The Michael Buble Humming Christmas Album
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:00 AM
Labels: Jimmy Fallon , Michael Buble , video
September 17, 2008
#2 - I don't know if this B+/A- heart throb actor is dating this B- list film actress with A+ name recognition, but it didn't stop them from having sex in a limo on the way to a film. Just wondering if the driver got photos.
Gerard Butler and Jennifer Aniston
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:45 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This A+ list all movie for now actor told someone recently that he only dates women who either have had a history of drug problems or women he thinks will have a drug problem if he introduces it to them. He loves them needy and desperate for him and thinks after years of practice that drug abusers are the best fit for him.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:30 AM
Labels: blind item
July 18, 2008
#3 &4 - What infamous (too strong of a word probably for why) female reality television co-star despite the name, managed to steal this basketball player away from his date last night? The poor date who had flown in to LA with the basketball player went back to the hotel all alone while the reality star and the basketball player got one of their own for a few hours.
Kendra Wilkinson & Greg Oden
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:15 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
The employer of the two Australian DJ's who pranked a London hospital and are believed to be the cause of a suicide from the receptionist/nurse who first answered their call and put them through to Kate's nurse will not be fired. The employer actually had the nerve to say his employees are the victims. Huh? Last I checked they were still alive. The woman is not and was publicly humiliated and now has a grieving family and two sons who don't have a mother. The two DJ's suspended themselves but are expected to be on the air again soon. Tell me how they are the victims again?
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:00 AM
This Academy Award winner/nominee actress is probably A list. She only does movies. None of that common television for her although it was good enough when she needed the money. Anyway, the other day she trashed her hotel room. Someone said something and she went off and knocked a lamp and everything off a desk and when the lamp didn't break, smashed it against the wall until it broke and then told her assistant to clean it up before then knocking a television down to the ground. Maybe she didn't take her meds.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:45 AM
Labels: blind item
It took her a lot of effort, but LeAnn Rimes managed to just about make herself cry in an interview with Giuliana Rancic that is on E! this weekend. It is on Sunday in case you are bored and have nothing to do. Fear not though, I have the video of her trying to make herself cry. It is so crazy to watch. She just can't quite make it happen. You don't even have to listen to her, just watch it with the sound muted. In the interview she says her first marriage was broken which is why she cheated with Eddie. You know, because if hers is broken then she might as well ruin another marriage too. Her logic makes no sense.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:30 AM
Labels: LeAnn Rimes
As of the middle of the night, this former A list all movie actress who is still a solid B has been awake for almost three days straight and is a drug taking binge not seen the early days of her career. She also agreed to a video that she will probably regret when she sobers up. This will be revealed for sure if she doesn't reveal it herself by going to rehab before reveal day.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:15 AM
Labels: blind item
I was having a conversation with someone just the other day about Brooke Mueller and how it seems that Denise Richards is taking care of Brooke's kids and then someone reminded me that Brooke and Lindsay Lohan used to share the same PR person. So, if you think about it in that context, then when the world says Brooke Mueller had an overdose, but her PR person says it was just a routine 911 call because Brooke was unresponsive during a nap, then you say, umm, I am trying to remember the last time I took a nap and needed to call 911. Yeah, my guess is that you haven't. Lets say Brooke was unresponsive after a nap and 911 was called. Don't you think when the paramedics got there they could get her to wake up from the nap? I admit it is a great excuse and this PR guy should win PR person of the year award for having to work with Lindsay recently and now Brooke. Perhaps he could look into working with someone who is not quite so needy.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:00 AM
Labels: Brooke Mueller
Courteney Cox takes her daughter to work day.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:31 PM
Labels: Alicia Keys , Carmen Electra , Courteney Cox , Courtney Stodden , Fergie , Jennifer Hudson , Jessica Simpson , Padma Lakshmi
Kellan Lutz showing off his moneymaker.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:21 PM
Labels: Kellan Lutz , Kristen Stewart , Lindsay Lohan , Mila Kunis , Miley Cyrus
Reese Witherspoon did just have a baby right?
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:11 PM
Labels: Amanda Seyfried , Elijah Wood , Liv Tyler , Reese Witherspoon , Rumer Willis , Taylor Swift , Zoe Saldana
Four parts today.
Just a few weeks left to get your reader photo in if you want it in the photos before Reveal Day and then again in one huge Reveal Day reader photo post. Send them to
Well, Paris Hilton travels around with dogs so I guess icky Hilton decided to travel with cats?
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:01 PM
Labels: Nicky Hilton , Rihanna
This Real Housewife and her husband have decided on a trial separation. Well, she decided on it. She needs more money and needs to get back together with some of the men that supported her previously. Probably not the person you would think of first in your mind.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:00 AM
Labels: blind item
Ahh, you just know that this mother and daughter hail from Florida. Three years ago, daughter Monica Sexxxton decided to become a dancer and then she got into porn. Monica told The Huffington Post that she lost her virginity at 12 and has always been an exhibitionist. Things were going so well that she convinced her mom to take up porn and now the duo do porn together.Monica says she loves being with her mom and the sex and thinks about how rich she is going to be. They usually have sex with the same man, but never touch each other for fear of incest laws. Monica says she is open to filming scenes with her brother but will draw the line at animals. Seriously. This is one effed up family. At least the Lohans don;t look so bad today.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:30 AM
It is Friday so I guess it is announcement time. Nothing much. I will be here all weekend blogging and tomorrow will have a reveal or two for you from the archives. If you would like to, you can follow me on twitter. I try and have blinds there that I don't have here or pieces of gossip that are not enough for a full post. I am @entylawyer
#1 - This B-/C+ Scientology all movie actress is having a fling with a reporter who writes some very inside dirt on the church.
#2 - This curvy A list model who has been everywhere this past year got drunk in an airline lounge and passed out and had to be awakened when the lounge closed. Not the first time this has happened to her.
#3 - This married B+ list all television actor used to be A list all movies. He has had some fidelity issues in the past but made them go away with some legal wrangling and now is going to have to do some more because he gave this extra a little rougher time than she had planned when they had sex recently.
#4 - This Disney star was overheard saying that she is so sick of always playing someone innocent and to make filming more fun never wears anything under her costume. Ever. She also loves to flash people while filming.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:10 AM
Labels: blind item , Four For Friday
Did you love a boy band? If so which one?
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:00 AM
Labels: Your Turn
This actor is C list. He is on one of those USA shows that all seem to blend together. He is the lead of it. He was in Whole Foods last week with his girlfriend. At one point he grabbed his girlfriend by her ponytail and yanked it until she bent over to him. She is taller than him. He then whispered something in her ear and shoved her and then told her to leave and wait for him in the car.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:40 AM
Labels: blind item
I don't know why this guy could not leave his Egyptian cobra at home, but a man snuck his cobra on a plane from Cairo to Kuwait. The cobra bit him on the hand. The cobra then got loose on the plane and started slithering down the aisle and in between and under seats. Yeah, this really happened and I am going to have nightmares thinking about it. The plane was forced to make an emergency landing. The guy was taken to the hospital and discharged himself early.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:20 AM
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:00 AM
Labels: Jimmy Fallon , Tracy Morgan
This B- list celebrity who will fade to a C once her song finally has gone told a friend the other day that she has had to have sex with this former A list tweener and still a solid B+ lister several times. Well one time they had sex. The other times they did other things. He also said that she needs to make sure she is available to him when he wants her which caused her to have her boyfriend split with her.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:30 AM
Labels: blind item
It is hard to believe it has been 15 years since Notorious B.I.G. was killed. Somehow TMZ came up with the autopsy report of his death and it says that the rapper was hot four times and he could have survived all of those, but one shot went through his right hip and went through a bunch of vital organs and killed him.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:00 AM
When this A list actress who by talent should be a C lister called up her old flame to see if he would play at her wedding, he agreed. The thing is he didn't ask his current A list celebrity girlfriend, he just told her. She went ballistic. Considering how he has cheated on her already with a couple of exes, she wants him to stay far far away from that particular ex even if she is getting married.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:45 AM
Labels: blind item
The receptionist who believed the Australian DJ she was speaking to was the Queen and put the call through to the nurse in charge of Kate Middleton committed suicide this morning. Scotland Yard is investigating the death which happened almost next door to the hospital where she worked. By putting the call through, the nurse also thought she was speaking to The Queen and gave out a lot of personal information about Kate. I wonder if the DJ's will have anything to say about the death.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:30 AM
Labels: Kate Middleton
This A list celebrity couple wanted to ensure the mom got exactly what she wanted so they gender selected their most recent baby. The mom always likes everything to be exactly perfect and match what she thinks is the ideal.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:15 AM
Labels: blind item
Right now might be the time that Katie Holmes' star is burning brightest and according to The New York Daily News it is her star power that is keeping her play alive on Broadway. Apparently it is so bad that there would be no way it would ever stay open, but that Katie Holmes keeps bringing in crowds who want to see her. It is more of a curiosity thing rather than a wow she is a great actress thing. Of course you could just hang around the Whole Foods in Chelsea and wait for her to show up and save yourself the money and the really bad play. I think it is pretty incredible that she has managed to keep a play open. Are there that many people who are fascinated enough by her that are willing to fork over money to see her in something bad. They didn't when she was in bad movies but I guess since a play is live and in person they will. What she needs to do is a one woman show and just talk about what everyone wants to hear.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:00 AM
Labels: Katie Holmes
Stephen Baldwin owes $350K in unpaid taxes to the State Of New York. Yesterday, the actor was arrested and charged with failing to pay three years of state income taxes. If he is convicted, Stephen faces four years in prison. Unlike in California where four years means about 45 minutes, this would be a very long sentence if nothing is agreed to before hand. Baldwin was not even bothering to file returns. He is next due in court in February. On the bright side, he does take a good mug shot. Need some money? Celebrity Mole. That is all I am saying.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:45 AM
Labels: Stephen Baldwin
Apparently people still do get rings from Neil Lane. I figured since he started doing those cheesy Zales commercials that celebrities would shy away from him but, nope. A stylist who works for Angelina Jolie told In Touch that she was sent to Neil Lane and picked up wedding rings for Brangelina. I don't doubt that she did, but she must have spilled with Brangelina's blessing. A quick check from In Touch is not going make up for getting fired and if she is the one who picked them up there must not be any doubt who they sent so I guess this is calculated to let everyone know they should get ready for and prepare for the second coming or trying to throw people off while they have a secret underground ceremony presided over by Billy Bob Thornton.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:30 AM
Labels: Angelina Jolie , Brad Pitt
Gisele Bundchen and Tom Brady had their second child together on Wednesday. The future supermodel is named Vivian Lake which is not a bad name considering what could have been. I think all celebrities should take a page out of the Tom and Gisele playbook when it comes to baby names. It is interesting that their son was born on December 8 and daughter December 5th. I guess Gisele and Tom have some free time every year around the same time. Meanwhile, in other baby news, Shakira decided to release a sonogram photo of her baby. Yes, it does appear to shaking its hips.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:15 AM
Labels: Gisele Bundchen , Shakira , Tom Brady
Lindsay Lohan got her wish yesterday. She got to be the groupie of a boy bander and ride on The Wanted's bus from New York to Boston. I'm guessing by the first toll they were sick of her and were ready to push her out but since they are from another country didn't want to risk losing their work visas so let her stay. Lindsay has been desperate to have sex with Max from The Wanted and it looks like she finally got her wish. Max didn't want to admit he was having sex with Lindsay because he knows that other women would find that a huge turn off and would probably require Max to layer himself in Saran Wrap before any sex with them. When Lindsay got on the bus though, he had to admit they were together and unless he can convince one of the other band members to take her, Max is going to be stuck with Lindsay until he buys a handcuff key or helps out with that tax bill.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:00 AM
Labels: Lindsay Lohan
It's hard to believe Drew Barrymore just had a baby.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:31 PM
Labels: Demi Moore , Drew Barrymore , Emma Stone , Gerard Butler , Jenna Dewan , Jessica Biel , Justin Bieber , Kate Walsh , Lenny Kravitz , Lisa Kudrow , Lori Loughlin , Stacy Keibler , Uma Thurman