Today's Blind Items - This Won't Turn Out Well
The friends of this B-/C+ list actress from a hit show on an almost network are all freaking out and think she will end up being the next Amy Winehouse. Not as far as talent goes. Even her friends admit that she will be confined to roles that will never win any awards. What they think is going to happen though is that her boyfriend is going to get her hooked on drugs like he is because he wants someone to share them with him. Her boyfriend has been using for years and as the years have gone by has dabbled in more of the dangerous drugs. He loves heroin and will smoke or snort anything that is offered to him. So far our actress has refused to do any drugs that require her to use a needle, but she has snorted anything he has put in front of her and has started smoking some things which are very dangerous. She doesn't see the problem and doesn't feel like she has an addiction even though she is spending all of her paychecks to support their life and their drug habit. She says she can stop anytime and that this is the fun part of their relationship and that he loves her and would never do anything to harm her. Meanwhile, her friends have also found out he is seeing someone where he is from and has always seen her and they have a unique connection because he infected her with hepatitis. Our actress is lost in a love and drug haze and her friends think she will end up dead.