What can I say, I love it. I also hope that by keep posting it that Molly McNearney will invite me to her wedding to Jimmy Kimmel because I heard there is going to be the biggest buffet ever and that Adam Carolla is going to hot box with Snoop and that Ben Affleck and Matt Damon are actually going to have sex.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Matthew Fox Is All Cleaned Up

Matthew Fox shaved. He colored his hair and he looks healthy. The one thing the former Party of Five star did not do at the premiere of his new movie was mingle with the fans. He posed for a couple of photographs with fans but didn't look happy to do it and was even less happy to sign anything. Say what you will about Tom Cruise and you can say a lot, I will tell you right now that he will do absolutely anything to promote a movie. If you want him to talk to every radio station in the world he would make it happen. He would have tried to meet as many fans as he could and especially at a time when he needs fan support. This has been a rough year for Matthew Fox and he should have been in that crowd in Toronto like he was passing out free tickets to the upcoming non-existent season of the Leafs. Maybe crowds are a trigger, but the guy did not look his best when interacting and also looked like he wished he was somewhere else. Still though, better than drinking and driving or hitting people.
Blind Items Revealed
March 27, 2007
This aging former A list movie actor has always seemed washed up. Even his characters had that look about them. He has always been a drinker. Some drugs, but mainly a drinker. He always drinks before television appearances, no matter the time of day they are filmed. That has always happened. His most recent behavior is not. Lately when he gets drunk he has been going to all of his old homes at all hours of the day and night. He rings the bell and when the owner answers says he used to live there and then invites himself in. He basically crashes in the house for 3 or 4 hours. Sometimes he tells stories and other times he just mumbles. One family called the police, but our actor was not arrested.
This aging former A list movie actor has always seemed washed up. Even his characters had that look about them. He has always been a drinker. Some drugs, but mainly a drinker. He always drinks before television appearances, no matter the time of day they are filmed. That has always happened. His most recent behavior is not. Lately when he gets drunk he has been going to all of his old homes at all hours of the day and night. He rings the bell and when the owner answers says he used to live there and then invites himself in. He basically crashes in the house for 3 or 4 hours. Sometimes he tells stories and other times he just mumbles. One family called the police, but our actor was not arrested.
Nick Nolte
Robert Wagner Killed Natalie Wood According To Tapes

Natalie Wood's sister Lana says the captain of the boat which Natalie Wood was on the night she died told Lana that Robert Wagner had pushed his wife overboard and then refused to help her because he was so mad at her. He said to leave her there and it would teach her a lesson. Nice. Drown your wife and walk away like nothing ever happened. Kind of like your career after Hart To Hart.
Blind Item #1 - Easy Easy
What A+ list movie actress was MIA for about a month while her partner was everywhere because our actress had a breast enlargement and lift. She said that she didn't like looking at herself naked any longer and wanted to fix it and is planning to take it off in an upcoming movie. She has said before she was going to wait until she was finished having kids. No more kids?
Blind Items Revealed
I can't remember if I revealed this one before. I have another coming up in case I have.
So this publicity hungry singer has a pretty bad reputation already. Seems that at a show he did not so long ago he went completely out of control. (He would've given Joe Francis a run for his money) Before the show even started he presented a challenge to his crew. "First one who scores 20 Xanax for me gets a plasma television." Thirty minutes later a member of the crew was looking at new plasmas on the internet.
During this particular concert our singer was the opening act. Instead of retreating to the dressing room or his bus, the singer decided to hang around on the side of the stage. There were several attractive young women and he went up to each. While he was talking to them he would grab their butt and bring them closer to him. If they tried to get away he would grab them and make them struggle to get away.
After the concert, the tour bus was crowded. Primarily on board were girls/women of the late teenage variety. Some were openly making out with members of the backing band and crew. Other girls/women were passed out. Those that were passed out were being drawn on with a Sharpie by our singer. His favorite thing to draw were pictures of male genitalia around their mouths and obscene words on any exposed part of their body. If there was not enough skin exposed he would expose it.
If a girl was passed out and didn't have a friend with her to take her home, they would just leave the girl there passed out and drive to the next city. When the girl woke up, they would kick her off the bus, no matter the location and let her fend for herself. Of course they can choose a different option instead, but it involves every member of the band with the singer going first.
Howie Day
James Cameron Says There Was Only Room For One Person On The Raft And Stop Talking About It

James Cameron is tired of talking about how there was room for Jack to get on the raft with Rose in Titanic. He is tired of the groups dedicated to showing people just how much room there was on the raft for two people. If you gave them a chance, they could probably find the room for three or four people, and a car and then lots of clowns and dogs would come out. What would the circus do if they performed at a place that didn't have a trap door to do that? Just blow off the trick? Anyway, Cameron says the reason Jack did not get on the raft was a matter of buoyancy and says the raft would have sunk if Jack had got on it. Cameron says that Jack tries and it sinks a little so he stays in the water to die. Or did he? He might come back as a cyborg in Terminator 5.
Honey Boo Boo Has A Bodyguard

Granted, I'm sure the bodyguard the Shannon family has hired is probably paid in live chickens, but still, the fact they have a bodyguard who is with them even when they go to the store, show me they are making about as much money as I thought they were making and I'm also wondering if June Shannon has control of all the funds somehow. I doubt just her money alone is covering all these expenses. Do you think there is a big stalking or kidnapping threat against Honey Boo Boo? the bodyguard also doubles as a driver. In order to really make them look like big shots the Shannons have him put on a cap while driving them and opening the door for them. No matter what though it is still six people being jammed into the front cab of a pickup with Sugar Bear and the dogs in the bed.
Petition Generated To Fire Zoe Saldana Because She Is Not Black Enough

The New York Times is reporting that there is a petition with over 3,000 signatures that is trying to get Zoe Saldana fired from a movie where she is going to play jazz legend Nina Simone. The reason? They say that Zoe is not black enough to play the role and that Hollywood is trying to whitewash Nina Simone. The site, Coffee Rhetoric, was the first to bring up the topic and generated the petition. The owner of the site says,"Hollywood and the media have a tendency to whitewash and lightwash a lot of stories, particularly when black actresses are concerned. When is it going to be OK to not be the delicate looking ideal of what the media considers blackness to be?"
I don't think this is a whitewashing issue. Maybe the producers thought that Zoe was the best for the part. Jennifer Hudson is darker than Zoe Saldana, and I'm sure she was considered and is probably just as big of a box office draw. Do I think Hollywood can be racist? Absolutely. 100%. Why do you think the whole Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey and Randy Jackson thing feel through on Idol? There is racism, but I think today, a lot of it is thinking that other people are racist rather than Hollywood itself being racist. I think in the past, Hollywood has whitewashed things, but I think Spike Lee and especially Tyler Perry have changed that. Think about how many times Tyler Perry movies have led the box office and how much money his movies make. His television shows? Equally as popular. People criticized the casting of Jennifer Lawrence for Hunger Games because they thought she was not skinny enough and did not look hungry enough.
Irish Newspaper Publishes Kate Middleton Topless Photos - Italians Join In - French Have Sex Photos

Apparently after Kate Middleton took off her top while on vacation with Prince William his little King George started getting excited and the couple had sex which was duly caught in photographs. Those photos have not been released, but I bet someone is trying to buy them to release right now. Kate and William have sued the publisher of Closer magazine in France, but the biggest fine they face is $30K which is nothing compared to the millions they must be making. An Irish newspaper has published nine pages of the photos stating they are very tasteful and it is not like she is the Queen of Ireland or ever will be. An Italian Magazine also is publishing almost 30 pages of the photos. Meanwhile, Kate and William went zip lining in Borneo. Kept their clothes on too.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Random Photos Part Three
"Good news kids. You are all being adopted by Lara Croft.
Dakota Fanning is all grown up.
So, is Emma Watson. Twice in a week that she has gone the side boob route.
Cassandra Bankson and her debut at Fashion Week.
On hand at Calvin Klein were Amy Adams, Emma Stone and Diane Kruger.
A very bright looking Jessica Alba was also in NYC.
Ditto Kate Gosselin who walked for charity.
This is her getting made up.
In first grade and still being carried. Going to be very awkward at high school graduation for Katie to carry Suri to the stage.

Random Photos Part Two
Remember the scene in Christmas Vacation where Clark is locked in the attic? Look at the woman behind Kelly Osbourne.
The third wheel. Minka Kelly and Mandy Moore let their non-famous friend be with them.
It is a Melrose Place reunion.
Not that new thing that gave Ashlee Simpson a job. A real,
honest to goodness,
Melrose Place reunion. For a photo.
Naomi Watts' son says backpacks are better than nothing when one is hungry.
I love this photo of Penelope Cruz.
Emile Hirsch has very big feet and is related to the GEICO caveman.

Random Photos Part One
Three parts today.
A grim looking Kate Middleton and Prince William today in Asia after the topless photos of Kate were released.
Guess what Rachel Bilson is selling in this photo? Shoes.
Rose McGowan has one guy for movie night and I guess this guy for nooners.
He is very very tall.
Rachel Uchitel down in Mexico after having her baby a few months ago with a man who has a tattoo on his breast. Probably has things spelled wrong.
Alicia Silverstone out yesterday.
Selma Blair went to the beach one day after splitting with her baby daddy.
Stella McCartney birthday dinner and
Chris Martin made an appearance.

Best Google Trick Ever
usually at this time everyday, I try and show you a funny or lighthearted video. Today though, I bring you the ultimate time waster at work. The thing that will make your days fly by. Go to Google. Type in "Bacon number" followed by an actor's name. You now have a never ending game of Six degrees of Kevin Bacon. I say let Google take over the world if they continue to bring us mindless hours of joy like this.
The Voice Beats X Factor

Simon Cowell's nightmare came true. The Voice crushed X Factor. 10.5M to 8.5M viewers. The really sad part for Simon other than the fact his show is probably not long for this world at least at this price point is that even with all the buzz and all the hype, the show's ratings were down 32% compared to last year and the ratings from last year were nothing to really write home about considering what was expected. To lose like that in your first episode shows what is going to likely happen as the season wears on and your numbers shrink. I guess the tall one from the Kardashian family is a yes for sure to try and get whatever ratings they can. Might as well make it a full on selling your soul to the devil.
Chad Johnson Files Divorce Documents

It looks like tattoos just do not make up for head butting your wife or cheating on her almost everyday of the short time you were married. Chad Johnson finally gave in to the inevitable and filed divorce documents from Evelyn Lozada. The divorce will be finalized soon, but think about the tattoo. There forever. Always there. Looking at you. Reminding you. If it keeps him from beating another woman then I guess that is good.
Four For Friday - Melrose Place
Friday time so announcement time. Tomorrow and Sunday I will be blogging and have a reveal or two tomorrow. Also, if you have not yet followed me on Twitter, please do so as I try and add lots of things I don't do here, plus have blind items and someone crazy from Florida as often as possible. I am @entylawyer.
#1 - Although there were at least four cast members who slept with this multi-soap loving actor, it was this person he slept with that caused the most jaws to drop. She is now a B list reality star, but she was something much more different at the time.
#2 -This actress who is still on television and is probably a B- was not an original member of the cast. She was brought in later and quickly became someone this foreign born actor tried to stay away from. They had sex one time and she thought it meant they should get married. Would not leave him alone. Ever.
#3 - This actress left the show rather abruptly because her soon to be A list movie actor boyfriend who is now a B- made her leave because he wanted her to be there when he needed her. Her life went downhill from there.
#4 - These four or five actors/actresses had strip poker parties. Oh, to have a cell phone camera back then and the internet.
Eva Longoria Confirms She Is Dating Mark Sanchez - Why Jets Fans Should Be Worried

All of you new York Jets fans might think that Eva Longoria dating Mark is a good thing because you won last week. You won big and Mark had a great week and it was probably because he is dating Eva Longoria and she was working her special athlete voodoo on him that she seems to do on all of the athletes she dates. Always biding her time. Waiting for Mark to finish going through all the models and actresses of New York and then swooped in. Yes, everything is fine right now, but what if they break up? What if mark decides he wants to fly out to LA for an awards show right after a game and starts missing a few practices because of a new reality show? What if they break up and then he ends up alone at a nightclub and gets hit by a piece of glass in his eye while two guys fight over who had sex better with Rihanna and has his career almost end. Then what? What if he cheats on Eva with the girlfriend or wife of a teammate? This can only turn out badly for you Jets fans. Eva says everything is going great though so no worries. Right?
Lessons From The "World's Ugliest Woman"

Lizzie Velasquez has a medical condition so rare that just two other people in the entire world have it. She is incapable of creating muscle, storing energy or gaining weight. She weighs just 60 pounds and each one of those pounds is amazing. She is 23 years old and has been a motivational speaker for the past seven years. Her second book was just published this month. In high school, someone made a YouTube video of her where she was dubbed the ugliest woman in the world. People told her in the comments she should kill herself. She didn't listen and instead set to show the world you can do anything. Amazing. Look at her on Dr. Drew this week.
America's Got Talent Spoiler
Don't watch the video if you have not seen the results of America's Got Talent. For the rest of you, even if you did not watch the show, you really have to see the winners.
The Most Loyal Dog Ever

Six years ago, Capitan's master died and was buried. The man had died in the city and was taken to a cemetery that was extremely far from the home where he had lived with the dog. After the burial, no one in the family noticed the dog was missing. Then, one day they went to the cemetery and there was Capitan at the grave. The dog had found it on his own. Now, everyday, at 6pm the dog makes the journey from his home to the cemetery to lie beside the grave of his master. He has done so everyday for the past six years.
Zombie Attacks Move To Pennsylvania

The wave of zombie attacks sweeping the country have moved north from Florida to Pennsylvania. In what could be one of the more bizarre attacks, a 20 year old man stripped to his underwear and then attempted to break into a house at about 4:30 a.m. The home owner chased him off. Of course, he realized his mistake at the time was that he actually left his underwear on so he took those off and found a vacant house to break into and he waited. He then jumped out of a second story window through the glass and confronted two women on the street before grabbing one of them and began gnawing on her head while screaming like an animal. Police arrived and used tasers to stop the man. Look at the house above. Who is going to walk past that house while it is dark anyway? You are just asking for trouble.
Kelly Rutherford Says Her Son Has Been Brainwashed

Kelly Rutherford was on The View yesterday and says she has spent $2M in legal fees and that she needs to work to be able to keep fighting for custody of her kids. I don't know if she will get another hit show like Gossip Girl. Would she have been wiser to spend some of the $2M and commuter a lot to France? She has a flexible schedule. She was obviously distraught and child custody battles are the worst of the worst. I watched two parents who hated each other go bankrupt fighting for their child for 12 years. The child now needs therapy and the parents squandered millions fighting and can't afford to send their child to school and sold their homes to pay for their battle and the child shuttles between one bedroom apartments. Sometimes it is not about fighting for the children more than it is fighting against your ex. Kelly says that her daughter wants to come back to NYC so of course she is fine but her son who likes it in France has been brainwashed.
National Enquirer Blind Item
WHAT popular Olympic gymnast is ready to trade in her gold medals for an Oscar – or at the very least an Emmy? This adorable brunette is desperate to break into Hollywood and has signed with a major talent agency, but they’ve given her strict orders: You’ve got to lose the attitude, young lady.
New York City Passes Soda Ban

So long Big Gulp. Farewell, Super Size drink from McDonald's. Auf Wiedersehen my huge movie sized drinks to go with my giant buttered popcorn. Goodbye Slurpee. Apparently the city of New York thinks people drink way too many drinks over 16 ounces that are bad for them. So, they are banning them. Notice though they are not banning my ability to buy 25 boxes of candy or to refill my 16 ounce soda 25 times or to ban cigarettes or booze. Nope. Just drinks larger than 16 ounces that contain sugar. The only exception? If they contain more than 50% milk, because you know, milkshakes are so healthy. They are on every diet. Beginning March 12th sugared beverages will be limited to 16 ounces at most restaurants, concession stands, movie theaters and other eateries in NYC. I don't think this will fight obesity at all.
Blind Item #1 - Easy
The issues that this former A list tweener thinks she is having with her B- list movie actor boyfriend probably have to do with a certain person he met on the set of his last movie and also the fact that the former A list tweener keeps questioning him about it non-stop to the point where he is ready to split. He has already checked out emotionally and says he is only in it for the sex and that he gets a threesome for his birthday.
A Judge Tells Amanda Bynes She Will Have To Smoke Her Weed At Home Now

No more driving aimlessly through Los Angeles for Amanda Bynes anymore. A judge ordered her to stop driving which of course means she will put on a wig and glasses and think that no one will recognize her in her battered BMW and as recently as last night did just that and even got into an accident. You know, because she is such a good actress, she thinks she can get away with it. Taking away Amanda's car has got to be like taking away a little kid's blankie or something. It is her security blanket. She is going to have to make drastic changes to her life. I suggest she find a weed dealer who delivers and then maybe hit some foreign country where they don't really believe in the whole license thing to be able to drive. I am kind of serious when I say that I don't know what she will do without her car to drive. It could be a very bad thing. I don't want her on the roads, but maybe they could let her drive around some test track somewhere because it seems to be what is kind of keeping her together at this point.
Sally Struthers Arrested For Drunk Driving

Somehow Sally Struthers got cast in a stage production of 9 to 5. If you have never seen the movie or the stage show, it involves three women in their 30's who hate their boss and kidnap him with the intention of making him see the light of day from his sexist ways. In his absence they run the office. That casting person in Maine must have really wanted to fill their 50 seat theatre to cast Sally Struthers. Anyway, Sally was partying after a show and got pulled over by police around 12:30 a.m. yesterday and was charged with Maine's version of DUI and posed for the happiest mugshot ever. They call it OUI which is probably to confuse all the people from Quebec who come to Maine and get pulled over who are drunk and then have the following conversation with the police in Maine.
Police - Well, I am going to charge you with OUI
Quebec driver - Oh, OUI, OUI, thank you. Au revoir. (and then drives away)
Sally says she is innocent of the charges and will continue to say that until she makes a plea deal and then will say she just chose to plead that way so she could move on to the dinner theatre production of Cannonball Run she has scheduled for Bakersfield.
Drunk Dina Lohan On Dr. Phil
Have you ever weighed the sacrifice of getting rid of something on your DVR to make room for a new program? Decided what is DVR worthy? What is worth keeping and available to watch repeatedly? I think I have found one hour for your DVR that you will even want to save. I know, I know. How often have you used that save button. The magical button that keeps it on there forever when all of your other programs have been deleted because you set up a program to record Gold Rush and wake up one morning to find that not only has Discovery run a marathon of Gold Rush episodes but that QVC had their Gold Rush 6 hour extravaganza the same day. It has happened to me. Twice. I don't know how and why QVC and Discovery became attached at the hip, but they have. All my programs gone. Watch this clip below and see if you want to save Dr. Phil on Monday. Dina Lohan drunk. Does it really require a greater explanation?
Kate Middleton Is Topless

Yesterday a French magazine entitled Closer said they were going to post topless photos of Kate Middleton today and they followed through and did it. The one above is from the rear obviously and looks to be taken from a mile away. The entire series was taken in France when William and Kate were sunbathing at a chateau and Kate took off her top to avoid getting tan lines. Here is the thing. If you don't want topless photos of yourself out there and you are someone very high profile like Kate, you are going to have to leave your top on because someone is going to be out there trying to get a shot. This means there have been topless photos of Pippa and Kate and almost naked photos of Harry. Do you think William would care to make it the superfecta? If you want to try to see the NSFW photos you can click here, but most sites that have the photos have more traffic than Los Angeles during rush hour so it might take a few attempts. You can also just Google Kate Middleton topless in images and you can see them. Nothing that spectacular.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Random Photos Part Three
And then Brooke Burke just took off all her clothes in the middle of the street.
Bradley Cooper and
Ed Helms are filming Hangover 3.
Fergie looking very uncomfortable at an event last night.
Ryan Lochte and Miss USA keep hooking up. This is off time, but
when she stands up to pose with Venus Williams she has to wear her sash.
I see Anna Wintour, Kelly Osbourne, Sarah Hyland, Tyra Banks, that Kim person who has a show and her boyfriend who really loves women's fashion and half of Stacy Keibler and no clue about everyone else.
Tonsley Mortimer wore her Jolly Green Giant skirt.
Hello Bar.
Speaking of supermodels, Gisele Bundchen shows off her bump and Tom Brady's pants while waiting for her ride.