I have heard of pregnancy glows and post sex glow and bacon glow, but I have yet to ever hear of engagement glow, especially when no one is sure there is an engagement. Since US Weekly invested a cover into telling all of us that Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel are engaged they are going to pound that into my head and your head and every head they can and find any possible way to put it into an article just so they look good.
They ran a quick blurb and photo of Jessica Biel and said, "There's still no ring to gawk at, but Jessica Biel has definitely got that newly engaged glow!"
Seriously? And they can tell this from a photo because that is all they were looking at. They wrote the article just so they could use that sentence. The only other sentence in the article is describing what she is wearing which is presumably to describe to you, the reader, who may have some type of problem seeing photos despite being able to read the article what exactly Jessica is wearing in the photo.
In a Katy Perry article they wrote, Katy and Russell are divorcing, but Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake are getting married. This is the circle of life.
In an article about Rachael Ray they wrote, Rachael Ray had Jessica Alba on her show, but really wanted Jessica Biel so they could talk about her engagement to Justin Timberlake.
Even in an article about politics, they managed to get it in. In describing the debate last night between GOP hopefuls, they said that all the candidates seemed distracted and were all probably wondering when Jessica Biel would debut her new engagement ring.