The Ultimate Dodgeball Fails
May 7, 2009
This is one of the more bizarre things I have ever heard. This male reality star is on an A list reality show. A recurring reality show with the same cast, not some random dude on Survivor. Anyway, this star carries a bag with him wherever he goes. That is not unusual. What is unusual is that he always keeps $50,000 in the bag with him at all times. Never more and never less. He doesn't keep it a big secret. He just always says it is if he ever needs to get away quickly he has the means. The question is why would he need to get away quickly. People have asked him. He always says, "you never know." What the hell does that mean?
Maksim Chmerkovskiy ( I hope he still doesn't do it.)
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:45 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
April 23,. 2009
As a guy, this one is extremely painful to write. This A list movie actor who was also a star on television has a scene in a recent movie where he strips down to his underwear. Because of the lighting no one noticed anything amiss. It was only when the movie was being edited that his penile piercing was noticed through the underwear. A large piercing that had to be digitally removed.
Jamie Foxx
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
April 9, 2009
This foreign born singer who has been in this space before, doesn't even disguise her dislike of her celebrity husband. When she is drunk, her favorite game is to put her husband on speaker phone and let everyone around her listen while she yells at him, calls him names, and humiliates him as much as possible. No matter what though, he still hasn't left.
Avril Lavigne/Deryck Whibley
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:15 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
April 3, 2009
#3 - This C list movie actress with A list name recognition who used to be kind of a big deal, but now is only a big deal in her mind chain smokes constantly when she is doing any kind of photo shoot. The reason? Her goal is to make the clothes smell so bad that the designer or magazine will give them all to her for free.
Lindsay Lohan
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
January 6, 2012
#1 & #2 - This A list boyish singer is having some relationship difficulties right now. Turns out that his B- list actress/ singer girlfriend had more on her mind than just having sex the past two weeks and he just does not get it. So, he has quietly found someone else until his girlfriend his ready to resume. She might not be though.
Justin Bieber/Selena Gomez
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:45 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
The New York Times is reporting that Lance Armstrong is close to admitting publicly that he used performance enhancing drugs during his career. That he cheated. That he lied for years and years and let the world think he was winning clean. The sport is dirty, but he always came across all high and mighty and that he was somehow able to do what no one else was able to do clean. I'm not taking anything away from any of those bikers to complete that Tour and do what they do to their bodies everyday. It would be interesting to see though what the race would be like if everyone was clean. I'm sure that one of the reasons Lance is doing this is because he sees a money making opportunity. A book and Kneepads cover where he comes clean. Speaking engagements. A movie perhaps. Definitely triathlons which he could do with a reduced sentence. It is all about making money.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:30 AM
Labels: Lance Armstrong
May 24, 2012
So, last fall, this male A list tweener singer had a group of people over to his house. His B- list actress girlfriend was not among those invited. As the 15 or so guests walked in the house they all were forced to hand over their cell phones which were put in a basket and then locked away in a separate room until the end of the night. Then, the squeaky clean singer pulled out some pot and took turns inviting guests into another room to smoke with him. While he would smoke with them he would also hit on each girl who was at the party and they were mostly girls. Mid to late teens and no one older than 18 or so. When he would talk to one who was younger than him he would say he preferred older women. When he did find one who was older than him, he would invite them into a different room and spend time alone with them one on one and then remind them not to talk about what happened. Several times during the night he got calls from his girlfriend and he told her he was just hanging out watching football with some guy friends. I wonder if he got the pot from his A list singing friend who started off in the business at about the same age.
Justin Bieber
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:15 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
Hugh Hefner is 86 years old. He must be feeling his oats though because according to the Daily Star, he wants to give Crystal Harris a baby. I'm not sure how Crystal feels about this considering she would probably have to have sex with Hugh multiple times to try and make that happen and that if the child graduates from high school Hugh would probably be dead, and if he is alive, he would be pushing 105. That is if they got started right now. Of course, when you are 86, you are probably not pushing to many things down the road. Dinner at 4, bed by 7, up at 4 a.m. wondering where the hell the bathroom is. I think Tony Randall was older than Hugh when he had a baby with his wife who was also 60 something years younger. I'm too lazy to check though. At some point, you have to ask yourself, what kind of father are you going to be if you are pushing 90 when your child is born.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:00 AM
Labels: Hugh Hefner
Right before the engagement of Diana to Prince Charles was announced, The Daily Mirror got a hold of this photo of Diana with a guy in a Swiss lodge. They were told they could not publish it. It goes up for auction soon.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:30 PM
Labels: Amanda Bynes , Chloe Sevigny , Elizabeth Berkley , Gwen Stefani , J-Lo , Jennifer Lawrence
Date night for Kirsten Dunst and her boyfriend.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:15 PM
Labels: Katie Holmes , Kirsten Dunst , Lindsay Lohan , Lisa Rinna , Miley Cyrus
Three parts today.
Pamela Anderson at a photo call for Dancing On Ice. She looks pretty good here. I can't believe she got paid less than Lindsay Lohan for that party.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:01 PM
Labels: Amy Smart , Heidi Montag , Pamela Anderson , Rose McGowan , Simon Cowell , Spencer Pratt , Verne Troyer
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:40 AM
Labels: Funny Or Die , video , Will Ferrell
Despite her non-stop efforts at getting publicity for herself over the past few months, this C list celebrity who used to be almost A list has had no takers for anyone who wants to represent her or take a chance on her. They know what happened last time and think she will be a huge flop. They have tried to explain to her that it is not about publicity as it is about talent and how no one thinks she has any.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:00 AM
Labels: blind item
After seven years of dating, George Lucas has finally put a ring on it. The 68 year old Lucas is engaged to his 43 year old girlfriend Mellody Hobson. So, if my math is correct he was 61 when they started dating and she was 36. I guess he is trying to get married before he turns 70. I wonder what made him finally ask. Maybe the sale of his company? Mellody is the president of an investment company in Chicago.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:30 AM
Labels: George Lucas
I feel like I have been making a lot of announcements this week, but this is just the regular Friday ones. Nothing to say really. I will be here all weekend doing some blogging and also will have a reveal or two from the archives tomorrow. If you would like, I would love for you to follow me on Twitter. I am @entylawyer
This actress is the definition of B list. She is known for television, but she knows her career on television is limited. For the first time in her life she says that she is in a normal relationship. It took a long time for her to admit it because all of her previous relationships have been very un-normal. Although she is young, she has been in relationships with men who have been as much as three times her age. Left alone without much supervision from a very young age, our actress was involved with a 60 year old man when she was just 18. He used her, but she felt like she could not break away from him or leave him because he could have ruined her best chance at fame. It did give her that first big taste of fame, but she hates talking about it. There have been times in the past when she was made to audition with two other teens for a role and all three had to do it naked while the producers looked on. She thought about walking away, but she really wanted the part. She didn't end up getting it even though she slept with one of the producers because he had taken a liking to one of the other actresses she auditioned with. He didn't tell her that though until after he slept with her. She was on the road at a young age and so many nights were about underage drinking and pot smoking and having sex, whether it was men or women, old or young. Anything to make the day different.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:10 AM
Labels: blind item , Four For Friday
Have you already broken your New Year's resolution?
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:00 AM
Labels: Your Turn
"This is the best time I have had in years. I can drink and eat what i want. I can have booze. I can stay up late. I have no one telling me what I should or should not be doing 24/7. He is so controlling." C list all movie actress with her friends discussing why she is enjoying her break from her A list celebrity boyfriend.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:40 AM
Labels: blind item
Her acting career might not be going gang busters, but Jennifer Aniston is still making commercials. This is one for a broadband company and they try and make it seem like Jennifer is in the coffee shop from Friends. Kind of.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:20 AM
Labels: Jennifer Aniston
Yesterday morning as they were coming back from a commercial break, Meredith Viera dropped a car which resulted in her saying, "Oh S**t." She seemed horror struck by it, but no one else seemed to care. Probably just happy to not have Kathie Lee there yesterday.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:00 AM
Labels: video
This former A list mostly television actress is now a B- list all movie actress with A list name recognition. She is also a huge diva even though she tries to pretend she isn't. This week her boyfriend called her out on it and did a series of impressions of her and her diva behavior in front of her friends. She was not amused and the pair slept in separate bedrooms and did not come anywhere near each other the final three days of their trip.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:30 AM
Labels: blind item
Rita Ora has been accused of having an affair with Jay-Z. I guess he would be one of the 20 something people that Rita was having sex with while dating Rob Kardashian. Jay-Z, Jonah Hill and Rob Kardashian. That is quite the trio just right there. I wonder who the other 17 people were. In a series of Tweets, a reality star from the UK says that she heard that Rita and Jay-Z have been sleeping together. I would not put it past Jay-Z and I would not put it past Rita Ora. Rita responded, but never really denied it. This is what she said. "I stayed silent on one bulls**t rumour but this one I have to speak. Neva eva will any1 includin a red head dum z listin attention seekin whore try talk s**t about me& my family holly wateva da f*k ur name is."
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:00 AM
Labels: Jay-Z
This former B list mostly television actress who is probably a C lister now unless something comes out of retirement, has been in this space before. She is the actress who wanted to give back the child she adopted. Has not spent more than five minutes with the child in months.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:45 AM
Labels: blind item
You can't say that Zoe Saldana doesn't give everything a good try. She tried and tried to make it work with Bradley Cooper but was tired of him making her feel like an idiot and tired of always doing a bunch of forgiving and giving multiple chances. It finally got to be too much and she left him for good right before the holidays. They were going to go to Europe together, but she just spent the holidays with her own family. I know Bradley Cooper is a good looking guy, but he is a jerk. Everyone knows that and it kills me when people still fall for him anyway.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:30 AM
Labels: Bradley Cooper , Zoe Saldana
This former almost A lister from a great show back in the day continues with her comeback. She still has not lost her sexiness and she recently had her nanny take one of her kids outside her trailer so the married actress could have a quickie with her co-star after they had filmed a love scene together.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:15 AM
Labels: blind item
In the last week on Redditt, a bunch of people got together and passed along a message from a man who was trying to contact JJ Abrams on behalf of one of his friends who is dying of cancer. The man who is dying is a huge fan of Star Trek and before he died he wanted to see the latest movie. JJ Abrams came through and invited the dying man and his wife to a screening of the uncompleted movie. Pretty classy move by JJ. The wife, who posted a thank you note on Redditt, says the movie is amazing.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:00 AM
Labels: Star Trek
For the past week I have seen Kourtney Kardashian staring at me from the cover of Life & Style Magazine. On it, she talks about her 45 pound weight loss and is in a bikini. This week, US Weekly paid Kourtney $200K for the same cover, with a less flattering pic and the only difference I can see is that they say Kourtney lost 44 pounds and they paid $200K for the privilege of running the same exact story. Oh, and are probably ticked off that they didn't spend that money on a Kim Kardashian is pregnant story. Kourtney Kardasian on the cover make is far less likely that I will even pick it up at the checkout counter, let alone buy it. I don't want anyone to ever think I would buy something with a Kardashian on the cover. I would be embarrassed.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:45 AM
Labels: Kourtney Kardashian
Nothing like a fight in a foreign country during the holidays. How much do you want to break up with someone that you leave a trip early to fly back home by yourself? The couple headed to Mexico to spend New Year's together, but never even came close to making it to that day. Selena flew home on the 30th and Justin flew home on the 31st. She probably asked to see his phone again. So, then Justin comes back and probably does some pot and a pap sees him and follows him and loses him and is faked out into thinking it is Justin and then dies trying to get a photo.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:30 AM
Labels: Justin Bieber , Selena Gomez
Last month in Paris, Naomi Campbell was knocked to the ground and robbed while she was trying to hail a cab. The NY Post says that Naomi suffered a torn ligament in her knee during the mugging which she thinks was carried out by someone who had been watching her for some time and wanted to get her alone. She is lucky nothing else happened to her. Naomi does not say how much the mugger got, but it was late at night and she had been out for the night, so, probably not that much. Now, if we were into conspiracies we could say she came up with that story to explain the torn ligament, but what if it was someone or something else that caused it and she won't say.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:15 AM
Labels: Naomi Campbell
Lindsay Lohan didn't stay in on New Year's Eve. No quiet dinner for her. It was all a lite. She actually got paid $100K by Prince Azim to party at his place. The guy always throws huge parties and pays celebrities to be there. Not sure why he was willing to pay $100K to Lindsay, but she ended up getting $25K more than Pamela Anderson got. Prince Azim is third in line to the throne of Brunei and obviously has a very big pocketbook. Prince Azim called it a date so it is official. Lindsay Lohan gets paid to date. We already knew Pamela Anderson did. Anything that happens other than companionship is up to the discretion of the individuals involved.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:00 AM
Labels: Lindsay Lohan
December 13, 2012
This Twilight actor is not a huge part of the movie, but is big enough that he has been sent out across the world to promote it. He has overdosed once on the press tour and disappeared for 12 hours on another stop when he found what he called the most perfect heroin he has ever tried. At the last stop, his hands shook the entire time from withdrawal. I have no idea how he is ever going to make it back to the US on a plane.
Bronson Pelletier
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:30 PM
Labels: blind items revealed
December 6, 2012
This celebrity is B- list. A list name recognition though. She has been controversial in the past with some of her statements but she is truly someone who gives a lot of her time for free to whoever wants it. Her big thing is literacy programs and she tries to go to schools every week and read to students. She goes to after school programs and reads to kids and then works on actually teaching them how to read. She is happy to do homework with 100 kids a day if it was needed. She loves helping kids and puts in about 15-20 hours every week doing it despite the fact that she already works 40-50 hours a week on her own projects. I'm guessing she is not reading her own books though.
Jenny McCarthy
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:01 PM
Labels: blind items revealed
December 5, 2012
So, the format of this one differs a little bit from the norm because it came to me from an elderly man who had to translate it through his granddaughter so it is more of a narrative with me adding in the usual listing type stuff and to make it a little more vague then when he was telling it and a little less brutal.
I'm 71 y. o., and I know it for sure: This former A list actress who is foreign born and one of the best actresses ever had a very tough childhood which she never discusses. Back when she was about 11 her grandmother started turning her out for tricks and she could probably be had for about two dollars. Sometimes just for food. She had been raped so often as a child that she later she had a very difficult time carrying children. Her grandmother took naked photos of her and put them on playing cards which she sold at the brothel where our actress plied her trade and later her sister too. Once out actress had earned enough money she moved to a larger city where she met her future husband because he was a client of not only our actress but also her mother who had moved to the larger city together and left behind the younger sister with grandmother to make sure grandmother had enough money.
Sophia Loren
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
December 4, 2012
I guess that is one way to make money off a wedding. What celebrity couple had a recent wedding paid for by a network and then turned around and had a cash bar and kept all the money from the sale of the booze? Classy.
"Bachelorette" Ashley & J.P. Rosenbaum
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
November 30, 2012
This is not what this B- list television and movie, but best known for a hit almost network show expected. She did not sign up to hide inside and never be seen. She wants to go out and be noticed and have a career and be noticed and be in magazines and be noticed, not order in every night. It's what you get though when you are with this A list all movie actor. It is all about him and what he wants.
Blake Lively/Ryan Reynolds
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
November 28, 2012
I love this blind item. It seems that this A list reality star had to go scrambling to find a place that wanted her to host a New Years Eve gig. Previously the star had asked for and received $600K for hosting. This year she managed just a fraction of the amount and had to settle for a way less prestigious place to host. Tick tick tick on the 15 minutes.
Kim Kardashian
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:10 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
November 23, 2012
This barely still A list all movie actor who is always a little strange finally went too far with his long suffering girlfriend. The final straw was when he introduced her to his co-star and then said they were going to have sex and the girlfriend should join them. The girlfriend said no, and her A lister boyfriend said that the co-star had a boyfriend and would the girlfriend rather just swap? That was it. Out the door she went.
Shia LaBeouf
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:40 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
November 22, 2012
I give this A++ lister a lot of grief and goodness knows she is the biggest diva on the planet. I know she didn't invent diva, but she has perfected it into something that no one will probably ever be able to match. While other people talk about what they are going to do or try and get a bunch of people do some giving, our A lister puts her purse out there and writes really big checks to help kids. She has given at least a million dollars a year every year for the last ten years to children's organizations. Nothing in the news. No splashy announcements. She goes and visits the organizations when she can. Sometimes there is press there, but she prefers it to be all about her and the kids. At most of them she does not even wear much makeup and doesn't wear heels either. The diva is gone and in the diva's place is someone who wants to do what she can to change the lives of as many people as she can for the better. She has thousands of kids who are truly thankful for her this holiday season.
Mariah Carey
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:20 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
November 22, 2012
This A list all movie actor with the occasional foray into television was taking some classes at a college. While he was there during a summer, the actor would choose one camper to work with each week, and by work, I mean what you think I mean. One of the campers complained about being stalked and harassed by the actor and the faculty at the college initiated grievance proceedings against him.
James Franco
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
November 21, 2012
This stage mom thinks a baby will make for great ratings and a bunch of money so she has her daughter's ovulation cycle in an app and calls her and texts when its go time. Not sure, but she would probably even go and watch if she thought she could get away with it.
Kim Kardashian/Kris Jenner
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
November 20, 2012
This actress had a chance to get to A list. She was thisclose and was in a movie that got her nominated for one of the big awards and everything was going great. Then she had a personal tragedy which she does not discuss much and since that time she has worked on her career but other things in her life are more important. For her, she has been focusing on kids, especially those who are terminally ill. Her favorite thing to do which she does at least once a week is go to a children's hospital and sit and meet with kids and they watch some of her most famous movies. The movies that still make kids scream with delight when she comes visit them. She has tried to get her castmates to come with her because the kids would even love it more but they always say no or they will come some other time. There is one castmate who invariably comes. Apparently there is nothing quite like the smile of a kid who is suffering from cancer when this B list all movie actor walks in the room and sits down and watches the movies with them. If smiles could heal, there would be no sick people when he comes along to visit with our actress.
Anna Kendrick/Taylor Lautner
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
November 18, 2012
This A+ all movie actor with the odd cameo now and again, was hitting on this celebrity all night at a party and told her she was the best thing ever and would not leave her side and finally she broke down and gave him her phone number and they ended the night with a little kissing and groping in a corner outside while he smoked. He said he could not wait to see her then went and picked up a woman at a bar and took her home. Called the celebrity the next day though and said he couldn't wait to see her and had been thinking about her all night.
Sean Penn/Florence Welch
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:45 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
November 17, 2012
This former A list tweener and now just an A lister in his mind had just sat down to dinner with his former B list tweener girlfriend when she asked to see his phone. He said no. She got up and left the dinner and said she never wanted to see him again.
Justin Bieber/Selena Gomez
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
November 16, 2012
This always A list singer is fighting for his life and is losing the battle. No matter what treatments he tries and no matter what he does to try and improve, things don't. Everyone is shocked that he has a chance to make it through 2012.
George Michael
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:15 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
November 15, 2012
So, what happens when a former A list all movie actor and now a B- all movie actor who thinks he has other talents but really doesn't gets a little booze in him followed by a lot more booze followed by even more booze? he starts talking about the time he sat down with his former flame who is an A list movie actress. They also got a little boozy followed by more booze and they started talking about told times. Not their own old times but she started talking about how her current man in her life almost didn't get to be the current man in her life and that she actually was into someone way more. It had happened about a year before she met her current man. She was into this foreign born actor who she said took her breath away. She was actually way more into him than vice versa which never happens. He was a drinker and a partier which she found fun and exciting. Plus he had some danger in him. She loved danger. She loved that he was always on edge. Plus she thought he was a really great actor and could respect him. He was the whole package. This was who she wanted to have a bunch of kids with. They hooked up while filming a movie, but the problem was she could not get him to commit to her. He was off screwing everyone and anyone. He was everywhere and no matter how much she tried and no matter how good her acting skills, she just could not get much more out of him than some weekly sex when he could not find anyone away from the set to have sex with. She sent him gifts and tapes of herself. She sent him photos and would call him and leave dirty voice mails. Nothing worked. When the movie ended so did the relationship. When they did press for the movie she tried again, but he didn't even really acknowledge her. It was about that same time she met her current guy, but she always felt like she was settling. He was definitely not her first choice.
A (now B-) list actor: Colin Farrell
A list actress: Angelina Jolie
Current Man: Brad Pitt
Movie: "Alexander"
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
November 14, 2012
This actress was never a huge star even back at the peak of her career. She probably reached B list at one point at her career. It was all movies all the time. She struggled to find her way in US films, and made her biggest films outside the US. This did not stop her from being one of Warren Beatty's conquests while she was married. Not that she was immune to having affairs. She had a baby with a man who she later married but he was still married at the time she got pregnant and kept the news from the child until he was a teen. She said that she was abused in every relationship she was ever in. She had another baby that died shortly after child birth that she told everyone was her husband's but was actually the product of an affair, but not another affair. Yes, she was having several affairs simultaneously. She made a lot of money which one of her husbands stole from her leaving her penniless at her death which was called a suicide, but never officially ruled as one. Some people say she was murdered by her abusive husband who stole all her money then ran away. Others say she was murdered by the government.
Jean Seberg
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:45 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
November 14, 2012
What former A list female singer is begging tv producers to keep her job. Apparently she thought things were going to be way better for her and that she was going to be able to get things back to the way things were for her money and fame wise, but she is just not catching on like she thought and is campaigning everyday that they should keep her around. They are actually thrilled she is leaving.
Christina Aguilera
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
November 9, 2012
This A list Tweener has a had a rough few days. It turns out that models are not attracted to him and laughed when he hit on them. He also found out he won't be getting a starring role in a popcorn movie that he thought he had a shot at. Apparently even though he had no shot, people kept telling him he did and he believed them. Maybe he should look at some of his other acting performances
Justin Bieber/Victoria's Secret Fashion Show/Transformers 4
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:15 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
November 2, 2012
What B-/C+ list actress with A++ name list recognition is counting down the days until she ends her latest project. What started out as an innocent lunch with a co-star has turned into a full court press by him almost 24 hours a day. She is wary of any bad publicity coming her way right now and thinks he will run screaming to the press if she treats him poorly or blows him off like she wants to. So, she sucks it up and puts up with his constant badgering. Never has someone been more grateful for no cell service. The constant calls and texts have stopped, but now he pops in at her hotel all the time to make sure everything is ok.
Katie Holmes/Josh Hamilton
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
On the right is Miley Cyrus just a few short years ago and on the left is her now. Quite the change.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:21 PM
Labels: Anne Hathaway , Ashley Greene , Denzel Washington , Ice-T , Jennifer Aniston , Jon Bon Jovi , Madonna , Miley Cyrus
Notice the smile on Jessica Chastain's face. Successful play. Probably going to win a Best Actress Oscar. Good time for her.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:11 PM
Labels: Chris Martin , Eddie Cibrian , Jay-Z , Jenny McCarthy , Kanye West , Katie Holmes , Kim Kardashian , Kristen Stewart , LeAnn Rimes , Snooki