Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Twilight Actor Bronson Pelletier Had A Bad Week

Bronson Pelletier, who stars in Twilight as one of the Wolf Pack has moved into rarefied celebrity air. He has been arrested twice in a week which puts him right up there with such criminal masterminds as DMX, Jenelle Evans, and Katt Williams. You might think that Lindsay Lohan must have been arrested twice in a week before. Nope. She has managed to be arrested twice within two weeks on two separate occasions, but has never managed to crack the one week barrier.

Bronson was arrested last week for meth and coke possession at a bar after he became aggressive and the staff called police. Then, two days ago he was arrested at LAX after police found him peeing at the airport gate rather than the big rooms designed for peeing that are scattered all over the airport. Bronson had previously been hauled off a plane by police and told to sober up before he could fly. Obviously didn't. Guess he is not figuring on getting much more work now that Twilight has ended.


  1. I think this is an answer to a recent blind. Way to blow your opportunities.

  2. Yep.. Blind item revealed!
    Poor buddy! All that money, such a waste to blow it up his nose.

  3. He might as well go for the trifecta.

  4. Thanks for the early morning reveal.
    More pls ...

  5. yes Caitlin! this is a blind revealed, but the blind said Heroine not Meth, oh well, whatever poison

  6. Hello everyone! First time posting.

    I'm not sure this guy promoted the last movie out of the US like the blind item sugested, but I never believed it was Jamie Campbell Bower who had the heroin problem.
    I'll never understand why people do drugs.

  7. According to IMDB: He idolises Jimi Hendrix; among others.
    He's obviously going for admittance to the hallowed 27 Club; which happens to be next year...

  8. FSP, I always love your comments. You are so funny. :)

    Welcome, Catarina!

  9. Sorry but I could never be a drug addict, cost to much money. Would rather spend that money on luxurious clothes, bags and jewerly (and student loan payments!)

    1. Too not to. Don't want any grammer nazis coming after me.

  10. Thanks, goheels83. Those are very kind words.

  11. Thank you, goheels83!

    I like your way of thinking Rafi! XD The problem is that most of the time drug addicts are susceptible to any king of addiction, like shopping.

  12. @Rafi
    it's jew·el·ler·y (or jewelry; if ur 'merican)

    Ha ha! u suck! Only kidding.
    I'm more of a grammer hippie •_•

  13. Hump day reveal! Sad, though.

  14. Anonymous7:25 AM

    I just hope that he got in a couple of : " Don't you know who I am?!"'s

  15. FWIW Enty, Lindsay may not have been arrested twice in one week, but she was CHARGED twice in one day - New York and Los Angeles (most recent charges).

  16. Meth and coke, well we now know how they get those six-packs

  17. NOTHING surprising here to me.
    I worked a few conventions with him a few years ago, and he was a mess even then. Very agro, extremely drunk every night. It escalated to the point where he tried to attack me in a hotel room, and other actors who were on the circuit with us had to intervene. The fame had already gone to his head so excessively, it was just beyond. He came of as nothing but poor white trash, with zero guidance, although another actor tried to take him under his wing to no avail. This kid is beyond help, because, like lindsay, he never had a strong foundation in the first place.

  18. Thanks for the intel, jane doe. And glad someone was there to intervene.

  19. NOTE the 27 club

    The 27 Club is a term used to refer to popular musicians who have died at the age of 27,[1] often as a result of drug and alcohol abuse.[2] Robert Johnson, Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain and Amy Winehouse

    those guys were ICONS so even if LL or this idiot die at that age they will NOT join that club :P
    (sorry for the remark jeje i couldnt help myself, its a sacrilege to compare lilo and the likes to those!!!! )

  20. Darn I was really hoping my Jamie Campbell Bower guess was right. I still stand by it, they do drugs together!

  21. I'm one of those fancy people who likes to pee in a bathroom *said with pinky in air*

    @ Anastasia Walker - What happened to the Beaverhausen surname? (I get what you're doing but I loved it when Karen used the alias Anastasia Beaverhausen.)

  22. He's native and an addict and an alcoholic and people are calling him a douche. Wow. I for one hope he gets help. I'm native and Norwegian .. A killer combo and I was a drunk and an addict for ten plus years.. 11 months clean ( except the Mary Jane ) but many in my family continue to struggle with alcohol and substance abuse. Prayers his way..

  23. Anonymous1:59 PM

    blind item revealed!! reason i keep reading this site

  24. Congratulations Alicia. I hate to see native people in the news for alcohol/drugs. It perpetuates such a horrible stereotype. I myself am part native ( native, Irish and Romanian if you can believe) and just cringe when I hear all natives are drunks I once had to smack a coworker down for saying that to me. Of course she didn't know I was native so she was "sorry"

    1. It's funny how people make crazy racist comments when they don't realize your of mixed race! Most people think I'm Italian so I've heard my fair share of Indian jokes. Stereo typing natives is obviously easier than realizing that entire population of oppressed people have been 99% killed off and the few that are left won't be around in another hundred years or so. And people wonder why we have substance abuse problems ..

  25. Good on you, Alicia!

    One Christmas, my toddler son was spinning around in circles and stumbling dizzy afterward. MIL said, "Oh, look at him like acting like a drunken Indian!" I'm Native and she knows it, so I just marked it up as a stereotypical slip of the tongue, and only gave her the side eye and a snarky response.
