Why Is Adrienne Maloof So Angry? - Exclusive
Back in February I had a blind item (which I revealed in July) which talked about what was shown on Real Housewives-Beverly Hills on Monday night. Yesterday, wetpaint.com went a little bit further and said that not only was Adrienne Meloof's conception not natural, she actually she used a surrogate. So, why is that such a big deal to Adrienne? I mean Camille Grammer used a surrogate and is open about it. Everyone uses surrogates in Hollywood now. Well, I can exclusively report that the reason she is so upset with it being discussed in public is that because she and Paul have never told their kids they were delivered via a surrogate. You might recall that two weeks ago, Adrienne said her babies were all delivered by c-section and made no mention of any surrogate. It is interesting that Bravo has chosen to always mute out what everyone is discussing on the show but had no problems when Kyle said her sister was an alcoholic or when Paul said Kim was whacked out on things, but apparently have different rules when it comes to surrogates.