Louis C.K. Meets Charlie Brown
October 24, 2008
#1 - Jackass - This foreign born B list film star who was shooting for A list before he started losing his hair and his box office mojo is apparently extremely sensitive about his hair. How much? Well, he was buying a suit a few weeks ago and the salesperson suggested a hat because he thought it would go well the suit. Our actor took it the wrong way though and took a good five minutes to yell at the offending salesperson before throwing the suit on the floor and kicking it around a little and then walking out the door.
Jude Law
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:45 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
October 24, 2008
#3 - Jackass - B list television actress who used to be on a hit and is now on a new show. Not the most fun person to work with according to the crew. For someone who is lucky enough to have a career she sure loves to play the game of don't talk to me. Apparently unless you are a producer or director on the show, you are not allowed to speak directly to her. Well, the crew loves nothing more to talk to her anyway. They love doing this when they need a break because they know she will throw a tantrum and retreat to her dressing room for at least an hour.
Debra Messing
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
July 25, 2008
#2 - Mild mannered on and off screen, this aging, but not old, former Academy Award winning actor has a favorite haunt. He loves this S&M club. Although his name is on the membership records, when he is at the club or an event he always wears a mask the entire time and has everyone call him Steve. His favorite activities always have to include redheads. Don't know why, just one of his kinks apparently.
Nic Cage - **Back when this was written, he had not really shown the temper he has in the past year or two.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:15 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
I'm not sure that it would ever occur to me to ever even ask Janice Dickinson out on a date, but a doctor who specializes in psychopharmacology apparently has some good stuff because he not only asked Janice Dickinson out on a date, but actually wants to marry her. For real? This would be Janice's fourth trip down the aisle, but on the bright side, if you ever wanted to try the best prescription drugs, this is the guy you probably want to marry. I think the guy is probably just scared of Janice. Maybe he likes adventure but feels like he is too old to bungee jump so figures Janice is the next best thing? Now if she could only get Tyra Banks to be her maid of honor.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:00 AM
Labels: Janice Dickinson
October 2, 2008
So, our singer and her husband are back for I think the third appearance in this space. You remember them don't you. She had a baby and the marriage all fell apart. Well sometimes you may see them out together. What you don't see is the fact that she makes out with other guys right in front of the husband. Oh yes, they are still married although it is in name only. Now as for other activities she does in front of the husband, still no word. Working on it though.
Christina Aguilera
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:45 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
I know that with LA Reid departing X Factor after this season that the rumors will start flying about judges for next season and the first one is something sure to be controversial. Apparently Simon Cowell wants both Rihanna and Chris Brown to be judges for the show. Yeah, with me that lands with a thud, but it sure would bring ratings to the show. Can you imagine them having to work with each other everyday and the smirk on Simon's face if he managed to land them? That would of course mean that Britney Spears or Demi Lovato would also be shown the door. I think of all the judges on the show, Demi would want to keep the gig most of all because it is a place for her to make some money and keep in the spotlight and I'm not sure she would be able to do so based solely on her music although, I will admit to cranking up my mom's tinny minivan radio and singing along to Skyscraper.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:30 AM
Labels: Chris Brown , Rihanna , Simon Cowell
This male shock jock turned television host turned shock jock host recently called this female radio host and B list television host a transvestite. She responded by saying, "I'm more man than he will ever be. Just ask his wife."
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:15 AM
Labels: blind item
I don't think I am up for talking about this yet. I, like probably many of you stared numb at a television screen yesterday. No one really did any work. How can you when all you keep asking yourself is how someone could do that to a bunch of innocent children. I think that is what gets everyone inside their hearts and souls so deeply. They think about their own kids or their nieces or nephews and think about what they were like or are like in elementary school and imagined them killed in cold blood. They imagine them hiding in corners of classrooms and the teachers who would probably do anything to keep them safe. It is impossible not to be affected by it. I guess I am talking about it, but, this is emotional talking. I know that when I Tweeted and Facebooked it yesterday, that it was good for a lot of people to discuss. When something like this happens, it makes you realize how trivial gossip is, but at the same time, I know that I took a few minutes to escape yesterday reading some gossip and try and take a breather from the intensity of the situation and the coverage. Big bacon hugs to all the families.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:00 AM
Most requested actor of the past month or two gets the top spot. Benedict Cumberbatch.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:31 PM
Labels: Britney Spears , Christina Aguilera , Claire Danes , Courteney Cox , David Beckham , Jason Statham , Keith Urban , Mariah Carey
Eric Dane with his daughter at a candy store.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:21 PM
Labels: Amanda Seyfried , Anne Hathaway , Emily Blunt , Eric Dane , Hugh Jackman , John Krasinski , Jonah Hill , Kim Kardashian , Kristen Bell
John Mayer and Katy Perry at a Rolling Stones show.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:11 PM
Labels: Eddie Cibrian , John Mayer , Katy Perry , Kirsten Dunst , Kristen Stewart , LeAnn Rimes , Liv Tyler , Melanie Griffith , Oprah , Selena Gomez , Sharon Stone
Four parts today.
Just two weeks left to get in your photos for Reader Photos. Send them to me and I will post them leading up to Reveal Day on January 1 and then post them in one or two big massive reader photo posts that day. E-mail them to me at entlawyer90210@yahoo.com
Reader Photo #1
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:01 PM
This former almost A list tweener and now probably a B-/C+ actress who has trouble finding work says she feels used by her now ex-boyfriend. He had dumped her before and she begged him to take her back so he did but made her film some sex scenes together. He won't give them to anyone she doesn't think, but as soon as he got them he dumped her. She also says he borrowed a ton of money from her but had enough to buy his new girlfriend a car.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:00 AM
Labels: blind item
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:45 AM
Labels: Gwyneth Paltrow , Jamie Oliver
The NY Post is reporting today that the reason Kansas City Chiefs player Jovan Belcher killed his girlfriend before killing himself was that she told him that he was not the father of her baby. Jovan's mother was present in the house when the fight happened and heard it happen and the nine gunshots before he fled the house. The couple had been in therapy and receiving financial and couples counseling.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:30 AM
Today is Friday. Thank goodness because I need to get some serious weekend drink on. This weekday drink has not been enough this week. Anyway, I wanted to remind you there are just 18 more days until Reveal Day. That is January 1st. I realize that in Australia it is on January 2, but, hopefully you are better at the whole time change calculation thing than I am. I will be here all weekend blogging and tomorrow I will have a reveal or two. Oh, today I had a blind item on twitter that I did not have here and if I get to 20,000 followers I will have a big reveal like I did when I hit 10,000 followers. You can follow me @entylawyer
#1 - This B- list all television actress now says she n longer speaks to two of her more famous co-stars because she overheard them using a racial slur to discuss her.
#2 - This A list celebrity with A++ list name recognition says that she is uncomfortable around white people. Huh?
#3 - This B+ all movie actress who sometimes flirts with A list said she always thought her ex-husband was gay because he always wanted the lights off and only ever had sex if he could have her butt. Yep. They did manage to make child(ren) so guess it was not everytime.
#4 - This foreign born actress and singer who is starting to make a name for herself has been sharing a hotel room for the past two weeks with this former A list celebrity who is now more famous for his offspring.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:10 AM
Labels: blind item
"If you ever see me at a Twilight convention signing autographs or posing for photos, then you either know I have been kidnapped or paid $10M because I would not do it for a penny less. I shudder thinking about if I had to make another one of those. I took a shower when I finished the last one and hate that I am still talking about it." Twilight actress who is B list and owes her career to Twilight
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:40 AM
Labels: blind item
Amanda Bynes has managed to get both of the hit and run charges filed against her dismissed by writing nice big checks to the two separate victims involved. The prosecutor agreed to drop the charges which means that Amanda is down to just three charges. She has the DUI and two separate charges of driving without a license. I'm sure she would love to write a really big check for those too, but all that is going to happen is that she will be put on probation and as long as she does not drive she does not really get into criminal trouble. Sure, there is the stripping down to a push up bra in spin class or the 90 minute stays in dressing rooms or the fetish for turban wearing and pretending to be someone else, but, she has been pretty good since she stopped driving. Breaking that car addiction.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:20 AM
Labels: Amanda Bynes
In case you are one of the people who do not watch one of the 157 channels in the NBC empire of networks here is the Golden Globes promo starring Amy Poehler and Tina fey.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:00 AM
Labels: Amy Poehler , Tina Fey
"Want to know the real reason we split? Missionary for month after month gets really old. Oh, and the screaming if her hand made contact with my p**is. She probably would have gone into shock if I asked her to use her mouth." A+ all movie actor discussing his former girlfriend who is an A list all movie actress.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:30 AM
Labels: blind item
French reality star, Ayem Nour (left) has given an interview to Ooops Magazine in France and says that when Chris was in town for his Paris concerts she brought along a girlfriend to his hotel room who was passed to one of other Chris's people for sex and that she and Chris partied and then had sex while Karrueche Tran was in the same room. She does not say if Tran joined in but did call her a fun girl and that she has never bothered Ayem before when she has had sex with Chris and that she is a "nice girl too" So, basically despite Chris Brown bring an a-hole of biblical proportions, women are willing to throw themselves at him to have sex and to sacrifice friends to other random strangers so they can have sex with Chris.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:00 AM
Labels: Chris Brown
This C list trashy celebrity who really wishes she could be an A list reality star has a huge crush on a man much younger than her husband. What she doesn't know is that her mom is having sex with the guy and doesn't plan on giving him up.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:45 AM
Labels: blind item
Russell Crowe might have been spotted multiple times with Katie Lee at different spots over NYC and at his hotel in the middle of the night, but he wants everyone to know it is all innocent. He says that as soon as he finishes his movie he is going to rush home and try and repair his family. If that means he needs to see Katie Lee more during the middle of the night at his hotel, then that is what he will do in an attempt to repair his family. The guy is so full of crap. If he wants to repair his family so bad, then fly them here. Of course if he did that then he would not be able to have all of his meetings with Katie Lee and maybe he doesn't want that and would prefer to go back home and repair things and then head out for a new movie and a new person to hang out with in the middle of the night at his hotel more than once.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:30 AM
Labels: Katie Lee Joel , Russell Crowe