Saturday, January 19, 2013

A Can't Miss Assassination Attempt That Did Miss

I don't know what I would ever do if someone was standing one foot from me with a gun aimed at my head and ready to pull the trigger. The politician about to be killed fought his attacker and somehow, the gun misfired and the target was not even hurt. The attempted assassin was arrested. I would have nightmares for life.


  1. I couldn't believe this today!!! Good move on that politician/political figure. His swift moves and the gun not working saved his life.

  2. Lollllllllll that dude got the crap beat out of him

  3. Holy shit that was terrifying to watch

  4. I'm with smoke and mirrors, cannot watch.

  5. Wow. I dig how all of those dudes are kicking and punching the shit out of the attacker. Good for them.

  6. Not going to watch. Good job to the man who saved himself! I would have pissed myself before fighting the attacker off.

  7. Dude! Wow, talk about thinking on your feet.

  8. Whenever I see stuff like this, I think Angel intervention. What a miracle!

  9. It's ok to watch. I'm very squishmish when it comes this stuff and it didn't bother me.

    The old men trying to get into the punching and kicking is, um, odd.

  10. Dayum. Many lucky events prevented this guys demise. Kicking the gunman over and over was a bit unnecessary.

  11. Sorry but that looks fake

  12. Excellent reaction to the gun iin his face. Video is good to watch.

  13. OMG, Scary! I'm so glad he's okay!

  14. Someone got VERY lucky there. He must have an angel on his shoulder.

  15. We need to pass a law that bans assassinations by gun now! That way, none of this will ever happen in the USA.

  16. I like how they all smack the shit out of him, lol. And the old guy at the end, trying to get his shots in! Him they pull off, everyone else has free reign, lol

  17. Obviously the would be hitman forgot to chamber his bullet.. See how he went to shoot, realized he hadn't cocked it and basically got caught slippin? He was obviously not a professional .. And where are they? Somewhere on the eastern block? That guy got an old fashioned Russian ass kicking!

  18. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Holy shite! Yep, he definitely didn't cock the gun and didn't realise that there wasn't one in the chamber. Lucky for the politician!

  19. Ugh thishappened in Bulgaria and I'm Bulgarian (New Yorker now). Very unfortunate. The target is the leader of the Turkish ethnic movement and there are tons of people who are not fans of his. Embarrassing for my country and please don't judge us. We are not all loonies :)

    1. Not judging your country at all. Stuff happens.

    2. How could we judge you? I mean, have you seen how much stuff there is that is way more embarrassing here? ;)

  20. I would have been scared.

  21. Some commenters here seem to forget that old men are still men.

  22. Okay I watched it - holy crap! First thought was the gunman really did a crappy job, he totally messed up the shot.

  23. That would scare me. I'd probably freeze. The would be assassin got his ass beat with an umbrella, among other things. I'm glad.

  24. That's why you don't hire a hitman on Craigslist. Amateur hour.

    1. goheels83, I was just thinking, I have an Uncle (in law) named Guido from Newark......

  25. So apparently there's a time span of being able to beat the crap out of someone and when that's over you keep everyone off. It was just strange to watch that. I get their reaction, but it was strange seeing them all of a sudden think he had enough. They had free reign and then it just stopped. I guess they got it out of their system.

  26. "You got knocked the fuck out!"

  27. Anonymous11:52 AM

    bravo to old dude HE STARED death in that face and was not scared fought back...brav-oooooo old dude

  28. I saw the video at the Daily Mail this morning and I was in shock. I'm glad that the politician is okay and that the wanna-be assasian got his ass kicked.

  29. I worked in Bulgaria a few years ago. Once I went to a club in a well-known tourist resort town with my local friends. According to papers there had been a shooting of a "football coach" outside the club a days earlier. My friends explained that it means it was a mafia shooting. I would have had no business to go to this club without Bulgarian friends. I had completely forgotten all about it before I read about this shooting. And I still had a brilliant (and safe) summer in Bulgaria!

  30. That's crazy! I'm glad he wasn't able to pull it off.

  31. This was actually cool to see. If that happened in America the shooter would probably be able to sue the men who attacked him.

  32. Sadly, I agree. He would sue for excessive force or some other bullshit. "I was only trying to kill the guy and stand up for my beliefs, but they wanted to actually harm me!"

  33. nolachickee - so toasted I forget what you said but I like it. as least I remembered your name. are you in New Orleans? I was there for xmas with my of age kids. they so outpartied me. our favorite meal was at Elizabeth's. I can't stop thinking about the praline bacon.

  34. It still makes me sick to see all those grown men beating him at the end. Show some fucking decency, don't stoop to his level. Especially when it is a group of old men standing in a circle kicking in some mans head who is being held down on the ground.

    Not condoning his assassination attempt at all, I am just a firm believer in that violence doesn't solve violence and I absolutely hate it when pussies wait until the person is completely restrained and has no way of retaliating to deliver their beat down. Whoaa we got a badass, he totally beat the shit out of that dude who was being pinned to the ground by a group of men, watch out!

    Sorry for the rant, I don't know why that just irritated me so much. Not saying that guy didn't deserve to be punished for what he did, because it was a total dick move.

  35. Props to the guy slapping him with the clipboard. Resourceful!!

  36. In my case, it was my ex and from 3 feet away pointed at my heart. It jammed. Which we know b/c he pulled the trigger twice. I can't wash this for fear of PTSD triggering. I ran though. Bravo to that guy.

  37. Oh my gosh Mala, I'm so glad you're safe.

    I totally get the whole he's restrained so stop kicking the crap outta him because it doesn't solve anything, it doesn't make you tough beating on a restrained guy, whatever, BUT when you're out to take another person's life, IMO, all bets are off, all rights to whatever are gone, you get what you get and what he got looked pretty tame compared to what I would have liked to have done to him if that was my loved one at the podium.

  38. Interesting update. It was a gas gun, and therefore if it had fired, the worst it would've done was a superficial skin injury. Apparently the assailant, one Oktay Enimehmedo, was trying to "emotionally hurt" him.

    He therefore can't be technically prosecuted for attempted murder.

    Meanwhile, everyone else who issued the beat-down on him could also face charges - although this in part could be due to embarrassment due to the widespread reaction on social media.

    Emotionally hurt eh? I'd have sued the ass off him for the acute shame and hurt I felt, having completely messed in my pants.
