Monday, December 17, 2012

Your Turn

Have you finished your Christmas shopping?


  1. Hell no. I've barely started.

  2. Finished? I haven't started yet!

  3. Yep, as of 30 minutes ago! First time ever!

  4. Started? That's what this weekend's for, no?

  5. Christmas shopping will finish me...

    I *really* dislike any kind of shopping in Nov/Dec. Traffic, long lines, grumps, super-loud Christmas music ... I feel like the grinch, but I'm doing most of my shopping online this year.

  6. I'm on my way out shortly to accomplish that and put them in the mail.
    All hail the mighty gift card!

  7. HAH! Do u think anything is wrapped and mailed across the country yet too? Today was going to be my day and I woke up with a full on migraine. The kind where u slept through the warning aura that tells u to take ur medicine to prevent the massive pain n nausea from kicking in. It's your fault Enty bc I can never leave ur site until you stop posting for the day. Can't u start at 7am n end at 1pm so I at least have a chance at getting anything done?

  8. I'm almost done!

  9. Anonymous10:12 AM

    For the most part done.

  10. This is what we do, my mom was in we get a few things for Christmas and some cash for the sales between Christmas and New Years...Trust me, it's the best time to shop.

  11. Haven't even started, luckily I don't have many people to buy for and yay for gift cards!

  12. P.S
    we were lucky this year my cousin came in and took back all the gifts for the European cousins...
    way cheaper than shipping.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. For the first time ever, all I have left to buy are stocking stuffers for the kiddies. Whoo-hoo!

  15. getting there. Now just waiting for Mr. Mailman to come by with all my Amazon and Ebay orders.

  16. Nope. Haven't even started. Trying to get moved into a house we bought recently that is a few renovation projects from completion. Luckily, most of the nieces and nephews we are buying for (no kids of our own) are at the age where they like gift cards. And the remainder of the adults have all agreed we're not buying for each other, and will give each other hugs for Christmas. I think one trip to Target this weekend will do it, though. Thank goodness.

  17. Jewish, so Hanukkah is done with and gifts are already exchanged. Sometimes there is a real benefit to being non-Christian.

  18. Christmas presents for family in the UK are done and sent. Presents for the family I am spending Christmas with are half done. I have a couple of white elephant gifts to get. Haven't done any food shopping.

  19. Today is my day to try and finish. I am soooo glad the big packages are shipped and today is just three small boxes, two with cookies!!! :)

  20. Seachica - same here! I'm always astounded by the madness of Christmas shopping. And Chanukah is only for kids, and that only because the parents feel bad about no presents at all, ha!

  21. I wish! I literally just started last night!
    I'm way too broke to go big but I think I'm just going to make some fudge or pies for everyone

  22. Yes! I've been done since Black Friday! :)

  23. Yep! Did all of it from the comfort of my home yesterday. I heart Amazon!!!

  24. Me, too, VIP. I've ordered a lot from Amazon this year, and I'm not done yet!

  25. Anonymous11:01 AM

    I haven't started yet! We normally buy individual gifts, but this year have decided to make cookies. Does anyone know where I could get decent, travel-safe platters for cheap? I hate the idea of wrapping them with saran wrap, but I can't think of anything better to do. Advice?

  26. Oh, and does anyone have recommendations for good earphones for the i-pod? The ear bud type, not the ones that cover the ears. I'm looking at the $30-$50 range, probably. Thanks!

  27. No...have a sick cat...too distracted to care...

  28. I just need one more gift and I'm done. I like to get it done early. Now comes wrapping everything....

  29. stockings and a couple of little things left, finally got the tree decorated on Friday after having it in the house for almost a week with lights only. Working until the 21st will make it a little harder to get in the holiday spirit, but I am trying to get there!

  30. Hawhawhawhaw Finished? Hahahaha!!

    No. Barely started. I go through this every year.

  31. Haven't even started a little bit. Then again, I don't have a big family so I'm not really stressed about it. Just looking forward to a few days off, christmas movies, and good food!

  32. do you really care? lol.

  33. We don't give gifts at Christmas but at St. Nicolaas, on the fifth of December, so that's all behind me! However, I do still have to shop for two more birthdays (already finished one), Christmas Eve dinner, and New Year's Eve....but that's mostly food. Busy month!

  34. Speaking of Christmas shopping - I need to buy a doll for a 5yo girl for our Angel Tree program. The max is $25 - any recommendations? I'm looking at the "Baby Wanna Walk" doll and would appreciate input before I brave the masses.

    1. Just got the cutest baby tender heart doll for my niece from Meijer. It has 12 interactions and was only 19.99. It got all of the accessories but you could get her the diaper bag/feeding set for only 6.99. Batteries are included in doll and it seems nicely made.

  35. Yes, been finished for coupla weeks. Just easy year this year.

  36. We don't exchange gifts and just get something for the neices which I haven't done yet. We'll head back to NC and I'll get something there rather than drag it across the country.

    Also the other neices are Jewish with a Catholic family on one side so they get BOTH Hannukah and Christmas...

  37. yep. bought, wrapped, and ready. even santa's gifts (i will do santa for thm until i am dead) are wrapped and ready to be put out. my kids were at their dad's this weekend, so i actualy set everything up to see how it looked and to make sure everything was "even".

    the malls were nuts early this year. its a relief to be done.

  38. I'm sorry, Bonnie...I hope your kitty is feeling much better soon. :-(

  39. God yes.

    Thank you

  40. Finished? I don't start till the 23rd!

  41. Mostly, whats left is the most expensive though.I've been putting those purchases off. :(

  42. I baked my way through this year's gifts, thanks to Robin's brownie recipe (and Ghiradelli). Waiting for B.Profane's Seattle Style New Brownie recipe:)

  43. Finished a while back & I wrap as I go. Purchased the non-perishable food items on the weekend so I only have the perishables to go. We have a supermarket near us that is 24 hours, so I plan to go at 5 in the morning & avoid the crowds.

  44. I just spent $55 on beautiful wrapping papers BUT I HAVEN'T BOUGHT ANY GIFTS YET!!

  45. For the family yes. I am also doing a lot of charitable xmas shopping for a few people who I heard through the grapevine had a bad year. This takes some time, particularly the dropping gifts off without them knowing part.

  46. Gosh, no - you'd think with one adult child a son in law and two grandchildren it would be easy, but after I bought there gifts the g-kids called and it seems I should have realized the Justin Bieber perfume, concert DVD, and bed in a bag for the eldest was a year is now one direction..had to return it all..the four year old is easy, she wants a tutu and a car, so I found a remote control jaguar

  47. @Dagny....what a beautiful gift, homemade cookies! It's the *time* one spends that make it so grande!

    I'd try dollar store for xmassy tins or if you want to splurge a bit...Ikea, Superstore (Canada)or Homesense for some larger. pretty rattan baskets w/ lids. Add purty tissue inside & the recipient can actually re-use these, whereas the dollar store bins are smaller & not that, um attractive?

    Happy baking & wear compfy shoes!!! I screwed my back up baking for 3 days straight on stone floors, wearing flip flops!

    And hell no, haven't started anything yet. I'm totally screwed.

  48. Still gotta go to brooks brothers to get a cop out gift for the bro in law...but aside from that, yes...

    Unfortunately I cannot wrap my way out of a paper this is gonna be ugly...

  49. last week & wrapped. thank god!

  50. YES! I'm been jumping out of my skin just waiting to give my bf his present (I got him the latest ipad)...and then I thought oh no what if the world ends on the 21st and I never got to give it to would be such a waste!

  51. call me mad but chez nous we have a PPRESENT-LESS christmas. LOVE.
    You save and money
    most of the stuff is rubbish anyway
    christmas has just become a big comercial binge

  52. Almost, thanks to Amazon!



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