Monday, January 21, 2013

17Year Old Rapper Chief Keef Sued For Child Support By 8th Grader

Chief Keef has been having some legal issues recently and now the 17 year old can also add his first request for child support and it comes from a girl who is in the 8th grade and who got pregnant when she was in the 6th grade. The girl had a baby back in 2011 and is suing Keef for child support, health insurance and medical expenses. This is absolutely crazy. When he was 15 or 16, he was attracted to a 6th grader? You might have never heard of Keef so let me tell you that he was sentenced to 60 days in juvenile detention last week because he violated his probation from a gun conviction from 18 months ago. Right about the same time he was getting this girl pregnant. His first album was called Finally Rich. Not for long if he keeps getting middle school kids pregnant.


  1. Wow there's a headline to be proud of.

  2. Ick. That's 50 shades of fucked up.

    1. Anonymous12:02 PM

      @rejected lmfao! i'm using that

  3. So... when are we moving to that island where Robin makes us brownies every day?

  4. Gross.

    Is this a nod to the blind about no one wanting to work with a singer/rapper because of allegations made my children during a "commercial" shoot?

    1. No because that was someone who used to be big but won't get work now. This POS is relevant now, sadly.

  5. That's just fucked up.

    1. @FSP - even more fucked up than your avi. Which is an accomplishment.

  6. How much do you wanna bet this kids career explodes? Call it a hunch, but his peers are gonna see him as a "big man".

  7. disregard my previous comment, he hasn't done any commercials.

  8. I've heard of precocious, but this is ridiculous....

  9. and her mother allowed her to have a baby at that age ?
    What is wrong with people ? He's a stupid pig and she's a well I really don't know what to call her...

    1. Call the girl abused. Sixth grade means she was only 11 or 12.

  10. Why is he being sued for child support and not being arrested for statuatory rape?

  11. Do yourselves a favor and YouTube this little shit.

    Very clever lyrics (sarcasm), and sadly enough I have heard his songs on the radio several times. I think Christopher might be right, this kid may blow up a la Soulja Boy.

    Now please excuse me while I was my eyes and ears with bleach, I just subjected myself to four minutes of some 17 year old kid with Bieber dreads jumping around with his friends in his bedroom, waving guns around and yelling "A bitch n***** that's that shit I don't like, don't like, don't like"

    I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

    1. Thanks for taking one for the team JSierra!

    2. Omg my husband is always singing. That his brother (19 yrs old) put it on his iPod.Ewwww

    3. Here, I give thee a video of a ticklish penguin...
      cookie the penguin

  12. This happened in Chicago.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Thanks @nutty. Jesus.

  15. One can only hope that he will blow what little money he has on a Lamborghini and fly off a cliff with his entire posse of wastes of humanity

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I read about this and it seems enty got some of the facts wrong. She is in middle school still, but since some middle schools go through 9th grade, all that is known is that she was somewhere between 6th and 8th grade at the time of conception. Keep in mind that this guy is 17 now. So if she was in 8th grade at the time (14 or 15) and he was 15, that wouldn't make him such a monster, now would it?

    1. 8th grade isn't 14-15. That's 9th. 12-13 is 8th grade.

    2. I was 14 in the 8th grade because I was born in November. Slightly older than a lot of my classmates, but not at all unusual.

    3. I was 14 in the 8th grade because I was born in November. Slightly older than a lot of my classmates, but not at all unusual.

  18. One can only hope that he will blow what little money he has on a Lamborghini and fly off a cliff with his entire posse of wastes of humanity

  19. So, 6th grader = 12 years old, 8th grader = 14 years old. As the mom of a 2nd grader (8 years old), I can just point out that kids today live in a hyper-sexualized world, particularly those with older siblings who can figure out how to access Internet porn.

    My daughter goes to a nice suburban private school together with a great multicultural group of kids, kids with parents who are really involved and caring - and she still comes home with some pretty shocking stuff. For example, one of her eight-year-old classmates recently informed the other children that he hoped to perform oral-anal sex on Lady Gaga, for example. That kid had an older teenage brother who must have been watching god-knows-what on his computer.

    I know nothing about Chief Keef's family circumstances or that of the girl, or whether they were supervised by any adult figures, but it doesn't surprise me at all that they were sexually involved at such an early age.

    1. Nutty - I agree. I am right around the age of 30 (give or take a year or two) however, when I was in school the first girl that got pregnant in my class was when we were in 6th grade. Then in 7th grade two more girls pregnant; one with twins! I also had a close friend start having sex with her 'boyfriend' when they were both only 12 years old. This was 15-20 years ago; I can't even imagine what children now are doing, seeing, hearing, etc.

  20. Between this dude and all those penis pictures last night, I am beginning to feel like the CDAN guinea pig

    1. Thanks JSierra, I appreciate that

  21. @ediscoflux: Apparently not soon enough, alas...

  22. Put whatever math you want in it @cathy it's still monstrous to impregnate a child

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. But timebob, if he was the same age (also a child), then how is he the monster? I agree it's a shitty situation, but it sounds like it was a situation between two kids. Where were the PARENTS?

  25. This pos broke down and cried like a little girl when he was sentenced to 60 days in juvey for a probation violation. What a bad ass

  26. This pos broke down and cried like a little girl when he was sentenced to 60 days in juvey for a probation violation. What a bad ass

  27. This is definitely another sad example of children having children. But why the deliberate distortion to go after the done to death older guy child bride angle. TMZ (who you're cribbing) said he was 15, why assume that she is the age of an average 8th grader? She may very well be a few years older. Sad to say, but a strong possibility.

    I read this and immediately thought, "I wonder how old she is? When's the last time he attended school?" And the age old question, "Where are the parents?" Oh, and congratulations 'Enty' on finding the worst pic of this kid that you could. I have never heard of him before and with a few keystrokes found better pics which show you how young he is.

    I'm not saying that teens don't bear responsibility for their decisions, nor am I defending someone who has obviously made some crappy, heinous decisions. But why and how are these kids being scouted and signed by the recording industry? He has a violent criminal history already. Where are his parents?

    People go on and on about Lindsay Lohan and how her parents failed her. Well, it doesn't only happen to cute, red-headed moppets.

  28. I guess you don't need talent anymore to have a record deal - seems like any one can become famous now.

  29. I forgot to mention the poor girl and the baby. I hope she has full custody of the child and the loser dad stays far away. The baby doesn't need such a bad role model in his/her life. :-(

  30. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Yuck! Both parties are gross.

  31. After reading some of these comments, and some news stories today, I thank God I was a child in the 50s and 60s. At least the sexual pressures weren't as blatant (TV, movies, internet) as they are now. I remember a girl in my junior year in HS getting pregnant and marrying her boyfriend - that was as depraved as it got. I can't imagine the pressures kids have today as far as sex.

  32. When I was in 6th grade, a classmate's sister in 7th grade got pregnant by her 7th grade boyfriend. She "went away" for a year and came back with the family's "new baby brother".

    When I was on Facebook, I remembered looking that family up, and sure enough, the kid is still the "brother".

  33. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Wow! This just goes to show you that parents can't wait to have "the talk" because they think Jimmy or Jane are too young. 6th grade? I was 10- 11 in 6th Grade!

  34. I'm going to be super subversive and say this isn't uncommon in the ghetto.

    1. I'm going to be subversive too & say this also isn't uncommon in the trailer park. Smdh

  35. Barf...on every level.

  36. @scratchy kitty - just because enty claims here that the girl was in 6th grade at the time doesn't make it true. other places are saying she was "in middle school" at the time and could have been as young as 12 or as old as 15.

  37. This guy needs to be sterilized

  38. Let's not pretend like everyone we went to high school with made it there without failing a few times. I know for certain there were some 14 year old 7th graders at my junior high and I certainly didn't go to a low income school. It wasn't ritzy by any means, but it certainly wouldn't be considered as poor as an inner city new york school.

    I graduated high school in 1995 and I know there were at least 2 girls in my junior high that ended up pregnant and I can't even begin to count how many in high school. So let's not get into a tizzy about an age difference here since, more than likely, they're only saying "middle school student" for the shock value.

    If you do a little googling, you can find tons of pictures of him with his daughter and the mother of his child and he had been "together" for four years. I know that it's just child love, but in this accelerated sexual society, this happens.

    Plus, people go to court to revamp child support deals all the time. Just because she's filed papers in court to have her child support upped and to now get insurance, it's fairly standard. It's just shocking that it's happening with people so young. They may not have had anything on paper before and now she's having it made legal and binding. Smart move on her part and nothing unusual. Child support, medical insurance, and medical expenses reimbursement are standard stipulations for a non-custodial parent.

  39. And he was 15 when the child was born.

  40. If you've never failed a grade 8th is 12-13.

    I don't want to sound like I'm defending this guy, but this shit happens all the time. He's just a douchebag rapper so it's getting news coverage.

  41. What has happened to girls? I was taught girls set the sexual bar. If we aren't giving it up then they have to deal with it. If they liked you they respected that and if not they did with a girl who was taught different than I was.You lost a boyfriend but he wasn't worthy of you if he couldn't wait. If no one ever says no these boys are being offered a buffet so to speak. I just don't get it?

    Even more troubling,these days they seem to be hornier than the boys! I know someone who blames the hormones in meat and milk for the hypersexual and sexually advanced young women. We know it is making them reach puberty faster so stands to reason it might be influencing unhealthy sexual behavior some of which is almost predatory.

    Whatever it is,they act like Lolitas in heat. Chasing after older boys and bragging about conquests. I personally know of a 13 year old who sent a sophmore nudes unsolicited.She got his number from someone and sent them hoping he would want to date her. If I was her mom she would be grounded for life! He was a jerk and passed them around to other people.

    These girls can be manipulative,they lie about their ages so if a boy already less mature in brain development doesn't realize she is only 12 he is going to go for it as she is a sure thing. Sad but true.Boys think with their penis.

    Girls were supposed to stay level-headed and keep sex confined to mature relationships or at least comfortably conscentual hookups had much later in life. Sex has too many ramifications both physically and emotionally for kids to play around so carelessly.

    From what I've observed, it is much worse amongest the middle schoolers than it is high school girls. By the time they are in high school many of them have been sexually active for a few years,sometimes more. They are less aggressive and boys do pursue them as well.

    1. Sure. Everything you said is correct. In a perfect world. And it's not.

  42. Thanks Discoflux for making it more clear. Sounds like now that he is making some money baby mama wanted a cut of the deal and I cannot blame her.

    And let's not be so shocked that kids are having sex. I'm 52 and I remember when I was in the 6th grade and hearing a boy talk about having sex. Now that I remember his words I can tell he wasn't lying. Back then I thought he was.

    I did laugh however when Jekyl said he cried..That was too funny! Hey maybe it'll make him not commit a crime again.

  43. Nice convo guys. I think it's cool not everyone fell on the hate bandwagon for this kid. It is the society. I left the states for a muslim country when I was 11 and it was so cool to go through puberty in such a chaste enviornment. I remember holding hands with a guy for hours during a house party I threw and it was one of the most erotic non-sex experiences of my life. I got back to the states in 9th grade and most of my agemates were sexualy active and new all SORTS of shit I was happily unaware of.

    I'm back in a essentially muslim society and I love raising a daughter here-she's 9 and I feel safe that she is not being exposed to too much too fast.

  44. For what its worth, I never failed any grade and I was 13 for one month in 8th grade before I turned 14. So idk that I would say 6th grade is age 10-11 and 8th ages 12-13.

  45. Unless you repeated several grades. She could be his age. Chicago School system.

  46. He's trash and will remain trash; unfortunately, he will also have a chance to indoctrinate a group of youngsters that have little to no guidance in life.

  47. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Love Sosa Smh that's just disgusting

  48. Don't think it doesn't happen. I could tell you stories about the hilltop hoods

  49. For those who say you hope the girl gets away from the father and keeps full custody of the child, what makes you think she is any more responsible? Do you really think she is a good role model after making such great life choices? Plus, she's still a kid.

  50. @dee lurkr? seriously? really? r u being serious or joking?

    if ur serious then that is the exact same thinking that leads to stuff like this! when society and everyone starts excusing people's actions b/c "it is society" or a "bad upbringing" or wtf-ever. if people (kids) are taught that they don't have to accept responsibility for their actions, and society will give them a free pass b/c of whatever excuse is in vogue...they will never accept responsibility and will go right on doing wtf-ever they desire without consequence.

    hitlet had a tough childhood and was brainwashed by others to hate jews? lets give him a pass since it was not his fault.

    some shitstain punk shoots up a school and kills innocent kids? but hey - it is the movies fault for showing shootings. it is the gun makers fault for making guns. it is the parents fault for spanking him when he was 10yo for microwaving the cat. it is everyone else's fault - supposedly - except for the person who did the shooting, right?

    a young 10yo girl gets raped by a local boy, but he's only 15 so we should excuse him right? it was the internets fault for allowing porn, or rap music's fault for calling girls hoes. or maybe the boy saw his parents screwing one night. let's blame everyone but the criminal. let's make so many excuses and blame society, and never punish the rapist or teach others to accept the pay for their crimes, and i'm sure that 10yo girl will feel all better then huh?

    am i being extreme? totally yep. but the point is the same. in this situation, this middle school girl's parents or parent probably was thrilled her CHILD got knocked up by a rappper. b/c they'll have steady income for years, and hopefully will get their own tv reality show.

    i am just so fucking sick of hearing people say that shit. and am sick of hearing people say that tv shows like 16 and preggo, teen mom, buckwild, etc. are harmless entertainment. kids watch and worship that shit, and want to become just like them. and then everyone wonders why so many young girls are gettign preggo, stds, hooked on drugs, etc.

    so this girls parents allow their CHILD to have unprotected sex with a rapper just to hop on that gravy train and/or get famous. so yeah, sure thing. it is society's fault. let's all blame everyone else for everything. let's never teach another kid to take responsibility or teach them the consequences of their actions, then we'll see how the world goes down the toilet.

    oh, sorry. i forgot. already happening. meanwhile, chief kweef will probably use his sex offender photo for hsi new cd cover - or get a duet with r.kelly. and somewhere there's a 12yo boy who wants to be a rap star who sees this shit and will do the exact same thing as hsi hero chief kweef. and when the little girl wont put out - he rapes her violently. and when the young rap wannabe goes to court we'll just give him a pass. b/c you know, it was not his fault. it was societys.

  51. According to the Chicago Sun-Times:
    According to the child-support suit, Keef signed a document
    acknowledging he is the father
    of a girl born in November 2011
    to a girl, who is now 17.

    1. So she was in the 6th grade when she was preggers and 15 when she gave birth in 2011 and is 17 now in she was 14 in the 6TH grade....????

    2. Anonymous8:57 AM

      I have taught in inner city low ses schools. We do have a lot of 13 & 14 year olds in sixth grade in poor inner city high gang area schools

  52. I like his song too, where do they find these rappers?

  53. mother of mary! my little 6th grader weighs 70 lbs soaking wet. child birth would kill her. and the idea of sex repulses her (hope that lasts for awhile). this is shocking to me. especially because, as someone else pointed out, he hasn't been arrested. a 15 year old has sex w/ an 11 year old (that's 6th grade) is just disturbing. where is this girls family? how is a child caring for a child?

  54. Whoaaa Kim, don't give yourself a heart attack now.

  55. Also Kim, your post is extremely contradictory. You went on a rant about how it is wrong blaming everyone but the shooter/rapist/molestor and how they are the only ones responsible for their actions, not their upbringing, parents, or society. Then, directly after that, you blame reality TV for these kids actions, not them. I'm confused. Are the kids to blame, or society and the TV shows they watch?

    And not defending the guy, but before you go on an outrageous rant you might want to check the facts. He isn't a sex offender, that is not even the issue here.

  56. Monica I was born in early October, so I was the same way.

  57. I'm going to post a wildly frantic comment without looking to see the information already discovered by other commenters because I love spewing misinformation!!!!! Wooooooooooooohooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!

    I haz an opinion!!!!!!!!!!!

  58. I read in a story elsewhere that the Illinois age of consent is 17. Two minors under the age of 17 in a sexual relationship is illegal, even if the relationship is consensual. So that has probably brought something to the table. And I agree with some of the age comments - depends on where your school cuts off. Some schools use June or July 1 as the cutoff, mine used September 1. I was one of the oldest kids in my class, always turning another year older within a month of school starting. I was 12 during sixth grade.
