Tori & Dean's Kids Are More Important Than Yours
So, there you are with your kids at the mall. I use mall, but this was at The Grove which is an outdoor shopping mall in LA. I know that most people don't have outdoor shopping malls they go to in the middle of December, so lets pretend you are in your local mall. You have anywhere from one to three or four kids that have been waiting to see Santa for an hour. Your arms are filled with packages and coats and the kids have had to pee and are hungry. Things are getting close though. You see there are 30 other families behind you all in the same situation. Then, all of a sudden, Tori Spelling & Dean "I cheated on my wife, and you might as well call me Mr. Tori Spelling" McDermott and their four kids come up and cut the line. Yep. They say, "Our kids and ourselves are way more important than you. Too bad." Then, instead of being quick about it, they take 30 long minutes of photos with Santa. Do they care? Nope. Do they apologize? Nope. Scott Ian of Anthrax was one of the victims here and Tweeted his outrage. I would say that talent wise he should move to the front of the line of we are talking celebrity here. He didn't though. He waited with all the other parents.