Olympic Medal Watch
I'm hoping it will update and stop showing the results from the last summer Olympics.
I'm hoping it will update and stop showing the results from the last summer Olympics.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:00 AM
June 30, 2012
What new talk show host lines up three to five women at the end of his show and has them answer questions about what they would be willing to do to sleep with him. If there is more than one person that attracts his interest he asks if they are willing to do a threesome. if not, he has the second place finisher wait for a few hours until he finishes with the first.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:45 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
Snoop Dogg is banned from entering Norway for the next two years. His lawyer says Snoop os fine with that. I guess he was not planning on playing any Norwegian shows for the next two years or he might have tried to appeal. I guarantee you if it was England he would be spending a lot of money appealing the decision and getting them to change. The issue he is going to have is Japan is not going to let him now either so that will be a big money hit.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:30 AM
Labels: Snoop Dogg
Conrad Hilton is on probation because of a previous pot arrest. As part of that probation he has to take drug tests. He failed one when he tested positive for pot. Back in November, Conrad got into a car wreck while high on pot and drunk on wine. You know he must have got the wine from home. What teenager is driving around with bottles of wine? If you manage to convince some place to sell you booze, you are probably not going to get $50 bottles of wine. I think one of his bottles was actually worth like $200, so you know it came from home. This is not big deal. The only reason anyone cares is because it is a Hilton. The good news is he doesn't have his own television show.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:15 AM
There are a couple of tabloids that are reporting that Katy Perry and John Mayer hooked up. It is definitely not dating because they got together way back in the middle of June. So, it was either a one night thing which is quite likely knowing the history of John Mayer or Katy would not do what John Mayer wanted which is also very likely because John does like to get his freak on. They would make an interesting combination. They both like to be in the limelight so much though, I fear the world would become nothing but John and Katy 24/7. There is nothing they would not do to show the world they were a couple of they were. The pair were supposed to have been kissing and canoodling.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:00 AM
Labels: John Mayer , Katy Perry
I love Mr. Bean. This made the whole ceremony for me.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:45 AM
Labels: Mr. Bean , Rowan Atkinson , videos
Well, it only ended with a kiss on the cheek and Katie Holmes getting into a cab by herself, but it was dinner, and it was with a guy. Look at how happy that guy is. He is ridiculously happy. He is so happy and smiling so much, he is hurting my mouth just watching him. I'm glad she had some fun and she must have loved going out without a security team or a car waiting. Just a cab and a trip back to her apartment.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:30 AM
Labels: Katie Holmes
Veteran actress Lupe Ontiveros, who appeared in scores of TV shows and movies including “Desperate Housewives,” "The Goonies," "Selena,” and “As Good As It Gets,” has died. She was 69.
Lupe was the sweetest, most generous, wonderful woman ever. To let you know what a wonderful actress she was, she portrayed Yolanda Saldivar in the movie Selena. Yolanda was an evil woman. I said to myself at the time Lupe was cast that there is no way Lupe is going to be able to get that quiet nastiness that Yolanda had, but Lupe managed to pull it off. Below, is one of my favorite Lupe moments.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:15 AM
Labels: Goonies
Yesterday, ABC announced the cast for Dancing With The Stars - All Star edition and I have to say, I am upset. I Tweeted it, and now I am expressing my displeasure here. John O'Hurley was left off the list. The man is the first time winner of the show. It is not like he is really busy doing other things that he would not come if asked. Was he asked? No. Who does not like him? Nothing against Joey Fatone or Gilles Marini. I like them fine. But, why would you put Melissa Rycroft on the show instead of John O'Hurley. I know you need Bristol Palin to get some ratings shock. I get that. I can't really complain about Pamela Anderson, Kelly Monaco, Shawn Johnson, Kirstie Alley, Helio Castroneves, Drew Lachey, Emmitt Smith, and Apolo Ohno. All of those choices are solid. But, and this is a big but, ABC is letting viewers pick the 13th contestant and John O'Hurley is not even one they can choose from. It is Sabrina Bryan, Carson Kressley, or Kyle Massey. Since Kyle and Bristol hate each other now, that might be a good choice. I am grateful there is not a Gosselin or Kardashian in sight.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:00 AM
Labels: Dancing With The Stars
It's Olympics time.Apparently people like watching the torch.
I would watch if Christina Hendricks was carrying it.
Demi Lovato has discovered a way to discourage fans from giving her hugs.
Halle Berry reminds the director that she has an Academy Award.
This is why Jessica Alba should keep two hands on the stroller at all times.
I'm thinking Honor might be too big for it. Her sister is behind her in it though.
Kate Major buys matching backpacks. Twins? Getting ready to send the baby to work when it is born?
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:30 PM
Labels: Demi Lovato , Halle Berry , Jessica Alba , Kate Major
Lady GaGa finally released some of the photos from her night with Lindsay Lohan. Only the PG ones though.Katy Perry checks out the photos of Robert Pattinson. Probably likes his fake tattoos in the magazine.
Mischa Barton and her boyfriend of the week wait in the European countryside for
someone to tow their car.
Meanwhile, Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher are really taking things public. Great opportunity for whoever he is cheating on Mila with to make some great money from the tabloids.
And Prince Harry lists the 1,000 ways you can use Olympic torch as sexual innuendo.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:15 PM
Labels: Ashton Kutcher , Kate Middleton , Katy Perry , Lady GaGa , Lindsay Lohan , Mila Kunis , Mischa Barton , Prince Harry
Three parts today.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:01 PM
Labels: Amber Rose , David Beckham , Ricki Lake , Rose McGowan , Sarah Michelle Gellar , Tom Hanks , Victoria Beckham , Zooey Deschanel
For the first time in 17 years, Good Morning America beat the Today Show in the total number of viewers. For 852 weeks GMA lost. That all changed and much of the success is because everyone loves Robin Roberts and hates Matt Lauer and whoever he is sleeping with at that particular time. It has nothing to do with Ann Curry. Anyway, Robin told reporters yesterday that she is going to have to take time off in August and September for her bone marrow transplant. Combined with Today having all of this Olympics stuff going for them and her absence, GMA is going to struggle to hang on to first. Robin said that Katie Couric would be filling in a lot. Robin is amazing and I hope she completely recovers from this.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:30 AM
Labels: Good Morning America
Today, I thought I would do a traditional Four For Friday and give you some variety. If you are going to be around this weekend and not glued to your television watching the Olympics, I will be blogging tomorrow and Sunday. Tomorrow I will be revealing one or two blind items from the archives. Feel free to follow me on Twitter. The bird thing is over there -----> I try to talk about things on there that I don't over here and to also give some different blind items.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:10 AM
Labels: blind item , Four For Friday
What is a movie that everyone has seen except for you? For the longest time I had never seen Titanic. My mom made me watch it with her for her birthday present two years ago. I figured out pretty much right away that the ship was going to sink. I kept telling my mom that. She was not amused. I have only seen Avatar once and it was on an airplane. That blue takes a whole new dynamic on a five inch screen in turbulence. If you only see a movie on an airplane does it count? If you only land at an airport and don't leave, does that count as visiting that state or country? Can you tell that I am enjoying a few morning beverages? It's kind of an Olympic tradition. I tryo to drink for three weeks straight. Lots of endurance required.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:00 AM
Labels: Your Turn
For some reason, the actress who has been in court this week facing stalking charges against Alec Baldwin says that her career has stalled. No? You don't say. Why would that be? Because you sent him 7 e-mails in one day? Why? Because you said you were going to go DEFCON 1 and start a war with Alec Baldwin. Who wants that on their film set? The actress, Genevieve Sabourin says it is because Alec is a big star and has been saying bad things about her. He doesn't need to say anything, I think she is doing a pretty good job on her own. The actress is facing five separate charges. Alec has said he just had a brief meeting with the actress. What really happened is that he probably took her to dinner and had sex with her and then he could not get rid of her.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:40 AM
Labels: Alec Baldwin
Back in 1982, five teens from Santa Barbara graduated from high school. They vowed that every five years they would get together and take the same group picture they had done that day. That they somehow managed to make it happen is amazing. That they are sharing it with the world is really cool too.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:20 AM
After 8 years on Grey's Anatomy, there will be no more Dr. Mark Sloan on the show. Eric Dane announced he was quitting the show to focus on other projects. I can't believe how long this show has been on the air and how it seems to just go on and on year after year despite there never being much hype about it. It seems like the only time anyone talks about the show is when someone quits or the season finale each year. Other than that it just goes about its business and keeps making the show's creator, Shonda Rhimes a very rich woman. It's not like Mad Men where the whole world just waits for that first episode of the new season and talks about it incessantly. I think Eric thinks he is going to make it big in movies. I don't think so. Yes, he is good looking, but good looks does not always make it in the movies. Television to movies is hard. Rule #1 is to never leave a hit show. Why leave? Make movies during the vacations. Look at Katherine Heigl. What is she doing now? Not much. A few failed movies and now she is hoping to get a hit somehow. T.R. Knight? Yeah. remember him. Think he would like to be pulling in $100K an episode over at Grey's Anatomy right about now?
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:30 AM
Labels: Eric Dane
You know you are having hard times when you get sucked up into the payday loan cycle. It is so hard to ever pull yourself out of that mess, and you just keep paying that 600% interest. Do you realize that loan sharks don't even charge that much interest? Anyway, Montel Williams gets paid a ton of money to convince you to sign up for one and now Nadya Suleman has signed up with a company that is calling itself OctoLoan. Yeah, they claim they are widely respected in the industry. Considering they have been around for only five minutes, that might be true. Apparently Nadya is getting paid almost $100K to shill for the company. Yeah, because the woman who spent taxpayer money to have 14 kids is the person I want giving me financial advice.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:00 AM
Labels: Nadya Suleman
Which 60-something singer/ actress – she was in a classic ’70s musical – has given her troubled daughter a dose of tough love? The Grammy winner has forced her spoiled, wannabe starlet offspring to get a 9-to-5 job – as a housekeeper!
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:30 AM
Labels: National Enquirer
I get the feeling that James Holmes thinks he is in a movie and that he will go to trial and something dramatic will happen and he will be freed or released. According to workers at the county jail where he is incarcerated, the Colorado shooter is claiming he does not know why he is even in jail. Obviously he thinks this will help him if he pleads not guilty because of insanity. He really does think he is in some scripted movie and that he is somehow going to get out of all this. He isn't. This is not going to be an OJ or a Casey Anthony or Robert Blake. James is going to be in jail for the rest of his life if they don't decide to go for the death penalty. He is going to be in jail in 60 years and and spend day after day doing exactly the same thing. I hope he rots in there. I think in 30 or 40 years when someone goes to interview him, I think that smirk and that I will get out of this look or expression will be replaced with a look that says it has been 30 or 40 years and I have another 3o years or so to go before I die.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:00 AM
Penn State is having to pay the NCAA over $60M in fines. I think Victim #2 should sue Penn State for that amount of money and every victim should follow in his wake and do the same thing. If the school is willing to pay $60M to get to play football they should be willing to pay $60M to a child who was sexually assaulted on their school property and did nothing about it. How could you pay him any less? I will tell you why. Because even today, the people who run Penn State think football is way more important than Victim #2. Why do you think they tried so hard to avoid the death penalty? Because they get paid way more than the fine the NCAA issued to play football. They get almost $20M a year just from the football program alone. It is probably more. It is all about money.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:45 AM
Katherine Jackson is back in Los Angeles and met with her lawyer yesterday. He says she is fine and that this is all a big misunderstanding. Uh huh. That is why the relatives kidnapped and drugged her and then tried to kidnap the kids. It's pretty obvious that Katherine should not be the one in charge of them right now. Let her live with the kids and be there with them, but I don't know if I want her to be the one in charge. Of course, the kidnappers also have kind of screwed themselves because they won't have access to that free flow of money if their mother is not guardian of the kids.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:30 AM
Labels: Michael Jackson
Apparently Justin Bieber is not universally loved and adored. I know. That is hard to believe. For starters, the belt industry is not a fan, because Justin does not believe in belts. Everyday we are forced to see photos of Justin with his pants hanging precariously on the tiniest hint of a butt waiting for the time they will fall to the ground and display his underoos. I'm guessing he wears Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle ones. He also makes his neighbors mad. Justin rents the house behind Kristen Bell and Dax Shepherd. Now, most guys who would live behind that couple would spend their days and nights and most weekends camped out in whatever room offered the best chance to catch a glimpse of Kristen Bell. According to the couple though, ever since Justin moved in, he has been the worst neighbor ever with loud music and parties almost every second that he is there.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:15 AM
Labels: Justin Bieber
I think three days is about enough to discuss one person cheating in Hollywood. I mean when Tiger cheated with 46 people and Jesse James 38 or whatever it was, even that got kind of boring after a few days. The only fun was seeing photos of the different people and wondering what on earth they were thinking. I think what would make this whole Robert Pattinson/Kristen Stewart thing more fun is if Ted Casablanca had a way to report live from outside the house they once shared. Apparently Rob has now moved out. Ted could be out there waiting to talk to anyone and interviewing everyone and just talking to himself. I think Funny Or Die should give the guy a call and do some kind of parody video.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:00 AM
Labels: Kristen Stewart , Robert Pattinson
Apparently Banana Republic has decided that knees just aren't necessary on models.Christina Aguilera goes makeup free. MAC lays off thousands.
Demi Lovato at boot camp in Miami.
Simon Cowell was there doing an i.d check before finding someone to spend the day with.
Emmy Rossum brings paps some ice cream on the set of Shameless and then
pretends like she is going to eat one.
Anna Faris on the Santa Monica pier.
I didn't think it was possible for Giuliana Rancic to get more thin. I was wrong.
Gwen Stefani does some strange leopard thing.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:30 PM
Labels: Anna Faris , Christina Aguilera , Demi Lovato , Emmy Rossum , Giuliana Rancic , Gwen Stefani