Friday, December 21, 2012

Tori & Dean's Kids Are More Important Than Yours

So, there you are with your kids at the mall. I use mall, but this was at The Grove which is an outdoor shopping mall in LA. I know that most people don't have outdoor shopping malls they go to in the middle of December, so lets pretend you are in your local mall. You have anywhere from one to three or four kids that have been waiting to see Santa for an hour. Your arms are filled with packages and coats and the kids have had to pee and are hungry. Things are getting close though. You see there are 30 other families behind you all in the same situation. Then, all of a sudden, Tori Spelling & Dean "I cheated on my wife, and you might as well call me Mr. Tori Spelling" McDermott and their four kids come up and cut the line. Yep. They say, "Our kids and ourselves are way more important than you. Too bad." Then, instead of being quick about it, they take 30 long minutes of photos with Santa. Do they care? Nope. Do they apologize? Nope. Scott Ian of Anthrax was one of the victims here and Tweeted his outrage. I would say that talent wise he should move to the front of the line of we are talking celebrity here. He didn't though. He waited with all the other parents.


  1. If I was standing in that line I would have loudly told them to get in the back of the line and wait like everyone else! What nerve! How RUDE can they BE? Geez!

  2. Oh, how I wish I'd been there. The headline would have read "Shoppers Reduce Tori Spelling and Her Bitch to Tears for Cutting Santa Line".

  3. Much love for my man Scott Ian. For being, a really down to earth human being.

    1. @FSP - I am with you on that. He's the man.

  4. They're lucky they did this in LA and not NY.

  5. @Pogue Mahone - every time I see your name I say "KISS MY ASS!" in my head the way Whitney said it.

  6. What? People are so laid back in LA that they just let them waltz up there like that? Who the hell takes 30 minutes to snap photos with HoHo? Jeez, such entitlement.

  7. In case no one knows what I'm talking about, here.

    1. @amber lol one of my friends and I watch that clip every time we are together. "George is protecting the country !"

  8. Aww, Dean has a sweet little "Mr. Tori Spelling" tag now!


  9. I would have sent my son over to kick her son. Sorry, but that is one homely family.

  10. You go, Scott Ian- Anthrax 4 Lyfe!!!

  11. A little off topic, but does anyone else find the mall Santa thing weird? I hated it as a kid and I think other kids do too. its so uncomfortable. thoughts and experiences, anyone?

    1. @plrtz glrb I loooved going to see Santa! I always told him I wanted surprises.
      My kid is 2, so he's seen Santa twice. He hates it, but he's not really old enough to understand. I love those photos of him screaming on Santa's lap, though, not gonna lie.

    2. It is weird!!!!! So forced and fake. I never took my kids, i never went as a child. Not making a stand, just didnt seem necessary. My granddaughter at age three sat on santas lap and unknowingly flipped santa the bird!!!!!!!! Its our fav christmas
      Pic, lol

  12. I always want to think the best of Tori - earning her own living, insisting on living her own life outside her mother's influence, but apparently she still has much to learn about being normal.

    That was totally rude and uncivil.

  13. @plrtz glrb: I vividly recall one Santa visit when I was about 6: Santa was drunk off his ass. Just reeking, stinking drunk. Since then I've never liked the idea of a kid going and sitting on some random dude's lap.

  14. Donna Martin needs a swift kick in the pants.

  15. Can't say I am a Tori Spelling fan, but I am surprised she would do that.

  16. Idk if anyone else has heard of this yet but instead of giving this one any attention, I'd like to acknowledge people that are doing great things out there...

    26 Random Acts Of Kindness One random act of kindess for each person killed in Sandy Hook Elementary School

  17. @LottaColada, I saw something (I think on Failbook or STFUParents) where a woman tweeted something like, "I picked up my 3y.o.'s toy in the car after he dropped it. #26actsofkindess"

    You know. Because that counts more than, say, buying a stranger's groceries.

    1. LOL, in what world is that an act of kindness?! I promise these are way better than that!

    2. @LottaColada...

      My daughter and I are on the #26acts bandwagon! So far, we were put in touch with 2 single mothers who have nothing for their kids for Christmas...we are providing toys/coats for the kids.

      My kid is totally psyched about this.

      We are also going to make snowflakes for their new school (anyone can Google snowflakes for Sandy Hook to find out more)

      (I thought I'd give you a way better story :))

  18. You know, maybe it wasnt her idea but the malls' for security reasons. Idk. And oh yeah, good thing she didnt try that in new york. That shite would not fly!

  19. I'm being serious here: do Jewish kids really visit Santa's Workshop?

    1. I never did and I was not religious at all. We didn't go to temple or anything, but we CERTAINLY didn't go see Santa.

    2. Not on my watch. Or my mother's.

  20. I can't stand those two no talents. This is not very nice, but Tori Spelling is ugly.

  21. @Onyx - I love it! And when she screams "BOBBAY! BOBBAAAY!" I wish I knew someone named Bobby so I could imitate her all the time.

  22. Sorry, I would have told them to step the f&ck back. Good for Scott Ian, surprised he didn't tell them off right then.

  23. Tori IS getting her payback. She's married to a man who isn't in love with her and is just using her for her money and her fame (whatever's left of it anyway) so he can stay relevant. He's a famewhore. Everyone knows this. Nothing beautiful can grow from something ugly...and how those two got together...was ugly. He left his wife and newly adopted child for horse face. He's a horrible person, and trust me...she's getting what she deserves. Karma Face.

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  25. I used to visit Santa on the third floor of the biggest department store in our city, where I presumed he had a workshop year-round. Never in a mall: no privacy, and too much outside stimuli for my ADD.

  26. Shout out to Anthrax! :-) They were so cool on Married with Chlldren, nice to know that one of their members is laid back and humble in real life, and you know what they say about birds of a feather.
    As for Tori, cant stand her. My mom, for some reason I cant fathom is like her biggest fan, puke. I go out of my way to change the subject anytime Tori comes up.

  27. We have a saying 'you know you're getting old when the doctors look young' . I don't know it you use it in the US; I mentioned it to a couple of friends and they didn't know it. Anyway, this year I have found Santa looks young in all the photos friends have posted on FB.

  28. while this is rude and i hate tori, it IS the grove shopping center. it happens at the restaurants, the stores, the movie theater. celebs cut in line and that's the way it has always been. we were at american girl a couple of years ago and a certain celeb and their group were taken to a cash wrap that had been closed, so they didn't have to wait. so we all waited to spend a few hundred dollars because they were who the were.

  29. Their sense of entitlement is just nasty. Way to show the spirit of the season, Tori! Like you couldn't have hired a Santa to visit your home?

  30. Anthrax!!! Hell yeah!

    Ok, off to clean a poopy diaper.

    Tori is a wreck now. Entitled and just making a big mess.

  31. i just became an anthrax fan.

  32. I can't stand that sense of entitlement. It runs rampant here in LA and not just with celebrities. As for Scott Ian, I saw him in a grocery store here in LA in 2003 and I was dating a huge anthrax fan at the time. It was pretty cool.

  33. @seaward - we do the same thing with Santa, even the screaming pictures are memories and totally worth it.

    That's really a pity about the Spellings. I had hoped they weren't like that, but I can't believe no one said anything. I guess no one wanted to act mean in front of their kids, and the holiday spirit and all. Whatever, I would have happily told her to get in line and explained it to my kid later.

  34. It puts the other people waiting in line in a bad situation, the parents likely wanted to leave or verbalize their impatience but maybe not in front of their kids. It was probably better to just wait in silence so as not to dissappoint their own kids even more.

  35. Wait, who ushers them to the front of the line? Who even recognizes them? Does the mall have an employee whose job is to look out for celebs so they can make their wait less uncomfortable? And Tori is C list at best?

    I could almost understand it if it were someone like Brad and Angie and their hoard in line because they would cause a crush of people taking photos, wanting autographs, pushing, shoving. It could be a safety hazard. But Tori and Dean? Please!

  36. Yes for Scott Ian!!! Good man! I hate entitled celebrities!

  37. @Tuxedo Cat - my thoughts exactly. I want to like her but this just cheeses me off.

    Also, mall Santas - ewwww.

  38. Scott Ian is married to meat Loaf's daughter

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  43. Anonymous1:52 PM

    This shit pisses me off to no end.

    @karen, I love STFUP! Nice to know there's a fellow reader here.

  44. Basically Tori & Dean's kids > Dean's 1st child > all other children.

    No surprise there.

  45. Hmmm.

    Exactly HOW important are you if you go to a Mall indoor or pose with Santa?
    Can't you like..I dunno HIRE someone to be that in your own home?
    I have read any comments above, but I'm sure this is so obviously PR.
    Happy Holidays

  46. While this seems like just another spoiled, entitled celebrity stunt, I'm going to pose this possibility: maybe Tori shouldn't be standing in such a long line in her condition? I mean, I don't know exactly what was wrong with her, just that she seemed pretty sick and was in the hospital for what seemed like a pretty long time, perhaps she's not in the best health yet? (Even so, an apology and explanation to those waiting patiently in line would have been in order.)

    Yeah, probably just another selfish, inconsiderate celebrity who believes she's better than the little people. I would just like to imagine that there's another, less repulsive reason to pull this crap at Christmas time.

  47. I think the problem wasnt just that they cut in line, it was that they cut in line and treated it as their own personal extended photo shoot.

  48. I had to google #26 Acts of Kindness, although I guessed it had something to do with Sandy Hook. Tragic, heartbreaking. I feel so badly for everyone who has been affected.

    Here's a suggestion: Have a go at honouring ALL of humanity by doing random acts of kindness every single day - and hey, it's not necessary to tell everyone/anyone what you did, no need to blog it, Tweet it, or post pics on FB. Can't anyone get any satisfaction from pure altruism?

    I'm sorry if I come across a bit aggro sometimes, not intentional - Africa is a harsh place, kids die unnecessarily every single day, and all you can do is your bit to make it a little better. I struggle to relate to First World problems sometimes. Sorry.

    Love me a bit of rich people's gossip tho :)
