he wants a lasting career.

  6. I really like Adam Lambert - both his voice and his persona - but his last album was a snooze. Poor song choice, too much autotune, and dated videos (Dancing zombies in 2012?)

    Enty is right in that Lambert needs some good songwriters and, in my opinion, better management. Whomever he has now is not making the most of his talents.

  7. I like him and what he represents...I hope he gets his songwriters and producers

  8. @Tuxedo Cat, I agree with you that he will be fine financially. Even if he doesn't ultimately make it as a solo singer, there's always Broadway - his background is in musical theater - or Vegas. He's the kind of guy that has a passionate fan base that will turn out to see him.

  9. if RCA is his record label why does he need a new one?

    They need to get him some radio play. Only way to make it these days.

  10. I think he should do Broadway. He can really sing and has a great stage presence, IMO.

  11. People still listen to radio?!?!?!???

  12. Gah I hate him. There's just something about him (and no, not because he's gay) that I don't like.

    Anyway, I'm gonna on here in between my classes ( I have an hour break between each) reading up on everything, so please keep commenting.

  13. I dont get this guy.

    1. Better way to say it: I dont get this guys appeal.

  14. What I like about Adam is he isn't the vanilla male singer the show usually pumps out. And if rumors are true he seduced Kris Allen Mr.Christian married man, just makes me like him even more.

    But I think all these reality singers have seen their peak and none of them can maintain a career except for the first few. Like Carrie or Kelly, but they were already being courted by record companies their people just used AI to get them more visibility faster.

    1. Like One Direction? Yeah, that singing reality show biz that discovered them have blown their chances for success. ;-)

  15. i love him. i think he'll be ok. it's not like he's one of the 'who?' people from AI----like the guy who won his season. he's driven, he's talented---he'll be fine.

  16. I agree with you timebomb. Too bad he and Kris didn't work out, that story would have gotten them press for years.

    There's too many reality show contestants for me to keep up with. Not a good sign.

  17. Anonymous9:56 AM

    i also believe we are over these
    "reality singers".. but the only time i ever hear his name or see his name he is bitching about something. Not his music. Time to get on the grind and work on MUSIC you can still make it. Field is wide opem

  18. Anonymous11:54 AM

    He's a powerful LEAD SINGER that needs to be fronting a strong band, not a solo artist. Why oh why doesn't he just join Queen full time? Or rotate fronting huge stadium tours with huge classic acts? He's got an almost Freddie Mercury level voice, there is no reason for him to go without a regular income. Has he done broadway yet? He'd rock the house and bring alot of glitter and glam to any production.

  19. @Anna, I like the idea of being a rotating front man for classic acts, who always seem to be losing their lead singers and their drummers.

    Besides that, Broadway probably would be the best place for his talents - if he goes with a revival of some great musical, he can be assured a great set of songs, including a couple of showstoppers.

  20. @timebob, I thought the rumor was that Kris seduced Adam. Either way, the press would've been good. Not sure what it would've done for their music though.

  21. I absolutely love Adam but I have not really liked his recordings since AI that much. I think he will continue to make money because he is willing to tour--and if he is ever over that--he could do a kick ass show in Vegas--he is such a good live performer and showman.

  22. Doesn't seem like most of the commenters here know very much about Adam Lambert. I've been a Glambert since his audition in Idol. Following his career has been a glamtastic journey. I've never enjoyed any performer more, live. He's an excellent showman, good person, true to himself who shares the love with his fans all over the world!
