Monday, December 31, 2012

Your Turn

Going out or staying in tonight?


  1. Work at 8 AM with foster kids in a crisis center. I'm staying in! Plus, I'm a recovered drug addict. Meditation and prayer are big New years things for me.

    1. @Barton, you are awesome, working with the little ones!

  2. Staying in......we make a puzzle every nye and don't go to sleep til it's completed. 1000 pieces tonight. Whooohoooo!! We're way more boring than we used to be!

  3. @Barton - your plans are awesome. You're doing great work. Thank you.

    I'll be going out, a little reluctantly, because I'm starting to get a cold. My friend has been looking forward to this since September, and I don't want to let her down.

    To anyone in the Twin Cities, Metro Transit buses/light rail are free from 6 pm tonight until the last run. Please take advantage!

  4. I'm also working tomorrow so I will be partying at home.

  5. Staying in, as always. Tried celebrating every which way, never enjoyed it, now me and hubby hang, prob watching twilight zone marathon.

  6. Me+sofa+bottle of Bollinger=NYE Heaven

    1. After going to see my mum in hospital of course.

  7. In. My partner is going to cook and we'lk drink, smoke the good stuff, listen to music and play cribbage.

  8. Staying in with my lovely husband and daughter

  9. I'm in NYC and I don't want to be stuck in the rain at 2am trying to hail a taxi from a sea of people, sounds like a nightmare.

    We are probably just going to hang in the 'hood and chill with the locals. :)

    Happy New Year CDaN'ers!!!

  10. I'm staying in; I don't drink: recovered here! =) But, I have lost friends to drunk driving, haven't gone *out* for NY's in over 20 years. I loathe drunk driving! Please, be safe! Buzzed driving IS drunk driving. Just please be safe, people and don't endanger the lives of others. Have a great night!

  11. Normally go out but this year going to do a nice quiet night home with my new boyfriend.

  12. Going out...with a bang. Get the f out 2012. You sucked. Bring on 2013!

  13. Bartending on a yacht.

  14. Murder Mystery dinner party followed by another friend's house for when the ball drops.

    Happy New Year!

  15. Haven't decided yet... we have somewhereto go that will be fun, but I'm not fond of going out on NYEve in general.

    Happy New Years, all! Thanks for another fun year of gossip, Enty!

  16. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Going out in the strip in Pittsburgh! Very excited. (Last year I watched Dick Tracy, alone)

  17. @Karen - that sounds like a really good night - enjoy!

    And of course happy new year to all CDANers - see you tomorrow!!

  18. Staying in - it's the only way to fly! I've got everything and everyone I need right here. Plus, I'm making chocolate chip cookies :-). Love the puzzle idea, cause we're crazy like that, too. My son got an awesome 4D puzzle of Tokyo for Christmas - maybe I can talk him into breaking it out! Happy happy New Year, dear CDaNers - 2013 is gonna be the best year evah!

  19. My fiancée and I will probably stay in. We are visiting SoCal, but he is sick and I don't feel like going out just by myself. I am past my partying days.

  20. Staying in - gotta work in the am :(

  21. We'll be going to a friend's house to drink some nice old scotch and play with fireworks. We didn't feel like getting fancied up and spending a bunch of money. Our friend, however, invested nearly a grand in fireworks. It should be interesting.

  22. And Happy New Year, CDaN fam! Whatever you decide to do, make sure you're safe so we can all be here for reveal day tomorrow!

  23. Karen, I've always wanted to do a murder mystery envious! Emjoy!!

  24. My husband nor I like crowds, therefore we Will be staying in and wake up in a panic when people start shooting off fireworks and guns at midnight. That is if I can fall asleep(terrible insomnia).

  25. Oh, anyone staying in that will be hosting some people, my family just played Cards Against Humanity last night and it was a blast. It's like Apples to Apples, but demented and good for lots of laughs.

  26. I like being with my kids when the New Year starts, it makes me feel like everything is right with the world. Besides I hate being out when idiots are driving drunk.

    Oldest invited his gf over tonight so we will play games and try to find the least irritating television coverage of the ball dropping. Any recommendations from my CDAN friends?

  27. @Mynerva and Reese, I'm looking forward to it, but I'd kind of like to stay in tonight. The fiance and I partied hard last night watching the Redskins beat the Cowboys. :)

  28. Wifey and I are going to dinner at a nice restaurant in Hillcrest neighborhood of SD. Going home early, and watch the Ryan Seacrest NYC city thing on the telly.

    Drive safe everyone. If you think you're remotely drunk, don't get behind the wheel. $30-50 in cab fares home is a better alternative than getting a DUI. Peace, and happy new year!

    1. I live in Hillcrest! :)

    2. And I live inMission Hills. Bought groceries at the Hillcrest Von's just this afternoon.

    3. You have a wife and you live in hillcrest? I call shenanigans

  29. Staying in my building...there are several parties...nothing could get me out tonight

  30. Working until 11p, then oh so carefully making my way home to bed.
    I hate amateur night.

  31. Staying home cuddling with the hubby and puppies. Doubt i'll even see midnight :D

    HAve a great and safe one peeps

  32. Staying in. I got a Roku for Christmas and I've been watching streaming video non-stop ever since, lol.

  33. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Spinning records and mixing drinks for friends before they head out to their big parties. NYE never lives up to the hype so we park it at home.

  34. Staying in with my three units and first husband (housemate and business partner). No bevvies for me, maybe take an extra pain pill for fun (just kidding).

  35. @FSP

    Are you ever right about 2012 sucking. See ya 2012 (good riddance to bad rubbish....

  36. Going out early, then staying in.

  37. having a lil shindig at the house, hopefully they all leave early!

  38. We are going to a shop party at a friend's house:) Everyone brings different appies, we light a bonfire and throw on some music! It's the frozen North, so we make our fun where we can;) haha

  39. I used to work for the police comm., and will never, ever go out on New Year's Eve. One year, we lost four officers (different departments - sheriffs, local PD, etc.) due to drunk drivers. Please be safe, all.

    Staying in here, with kids & our "other son" :). LOVE the puzzle idea! This might be the year they all make it to midnight, but we might not.

  40. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Staying in, I work at 7am so maybe Hubby and me with a shared bottle of champagne, twist up a fatty, and pass out at 11pm, but that's about it. That's my idea of a good time.
    Why would I want to go out in painful high heels, and get drinks spilled on me, have some stupid drunk bitches yelling at each other right next to me, and have anonymous stranger sweat rubbed up against me? No thank you. Those days are behind me.

  41. @Tuxedo - I agree with you about 2012 sucking, but KK's announcement does bode well for a good 2013. Damnit, she could've waited to ruin our year until we at least a few blissfully ignorant hours of it!

  42. *does not bode well

    Blogger comments needs an edit feature. If FaceBook could do it, blogger can, too!

  43. Anonymous10:37 AM

    @ Ari, a good way to make people leave your party is to get in your pajamas and start yawning loudly, and ask if they need you to call them a cab.

  44. In, very boring!
    Oh TTC in Toronto is free tonight too! Be safe all.

  45. I find New Years to always be a letdown. You make all these plans to go out and have the best night of your life and all that happens is you end up wasted with a bunch of other wasted ppl unable to get home because all the ppl in world decide to come to manhattan to watch the ball drop lol sorry for the run-on, have a cold and too tired to spell check. Hubby has to work tom. so we will be spending NYE at my inlaws and they are fun and funny :-)

  46. You couldn't pay me to go out tonight with all the crazies about. Mr. B is still recovering so we'll be going to bed early and like bobbi_1025, will wake up in a panic when our idiot neighbors start setting off fireworks.

    @ car54 - do you like the Roku? Does it get Netflix? I saw it on Amazon and since we want to get Netflix for our TV, we're curious.

    Agree with all the above - 2012 sucked big time. But have a good feeling about 2013! Happy New Years to all my CDaN friends!

    1. Anonymous11:28 AM

      Susan B we got apple tv a few months ago and it will load Netflix and iTunes right to your tv. You need to have an iPhone or iPad though but I really like it, very easy to use I think it was $99
      Our idiot neighbors have been setting off fireworks for three nights now even though we are in a burn ban

  47. Happy New Year's Eve everyone <3

    If you go out, be safe and have a wonderful time!

    If you are staying in, be comfy and have a wonderful time!

    We are staying in, Hubby has to work in the morning, and I have 2 out of 3 kids quasi sick.

    Jammies and snacks and bringing in the New Year with my family. Will kiss hubby at midnight (will have to wake him up *wink wink*)
    Today is our 23'rd year anniversary! Kids be careful, a booty call turned out to be a pretty fantab marriage and kids =)

  48. Happy New Years CDaNers!!!

    I am going out, but just across the street. We are having a traveling cocktail party at three different neighborhood houses. No driving. Safety first! Although everyone seems to go overboard bc you know you don't have to drive afterwards.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Happy Anni, JoElla!!

    2012 wasn't the worst year of my life: doesn't even make Top 5, or 10 even, but it did fall short of hopes and expectations.

    I wish for everyone good health, love & happiness, prosperity and peace of mind! =)

    Much love from me to you all! <3

  51. I will celebrate via Skype with my family in the UK, then go out to a masquerade ball here. I like New Year but it's not as much fun single so I'm half looking forward to it and half not.

    Happy New Year everyone.

  52. @Car54, the Roku is wonderful, one of the best appliances since the dishwasher I think.
    @SusanB, they come preloaded with different apps, Netflix is one of them. They take less than 5 minutes to set up, super easy. It's so much more enjoyable watching streaming on your TV, even an older CRT one like I have. Does the same thing as a Smart TV for a lot less money. You need a wireless router/modem.

  53. Hubs and I usually buy a hotel package deal, but he's working so I bought me some champers and chips and queso!

  54. Anonymous10:48 AM

    NYC !!! Going to Radio City Music Hall to see Nas then we have a car stashed in the city.. We are heading to Brooklyn to a strip club called Pumps that my crazy Australian friend is dragging us to and after that? Who knows! Be safe kids and happy new year!! I call 2013 my year of alchemy.. Im trying to do big things this year and make something out of nothing.. My bf and I are trying a again for a baby this year.. Wish us luck!

  55. Don't know! We were invited to a house party which I know will be good times, however, one of us will have to stay sober. You can't get a cab on a regular saturday night in this town, let alone new year's eve. Should have pre-booked a Keys Please driver but forgot, too late now. I am also seeing a lot of FB statuses about people being sick so I don't know. Might just end up in front of the TV, which kind of sucks because I was kind of feeling like tying on on tonight...*L* Anyway, Happy New Year everyone, have fun and stay safe!

  56. still sick and being newer to my area i don't really have a group to go out with so... home, NCIS marathon, couch, maybe some champagne. Happy New Years CDANER's and Enty!

    1. Hey @Stacey have you tried Meetup? I moved here a year ago and have made an awesome group of friends through it

    2. Meetup is awesome! I've met some great friends from it!

  57. Sarah - that sounds like fun!

    I woke up this morning to a broken water main. This is in addition to the demo'd living room wall that my carpenter left me with from before Christmas. It's freezing in here!

    But I will look on the bright side. I'm getting a new living room and porch for 2013!!

    1. @mng I hope so! I've realized I don't like masks so have bought some jeweled eye things. I hope I can rock them. Wrap up warm, I hope your problems get sorted soon

  58. Staying in. Girlfriend broke up with me a couple of Saturdays ago. I would like to get out, but I don't think I can handle being surrounded by people kissing at midnight.

    1. @mhdz timing sucks. Do whatever makes you feel least unhappy and here's to love in the new year

  59. Staying in with the hubs and the kiddos. Haven't been out for New Years in ages. Don't really feel like I'm missing anything.

    Happy New Year everyone !!

  60. I usually always go out for NYE. Some years are fun when you're with the right people. Some are not so fun - like being packed in a club where drunk idiots constantly hit on your girlfriend. Since I'm currently single I don't have to deal with that this year. I'm not partying tonight because my fam had a rough few months with my father passing away back in September. We might go out for Italian then go see Django Unchained.

    Happy New Year's CDANers.

    1. Sorry about your dad @Jason. I hope you have a great night with your family!

      Best wishes for the new year :)

  61. Im staying in and will probably be the lamest person in history of new years eves

  62. I'm always awake at 5-6 am so I'm in bed early and fast asleep by Midnight and sleep right thru New Year's celebrations. Partying was never my scene,anyway.

  63. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Going to dinner with hubby and another couple than headed back to the house for midnight. It's impossible to get cabs in Austin on NYE, My friend is 8 months pregnant so she's taking one for team and being our DD. I owe her one! Have a safe NYE everyone

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. Staying in and drinking mimosas and lots of medical marijuana. The party has already started!

  66. @Chilie, you might look into a DNS services, something like for example. It's pretty inexpensive and easy to change your primary and secondary DNS addresses to that of one in the U.S.
    The best part is that if you already have a Netflix account set up it will automatically convert your account to a U.S. one. You may have to deactivate your Roku and reactivate again though, totally worth it.

  67. To all: thanks for the Roku info!!definitely going to look further for best price

  68. Hubby & I are going to a local restaurant for a low key dinner, then we'll probably head home & watch TV. I've never been big on NYE. I'd rather spend my money on clothes, frankly.

    Hope everyone has a very Happy 2013! Be safe out there.

  69. Going out. It's the one night a year my husband and I go to a bar. :)
    Though I'm not feeling particularly celebrationy (good word, no?)
    We may have an early night.

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  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. If you're a member, Costco has the Roku xs for 69.99 this week

  72. @Chilie, the one I use just pops up a page on my computer that I have to click on to update the IP address, it's somewhat automatic and I don't have to do anything with the Roku box itself.
    I manually assigned the new DNS addresses to my router then all other devices on the network will carry the same address. So if I want to watch a TV show on my laptop or Roku on TV I can access U.S. content. You can assign each device individually though.
    Where did you hook up your network cable to the Roku? My model does not have that option.
    I will check out that documentary, I would probably enjoy it, loved The September Issue.

  73. Staying put, just hooked up the new blu-ray with Netflix and to my Amazon Prime account, and pretty excited about it! Have fun and happy New Years to everyone!

  74. Staying in! Still pregnant at 40w1d and definately not going anywhere. Gonna snuggle with my 8 year old and enjoy these last couple of days/hours she is an only child.

    1. @themagicspork - wishing you a magic 1/1/13 baby and first baby of the year prizes!!!

  75. Hubby is working patrol tonight and hopefully comes home safe to us in the morning. I'm knocked up and a 2yr old at home, so we are going to a friend's house, whose husband is working with my Hubby. She's got an 18 month old. So I'm breaking out the sparkling grape juice and we will be watching parties from around the world. I also have morning/afternoon/evening sickness, so I wouldn't go out anyways. And I don't like big crowds. And it's raining here in Austin, so all the drunk idiots will find this time to go ping ponging off the guard rails. AAA will take you home for free my friends, so please don't drink and drive. The life you may save could be your own or my Husband's.

  76. Game night and prime rib dinner with my honey and about 8 close friends. We're expecting, so I won't be imbibing tonight but still looking forward to spending much needed time with loved ones!

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  78. My family and I are staying in. I'm cooking cake, enchiladas and we have 3 different flavors of Welch's Sparkling drinks haha. Yay for Preggo NYE!

    Happy NYE to everyone!

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. @mhdz
    A CDaN dare! Go out tonight, think about how awesome you are, dance a little dance, smile, tell one funny joke and sweetly kiss a stranger at midnight. Everyone feels awkward when they don't have someone to kiss, and you can really make somebody's night!

    @Comma chaser and @annnananannan (forgive me for butchering! I'm having cut and paste issues)
    I have been in Hillcrest twice in the last week. San Diego Zoo, baby! I live in North County SD, but we love Balboa Park.

    We are staying in, but celebrating the New Year/husband's birthday at La Costa Spa while my parents are in town to watch the bambinos.

    Have a safe, fun, crazy (but not get-arrested crazy) NYE everybody :)

  81. Staying in. I've got my margarita mix at the ready and have spent all day cleaning the house so there will be absolutely no dirt around on New Year's Day. Yes, I am being uncharacteristically superstitious, but it has been five months since I was laid off and I need a job! I will stand on my head at midnight if it will help. Goodness knows I have tried all of the traditional means.

  82. We're going out to a Chinese restaurant for dinner - our family's NYE tradition.

    We'll be home by 10 at the latest. Then we'll watch the rest of the Pawn Stars marathon, with a brief interruption to watch the ball drop.

  83. Staying in - going to play some games, eat some chili and probably go to bed early. WOO!

  84. p. s. Hope y'all have a great 2013!

    2012 wasn't bad except for being in the path of Sandy and the nor'easter. Two months later, I'm still rattled.

  85. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Staying in. Cold and raining here..supposed to be sleet and snow by 9pm. Crowds, ice and drumk people. way.

  86. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Staying in. Cold and raining here..supposed to be sleet and snow by 9pm. Crowds, ice and drumk people. way.

  87. Play with my babies. Watch the twilight zone marathon! Then drink a whole bottle of sparkling juice and beg god for a better 2013.

  88. Early dinner at a nice restaurant with some of our friends, then hopefully HOME!

    Happy New Years, CDAN friends! Here's hoping for all the best in 2013! :)

  89. Susan B and TheBlackCat, I loved the Roku I got so much, I bought a second one for my other TV.

    I did Netflix, and I have HBOGO, and I am an Amazon Prime member so tons of things to watch. I agree it was super simple to set up--I am good with computer things but not that great at AV things --and I had it going in about 15 minutes.

    I spent the entire weekend watching 4 seasons (so far) of Six Feet Under. Usually this time of year is dull because so many tv shows are on hiatus but I feel like I can watch so much now that I never had time to see. I have never liked watching on my laptop because the sound is not too good but watching on TV is wonderful!

  90. Damn Barton now I feel guilty about my NYE plans! You are awesome, keep up the good work!

    I plan on partying hard tonight with my friendfamily. We put together a fancy party at my house to make sure that all of us were together and that we didn't have to worry about driving anywhere. DUI and intoxicated manslaughter are definitely not how I would like to ring in the new year.

    I hope everyone has a great night and it turns out exactly that way you want! Be safe, be happy, and be kind tonight!

  91. I'm staying in tonight- I've got a nasty cold and I have to work at 6 am tomorrow so I will be snoozing way before midnight. I recently quit drinking so I would feel too tempted to drink if I were to go out. I will instead cut myself a huge slice of birthday cake (HBD mom!) and have a GoT marathon on my new TV I got for Christmas.

    @hag- Have fun and be safe down at The Strip! Its a blast but people get reckless down there!

    And to you all, have a wonderful evening, no matter what you do. Happy New Years!

  92. I had a picnic under the harbour bridge with some friends. The fireworks were amazing!

  93. Working :( For those of you going out, I hope it's a safe and awesome night! For those staying in, enjoy the comforts of home and a relaxed night! Wishing everyone a happy, and prosperous, New Year!!

  94. We are staying in with our 3 kids + our son's girlfriend. I am making a lot of food and feel so guilty for not inviting my brother, but I just want to vegetate with the tv and computer. I just had everyone over for Christmas eve and he's such an alcoholic . . . I have qualms about contributing to his problem.

  95. Staying in! Too many idiots trying to prove themselves on amateur nite!

  96. Staying in. I've partied a lot and don't really feel like I'm missing out. It is cold and raining here-yuck. In my youth I never worried about other drunk drivers but now I do. Me and the hubby are going to have some yummy appetizers and cook our own surf'n turf. King crab legs and filet's with blue cheese butter. With a very nice bottle of Gary Ferrel Pinot Noir and a champagne toast at midnight.

  97. Mmmmmm, crab legs, I used to make something really special for NYE because going out can be such a waste of money for substandard food. This year is different, there is so much food in this house that it is my Holy Grail to cook it to see how long it takes before groceries are needed to be purchased again.

  98. Staying in. I'm working 3 weeks straight because the other doc is on vacation. Tomorrow is my only day off. If I go out and drink I will fall asleep before the ball drops.

    Happy New Year's to the CDAN family! I rarely post but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy all of you.

  99. My friend's bday is today and he's having a party. He always has fun parties and no NYE pressure because it's all wrapped up in his bday party!!
    I also love knowing that there are so many fellow stonies out there! Holla! I'll be smoking a fat one tonight with my buddies and my husband.
    Happy 2013, my stranger friends!!

  100. LOL!!! I tell my son that y'all are my stranger danger friends:)

    Staying in tonight - little tv, a little vino, a little puff puff and I should be ripe right around the New Year!!!

    Happy Happy Everyone! Stay safe:)

    Talk to you all next yaar:)

  101. I'll be staying in tonight, just me & Jezebel (my 16-year-old tortoiseshell cat, for those of you just tuning in); I could go to a party in Dorchester at the other end of the Red Line, but I don't feel like dealing w/idiots on the trains, plus I had a nasty insomnia attack last night, so I'm beat. The party will still be ongoing tomorrow, so I'll stop by then w/a batch of chocolate chip cookie dough truffles made by yours truly, along w/something else Not Sweet (quiche? or Hoppin' John? I do the black-eyed pea thing every year). If I'm ambitious, I'll watch a movie (but not the one I really wanted to watch, because it's not here yet, damn it...), if not, I'll just go to bed and hope the upstairs neighbors don't start whooping it up. (My sister called me on Christmas Day, and we agreed that you know you're getting old when the idea of just kicking back by yourself, w/your critter(s), and enjoying the peace is quiet sounds much more appealing than going out. :-) I may also make a list of things I want to get rid of in my life and burn it--a friend does this every year, and it sounds like a good symbolic cleansing to me.

    Congratulations to all the expectant parents--I didn't know we had so many!

    Happy 2013, everyone--may this coming year be much better for everyone than 2012 was, and may we all be able to meet up again this time next year!

  102. I was going to spend ring the new year in with friends but they're daughter got in an accident so I'm now staying home. But I have the recipe for Rick Bayless' shrimp and avocado dip, so at least there's that!

    Happy New Year everyone! Looking forward to the reveals with baited breath!

  103. First time poster, but have been reading CDAN from the beginning. Just wanted to wish everyone a very Happy New Year - may it be filled with good health, prosperity and all the happiness your heart can hold.

  104. Totally staying in. No reason to be on the roads, with all the (other) drunks, in below zero weather, when I can stay at home and drink for free. Plus, I'm a political junkie so I'm watching this fiscal cliff nonsense...

  105. We are going to the Space Needle, my daughter and I. It is our tradition. We have been going ever since she was 6mos old. Now she is 8. It is a great show!

  106. @Ann...Happy New Year! (And welcome)

    Staying in and relaxing. A puzzle and Netflix are in the cards for my NY celebration.

  107. Staying in w/my husband, currently watching "Trouble with the Curve." We were supposed to go out, but our friends got sick.

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. Staying in... with the exception of taking my son's gf home later. Her mom doesn't want her driving tonight, and Ty doesn't have a license yet even though he's almost 17 - I don't think I'd let him drive anyway.

  110. It's New Year's Day for me so I will just wish you all a safe, exciting or not time tonight, Happy New Years everybody

  111. Staying in. Drinking some drinks & puffing on the good stuff to ring in the new year.

    I agree with many other posters in that I will not miss 2012 and am happy to welcome 2013. Happy New Year everyone! Hope you're having fun & being safe..

  112. Happy New Year everyone who is still reading. We hosted a party at our place last night, best part was our friends who normally host gatherings were able to come and reax. Have a great 2013.

  113. @Sarah, Chilie and Sunny: Thank you all for the sentiment, I hope you all have a great new year!

  114. Anonymous9:08 PM

    HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! home watching the ball drop as per usual. Was actually in Times Square in 1997 on NYE.....AWESOME!

  115. @Chilie, I use but there is too which is pretty reliable, Showmonkey has a lot of FAQ's and is easier to set up I found, both offer a free trial for a week so you could try both and go with whichever you prefer. It's all done online and it's quick to set up an account online.

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  117. I was at an #IdleNoMore event, hubby and I shared a pizza for our anniversay. Then watched Mad Men Dvds until midnight. We are so romantic..

  118. @Lisa - I just wanted to say THANK YOU for the puzzle idea! I ran out to the story yesterday afternoon and bought a puzzle. The five of us (including a visiting kid friend) stayed up until 12.30 putting it together. We were so absorbed & having fun, we didn't know it was New Year until the fireworks started outside. :) The kids declared it the best NYE ever!

  119. NYE is my favorite holiday! I went to a masquerade ball hosted by a local animal rescue group. Lots of fun but I'm regretting mixing booze and not eating enough. :-/

    Happy 2013 CDAN-ers!

  120. I meant to add...Meetup IS awesome! One of the girls I went out with last night I met at a Meetup Dinner. I've met a lot of fab people through it, so I highly recommend it.



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